I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 10 – The Mystery Man

I KILLED MY FATHER Episode 1 - The Mystery Man


I had no drive to go to school, Nkoyo died my dreams of going abroad died , I just needed to calm my head down , I broke into my dad’s room, sneaked in when no one was checking , I removed over five million naira from his save.

I got one of the SUVs , I had not learnt how to drive , but I played alot of 3D video games on driving so I hopped into the car and roared out of the compound to my mum’s displeasure, I began to hover around Abuja looking for a spot . At Zone four I found a joint where hard me sat to do business.

I parked the black Lexus LX 570 , I walked into the bar , without dear , nobody would believe I was only sixteen , my face had so much beards like a man of thirty five , my biceps and triceps were massive , I walked up to a man who was the ring leader , he had a wrap of hemp in his fingers , he looked at my face and saw the boy in a man’s body .

“What are you doing here school boy ? are you not supposed to be in school ?” The man asked me I glared at him with disdain . “Don’t you dare call me boy , you fock boy! I am not your son or your kid bro! I am here to focking get high !” His lieutenants got up to hit me , the boss raised his hands and stopped them in their tract , he chuckled.

“I love this boy , he has a heart of a man . Sit down near me .” He said to me and asked the gangster sitting next to him to !move . “What brought you here ?” He asked me . “I am here to get my brain straight lots of stuffs happening in my head. , I need to calm my monsters.” I said staring at him in the face .

“We got a lot of shit to make you high , do you have the money ?” The chief asked . “Money no be problem.” I said removing two bundles of one thousand naira notes on his table .

“Mojid go and bring the deal , we have a big client.” Mojid went in and brought a bag with the drugs . “Have you ever tried drugs before ?” The chairman asked . “No I’ve not but I just want my pains to go away .” I said .

“We need to start you up with Hemp , can you wrap it ?” The chairman shook his head , he wrapped the weed for me and light it up ,I dragged in the smoke , when I puffed it out , I began to laugh , it gave me joy , the weed gave me peace of mind . “This is a good shiit , I love this …” I said as I took in another drag .

“We have crack cocaine, we have Heroin , we have Ice if you take that one you’ll for asleep for three days .” The chairman said . “The marijuana is life , God planted marijuana to give the sorrowful joy , am focking high .” I said I had began to see everyone double , that day I tried all the kinds of drugs they had to sell.

I kept bringing more money out when I exhausted the money with me I would go back for more money from the trunk of my car . I was in the club smoking hemp and taking drugs , it helped me numb my pains , it helped me sleep .

I drove back on the fourth day , my mum couldn’t believe her eyes , she had been crying and searching for me all over the place , she thought I had harmed myself , I felt so sorry for her , she had lost so much weight.

“Solomon why did you do that ? you want me to die ? how can you leave home for five days .” My mum said with tears in her eyes . “Am sorry mum , I just needed to clear my head , and not to see his focking face .” Mum still wouldn’t let me use curse words on the beast .

“He’s your father you must respect him , see what you’re doing to yourself , you’re drunk!” Mum mistook my drug highness for alcohol, I laughed in slow motion . “Mum I don’t give a rat ass about that focking rat ass , you can park the car well , I’ll be going to my room .” Mum said .

“Solomon did take money from your father’s room ? he’s complaining of missing five million naira.” Mum said blocking my way . “Mum please get out of my way ,is that money up to what he spends on those focking girls ? I don’t want to talk about him , I just want to sleep .” I said and found my way upstairs , I struggled to get into my room .

I fell into a deep sleep,my monsters couldn’t wake me up from sleep , drugs was my refuge , I was sleeping when the bastarrd came back from work , when he saw the SUV he began to make noise , he banged on my door .

“Come out here you foolish boy .” When I heard his voice , the volcano in my soul rose up , it entered my head . “Who are you wife beater and murderer to talk to me!” I hollered as her bashed out of the room to confront him . “Do you think am scared of you ? you focking ritualist , see I’ll shot you down and kill myself , you made me into this beast dad! Just focking take me as I am! I don’t want to hear another focking word from your big mouth!” I said shoving him in the chest , mum broke in between us.

My dad was dumbfounded, I was mad , I wasn’t mad as they thought I was , I saw him for who he was , I would give it to him anyway he wants . “Agnes can you see your son ? See the way he’s talking to me ?” my dad said , I was struggling to get to him .

“Chidi he’s not talking with his right mind , you can see yes on drugs .” Mum said begging dad, I got pissed when I saw her beg him . “Who the hell do you think you are ?” I asked .

“It’s your fault he’s like this , you’ll pamper him, you don’t let me caution him .” My dad said . “Fock you dad , you made me into this beast , I don’t want you to wake me up from my sleep .” I said and went into my room to sleep . Dad was stunned .

Later that evening I was outside the house taking my hemp , washing it down with a bottle of dads spirit , when the smell brought him to me . He stared at me for the longest while , I was dressed in a badgy jeans and white shirt .

“Solomon is that not my drink ? and how dare you smoke Marijuana in my house ?” Dad asked , I ignored him and continued smoking and drinking, he was insignificant to me .
“Am I not talking to you Solomon!” He yelled at me with fatherly authority, I couldn’t control the anger , I got up and smashed the bottle of alcohol against the wall , and went after him ,dad ran into the house and locked the door , Raymond began to cry , mum was begging me to calm down I refused .

“Come out let me finish you! You focking bastarrd , bring your cult , bring your devil I’ll kill the both of you together, you fock dad! Shit head deadbeat , I want you to come and stop me from smoking my joint fock you!” I yelled at my dad .

Six police men came into the compound and tried to arrest me , I fought them to a stand still , they could only grab me and bundle me into their vehicle when they sprayed tear gas in the compound . “You will not return to my house! they’ll lock you up and forget the key! You’re now a man ! you want to fight me ?” My dad said as he followed them in his car .

“Fock you fock dad! I’ll be the end of you , you made me into this beast , you focking murderer! I’ll make you life a hell! you’ll regret having me as a soon.” I foul mouthed him in the police station .

“I already regretted having you as a son , you’re useless , drug addict , they’ll deal with you and bring your senses back , fock you! Fock the DPO!” I barked in the police station , it took ten police men to force me into a cell, when I got into the cell I began to fight all the imates , I blowed punched and bite them , they were all screaming like puppies being beaten by a bully . They had to empty my cell so I could be alone because I couldn’t stand them , they tried to gang up on me , but the gash I left on their bodies made them ask for a change of cell. My dad was in the DPO’s office till about ten P.M before he left for the house .

My body was yearning for my pills , I didn’t allow anyone in the police station to sleep that night , my screams were insanely high , the police men feared to come near my cell , they avoided me , the demons came and took me the forest of the dead and tortured me that night ,nobody in the police station could close their eyes .


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