I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 19 – The Mystery Man

I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 1 - The Mystery Man

I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 19 – The Mystery Man



Our street had become deserted, most people moved away , the evil apparition had extended its activities to the whole houses on the street , two security men who came to answer the gate when it was said his ghost knocked , died after rambling of seeing the ghost of my father .

Three taxi drivers had ended up dead on the side of the road , the information was that they had stopped in front of my house to pick a tall man who matched the description of my dad . We had no peace and nobody in the neighbourhood was at peace .
Mum wasn’t surprised when I told her about the red room in dad’s room , though she barely stepped into his room , he would come to her whenever he needed her , she said dad had warned her strictly to stay away from the room, he had a CCTV camera covering his bedroom to check trespassers.

She was shocked that the man she had married was so evil , she said she knew he was into worship of the ancestors, but never knew she was into more than his African religion , she said she had met him as a fervent Christian , that after their marriage , dad changed .

When I told her or my trip to India , mum was enraged , she asked me how stupid I could be , she wondered why I would do something so stupid , she asked what she would have done if she had come back and didn’t see me , that her world would have ended .

Mum refused to go into the Red room , she called the commissioner of police , the Nigerian police refused to send men to our house to evacuate the bodies from the secret room, they said since my father was no longer alive, that there was no one to be charged in the case , so they adviced that the bodiesshould be relocated to the National Hospital morgue were the families would be contacted to come and take their relative’s bodies .

The DPO of Maitama Division
,had lost his wife an eldest daughter in a gas explosion , most people thought it was tied to his intervention to get mum released , it didn’t stop there six Police officers from his division, had lost their lives in a devastating
accident on the Abuja Lokoja highway , while traveling for elections duties .

So mum had no choice , she had to call aunt Mirabel’s pastor , he came with his prayer warriors , some were terrified at the sight of such horrific
wickedness , they removed twenty five bodies , including school children and pregnant women , we all wondered how dad got them into the secret room, because
no one visited our home without mum’s visit , she was a stay at home wife , dad was always in the office , they were more questions than answers .

The dead bodies were loaded into casket and taken one after the other out of the house . Mum paid restitution of twenty million naira each to the families of our three nannies, she got to see the real reason why dad had stopped her from getting domestic aids , he had used the nannies .

Mum had called daddies brother’s , especially uncle Godwin who was in Nigeria to make arrangements of how to move his corpse to the village to the village , but the elders in the village ordered that cleansing rights .

It seemed dad’s spirit was happy with us planning to move it back to village for proper burial , they was peace , strange things stopped happening in the house , I was sitting in the sitting room , before the television, not really watching , just whirling away time , when Fandi appeared .

“You must think you’re stubborn Solomon, you have three days more , you must bring your mother to the Magnificent City , if you don’t you shall die , your father will come for his revenge .” I had seen more scarier things that I wasn’t moved by his appearing and disappearing . When we went to check on his body in the hospital , the place was deserted , we were told the mortician and his aid had died in an accident , when they were travelling to Benue, the hospital just wanted us to take his corpse and forget about the bills .

Uncle Evans and Jonas travelled into Nigeria to plan dad’s burial , I had not seen my uncles for over five years , when they had a misunderstanding about grandma’s disappearance . We had planned to take the corpse to the village in two days time .

I was in my room , trying to sleep around two A.M when I heard a movement on the ground floor , like crashing of glass , I got out of my room and walked to mum’s room, she was in bed sleeping soundly , so I went downstairs to investigate the noise . The big sitting room was thrown into darkness , I turned on the light switch and light bathed the living room , everything was as I had left it , just when I was about to turn back to the first floor , I heard the cover of pot or a plate fall to the tiled floor in the kitchen , so I went there cautiously to see what was in it .

I turned on the light switch , the bulbs flickered and then began to explode . I removed my phone from my pocket and flashed the light on the kitchen , the light also flickered and my iPhone shut down .

My eyes adjusted to the darkness in the room, I saw two red eyes like a car’s taillights peering at me , the smell of gas had circulated the room , I saw the entity , though it was might I could see it clearly .

“What do you want ? Have you not done enough ?”I asked the entity , it looked at me with its dark face , it ignored me and continued with what it was doing , then I got to see what it was trying to do , it had the lighter in it’s hands , I ran towards to rescue the lighter from its hand before it was ignited , the entity pointed it’s hands at me , a force so strong like a whirlwind took me off my feet and slammed my body against the plate cabinets, the cabinet collapsed to the ground . It pointed it’s finger at the heavy kitchen table , it began to move with force and speed towards me , I ducked for my life , the table crashed into the spot I’d fallen , I got up and took to my heels , the knifes and plates began to fly directly for my head , I ran into the living room, and straight up the stairs .

The evil ghost wanted to burn us up in the house , I had to wake mom up so we could get out of the house , just then the explosion from the kitchen rocked the whole mansion , I was knocked to the ground , white dust from the Pop showered on my head , I didn’t mind the injuries on mu body , I had to save the last person I had on earth , I was about running to mum’s room when the door banged shut .

“Mummy! Mum! wake up the house is on fire!” I cried pushing the door , mum wasn’t answering me , I used my massive body to kick hard at the door but the door didn’t bulge . “Mum wake up! the house is on fire!” I cried mum wasn’t answering me, the door also remained in its place , I ran downstairs to the store , In the midst of the fire and smoke , I searched for tools to break open the door ,I crept on my knees feeling with my hand , until I found the hard wood of the red pickaxe, one installed with the fire service equipment , I grabbed it and dashed out of the room .

The fire had began to consume the couches and electronic, this brought dark black smoke , the peppery smoke hurt my eyes that I moved with instinct , I breathed with pains , I Kept going I had to save mum , I used the pickaxe and began to hit the doorknob , the door was a bullet proof door , so breaking it wasn’t an easy fit .

After five minutes , I broke into mum’s room ,she was still in her bed sleeping . “Mum ! Mum wake up! the house is on fire!” I cried , mum woke up sluggishly . “Solomon what did you say ?” She asked disoriented and confused . “Mum we need to leave the house it’s on fire !” I barked loud so she could hear me , the crackling fire in the kitchen was roaring so loud that we couldn’t hear each other .

“I need to go and get Cassidy and Raymond!” Mum said running towards my siblings room, I held her and dragged her towards the staircase. “Mum we need to get out of the house , or we would get burnt with it !” I cried , mum removed her hands and ran back towards Cassidy’s room .

“Cassidy! Raymond Solomon help me to get your siblings out of the house !” Mum begged when I was dragging her out of the smoke . “Mum stop! Stop! Mum look at me! Stop Raymond is dead ! Cassidy is dead we need to get out of here!” I barked .

“No my babies I can’t leave them behind!” She cried , I Held her hands and crawled towards the door . “Solomon Cassidy is calling me , she can’t get out of the room !” Mum said crying hysterically , she wanted to go back

“Mum the door is this way !” I shoved her towards the door with one hand , while I held the pickaxe in the second , we covered our noses with clean rags . “The ghost is just playing a trick on you , we buried Cassidy long ago , and Raymond was buried three months ago , let is go out , it’s an illusion .” She nodded but her eyes remained on the staircase ,where I saw Cassidy and Raymond standing , when I refused to let her go there , they both disappeared.

We got to the main door ,the doorknob twisted and the keys flew away from the door , we were trapped I used the pickaxe and began to cut the the keys , just then mum screamed . “Solomon he first it’s coming !” She yelled , in the fire was my dad wearing a red robe with a red scarf , he was on fire his eyes burning brightly like gold burning in fire , I Cut with all my energy ,he began to run down the long corridor that was already on fire , I began to kick the door , I kicked it over and until the door opened . We got out of the building, to see the few Neighbours left on the street trying to rescue us .

Just when we thought we had escaped the ghost , a force pulled my mum like a vacuum cleaner would pick dried leaves, back into the house . “Mum! Mum!” I ran back towards the house the door got shut in my face . I heard mum’s screeching sound inside the burning house .

I continued hitting the door with my pickaxe , the neighbours took to their heels when they
had seen dad’s burning ghost drag mum into the fire , I dived into the burning house looking for my mum . I saw the best face to face , drops of liquid fire dropped from its angry eyes , mum fought in futility to get away from the beast , I grabbed her hands and began to struggle to set her free the beast had no interest in letting her go , he wanted us all to burn in the fire.

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