I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 11 – The Mystery Man

I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 1 - The Mystery Man


“You’re keeping me here for no reason! let me go!” I cried in a hoarse voice , for three days I was locked in the cell without food or water on the instructions of my father .

“Shut up you mad man! it will i say mad boy , another word from you I’ll massage your hands with my baton.” A police man at the counter threatened me .

”Oh you wish you can! Open the cell and do it!” i said in a weak voice , the man came to the front of my cell, he poured pepper spray , i sniffed it and began to cough .

“You’ll remain there until you learn to close your mouth . Useless drug addict. Your father asked us to keep you here until you are calm .” He said , i began to cry , He laughed at me .

“Shut up your big mouth , spoilt brat!” An inmate yelled from the cell opposite mine, he was new , he didn’t witness my attack on the other inmates. “I will kill you , I’ll rip out your eyes,I’ll pull out your tongue , i will make you suffer in the most gruesome way .” I said in a hoarse voice.

“Shut up! you can’t do nothing , you can’t do nothing, I wish they can put you in this cell , so we would beat you up .” His friend said . I got so angry breathing became so difficult

I could hear my mom’s father voice from afar , begging the police Inspector on duty ,to let her bail me out , the man was demanding five hundred thousand naira.
I kept laughing so loud , with the hunger in my stomach and my thirst for my new relaxer my drugs .

For three days I had not taken any substance, i had began to see realms , And see demons , I had established connection with them, the day I came upon my father doing his teleportation ritual , I just couldn’t stop them.

They had been bringing their preposition to me me ,wanting to take charge of my body ,they wanted to wreck havoc , but i fought them off .

the police men meant to kill me with hunger ,on the fought day , they brought a disgusting plate of beans and bread in a plate , that looked like it just came off a kernel,a dog Plate.

“If you don’t like don’t eat it , I’ll be happy if you die here .” The police officer jeered at me before turning to leave . in a weak voice i said. “I will kill you.” I told him , he returned and sprayed me with more pepper gas .

The smoke and anguish opened the portal , I saw a yellow eyed reptilian ,it stood on two feet like a man , it has a scally body like that of a crocodile, it’s eyes was yellow and piercing , with a black dot for iris in the middle .

It stayed at me in a sorry state . “Poor Solomon,another day in this place you’ll die , i want to help you .” He said , the people in the cell opposite mine watched on awe as i discussed with no one , they believed i had gone mad.

“What is the price ? I know you don’t give anything for free?” I asked the entity , it chuckled. ”I know you must have known About our ways . Because of your progenitor has sold his soul , I don’t need your soul Solomon, I Just need your body ,to use whenever I want .” It Said .

I knew I wasn’t going to make it to the next day ,without help , the men in the station had refused all my mothers pleas , she Gave them two hundred thousand naira, so I could be released and taken to the psychiatric hospital, but the men refused, they asked for five hundred thousand.

“What will you be doing with my body ?” I asked the entity. “Whatever I wish .” It said , I lay down thinking about the Proposition, I had little strength left in me , it got up and began to walk back to the mirror way .

“You can possess me!” I said , it immediately turned into a black whirlwind and flowed through the air and entered into my nose and mouth . I regained my strength and got up on my feet. Just then the electricity in the station began to explode in various places,the bulbs flickered violently and the bulbs began to explode, that whole station was thrown into darkness .

“Waiting happen? Our light done spark ?” I heard the familiar voice of my tormentor say , my skin had turned black with scales , my fingers had turned to claws , I held the iron bars of my cell , and tore it open , then i walked to the counter , the inspector flashed the beams of his torch light on me , the police officers began to scream , I held the inspector with one hand , i lifted him off the ground , and pinned him to the wall as he screamed, with my second arm i punched a hole through his forehead, and pulled out his brain, the other police man had started urinating on himself, I knocked him , he flew a many feet and crashed on the counter, when i turned to the frozen woman police, she collapsed in fear and passed out .

The four police men on guard duty outside the ran into the station to check were all the noise and cries were coming from .

They froze midway , when they saw the beast , they pointed their rifles at me , I was in the image of the eight feet beast , the muzzle flash of their rifles lighted up the lobby, the bullets landed on my body , it felt like pebbles thrown by a toddler , soon i grabbed them one after the other , and slapped their heads against hard concrete , in less than two minutes the four police men were laying dead before me , I stepped over the bodies and began to to walk back to the cell.

The sounds coming from my throat was strange , it felt like i was choking. I could hear a crackling guttural sound coming from my throat, i felt a blood lust , I needed more kills , so i went Back to the cell were the bullies were , they had heard the shouting and screaming of the police officers .

Though the corridor was peach black , the man saw the black silhouette of the beast , they began to scream, i held the metal protector that was put on their door to keep them in . With the insane strength of the reptilian beast , I forced the bars off the wall, the cement cracked and the bars came off .

The man who had said obscene words to me , was the first i grabbed , i put my clawed fingers into his eyes , and pulled out his eyes one after the other, he was still screaming I held his tongue and tore it out of his mouth , then i threw his carcass on the ground in less than thirty seconds .

The inmates screamed in horror , they tried to escape , but I had blocked their water , and killed them off one after the other some i pulled off their heads , some i pounded in their heads with my scaled fist.

They couldn’t see in the dark, but I saw brightly as day , when the reptilian was done using me , I walked back into my cell and arranged the cell protectors as it was before , then I fell on the floor .

I saw the beast walk out of my body , it laughed . ”Now they’ll let you go !.” It chuckled, that circular mirror opened it stepped into a different world , my eyes closed .

The next morning the sounds of sirens filled the whole station premises, officers had reported for morning duty , only to meet carnage, all the officers around the station had been battered and killed.

the prisoners in the police station were all killed , except me who was still inside my cell, they walked to me and asked me if i saw anything the previous night , I was too weak girl speak , they checked their incidence book and Called for my parents to come and take me home .

the blood i saw that morning shocked me , I thought I was seeing one of my crazy dreams when I heard the screams and shouting , but I couldn’t understand the bodies being removed from the police station .

“What happened here?” I asked my mum when she came to pick me , I was so weak , that I had to be supported by aunt Mirabel to walk out of the Station.

“There was an attack in the station last night , about fourteen people were killed .” Mum said , I was put in an ambulance and driven to a private hospital.


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