I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 18 – The Mystery Man

I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 1 - The Mystery Man

I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 18 – The Mystery Man

I have been trying to reach my uncle , so we could go and retrieve the body from the morgue, maybe we would find peace, but my uncles wouldn’t let me into their houses , they’ve all had shares of torment by my father .

“Hello Solomon?”
A strange voice said ,with a foreign number said on the phone .
“Who are you ? And how did you get my number ?” I asked suspiciously,

“I know what you did , we know you killed Guru Machanjin the great Lord of West Africa .” the raspy and husky voice said .
“Who is Guru Machanjin?”
I asked truly confused .
“He may be your earthly father, But he was more than that , a grand master and servant of Goha of Gramahaha , Lord of the skies and seas, You killed one whose blood was hidden in Guha, you’ll die! Your mother and whoever lay hands on his body! you come to Guha rahams temple in India for replacement initiation . You shall take his place or all of you shall die.”
I was confused ,there was no way I was going to India. I had never crossed Nigeria’s border , I wondered how the magic to India would be .
“How would I go to India? When I have never been to an embassy?”
I asked ,the strange man chuckled overthe phone
“Go to your father’s bedroom , in his wardrobe, you’ll see a red gown, wear it , in it you’ll see a red headtie wear it , and in the chest pocket is the key to the redroom, step into the room , you’ll a woman holding a calabash on it’s hands , deep your hand into the blood and put it on your forehead ,a portal would open , a mirror, enter into it, and it would bring you to the temple of Goha is Raman , you have one week or your family will be wiped out .”
The line went dead , I had never had reasons to enter my dad’s room, but I had seen his occult ways . I entered the room I saw corpses of people I knew , I saw grandma who had gone missing while she went to jog five years ago while she was living with us , dad and his siblings fought about her disappearance , he denied knowing anything about her disappearance, she was embalmed , dried like a stuck fish or an Egyptian mummy, she was the only one who was embalmed. I saw three of our nannies , they all left before I was five years old , sitting crossed leg with calabash in their hands , I saw a homeless boy who comes to beg for food from gate to gate , all dead but looking alive no smell coming out from them , the room was really a Red room, a calabash was on the hand of a woman , on her stretched out hand , she held a calabash filled with fresh human blood , I deep my hands and rubbed the blood on my forehead, I found myself in a forest , with an old gigantic building, that had ancient carvings of gods , snakes and spirits, I saw many African people, and people from all over the world , it was a magnificent city , it looked like the Biblical heaven. A man dressed in a beautiful red Indian coat , with a turban wrapped around his head , with a large moustache on his lips , he shook my hand .
“Solomon son of Machanjin Guru of west Africa. Machanjin was a holy man.” He said . “I am Fandi I called you.” He said walking towards the great temple, that was as big as Kilimanjaro, the walls and roof were gold plated. the guard bowed to us, He continued talking, as we climbed up the stairs .
“But like all men , he had his shortcomings,apart from Goha the holy one , all men have their weaknesses, Guru Machanjin brought his first blood here to take his place after he was no more , Solomon you’re to inherit your father throne as the Second guru of Goha religion of west Africa, your father brought two hundred noble men and women to our sect, they occupy sit of governance and power , you too shall rule over them, wealth and power of your father shall be yours , your father has an asset of more than fifteen bullion dollars they shall all he yours.”
I began to see dad’s wealth allover the continent , I saw his bank account he kept from us , we lived am average life , but our occultic father was a billionaire in dollars .
No way I was going to sacrifice my mum , but I agreed so I could come back to Nigeria.
“Your mother was a proselyte, she prayed to the nailed God, if he was so powerful why could common nails kill him? She wouldn’t let the great Machanjin to come to conven meetings with her boring prayers, so she was to be sacrificed . Only her blood can purify your family, you shall touch her with one of thr cowries in the calabash, and she’ll die, then the brotherhood of the Goha religion will in convoy take his body and bury it at the cemetery our cemetery, anyone who is not authorized to touch the holy one, who does shall die.”
We entered the temple , it had over three hundred girls, they prayed for me , making incantation as dad did.
“Let us all rise up and pay one minute of respect to our departed Guru. Until we meet again Machanjin, we would give you vengeance so your soul can rest with Goha in paradise.”
They prayed I followed their instructions until I was escorted out of the maze of a city , Fandi escorted me to the portal . “Don’t forget Solomon , you have a lot to gain , your father has assets much more than you know , just give us your mother who caused our grand guru so much pains .” I nodded and accepted to do all the sad . the next day Aunt Mirabel called me to go over to her place.

I had gone to Aunt Mirabel’s place ,I stayed till it was kinda late she asked me to sleep over , I was scared of bringing dad’s ghost here , to torment her and her children, but she insisted, I got a blanket and was went into the guest room, I couldn’t sleep , I was just wondering and thinking of my trip to India , wondering how deep my dad had soaked himself into occult .

I thought I was imagining the sound , it was dad’s favorite song , playing on sound stereo.
“Guitar boy,guitar boy, If you see mammy water oh if you see mammy water oh, never never run away …”
Fear gripped me, when the sound continued playing , I grabbed my phone ,and turned on the torchlight, I left my room , to go downstairs and investigate where the song was coming from , I saw aunt’s husband who was a doctor In a private hospital, in his studies reading around two A.M I passed without him seeing me , when I got to the kitchen , the whole light tripped off , and I saw those two red maniacal eyes staring at me with dread and hate.
“Today is the day you must pay!” the light in my aunts house tripped, the house was plunged into darkness.
I looked out of the window and saw that the neighbouring buildings had light , the entity with a red eye grabbed me and slammed me against the kitchen cabinet, plates thumbled down and broke into a thousand pieces , I was tired of fighting, I didn’t fight back , I didn’t scream , I wanted him to stop the suffering, if it meant it killing me , I was done fighting, but Mr Jackson ran into the kitchen with his phone light on he picked a frying pan and swinged it at the head of the ghost “kpaaaang “
It sounded , as the beast screeched , with red bleeding eyes, it turned to him and growled, parts of it’s rotten face fell . It rushed at him and knocked him to the wall , he collapsed with blood coming out of his head, it turned to me and pushed my head into the sink, and turned on the tap , the water filled the basin, Aunt Mirabel had heard the loud noise coming from the kitchen , she ran downstairs, and followed the noise into the kitchen .
” Chidi! leave us alone ! You were a wicked man alive even so at death? Will you kill All your children?” The menacing apparition turned to her , while my head was still soaked in the basin

“This isn’t my child!’ He said . “Jesus! Jesus!” She began to scream the ghost suddenly left me, I fell to the ground.
The light restored and he turned and looked at her hissed like a snake and disappeared through the shattered window .
Aunt Magi called for an ambulance that rushed me and her husband to the hospital.

I was sleeping in the hospital when I felt a familiar hand touching my face, it was the hands of my mum, I thought I was dreaming, abd then I opened my eyes , and she was there .
” Mum? Am I dreaming? “
She smiled holding back the tears glass in her eyes .
“It’s me Solomon, the DPO looked into the case, after investigation he made sure the court released me , and no case against you .”
She kissed me over and over on the forehead .
“Mum am sorry for putting us in this mess .” she couldn’t say a word , she just embraced me . “Solomon it wasn’t your fault , it was mine, am sorry you had to go through this , so early .” I was discharged that same evening, mum took me home .
After one week in the hospital , Mr Jackson was discharged. Mum called James dad’s younger brother to go with us to the hospital. The hospital was deserted like a graveyard , only a few staff was available, the cleaners and security all resigned, because of the man at the morgue wouldn’t let them be , the two morticians that attended to him all died mysteriously in the morgue ,bodies of patients in the morgue ended up on the street of the hospital, female nurses were being touched inappropriately, and male doctors being beaten, the hospital was almost not shutdown.
When we got to the morgue , we heard voice , he was laughing, uncle James was terrified to the bones, but mum and I who had been the candidates of his wickedness didn’t bulge.
“Why have you decided to be a thorn in our flesh even in death.” mum asked him , the corpses hissed . I told mum of my visit to India, she wasn’t surprised, she said we were never going to go the cult way, that we would go the church way .

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