I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 12 – The Mystery Man

I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 1 - The Mystery Man


“I want to go home mum. I don’t want to stay here!” I cried pulling the iv drips connected to my veins . “No baby , the drugs are harming your body , they need to detoxify your body.” Mum said .

“I am fine mum, I want to go home .” I cried mum wouldn’t listen . “The doctor said another week , just one more weeks , you can go home.” Mum said . “Mum I need hemp my head is thumping!” I cried ,my head was honking .

“You’ll be fine.” Mum said . I was sedated , when I woke up , I found Elvis sitting by my bed, for one month I’d not seen my friends.

“Solomon how are you doing?” Elvis asked. “I am not fine Elvis help me get marijuana.” I begged my friend.

“No Solomon I can’t, see what you’re doing to yourself, they’re trying to help you, but you’re bent on destroying yourself.” Elvis quarreled. ” I can’t survive without her , he killed her, he killed her!” I yelled mum who was outside the hospital room ran inside .

“Who killed who ?” Elvis asked, i began to cry . “My dad he killed her .” Elvis was lost .

“Your dad killed who ?” He asked . “My dad killed Nkoyo, he’s making me mad!” I say , they thought I was just rambling , aunt Mirabel called mum out of the room to talk to her.

”How do you know your dad killed Nkoyo ?” Elvis asked . “She told me, she told me .” I said .

“Nobody killed Nkoyo, we all miss you and want you back in school.” Elvis said . “I don’t want to go back to school, I see her everywhere, I Killed Nkoyo, I lag her come into our cursed house, I saw her death, now i see her ghost .” I rambled. “Solomon you need to go to bed , because you’re not making sense .” Elvis Said. I got angry.

“Leave me alone!” I yelled . “Go! I don’t want to see you !” I yelled at Elvis , mum came and ushered him out of the room.

Aunt Mirabel had gone to bring her pastor ,they spent the whole evening praying, but nothing changed. Mum had gone home to rest while aunt Mirabel took care of me , all through the night .

When mum returned the next day , she hard fresh bruises around her body , I knew my father had beaten her again . “Mum who injured you ?” I asked my mum , she wouldn’t say , she just said she was okay .

“That Bastardd he’s started beating you again ?” I asked my mother she refused to speak , I was grilling in anger . Two weeks Later I was discharged. When I got to the house , I met a new member of our family.

Dad had brought home a lady he had impregnated and she also had a baby, he moved mom’s luggage to the guest room , for his new wife to take over her place , she had a baby .

“Mum was it because of this woman he beat you ?” I asked mum .”Its not because of her , i fell.” She Said I knew she was lying. I couldn’t take ng eyes off her , as soon as I climbed into my room the lady took up her phone and called my dad informing him of my return .

Thirty minutes later dad Had returned with a truck Load of police men. “He cannot stay in my house , move that boy out!” My dad ordered the police men.

“Don’t you dare touch my son!” Mum jumped out of her room , when she heard the police men forcefully getting into my room , I fought and wrestled with them , they overpowered mum and I. they dragged and forcefully removed me from the house , barely an hour after I was discharged, mum joined me in the van .

I was taken to the Maitama division, mum went into the DPOs Office screaming. ”You’re going to lock me with my son! What nah! You just keep harassing him up and down! Nobody will detain my son!” Mum called her brother in America , he sent his lawyer to the station .

We were called into the DPO’s office . “Madam your son is here again? what’s the problem between you and your father?” He asked me , the lawyer had spoken with me outside the DPO’s office , he said I shouldn’t answer any of their questions because according to the law I was still under age .

“Sir you have to order your men to take off the handcuffs from the hand of my client .” The Lawyer said , the DPO obliged , he asked us to sit .

“Sir my son isn’t a bad boy, he’s been through a lot , he lost his younger sister two years ago, and his friend six months ago , I’ve tried to talk to my husband he wouldn’t listen . He brought another woman to our matrimonial home, and chased me from my room, I didn’t want any trouble so I left , as if i didn’t know my right .” My mum said .

”He was in this police station a month ago when over fourteen people died , he was fortunate enough to be amongst the few people the beast did not kill , he was in the hospital for two weeks to treat the maltreatment he got here , only for him to get home and his father won’t let him enter the house .” Mum said almost crying.

“He’s feeling like his powerful, who was he when we got married?” She cried. “He was nobody, we started our lives in a one room apartment in Gwagwa, but now he can threaten my son with his money !” Mum said .

“Sir my client has to be released or we would sue the police, He’s a minor , he was held here for four days , and this is an infringement of my client’s fundamental right .” The lawyer said .

“Ugh madam how old is your son ?” The Divisional Police Officer asked. “He’s sixteen.” Muk said, the DPO couldn’t believe his eyes, I was looking five years older than my age .

“I will release you now, but I don’t want to have you back here , anytime soon , you people should settle your misunderstanding.” The DPO said before releasing me .

The lady brought home was in the habit of eating the food my mother made, she won’t wash the plates, she would dump it for mum to wash . She would sometimes insult my mother because dad gave her the go ahead .

I was going for my rehabilitation appointment with a psychologist, and a deliverance program with aunt Mirabel,but it seemed I’d shut my heart from God , his word couldn’t penetrate.

The next term I resumed school in different school, mum registered me in a new school, the stigma from my old school was too much , The students kept whispering about me.

I was in my final year of secondary school, mum had spoken to her brother to take me to America, so I could finish up my university education there , and be away from my dad .

I returned from school one evening, my half brother began to cry when he saw me , he was about three years old , his mother ran downstairs to see what was happening to her son .

“What did you do to him ?” she asked, I ignored her and was about to leave. “What did he do to you ?” she asked her son .

“Mum I don’t like it here, he’s a beast , He’s the devil.” I Began to walk up the stairs . “Don’t worry when Daddy comes back he will chase gun away okay?” She said , I ignored her , I went into my room and lock the door .

Mum finished making portage yam, she served Raymond and I , the lady had the guts to go dish food from my mother’s pot .
I was in the kitchen doing dishes when she came to dump her used plate , I flung the plates to the ground , they broke into pieces she insulted the living day out of my life , but I didn’t reply her .

But when she went to bed , the beast came and took over me , I walked out of my room and forced hers open , i began to smother her with her pillow , she screamed and called for my dad , when her son woke up he too began scream, dad barged into the room , I hit him with that back of my hand he flew out of the room and fainted, I ran back into my room .

The next morning the pregnant lady packed her luggage and ran from the house with her son, Dad tried everything to make her stay , but she refused.

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