I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 4 – The Mystery Man

I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 1 - The Mystery Man

I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 4 – The Mystery Man

I understood my dad’s game , he blocked me from having one on one time with mum , he moved back to mum’s room, and was acting all lovey dovey with mum, I had never seen mum so happy for the two weeks , I wanted to tell her what I had seen but the smart tortoise beat me to it , he would thank mum after having dinner , Cassidy and Raymond fell for his lies , I could see through his deceits .

“What are you doing near your mother Solomon? go and read your book!” Dad ordered me , I wanted mum to ask me what I was itching to tell her , but she was carried away by his charade, I was going to expose him .

I was thrown off balance when mum came to inform me that they were traveling to Paris and London for vacation , that Cassidy and Raymond would go with them , but that I would stay back with Aunt Mirabel, mum thought I would be angry , but I was delighted to be far from him , I would have time to hang out with Nkoyo .

“I hope you guys enjoy your vacation.” I said , mum thought I was angry because I was left behind . “I tried to talk to your dad to take you along , he said you would to the next time .”Mum said , I nodded , aunt Mirabel and her husband came to pick me early the next morning to their house in Asokoro, their kids Mimi and Kendrick were my friends , I loved being around them .

My mum called me through aunt Mirabel’s phone to tell me they were in the airport , Cassidy collected the phone from mum . “I’ll miss you Solomon , what should I get for you from Paris ?” Cassidy asked , I laughed . “You don’t have money what can you buy without money ?” I asked her , she giggled .

“I’ve my pocket money , I have been saving them .” I had forgotten , that dad used to give us pocket money , until I fell out with him, he stopped giving me any money . “Your dad is coming cut off the call .” I heard my mum saying from the background.

“Who were you talking to ?” I heard my dad’s deep Baritone voice say . “She was listening to music .” I heard mum say , before the call hung up .

“Solomon my dad got me this new PS four let us play Mortal Kombat?” My cousin brother said , I laughed . “You remember how I use to mess you up ?” I teased him , he remembered when we had come to stay in their home for a month when dad had beaten mummy until she was in coma for two weeks in the hospital . I was about nine years old them , Cassidy was seven and Raymond was maybe four or three , I was happy staying away from dad , when mum recovered from the coma , she came to join us in aunt Mirabel’s house , her siblings told her not to go back . But after staying with aunt Mirabel for three months , dad ran to grandma in Port Harcourt , he knelt before her and begged her to talk to mum to come back home .

Mum cut short our stay at aunt Mirabel’s home , we moved back home dad was good and nice to mum for one year , before he resumed the beatings and insults ,I know he could never change , but mum was too blind to see .

Kendrick and I played the game for several hours , he had gotten better , he beat me a few times , but I dominated the game . Aunt Mirabel called us to join Mimi and her husband at the dinning table .

“Solomon you seem to be enjoying stay .” my uncle Mr Jackson said to me. “Yeah sir , it’s nice here .” I said scooping a spoon of rice into my mouth, the stew rice was the sweetest thing I’d ever eaten in my life.

“Solomon take more meat who are you leaving the meat for ?” Aunt Mirabel said when she came to join us , and everyone had almost quarter sized chicken meat on their plates except me , I was being shy and modest , she picked a giant piece of Chicken and dumped it in my plate . I enjoyed the food not that we don’t eat well at home , but because of the piece of mind , the joy of being away from my dad .

Aunt Mirabel lived in a four bedroom duplex , three rooms was occupied , Kendrick had one , Mimi had one , she and her husband shared the master bedroom , she prepared the guest room for me , after seeing a movie on Netflix,with my aunt and family , I went upstairs to my room ,after saying my byes to my aunt and her husband , Mimi and Kendrick followed me upstairs, they too went to their bed .

I threw myself on the bed , immediately I fell into deep sleep , my sleep was so sweet , I rolled from one side of the bed to the other . But around two A.M I felt my chest becoming frozen , I tried to jump from the bed , I couldn’t , I saw my spirit rice from my body , it was standing there looking at me , I could see through the wall, I saw her husband and my aunt in bed , holding each other , and her children both sleeping soundly in their sleep , my spirit moved back into my body , I tried to scream , I saw an entity , it looked like an eight feet human , with tan brown skin ,it’s eyes were sunken, but in the hollows of the eyes socket the yellow flame was burning .

Fear gripped me , I tried to move from the bed , I noticed I couldn’t move a finger , the beast with several horns like an antelope , grabbed me from the bed and flung me to the wall , the portal open , the mirror , I could see the place my dad had disappeared to the last time , it began to drag me towards the large mirror in the wall , I screamed my lungs out grabbing the legs of the bed , and anything I could hold.

The cold was making my hand numb, the beast dragged me from the head into the mirror , half of my body was already inside the mirror , I saw demonic things eyes couldn’t believe , I saw a headless man walking, I saw a red child with horn , I saw a humanoid, with yellow eyes like a snake , scaly skin like crocodile, it stood like a man and had wings like angels, but this was a demonic angel , he had a sinister frown on his face .

“Let me go! let go off me!” I screamed , the beast didn’t listen it kept dragging me , until I was almost giving up , I kept hearing my aunt’s voice . “Jesus! Jesus!” She kept screaming , she and her husband were running over my body screaming .

“You are our sacrifice .” The thing said to me . “Let me go! I am not yours!” I cried as it dragged me to a giant pot with liquid fire boiling in it , the human sized bats landed on my body and began to nip me , they sucked my blood , I cried in pain , but the giant entity kept laughing , it was dragging me to the pot of boiling fire , I fought, but my strength was like a toddler fighting a grown man , it howled me toward the boiling cauldron , suddenly the bats and the wing men began to scream in pain, a bright light filled the cave , inside of it was thousands and thousands of human bones and skulls , the tall thing that was dragging me vanished .

Inside the light was a man who sparkled like florescent bulbs, I couldn’t look at it with my eyes , I had to shield my eyes with my hand , it was as frightening as the abominable things I saw , it was flapping its bright white wings , I couldn’t see it face . “Solomon it’s not yet your time , you have to return back to earth !” It said and disappeared from the cave . The light from my room poured into the cave , I saw my aunt crying over my body , my uncle stood next to her with his hands planted on his waist , Mimi and Kendrick were crying over me .

I walked through the mirror , and saw my body bleeding , I wondered what was happening , I was bleeding everywhere the bats had bitten me , I lay on my body , and coughed so hard my aunt paused her crying , she stayed at me .

“Solomon you came back ?” She said , she embraced me so tight, her children joined in an embrace , they said I had died for three hours , my aunt’s husband was a senior doctor , they were wondering what they would tell my mother , and my father , who they were sure would bring hell upon them , for killing his first son , but then I came back to my body .

My aunt held me to her chest, I could hear her heart beating . “I thought it was over . Thank you Jesus .” She said , Mimi and Kendrick kept caressing my hair as if I was a lost and found puppy . The love made me cry .

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