I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 16 – The Mystery Man

I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 1 - The Mystery Man

I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 16 – The Mystery Man

It had been one month of endless attacks from my father’s ghost , it’s only God that has kept me and Raymond alive, sometimes I just wish he would kill me , so I would find some peace, I dread every visual electronic, because it he haunts me through them, I may be watching a movie on a TV set , suddenly a river of blood will gush out and cover the room, I would see myself killing dad, and then he would grab me and try pull me into the TV.

Last Tuesday I received a call from State hospital asking to speak to an older person from my family.

“Mr Solomon you’re registered as next of kin to this body, you have to contact your family to come and evacuate the body for burial, or we would be forced to bury it in an unmarked grave.”
I was a bit confused, we had been paying the mortuary bills , so why would there want me to take the corpse.
“Sir I’ve been paying the mortuary bills, why do we need to take the body? We are still in court why would you want us to take the body ?”I asked little bit confused.
“young Master Solomon, we think you know your father was an occult man, We have lost a total of nine people, of which three are mortuary attendants and a nurse, have died under mysterious circumstances, this people directly had contact with your father’s corpse, the hospital management, has kept it a secret from the public, we don’t want to cause a mass hysteria, or panic, which would make people run from the hospital, that it’s haunted. They’ve also been series of haunting, several people have been harassed by your dad’s corpse, all the corpses are being removed from the refrigerators, and are thrown on bare ground , only your father’s corpse would remain in a refrigerator.” The man said .

“Sir right now I don’t even know what to say to you , my mum isn’t available, my uncles are yet to fix a date for burial.” I mumbled.

“Mr Solomon that’s not our concern , we want you people to come and evacuate the body from the morgue ,
and doctors and nurses are being grabbed and dragged into the refrigerators which occupants were thrown out .” The man said angrily over. the phone. “He haunts the wards at night, waiting for people at dark corridors, beating them up , two people were mugged to death near the morgue , while they were going to get drugs for their patients, doctors have vacated offices close to the morgue.” He said . “Sir I’ll call my uncles and get back to you I said .
“Hold on Mr Solomon am not done talking
, The doctors began to hear people knocking on their doors , as soon as your dad’s corpse arrived here,they all left their offices, because they hear a knock on their doors,but when they come out to check they would find nobody, then suddenly they’ll be a burst of wind and the doors would shut in their faces, computers are smashed, tables and chairs broken, you have to call, adults to come recover his body before the next seven working days , or we would dispose of it, all this started when your father’s corpse was brought here, the doctors are threatening to down tools if the evil corpse is not removed”
I took a deep breath, so I wasn’t the only one, being haunted, he had killed seven people in the hospital? I was terrified, I had to go see mum .

“Sir I’ll get to my uncles and give you feed back.” I said before hanging up , I wondered how evil my dad could be , even in dead he still battered people.

I went to visit mum with my siblings at Kuje Prison, she wasn’t happy About my looks, I had a black spot under my eyes , my body was covered with bruises , she asked me Raymond to excuse us, we were left alone.

“Solomon who did this to you?” Mum asked with sadness in her eyes ,
I blinked the tears away , I couldn’t cry In front of mum, I had to be strong for her .
“Solomon talk to me , you look battered! who?”
She asked .
“Mummy you too don’t look good yourself, do they beat you in the prison?” I asked, because under her long sleeve, she wore under her uniform, I could see the bruises, and fresh injury She shook her head .
“Is it him ?” I asked,
She gently nodded and began to cry .
” Even at death he wouldn’t let us rest, I made a mistake marrying him, I saw the red flags .” Mum said with the back of her hand , she mopped the tears from her eyes .
.”I should have left when he gave excuses not to go to church with me , do you know we got married in church ? He changed just when I took in , he stopped going to church . Your dad became a new person, O just couldn’t believe that people could change suddenly.” Mum wept .
“Go to my sister’s house maybe he won’t haunt you there. She will take you to the pastor who helped deliver you from the possession.” Mum said ,
I was considering the idea. “But mum what if he attacks them too ?” I asked her .”Mirabel has been close to God,I think she should be fine .” Mum said and I nodded. I sat still for a while , none of us spoke .

“Mum the hospital called, they want dad’s body removed from the hospital, they believe he’s been the reason behind seven mysterious deaths, in the hospital, that he haunts the corridors, and wards of the hospital beating up doctors and patients.”
Just then the light in the prison began to flicker,I could see sheer terror in mum’s eyes.”Solomon get your brothers and leave now, he’s here .”
I wasn’t going to run from that devil , why would I leave my mum, the prisoners began to run to their holding cells, as all visitors were advised to leave, the whole prison block became dark like night , we heard his footsteps walking on the wall, then mum was yanked by an invincible force, and was being pulled away by this thing .

Mum’s cries filled the prison, Prison officials ran for their safety ,she was being pulled up into the ceiling, her shrieking cries were deafening .A surge of adrenaline, burst through my brain ,I grabbed her hands and pulled her to the ground, Mum hung high up near the ceiling, I held her firmly refusing to let go. I saw him , the prisoners also saw him, they turned away their faces away from him , only the brave women stared in horror , the ghost slammed my body against the wall, it left my mum and floated to me , It grabbed my legs , chuckling and laughing in a sinister manner .
” You thought you could get rid of me ? I’m taking all of you with me , we must be a family together, in this world and the after world.”

I was bleeding from my nose and mouth, but he wouldn’t hurt my mother , it burst open the ceiling of the waiting room , and dragged me inside , I trashed and fought , the place was so dark , my hand touched bodies ,decomposing human remains , it must have been his lair. Sounds were coming from the ground below, soon armed guards with torchlight burst into the ceiling, , we all saw him standing like a white mist or smoke ahead, with red eyes burning like embers of wood, they began firing at him , the sounds of gunshot was so loud , the apparition disappeared.

The armed prison officials took me out of the ceiling, I was transported to Gwagwalada specialist hospital.

I had access to his phone and his account,
I called the hospital mortician and paid him a good amount just to dispose off his body wherever they liked, none of us attented his burial , he was buried in an unmarked grave because none of his siblings wanted his body to be taken to the village compound , it was after his death I got to know dad’s brothers had fallen off with him ,they claimed he used their father and mother for ritual .

“If you see mammy water oh , if you see , never you try to run away
Sing a song of love sweet melody.” The song kept coming over and over from the sitting room .

“Solomon can you hear dad’s favorite song?” Raymond ran up to me , I was told he had been successful buried,I thought the mess would be over . “Its just your imagination he’s been buried .” I said to my eight years old brother , he didn’t seem convinced, I could see fear in his eyes .

Suddenly furniture began to move on their own , out of place , , on the big standing mirror dad’s live sized body appeared , white like he robbed powder over his face , he began to laugh , maggots fell out his mouth. Raymond screamed frozen by fear, her locked his face against my chest . I pushed the mirror door and smashed the mirror into many pieces and it the singing stopped.

I was up the next morning , I prepared Breakfast for Raymond, he was on the dining table biting his food down slowly,He was dressed in his navy blue suit , sky blue shirt , and red tie , taking toasted egg , bread and tea ,while I was in the kitchen making fried rice and chicken for his lunch , mum didn’t like him eating at the cafeteria, there was still an hour before the school bus arrived .

I checked the dinning room and Raymond was not there, he
Suddenly disappeared ,my instinct told me to search to him that they was trouble. I began searching around the rooms .
“Raymond! Raymond!” I cried running through the rooms of the mansion,I looked out of the window into the courtyard,
“Oh my God. No no no!’ I screamed as
I rushed into the compound .
I saw Raymond , faced down in the swimming Pool, as if somebody was intentionally pushing him into the water , I dived in struggling to free him, I got a hot slap on my face , Raymond fought with the invisible entity, until his body began to sink down the water , .

I was dived down into the water , trying to lift Raymond out of the pool , I saw my father’s ghost in the water , he forced me into the water and pinned me down in the water, I gulped in water , the cold water became hot water as it entered my nose and brain .

Papa Johnson had Climbed over our fence, and dived into the pool, he pulled me out , I began to cough out water , and opened my eyes, I saw Raymond’s body lying next to me on the concrete floor , dead as stone, hot tears surged out of my eyes all I could think was what would I tell mum . The neighbors tried to perform CPR on him, but he peacefully slept , I blamed myself for Raymond’s death , Maybe I should have allowed him take mum, what was my point saving her , when he already took another person precious to us . My kid brother was gone , and I was to blame , I didn’t keep an eye on him.

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