I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 15 – The Mystery Man

I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 1 - The Mystery Man


I got back home from the court house, where judgement was passed on mum, she wasn’t guilty I was the guilty one , guilt screamed at my mind . I went back to the passage where the blood stain on the wall had turned black . It felt like a dream , I couldn’t believe I had to end his miserable life .

I was still angry at dad , angry at myself for not have taking steps to protect mum from that beast earlier . But who would protect who doesn’t want to be protected? If only mom had listened to me , and had left dad’s house while we were still younger , maybe , just maybe Cassidy would have been alive , maybe Nkoyo would have been alive , I couldn’t tell anyone dad had a hand in her death, I would never forgive that beast for killing the ones I love most .

I wept for mum , twenty years in prison, I killed my father , I should be the one behind bars not her , I fixed noodles and chicken for Raymond,he was left at aunt Mirabel’s house . Aunt Mirabel had begged that we stayed in her house , but we both refused , we had stayed there for a month ,we were hoping mom would be let go of the charges .

The prosecutor was intentional about getting me roped in , he explained to the court that he believed with evidence that mum could not have pulled that murder alone , that I had a hand in it , that the level of injury on dad’s body the stab wound, was not that of one trying to save their life .

He said one stab could have weakened dad , and that mum wouldn’t have to stab him eleven times over , that the coroner inquest showed and proved that the stabbing was done by a heavier person , by the depth of the stab wounds . He concluded that I should be put on the stand to be cross examined ,I saw nun almost faint , she closed her eyes and let the tears pour like rain .

But mum’s lawyer objected , telling the court I wasn’t the one in court for trial .Mum was relieved when she was sentenced, I could see the tears of joy on her face ,before she was taken away , mum had a word for me .

“Solomon I know I behaved stupidly, I should have left when I had the chance ,but your dad was the only man I have ever known in my life , I just couldn’t move , please forgive me for failing you .” Mum said embracing me. “Please take care of your brother and read for your exams , don’t let this hinder you from studying for your exam , I am grateful you gave up your life for me . I love you Solomon , please don’t go back to drugs , always pray , take care of Raymond please…” Mum was still holding me when the prison officials dragged her away from me .

I tried to read when I got home , my mind still wandered to mum, wondering how she was faring. I was sitting on the dining table with my book , spread open before me ,
The note book I was reading suddenly began to flip pages ,by itself with the speed of an electric fan , I jumped out of the chair and in horrified , I saw the book got covered in blood the blood trickled down to the floor , before an invincible force began to tear my book to pieces , it shredded my books into a thousand pieces , my heart jumped out of my mouth ,the light began to flicker , turning off and on, until it went off , the whole house was thrown into thick blackness, that I couldn’t see my hands in front of me , I tried to pick my phone to use the light , a powerful force yanked it off the table as I touched it , the screen of the phone was still shining brightly, before an entity stepped on it and crushed it to powder .

A strong force grabbed my neck, like dad would usually grab us when he wanted to choke and slam us , it lifted me abd slapped my body against the wall, I began to fight and kick , it dragged me to the kitchen, it was invisible, I kept fighting and kicking , dragging as it pulled me to the kitchen , cabinets were being opened and cutleries flew through the air , it grabbed a knife and stabbed me on my shoulders, it almost stabbed my neck. “Jesus!” I screamed the force let go of me .

I got up and ran to the bedroom, my Raymond had gotten up , from the loud noise must have woken him up , I locked the door and the silent entity began to bang the door , trying to pull it down the door ,we screamed in horror .

We could hear the loud steps of the entity walking outside the room, it walked like dad would, it stood at the outside to the room we were it coughed, just how dad would, then it made a loud growling sound and disappeared, immediately the light flickered was restored.

Neighbors from the neighbouring building ran into the our building , Papa John a security knocked on our door and his boss knocked on our door , I ran down the steps , I recognized his voice . I opened the door .
“Solomon what happened to you ? Why are you covered in blood , I heard your screams that of your brother.” Mrs Roselyn said ,Our living room was littered with broken furniture. I was too dumbfounded to speak , she got me into her car and drove me to the nearby hospital, while my brother , stayed with her husband and kids .

When we got to the emergency word the doctors , rushed to my aid , tearing my shirt with the scissors, they were cleaning my deep wound , on my shoulders close to my neck when suddenly the light at hospital tripped off , and I was yanked off the bed .

A force dragged me on the floor , I held on to a stretcher , it pulled me and the stretcher , a big metallic door was banged open , I was flung inside, the door locked shut , the smell from the place was putrefying, the temperature freezing cold , I was thrown Into a cold freezer the door shut tight.

For thirty minutes the hospital staff, tried to open the door to the morgue , were I was snatched and locked.
I was almost frozen when the mortuary attendant broke open the door the mortuary, I was covered in ice, my bones stiffened, immediately I was covered with a blanket and rolled back to the Emergency ward that was a long way ahead , I had been dumped in a freezer meant for corpses ,to the double wonderment of the doctors and nurses , the stab wound, I had sustained,that brought me to the hospital, healed themselves.

I was scared and terrified, to learn from the hospital staff , that my father’s corpse was deposited in mortuary by the Nigerian police he was yet to be buried .

I was discharged and given new clothes to wear when my wounds healed themselves, Mrs Roselyn took me to her car , she turned on the ignition, the car coughed and coughed but Refused to start , so she went to check the bonnet to know if the battery head had fallen off , then it happened again , the light went off around the hospital garage, it became a big black forest , there was a bright lightening flash, I saw daddy standing afar off , with the knife I had stabbed him with in his hand, he was still bleeding from the places I had stabbed him,the next instant he teleported himself next to me , he lifted up the knife to stab Mrs Roselyn, I opened the car door and ran towards her screaming .

” Leave her alone!” I screamed as he began to drag her away.

“You wicked beast! Let her go! I killed you! Face me ! You put the Evil in me ! You put the rage in me ! Don’t be a coward! Face your cursed seed!”

Immediately it left her it grabbed me by the neck and pulled me to a pond close to the hospital,
It began to drown me in the water, I was fighting hard the more I tried the more I gulped filthy water, I was only rescued by the security guards from the hospital, who had been called by mummy Favour ,She had showed them where it had dragged me to, they arrived on time or else I would have been dead in another minute. I saw my dad standing a few feets away from me , with his eyes flashing red like brake light on a vehicle, his face was red with anger , the men led me back to the car that had started working on its own . We drove home ,Raymond and I were given a room , Mrs Roselyn was good friends with mum , we were sleeping when we heard the sound again .

Dad was walking up and down the corridor, laughing loud , and breaking utensils and electronics , I just covered my ears, I sobbed into the night.

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