HER LAST WISH Episode 76 – 78 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 76 by Azeemah Salami

“I’m starting to think you enjoy getting beaten all the time. ” Amina squinted her eyes at Dammy.
“No one enjoys getting beaten” Layla sigh.
“It’s starting to look like Dammy does, because how else do we define this?” Amina’s forehead wrinkle together.
“Who flogs someone this much for spilling water on the rug, the stupid bald man can also make the same mistake, and he’s definitely not going to flog himself for it. I’m still going to beat him I swear” Emeka sounded angry.

“Report him, you won’t. How do we help you when you’re not ready to help yourself” Amina’s voice held a trace of displeasure.
“If you’re holding back because you’re worried there’ll be no one to provide for you if he gets arrested, we’re going to work towards that” Dan said.
“Which provide is he even providing for her, I doubt he even gives her enough food to eat. It’s just like she’s the one providing her service for him in exchange for small portions of food and unlimited beatings.” Amina now looked quite upset.

“He even stopped you from going to school, when it’s not like he’s the one handling your school bills, what type of wickedness is that. I can’t believe you’re not trying to do anything about it. Is this how you’ll stop going to school, with how brilliant you are. You even aced the G.C.E you did in SSS 2, more than our seniors who did it in SSS 3. Why are you doing this to yourself?” Emeka eyes narrowed.

“I’m not also relenting in going further with my education. After he stopped me from going to school, my teachers still reached out to me. Last year, one of them told me about a scholarship fully funded by the Nigeria government into any private university of one’s choice and I applied for it with my G.C.E result but I. . . wasn’t selected. . .” Dammy swallowed hard, even after getting punished by my uncle for using his phone to create an email address. In fact, she told me it’s open again this year but I’m not going to be applying for it” Dammy shook her head.

“Why?” They seem to ask at the same time.
“Because I wasn’t selected the first time, it’s not certain I’ll be lucky this time either. I’m sure there are thousands of applicants with even better results” So, why bother. ” She looked uninterested.

“You need to bother, Dammy. Just because there are thousands of applicants does not mean you won’t get selected; you weren’t among those selected last year doesn’t mean you will not, this year. You need to apply for this again! if it works out, you’ll at least be free from this man’s shackles” Emeka said.

“Exactly! You shouldn’t lose hope. Just do this, apply for it before the deadline. Who knows? It might click this time. ” Layla encouraged, getting up to assist Dan in attending to customers.

“You need to try your hands on opportunities like this, since you’re refusing to make your uncle face the law, this seems to be the only thing that could get you out of his wicked grip” Amina added.

“I’m… kind of scared to do this again, I know how it broke me when I wasn’t selected the last time, I don’t want to go through the same pain again.”
“You’re not going to go through the same pain again because this time, you’re going to get selected, you’ll be selected as one of the successful applicants of the scholarship. Say that to yourself and stop being negative, don’t you know words are powerful, we need to be careful of what we speak into our lives,” Layla sigh, “You only tried once and you’re already giving up, do you know there are people who tried so many times and are still trying. I understand your fear but you need to put it off, and just go for it again”

Dammy was starting to deeply put it into some consideration.
Her friends are right.

“There’s no harm in trying again. You won’t lose anything if you decide to do it again. I know you’re anxious but you need to do away with that.” Dan said.
“I would love to. In fact, you guys changed my mind already, but. . . the last time I used my uncle’s phone in creating an email address, he found out and. . . this scar” She lifted her wear to her thighs and pointed to a scar amongst many.

“He did this to you?” Layla asked and Dammy nodded, her eyes shimmering with tears.
“Just because you created an email address on his phone?” Dan’s lips tightened.
“I knew he wouldn’t like it before I did it though” Dammy quickly wiped her tears. “But I had no choice and I made sure to wipe everything that’ll make him suspect I even touched his phone but I don’t just know how he found out”

“You can use any of our phones this time” Layla’s heart brim with distaste for Dammy’s uncle.
“Should you even bother thinking about which phone to use when we are here” Amina said.
“We don’t even have to tell you that you can use our phone, you should know you can and you should” Emeka added.
“When is the deadline of the scholarship application?” Dan asked.
“It’s still next week”
“Oh okay”

“Dammy, you still don’t want to make your uncle face the law, do you?” Layla asked.
Dammy shook her head and they sigh.
“What if we make him face the law instead?” Dan asked.
“You can’t make him face the law, not even in this country except Dammy herself testifies against him which I don’t think she’s ready to do” Emeka said.
“They don’t need her to testify after seeing these scars on her body! Some of these scars are clearly welt scars for God’s sake!” Layla sigh in frustration.

“Hehehe,” Emeka laughter lacked humor. “It doesn’t happen that way here. Okay, imagine yourself to be a cop who wants to arrest someone that was reported to abuse his niece and then the niece goes ahead strongly insisting he doesn’t abuse her, that people who reported him were mistaken, even if you see the scars on her body, won’t you be confused at first on what to do? And the police here do not even have that time. They’ll dismiss the case” Emeka hissed.

“Not only that. Damilola will go further to claim; she either got the scars on her body from being careless around the house or she got it while she was still living with her parents, and that it had nothing to do with her uncle and she’ll make it sound so believable that the lazy cops in charge of the case will have no option but to dismiss it. Even if they take this matter to court, do you think the judge will sentence her uncle if Dammy keeps insisting he has nothing to do with it and there’s no actual proof that he does”

“Has no one ever tried taking a video of him hitting her? Or even pictures, that would stand as proof even if Dammy denies it” Dan said.
“You’re right though, I don’t think that has ever crossed anyone’s mind or they would have taken it into consideration. Me especially, if it had crossed my mind, I would have done it but now that I know, hehe,” Amina smiled, a glint of wickedness in her eyes.

“Where’s even the time to start videoing or taking pictures when all you want to do at that moment is stop him from hitting her. Most times–he locks the door when he’s hitting her and even if you break the door open, the first thing you’ll want to do is stop him and definitely not start taking videos or pictures” Emeka said.

“This is crazy” Layla sigh, staring at Dammy who wouldn’t look anyone in the face.
“Dammy, why do you keep protecting him?” Layla asked.

“I’ll be fine” Dammy said and they knew better than to continue.

“I want to buy two Malta Guinness and one cracker biscuit” A girl called their attention and it was so obvious how badly she looked at Amina, who also returned the look with the same energy. They both looked like they couldn’t stand each other’s presence.
Dan and Layla wondered what was going on as they attended to her.

“Am I mistaken? Or Amina and that girl looked like they would pounce on each other if given the chance? and this won’t the first time I would notice this” Layla said when the girl left.
“You’re not mistaken o. That’s Elizabeth and we’ve actually pounced on each other before, by the street tap” Amina hissed.
Dan and Layla couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Yes, it’s me and Dammy that separated them, the fight was so intense” Emeka shook his head.

“Wow, what could make that happen?” Dan asked.
“This is how it happened o” Amina made a sound like a click in her throat. “We were fetching water by the street tap and I was actually there before her. She came, trying to chance the people that has been on the queue for minutes, and not even apologetic about it a bit, she thought she would get away with it because of her big stature. But I quickly made her know it’s not by stature.”
“Wow” Layla smiled.
“If that’s what happen, then serves her right” Dan said.
“She hit me first though, I know I can be feisty but I wouldn’t hit someone first. She didn’t believe I could hit her back; I took advantage of her shock to slam her to the ground.”

They laughed.

“Aunty Amina, tap is not rushing again o. Mummy said you should come and goan fetch water” Amina’s brother said…
“I’m coming. See what these NEPA people caused now!” Amina frowned.
“I should better go get the buckets before Amarachi also comes to call me” Emeka said.
“Oh, that means water have stopped running in every apartment” Dan said.
“Yes” Amina got to her feet.
“Then we’ll need to get water also, we’ll come with you”
“Ah, will you guys be able to withstand the queue at the street tap like this and I don’t think Mummy David will allow you guys go o” Emeka said.

“Well…” Dan and Layla glanced at each other and smiled; Aunt Esther doesn’t have to know, moreover she isn’t home.


“Sha don’t pour the water on your head away” Dammy scoffed at Amina, who was swinging and singing along to one of the songs of her favorite artiste while holding a bucket of water on her head as they walked home.

“Just say you’re jealous, the thing have been paining you and Emeka since Layla chose Kizz Daniel’s songs over your favorite artistes’ ” Amina laugh.
“Layla choosing his songs over others doesn’t make his songs the best, that’s just what she enjoyed listening to.” Dammy said.
“Ehn, you guys are sha still pained that she enjoyed listening to Kizz Daniel’s songs the most” Amina laughed again, sticking out her tongue.
“Mumu” Dammy rolled her eyes.
“Pained” Amina laughed.

“Their songs are all nice though, I don’t think there’s a need for comparison, they all have their own distinctive tunes and different styles” Dan said, he was walking slowly, the weight of the bucket of water in his hand, dragging him down.
“Exactly! You guys need to stop comparing” Emeka said.
“Like you’re not the one who enjoys comparing them the most” Amina said.
“I’m not going to do that anymore. Dan is actually right. They are all good at what they do, you can have a favorite without comparing them or arguing who’s best. It’s not like I don’t enjoy other artistes’ songs, I just vibe to Wizkid’s the most and also like him as a person”

“I would say the same for myself” Dammy said.
“Emeka is right, asides my favorite artiste, there are other artistes I enjoy listening to as well and I won’t even mind attending other artistes’ concerts in the future” Amina said.
“Exactly, if I have the money for ticket, you think I won’t also attend Kizz Daniel’s concert. I will, because I enjoy his songs as well” Emeka said.

“When is the concert?” Layla asked, swaying gently with the weight of the water on her head, this is the second time and she’s starting to feel tired.
“In a few weeks’ time” Amina said.
“Have you paid for the ticket?” Dan asked.
“No, my money is going to be complete soon.” Amina smiled “I just hope it doesn’t get sold out by the time I’m ready. Well, I know it won’t though. Kizz Daniel knows I’m coming so he’ll reserve a special spot for me” She said dreamily.
“Emeka, if you’re not careful. That guy will collect Amina from you o” Dammy teased.

“No. He’s just my celebrity crush. Emeka is the one I truly like” Amina smiled.
“Omo, see how flattered Emeka looks. Eh, he’s blushing o. Chai” Dammy teased and they laughed when Emeka dropped the buckets of water he’s carrying, dramatically trying to hide his cheeks.

He and Amina already had that talk and they decided to wait until they succeed in making Dammy suffer no more in the hands of her uncle.
Being all loved up while their friend is in distress doesn’t sit well with them.

Elizabeth walked past them, holding an empty bucket, she hissed at Amina who hissed right back at her.

“I just hope you and Elizabeth doesn’t fight round two” Dammy teased.
“She should bring it on na, if I won’t destroy her face this time” Amina hissed.

They walked into their compound and each headed to their apartment.
Dan, on noticing Layla seems tired told her to stay behind, that he’s going to handle the rest but she refused, insisting they go together.

Dammy didn’t go with them this time, she remembered she had to go to the market.


Layla sigh, tired of arguing with Aunt Esther, who has been expressing her displeasure after finding out they went to fetch water.

“Aunt Esther, I don’t like the fact that you won’t allow us do anything. There’s nothing wrong with going along with our friends to make water available in the house.” Layla said.
“As long as we did it out of our free will, then there’s nothing wrong with it.” Dan added.
“Why do you always feel bad whenever we help you with something, do you consider us as family at all? You send David on so many errands but never send us on any, you’ll refuse even if we offer to go. It makes us feel as though we’re strangers to you, is that how you think of us?” Layla asked, frowning.

“I’m sorry if I’ve made you guys feel any type of way but I’m only trying to protect you, you are not very familiar with this area yet. there are so many dangers in this part of the world and I don’t think I’ll be able to get over it if anything happens to either of you. Besides, I know you’re not used to doing certain works and I feel uncomfortable that you do it because of me. It makes me feel as though I’m dragging you out of your comfort zone”

“I understand, but the friends we made here are already familiar with this part of the world. You shouldn’t bother as long as they are with us. And we’re more than happy to do things we’ve never done before” Emeka said.

“Part of the reason we’re here is to assist you. Accept our help and feel free to send us on errands, we would make any of our friends go with us if that’s going to assure you” Layla said.
“Alright, but only as long as any of them accompanies you.”
“Great idea”
“So, I believe we’ve come to a compromise now, no more any of you fighting me over this matter,” Aunt Esther sigh. “I’m going inside to cook, what will you guys like for lunch?”
“Anything” They said.

“Anything abi? Okay o. Get ready to be served cow shit” Aunt Esther said and they laughed, calling after her as she walked out of the shop.


Layla took another gulp of palm wine, smiling happily. She liked how it tasted in her mouth; sour and sweet at the same time. It also had another taste she can’t quite comprehend.

Dammy had gotten it for them on her way back from the market, and had said she’s been feeling bad being the only one who is yet to give them anything. She told them to manage it that she’ll get something better for them next time but Dan and Layla felt this is nothing to manage, it tasted far good than something considered manageable.
Dammy went inside already, she needed to start cooking as soon as possible.

“I love this!” Dan sigh, taking another sip. He’s never tasted anything like this.
“If you taste the real one ehn, I mean the ones tapped directly from the tree, you won’t want to drink any other thing asides palm wine again” Emeka said.
“Really?” Layla raised a brow.
“Yeah, not every palm wine sold around here is the real one. Real palm wine gets you intoxicated really quick and tastes stronger than this but this seems almost real in my mouth o, I like it” Amina said.

“Are you sure this isn’t the real one? I think I’m starting to feel slightly intoxicated” Layla took more gulp.
“I think you should stop drinking” Dan said.
“Nah, I love it. I’m going to keep drinking until there’s nothing left in the bottle” She smiled.

“Layla, you’ve taken so much already, I also think this is the real one o, although not entirely real but enough to make someone intoxicated. You should stop” Amina said.

Minutes later, Dan was leading Layla inside. She hadn’t stop when they told her to and now, she was speaking gibberish and looking quite intoxicated.

Dan was quite relieved when he didn’t meet Aunt Esther in the living room, she would have been quite worried about how Layla looked right now.
He could perceive the aroma of the meal she was making as he led Layla to the bedroom.

“Just sleep for a while and you’ll be fine okay?” He said, tucking her in bed and just when he was about kissing her cheeks, she turned and pressed her lips to his, pulling him close to her and not letting him go.

Dan turned red to the tip of his ears, his heart hammering hard against his chest.
Not that he wanted to move from the position he is right now but he couldn’t even if he wanted to, she was holding him to her tightly, his legs on the floor while his chest pressed on hers, their lips still pressed together.
It took every bit of power in him not to return the kiss. His breathing was hard and fast, never having to hold back this much.

He felt bad to be enjoying this when it’s so clear Layla is not in the right state of mind.
He knows she isn’t aware of what she’s doing and wouldn’t do it on a normal day yet he is thinking of taking advantage of the state she is in.
He lifted his lips from hers and slowly worked his way out of her grip.

Layla sat up on the bed, staring into space after Dan walked out of the room.

The palm wine isn’t real because it didn’t intoxicate her a bit.


HER LAST WISH Episode 77 by Azeemah Salami

“Did anything happen?” Layla asked Dan who has been looking quite flushed around her since the kiss happened.
They both remained in the living room after having dinner.

When he came in earlier to have lunch, a part of him was kind of glad Layla wasn’t awake.
He was still so shaken by the kiss then and didn’t think he could face her.
After lunch, he had waited in the shop longer than normal because he was avoiding her.

Dan wondered if she really forgot about it?
Well, she was intoxicated. She couldn’t have known.
He wondered what she would do if she knew she had kissed him. She’ll probably be terrified.

“You don’t remember anything?” he asked and immediately regretted it.
His question boldly meant something had happened and if Layla doesn’t remember, she’ll demand to know.

“I remember kissing you” she smiled.
“Huh?” his eyes widened.
“And I remember holding you close” she pressed her lips together.
Dan blinked rapidly. “Are you… still intoxicated?” how in the world did she remember and doesn’t seem the tiniest bit upset.
“Do I look like I still am? Well, I’m not intoxicated anymore. Even if I was, Aunt Esther’s very spicy meal already retrenched it” she laid flat on the three-seater couch, looking really relaxed for someone who kissed someone she doesn’t like.

“Dan, I’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable. I wasn’t. . . thinking straight”
“It’s totally fine. I knew that. But aren’t you upset?” his eyebrows were raised.

“Is there a reason I should be?”
“I mean,” he paused, swallowing hard. “You did something you wouldn’t on a normal day”
“And who says I wouldn’t do that on a normal day” Layla said and quickly added that she was joking when she saw how red Dan turned.
“Oh” he sighed, wearing a smile that strained the sides of his mouth.

They both turned to the TV when the silence seemed awkward.


“Not me thinking I would learn more about Yoruba language when I come here, it’s been a week and few days and the only thing I’ve learned is Mr. Femi’s last name” Layla laughed.
“You actually can, you only need a lot of time. It’s harder for you because you didn’t grow up here. You know I’m Hausa but because I grew up in Lagos, I know how to speak Yoruba so well. I think It’s one of the easiest languages to learn. Most people understand Yoruba even if they can’t speak it” Amina said, walking through the market with Layla, ignoring the market women calling on them.

“Exactly, it would have been easier if I had grown up here. By the way, I’m intrigued. I’ve seen pictures of Nigeria markets but it feels great to finally be inside one” Layla smiled happily.
The market was so different from any other she’s been to, it looked quite populated and rough yet appealing.

The noise was almost overwhelming and the market women didn’t stop calling on them to patronize them.
When they first stepped into the market, Layla had wondered why so many people were calling them and almost pulling them to their stalls.
Amina told her it was the norms and she should just ignore them as long as she wasn’t interested in buying anything from them.

“Oyinbo, buy from me, I get big fish o and I go sell am for you for good price” another market woman called on Layla.
She smiled at the woman, who looked quite stunned.

As they walked further into the market, Layla wished she could buy from everyone here, some were seated under the sun and some by their stalls, most looked exhausted and few wore bright smiles.
The one thing she noticed since she got to Lagos is that the city has this hustle bustle vibe, people working hard to make ends meet, it’s rare to pass by a street without sighting multiple stalls or shops. She finds it greatly fascinating.

Amina finally stopped in front of a woman, selling pepper.
“Good afternoon Ma” she smiled.
“Amina” The woman’s face lit up. “How are you? It’s been a while o, I hope it’s not that you’ve started buying pepper from another place sha”
“Ah, no o. I didn’t come to the market because we didn’t have anything to buy.”
“Ehn ehn, I was sha saying I didn’t see my customer. Ah, did she come with you?” the woman asked, seeing Layla behind Amina.
“Yes” Amina pulled Layla to her side.
“How are you?” the woman smiled.
Layla returned her smile. “I’m fine”
“We both want to buy pepper,” Amina said. “how much own is in the list Aunt Esther wrote for you?”
Layla squinted her eyes at the paper. “Seven hundred Naira”

They left the woman’s stall to get more things on their respective lists and it surprised Layla how Amina succeeded in pricing things far lower than the price the traders initially called.
She knew every nook and cranny of the market and Layla wasn’t surprised.

They got on the bus home after they were done in the market.


“Excuse me” Amina said for the second time to Elizabeth who was standing in front of Aunt Esther’s shop.
She wouldn’t have said anything to her if she wasn’t obstructing the way.
She was done cooking and decided to come spend some time with her friends.

Elizabeth acted deaf, and continued listing the things she wanted to buy to Dan.

“Move out of the way” Amina said again, her anger brewing. Elizabeth yet acted deaf.
“Would you please move out of the way; she wants to come in” Dan said.
“Who?” Elizabeth asked, looking at Amina like she wasn’t there.
“Wow, I didn’t know you’ve gone blind. Where’s your support cane?” Amina raised a brow as she glanced Elizabeth over. “Ah, it’s not here with you, no wonder you’re having difficulty seeing properly”

“What’s so big in your body that I have to move before you can pass. You can fit into this tiny space without a problem, after all, you’re no different from a cockroach” Elizabeth sized her up, irritated.
“If only you don’t look like two elephants joined together, I would have no problem fitting into that space” Amina retorted.

“Elizabeth, even a baby can’t fit into that space. Just move a little so she can come in” Emeka said.
“As in eh, I don’t understand what the problem is sef! How do you expect her to pass through that space, it won’t take you anything to move naw! Nawa o” Dammy sigh.

“What’s going on?” Layla asked as she approached the shop. She’s been in the kitchen with Aunt Esther and only came to get seasoning cubes.
“I want to go into the shop and she’s not moving out of the way, you people should better tell her if you don’t want to separate another fight this afternoon o” Amina eyelids squinted.
“Hey, you should move out of the way. It won’t cost you anything” Layla said, wondering why people intentionally cause trouble that can be avoided.

Elizabeth hissed, moving a bit.

Amina walked past her, her body hitting Elizabeth’s as the space between them wasn’t enough.

“Are you mad!” Elizabeth’s voice was harsh, her face etched with anger.
“You are obviously the mad one here, you just acted like one” Amina hissed.
“There’s no how her body wouldn’t hit yours when you only moved a little. All these isn’t even necessary, you guys are not kids naw!” Dammy sigh.
“It’s none of your business!” Elizabeth slammed, and then pointed at Amina. “Better warn yourself, it won’t take me anything to break you into two! Tiny thing.” Elizabeth scoffed.
Dan quickly started picking out the things Elizabeth wanted to buy, on sensing trouble which might be avoided if she leaves.

“Tiny thing yet I beat you like I was beating my younger brother, you should be ashamed of yourself. I know that’s what is still paining you, and I’m going to make sure you collect another round of correct beating, it seems that one wasn’t enough to set your head straight. Fat fool” Amina said only for Elizabeth to angrily stone her the bread she was holding.
Before anyone could blink, Amina lurched at her, slapping her across the face and in seconds, they were hitting each other over the display glass.

Damilola and Emeka pulled Amina from the glass, back into the shop while Layla struggled to pull Elizabeth away as she was the only one outside with her.
Dan was still quite stunned at how fast it all happened.

“Gum body!” Elizabeth shouted at Amina, breathing fast “Acting like you’ve never seen Oyinbo before in your life! Do you sit in mummy David’s shop this much when these people have not come, ehn!”

Amina laughed, “Just say you’re pained! you are thinking that way because that’s what you can do. And for clarity, I spend a lot of time with them because I enjoy their company and not because they are whites, I would do the same with any other person! Why am I even explaining myself to a shallow minded person like you!” Amina said and Emeka handed her her hijab which was removed during the fight.
“Shut up! Clinching fool, you better tell them to throw you inside their luggage when they’re going, you’ll kuku fit in without a problem. Dwarf!” Elizabeth hissed, adjusting her cloth.

“See mumu, acting like she’s not badly wishing to be their friend. I can see through your pretense. Tell me, when last did you comman buy something from mummy David’s shop! Isn’t there a shop in front of your house that sells all these things? Why is it that you suddenly started coming all the way from your house when they arrived” Amina said. “Mutum wawa!” She added, insulting Elizabeth in hausa.

“Dan, just give her whatever she’s here to buy so she can leave” Layla sigh.
“I already got it ready,” Dan said. “Here.” he handed it to Elizabeth.

“You, I’ll make you regret ever raising those short hand of yours to slap me. Just be watching your back!” Elizabeth threatened, picking up her purchase.
“If anything happens to her! I swear, you’ll be in trouble. If I don’t lessen all the fat in your body, lemme know what will happen! You don’t expect her to be looking like mumu when you stoned her bread. Get out of here jare, troublemaker” Dammy hissed.
“How could you make such a mean threat. Really” Layla shook her head.
“You better take back that threat you just made. If anything happens to her, something will happen to you too o” Emeka said.

Elizabeth threw the money on the display glass, hissed and walked away.

“This is serious” Dan breathed, picking up the money.
“That girl has problem o, Hian.” Emeka said.
“She literally caused trouble without a reason” Layla wore a disapproving look.

“Aunty Moremi, my mummy said where’s the Maggi?” David said.
“Geez! Dan, I need four seasoning cubes please”


They didn’t realize Dammy had freeze until it was her turn to throw the dice.
They’ve been having fun for a while, playing ludo game.

“Dammy, it’s your turn” Amina said but Damilola didn’t move, her gaze locked in the direction of the shop’s door.
“Ah, she’s thinking about how to win” Emeka laughed. “I’m going to win all of you here, just wait and see”
“Dammy” Layla nudged her and when Dammy didn’t move, they knew something was off, they didn’t think to trace her gaze to the shop door before but now they did.

Her uncle stood there.

Amina screamed, unable to help it.
The rest of them held their breath, almost freezing alongside Dammy.

“So, it’s true” He said, through gritted teeth.
With the rage on his face, one would never think it had to do with seeing his niece with her friends.
It felt like the rage had something more crucial to it.
“Come inside” He said to her in Yoruba and she slowly got to her feet, breathing hard and fast.

Dan who was about standing up to confront him was held back by Emeka, who signaled him not to make any move or he’s only going to make Dammy bear the brunt.
“It’s only going to make him punish her more, please” Amina whispered to Layla who was also about getting up.

Dammy walked away with her uncle and her friends remained gloomy for the rest of the day.


“I don’t think she’s going to come” Amina said.
It was minutes after Dammy’s uncle walked past them and Dammy didn’t come out to them like she normally do.
“You don’t expect her to after her uncle saw her here yesterday, who knows what he did to her sef” Emeka shook his head…

“Don’t you think we should go check on her?” Layla asked, few hours later.
“What if her uncle suddenly comes again, he’s going to punish her because of us” Amina said worriedly.
“David and Amarachi can be on the lookout for us, they’ll alert us when he’s coming. Let’s check on her”

“Why would he lock you in!” Dan said, his eyebrows lowered and pulled together.
They all pressed their heads on the net door, seeing Dammy hazily.

Dammy looked really uncomfortable and she was really trying to hide the fact that she was in pain.
“Why aren’t you standing straight? What did he do to you?” Layla asked.
Dammy shook her head. Holding the door tightly as the pain gripped her again.

“You’re not even saying anything, did he hit you?” Dan asked.
“I’m fine. I was starting to miss you guys already. Thank God you even came” she grimaced.
“Where did he hit you this time? Your back?” Amina asked.

“I’m in pain” Dammy finally confessed when the pain seemed almost unbearable, her voice breaking.
“Where did he hurt you?” Layla asked, her calm voice the exact opposite of what she was feeling at the moment.
God knows if Dammy’s uncle appears now, she’s going to make his head collide with an object.
“Check under that bucket if you’ll see the key” Dammy said feebly.

“It’s not there” Dan said after checking under the bucket, he went further to ransack the other stuff by the bucket and finally saw the key under an empty tin.
He quickly opened the door and they could see Dammy clearly now.

Their hearts broke for her. She looked completely different, in an extremely bad way.
Her eyes looked huge and red and her face looked like someone in a grief.
She looked to have aged more within the last time they saw her yesterday and this moment, she was still in yesterday’s clothing.

The pain on her face was so obvious now, and Amina started crying when Dammy held her for support.
They wondered with a heavy heart what he did to her to make her turn this way within the period of yesterday afternoon and this morning.

“My… Back” Dammy sigh, slowly turning and even before they opened her cloth, they knew she was badly injured; with the blood stains.
Layla swallowed hard. “He hit you till you stared bleeding?”
Dammy shook her head.
“Do you want to start covering for him again!” Amina nearly screamed at Dammy as she wiped her tears.
“I’m not. He didn’t hit me. It was. . .” Dammy hesitated. “Hot iron”

They were all confused and Amina spoke up first.
“You mean, you were ironing cloth and the hot iron mistakenly touched your back and burnt it?” They all knew that didn’t seem likely but that’s the only incidence they could attach this to.
They didn’t want to even think about the other possibility that was sneaking into their thoughts.

Damilola shook her head.

“He. . .” Amina paused, badly hoping it wasn’t what she was about to voice out. Her uncle wouldn’t be that cruel right? “Burnt your back with hot iron”

They screamed when Dammy nodded and a more piercing scream escaped their lungs when Emeka opened her cloth, revealing the injury.
It had actually taken Emeka some time to open the cloth as it already stuck to the injury, it was really painful for Dammy as he gently peeled the cloth off it.
The flesh on that part of her back was completely peeled off and they could kind of see through the injury, the burn looked quite extreme. He must have pressed the hot iron on her back for a long moment.

Layla crouched to the floor, palming her face as tears escaped her eyes.
“He did this to you because you were hanging out with your friends” Dan’s voice broke, his rage amplifying, he’s never felt the urge to hurt someone as badly as he did now.

Amina cursed at him in both in English and her language as she cried.
“You need to go to the hospital” Dan said. “I can’t believe he locked you in, after doing this to you. What if you die!”

“You guys need to leave, he’ll be home soon” Dammy said.
“Don’t tell me; you’re still not going to turn him in after this thing he did to you?” Emeka asked.
“I can’t”
“Wow, just wow” Amina laughed humorlessly, wiping the tears on her face.
“Before anything,” Layla swallowed hard “Dammy needs to get medical care as soon as possible, she’s badly hurt, anything could happen to her!” she got back to her feet.
“Exactly, let’s get her to the hospital” Dan said.

“Dammy is never going to agree to go to the hospital, there’s a nurse in our street, she’s very competent, she once treated my brother. Let me goan call her, hopefully she’s not on afternoon shift because she works in a hospital” Amina sniffed.
“There’s no need for that. I’ll be fine, I just need to. . .” Dammy was saying.
“I swear if you don’t allow us call that nurse, don’t talk to me again in your life!” Amina cut her short, looking like she meant what she just said.
“My uncle will soon be back” Dammy’s voice trembled in fear as tears laced her eyes again. “He must not see anyone here. If the nurse comes, he’s going to meet her here. You guys should just leave. I’ll be fine”

“We’re not leaving here until you get treated, let him meet us here. It’s this afternoon he’ll regret ever coming to this life” Emeka threatened.
“You know no matter how pained we are about this thing, we can’t confront him because Dammy is going to bear the brunt” Amina sigh.
“I know but we’re not leaving her in this state until we ensure she gets medical care, it’s dangerous to waste any more time. Go ahead to call the nurse” Layla said.
“Don’t go, I don’t have any money to pay the nurse. You guys just leave, please” Dammy pleaded.
“I’m going to pay the nurse; whatever amount she charges. Amina, summon her immediately” Dan said.

“She said she’s coming” Amina said on returning from fetching the nurse.”

Dammy was seated on the floor now, and they all surrounded her in silence.
She kept sighing in pain at interval, her eyes opening and closing.
And they watched her, their hearts breaking and filled with raw hatred for her uncle.

“Uncle Bode brought me here after my parents died, even when no other family members wanted me and he has been taking care of me since then. He gives me food to eat, a place to live, he paid my school bills before I was given scholarship, bought me clothes and made me live the life I couldn’t even live with my parents. He wasn’t like this before.”

“That’s the reason you’ve been refusing to have him apprehended?” Layla slowly asked.

Dammy nodded. “Partly, before my mother died, she told me never to be ingrate, never to stand up to people who helped me regardless of what they do to me. I should overlook whatever they do and think of the help they’ve rendered to me instead.
Maybe she knew she was going to die because that was the last promise she made me made to her. It might seem like a dumb reason but I’m never going to break it. I’m never going to go back on my last words to my mother. Besides, my uncle was once so good to me for me to even think of having him punished for whatever he’s doing to me now. I’m sure he’s going through a phase; all these is going to pass and everything will be back to normal. I’m telling you guys these because I know how badly you want to help me and I’m really thankful for that but you guys shouldn’t bother, don’t waste your time trying to help me. My mind is made up.” she said.

They stared at Dammy in what seems like disbelief.
This is the reason dammy has been hesitant to testify against her torturer!

“Wow” Emeka shook his head.
“I don’t… know what to say to this,” Amina sigh. “But this doesn’t just make sense to me.”
“You’re being confined with your mentality Dammy! You’re actually manipulating yourself! Damn” Dan sigh, he couldn’t believe this was the reason. . .
“You misunderstood your mother. She sure didn’t mean it this way. If she were to see you now, she’d be the one to order for the arrest of your uncle and make him rot in jail for torturing her daughter this much. Your mother didn’t intend it in the way you’re making it seem. Dammy, you’re only to tormenting yourself for no reason. Gosh” Layla looked really pained.

“Fine, your uncle wasn’t this way. He helped you and all but that shouldn’t be the reason you should have subjected yourself to him to treat you as he pleases. Making him pay for the torture he’s making you go through doesn’t in any way make you an ingrate. Your life matters and it should come first. He might kill you at the rate this is going, you need to let go of this mentality you have and help yourself” Dan said.

“He knows you have no power to stand up to him and that’s the reason he’s doing this to you” Emeka sigh.
“He’s well aware you feel obligated to him because of the fact that he helped you.” Layla added.
“You think because you’re indebted to him, you should endure everything he’s making you go through even if he kills you?” Amina asked.

“The help has been rendered meaningless from the moment he started abusing you, it doesn’t count anymore” Dan said.
“He was good to you; that was in the past. He has now turned a monster, every good he did in the past is now void. He once broke your hand and now burnt your back with hot iron, amongst other torture. How much more are you going to endure under the cover of ‘he was once good to you’?” Layla asked.
“Is it until he kills you?” Amina added.

Dammy stared at them as they talked on and on, she didn’t know if it was the pain, she was feeling but none of their words moved her. Her mind was stoic.

“When is the nurse coming?” She asked and they stopped talking, without being told, they knew Dammy was indifferent to everything they just said.


“I have a plan” Emeka smiled after the nurse announced she won’t only treat Dammy’s back but have to place her on IV fluids as well due to how weak she was. And they were skeptical about it because it’s going to take several hours and her uncle will be back from work anytime soon.
They couldn’t be gladder when Emeka said he had a plan.

“What’s the plan? we need to act fast” Dan said.
“Dammy, can we get his business line?”
“His business cards are in the shelf; you should see his business line on it”
“What are we to do with it?” Layla asked.
“Well, if our plan succeeds, he won’t be home today or rather comes back late at night after Dammy would have gotten the proper treatment” Emeka smiled.
“Really? So, what exactly are we to do with it?” Amina asked.
“We’ll call him and,” Emeka grinned wickedly. “offer him a contract”



HER LAST WISH Episode 78 by Azeemah Salami

Dammy’s uncle walked into the compound late in the night, looking so angry.

They laughed from where they stood, watching him.

“I just hope he doesn’t transfer his aggression to Dammy” Amina said.
“I hope so too” Layla sighed.
“He can’t, he didn’t know we were the one na” Emeka said.
“Even at that, he’s capable of being that wicked” Dan hissed.

They walked out of their hiding spot after he had gone in.

“You guys don’t know how happy I am to have punished this man” Emeka beamed, his heart swelling with satisfaction.
“Same here, it makes me feel so damn good!” Dan smiled.

They were with Dammy all through the day, Aunt Esther had stayed in the shop, checking on Dammy at interval. When she found out about what her uncle did to her, she was so enraged and even supported their plan.
She made a proper meal for them and made sure Dammy was very comfortable.

They had deceived her uncle with a false contract over a phone call and told him to wait in the shop that they were coming to meet him so they could finalize it.
Much to their surprise, he had foolishly fallen for it. They made him wait for so long, kept giving him different excuses and making sure he didn’t leave the shop until late into the night and it was then he suspected he was been deceived. He had cursed at them over the phone and Emeka with his fake voice had returned the curses. It had made them laugh so hard…

“The way that mumu man fell for our plan is still a surprise to me o. Hm” Amina sighed.
“God intervened on our behalf, because no normal grown up would wait that long over a baseless contract” Layla chuckled.
“And also, the huge amount we mentioned to him entered his covetous eyes. So, he wants a huge contract as that and he’s maltreating his niece, I pray he never sees that type of offer” Emeka hissed.
“Serves him right” Dan said.
“I’m glad Dammy is able to get the medical care she needed, she looked even better after everything” Layla felt happy and content.

“Yeah, I wonder what would have happened if we hadn’t check on her. She was literally dying.” Dan sighed.
“Exactly, if we hadn’t acted fast ehn. I don’t know how someone would be that cruel to his family member. I wished he would really get punished by the law” Emeka frowned.
“What we did to him kind of pacified me though” Layla revealed her teeth in a wide grin.
“Same here, even though we couldn’t confront him for hurting our friend, we still kind of made him pay for it” Amina said.
“In a really satisfying way” Dan said and they chuckled…

“How is Dammy going to be collecting her injection every day till the next five days, you know the nurse said it’s compulsory to make the wound heal faster, she also needs to treat the burn every two days. That stupid uncle of hers must never know, how are we going to do it laidis?” Amina’s eyebrows lowered.

“We’ll know how to go about it, we’ll make sure she completes her injection dose even if it means deceiving the foolish man over and over again” Layla said.
“Yeah, we’ll always come up with something” Emeka nodded.
“It’s only God that knew how Emeka came up with that wicked plan, he made the poor man almost cry” Amina laughed.
“The way he completely sounded like another person while speaking to him needs to be studied. Great job Emeka” Layla smiled.
“He even knew the right words to lure the dumb man. Emeka actually made all this possible” Dan patted Emeka’s back and they laughed when Emeka hid his face in his palm, pretending to be shy.

“I hope we left no trace that the nurse came over” Amina said.
“No, have you forgotten we cleared every trace, he’s never even going to know we came around and I’m sure Dammy is going to act according to plan” Layla said, they had even locked the door and placed the key where it had been initially.

“We can’t allow her uncle keep abusing her, we need to step in even if Dammy is being hesitant, we need to change her mentality and make her see things through a different light, she’s only being confined by her mentality.” Dan sighed worriedly.
“Needlessly,” Layla added. “If only her thinking was different”

“Exactly, all that needs to be changed now is her thinking, if we succeed at that then everything else is going to be easy” Emeka said.
“I doubt that’ll be easy but let’s do it. God will take the lead” Layla really hoped they find it easy to change Dammy’s mind.
She seemed hellbent.

“It’s just so sad she is only making herself suffer unnecessarily, this thing is paining me I swear” Amina looked unhappy.
“I’m pained as well. But let’s believe all these will end soon. At least we now know Dammy’s reason, that’s a step ahead.” Dan said.
“Exactly, we now know what to tackle” Emeka added.

“Mummy said it’s late that you should come inside” Amina’s brother said.
“Tell her I’m coming,” Amina said. “Guys, we’ll continue tomorrow. Goodnight”



“Shhh, don’t make her suspect anything” Dan said to Amina who was about knocking to alert Dammy of their presence.

Emeka lifted the tin beside the door and smiled on grabbing the key.
“Is there a way you can unlock the padlock without making a sound,” Layla whispered to him, holding a cake with ‘Happy Birthday Dammy’ piped on it.

It’s three days later and it’s Dammy’s birthday.

For the past three days, they do come to check on her whenever her uncle is not home. Amarachi and David are always on the lookout, they’ll quickly alert them whenever he is approaching.

He has been locking her in since he caught her with them but he’s unaware they do fetch the key under the tin to spend time with her. They made sure she did not skip her daily dose of injection and also uses her medication at the prescribed time. Her burn is starting to heal and she now seemed fine.
They’ve been unable to change her mind about her uncle and they weren’t ready to relent.

Emeka succeeded in opening the padlock without making so much noise and they smiled happily.

“Let’s go in” Amina said, quietly opening the door and they stepped in.

Dammy, on sensing someone’s presence, dropped the novel she was reading and stepped out of her room. Her heart skipped a bit, knowing it must be her uncle. Her friends do alert her of their presence.

“Happy Birthday Dammy!!!” They shouted as soon as she stepped into the living room.
They started singing for her, pulling her to dance with them but she was so stunned, she couldn’t move.
Her mouth went dry and tears parched her throat and pinched her eyes as she stared at them, her heart swelling.

Although, Amina and Emeka do wish her on her birthdays and give her gifts, even during the period she stopped speaking to them because of her uncle. But this particular one totally had her.
She has never felt the need to thank God for bringing these people into her life but now she did. What would she do without them? She would have broken down completely or died if these people hadn’t been there for her.
She wondered what she did to deserve these amazing people.

She couldn’t see them properly now as the tears blinded her eyes.
She burst into tears as soon as they were done singing for her, hugging them one after the other.

“I. . . don’t know what to say, thanks so much guys, wow” she sighed, wiping her tears as more kept pouring.

“Aw, stop crying jhoor” Amina said.
“It’s fine Dammy, Happy birthday to you once again” Layla said, dropping the cake on the table and opening the cover.
“Wow, this cake is huge. Thank you” Dammy smiled, sniffing back more tears.
She moved closer to it, looking at it admirably.

“Do you like it?” Layla asked.
“I love it” Dammy grinned, using her finger to lick the icing on the cake. “Wow”
“You got it?”
Layla nodded, smiling. She decided to go for cake when she didn’t know what to get for Dammy.
“Thank you so much Layla! I can’t even remember the last time I tasted cake” Dammy happily kissed her cheeks.
“I’m glad you like it” Layla smiled.
“I love it. God bless you for me” Dammy said, hugging her.

“Here Dammy, I got this for you” Dan said, handing her a present.
“Aw, Dan. Thank you” She gave him a hug, smiling.

“Hm, which one should I open first o” Dammy said after Emeka and Amina also handed her presents.

“I think you should open Dan’s first” Amina said.
“That’s true sef, our names both start from D’ so his own present should come first” Dammy smiled.
“Of course, we are the D’S!” Dan said and they both chuckled as they high-five.
“Ah sorry o. The D’S” Amina rolled her eyes playfully.
“Jealousy!” Dammy laughed, starting to peel the present wrapper.
“Jealous koh. Me, Emeka and Layla sef are the AEL’S” Amina said and they chuckled.

Dammy couldn’t hold her scream on revealing the present.

“You. . . got iPhone for me?” Her eyes widen and she looked from the phone to Dan in complete surprise, she blinked, finding it hard to believe…

Dan nodded. “At least you can now apply for the scholarship and keep track of it on your phone. and also have something else apart from books to keep you company whenever you’re bored, I know you love taking nice pictures as well”
“Oh my God. Oh my God,” Dammy gasp, palmed her mouth as fresh tears rushed to her eyes. “Dan!” She rushed into his arms, wailing like she just lost someone…

He patted her shoulder “It’s fine. You need to stop crying. C’mon, it’s your birthday” he smiled.
“Thank you, thank you so much. Dan God will bless you. Good things will always come your way, God will clear everything obstacle on your way and grant you your heart desires. I’m so grateful” Dammy sniffed, checking out the pack of the phone admiringly.

She would never have thought she would own a phone soon, not to talk of an expensive phone as this!
Nothing is really impossible.
The surprise is almost having her in a chokehold.

“This is just too much, wow. I really appreciate this Dan, I’m so. . . happy. Thank you! Thanks everyone. I love you all” Dammy smiled happily.

“Oya open it jhoor, let’s see it” Amina smiled.
She was also surprised when Dan told them what he was going to be getting Dammy for her birthday.
She’s really happy for her friend, Dammy finally owns a phone! A very expensive one at that.

“Omo, see phone!” Emeka whistled when Dammy finally opened the pack and brought it out.
“Like you didn’t already see it, didn’t you follow Dan to buy it yesterday” Amina said.
“I know but this phone deserves to be hyped every single time someone sees it. Chai” Emeka smiled.

“Dan,” Dammy sighed, looking sullen “I don’t like this” she said, leaving them all in a state of confusion.

“I love it!!!” she screamed so loud, jumping all over the place.
They laughed.

“Don’t fall your cake o” Emeka chuckled.
“This birthday girl is mumu, I swear” Amina said, still laughing.

“Your phone is so sleek! Damn” Layla smiled.

Dammy hugged it to her chest happily. “Lemme put my SIM card inside” after she was satisfied, checking it out.
She started ransacking the shelf for her SIM card.

“So you even have SIM” Amina sat on the couch.
“Yes na, it’s even what I used to create email on my uncle’s phone, I got it when Airtel were sharing free SIM.” Dammy said, she hasn’t stopped smiling since they walked in.

They smiled as they watched her, they could see the joy radiating out of her. They haven’t seen Dammy this happy since her uncle caught her with them.

“Oya, I’ve put my SIM, let’s take some pictures guys! I want our pictures to be the first on my phone. Come closer” Dammy grinned.
“Omo, this camera is mad o. Wow” Amina said admiringly.
“I expected nothing less” Emeka smiled.

“Ah! She have shoot out her mouth like Elizabeth’s own again ooo” Amina said and they laughed.
“Oya, stop staring at the pictures and comman cut cake jhoor. It has been entering my eyes since” Amina said after they were done taking pictures.
“And we need to be fast before your uncle starts trotting home” Dan said.
“Lemme quickly goan bring knife” Dammy hurried to the kitchen and returned.

Even while she was cutting her cake, she didn’t let go of her phone.

“This cake does not only look beautiful but tastes nice as well. Wow” Dammy said, her eyes closed as she savored the taste. “This is very nice” Amina said with a mouthful.

They munched on the cake, bantering happily.

“You guys made my day. Thank you so much” Dammy said, the joy on her face unwavering as she saw them off to the door.
They had decided to leave, knowing her uncle could be back soon. They made sure they left no single trace they were here.

“Sha make sure you keep your phone from him o, put it in silence always” Amina said.
“Of course I will. Bye guys” Dammy said. “We’ll chat tonight” She added with such vigor that they laughed.


“Oh my God, Dammy what is wrong?” Layla asked, worried at the terrible state Dammy appeared in front of Aunt Esther’s shop.
She got to her feet with Dan and they walked closer to her.

It’s a day after her birthday and the first time Dammy will come out of the house since her uncle started locking her in.

“Did he hit you again?” Dan’s eyes squinted.
Dammy shook her head, resting on the display glass, she didn’t have to writhe in pain for them to know she was in pain.
She literally wouldn’t let go of her stomach and even unable to stand straight.

“What is wrong? Come in” Layla’s brows were furrowed as she stepped out of the shop to lead Dammy in.
“I have to go to the market” Dammy sighed, her fingers curling tightly.
“In this condition? That’s not possible. Did he do something to you again?” Dan asked, starting to get exasperated. God knows if Dammy’s uncle did something to her again, he’s not going to let it go this time.

“What happened to Dammy?” Emeka asked as he approached Aunt Esther’s shop holding a gallon of petrol.
“She’s yet to say anything” Layla said, confused and worried.

“Dammy, what happened? Ah,” Emeka paused, dropping the gallon beside him. “is it that your menstrual pain?”
Dammy nodded.
“Oh my” Layla sigh, holding Dammy’s hands. Although she’s never one of those with extreme menstrual cramp she knows how excruciating it can be.

Dan remembered Anne, sometimes the pain grips his sister so bad that she isn’t even able to get up from the bed, he really felt for Dammy as he’s able to relate.

“Let me quickly goan meet Amina so she’ll give you that medicine she always gives you” Emeka said.
“I can’t believe your uncle knows this and still sent you to the market. You’re not even able to stand on your own, how will you move through the market to buy things” Dan sighed, annoyed. “It’s time someone punched this cruelty out of him”

“Your uncle sent you to the market?” Emeka asked and then shrugged. “Why am I even surprised?”

Dan went ahead to attend to a customer.

“What the. .” Layla trailed off on going through the list Dammy was holding. “You’re going to spend hours in the market with this motherfucking long list! How are you going to cope in this condition you are in.”
“I swear he intentionally made this long list. God will punish him!” Emeka hissed.

Dammy was deaf to everything they were saying, the intense pain all-consuming.
She crouched to the floor, wincing when it felt like hot knives were piercing every inch of her stomach.

“Oh my God, Dammy you need to come into the shop, your uncle might come out and see you here” Layla said, getting extra worried.

“What’s wrong with Dammy?” Amina asked.
“I was about coming to meet you to collect that medicine you always give her” Emeka said.
“Ah, the pain is here again. Dammy sorry ehn” Amina crouched in front of her.
“And that medicine is finished, but I’m going to the market now, I’ll buy it on my way back. Lemme quickly start going” Amina got to her feet.
“Stand up from the floor and go inside, I’ll know how to bring the medicine for you when I buy it. Goan lay on your stomach before I’m back, I won’t take long you hear?”

“She can’t go inside o. Her uncle sent her to the market with a list as long as his wickedness in this state she is in. Imagine” Emeka shook his head.
“Walahi, I’m not surprised. Foolish man. Where’s the list and money? I’ll help you and buy everything. Go inside Mummy David shop and wait for me there” Amina said.
“I’m coming with you, it’ll quite uncomfortable for you to carry everything, you also have things you want to buy as well, I’ll help.”
“That’ll be better” Dan nodded.
“Oya, goan tell your aunt so we can start going”

“What if he. . .sees me here, he might come outside and…” Dammy held her breath, terrified at the thought.

“Me and Dan will be watching out for him, I’m not sure he’s going to come out and even if he does, there are places for you to hide in the shop” Emeka said.
“Or what if she goes inside the house. Aunt Esther will definitely not mind or even your apartment or Amina’s” Dan felt that’s better and safer than staying in the shop.

“No, He might see me if I step into the passage. I’ll just stay here” Dammy said, not daring to risk it.

“He’s not going to see you. Staying inside is safer than the shop. We’ll goan check if he’s in the passage first and then tell you to come.” Amina said.
“No” Dammy shook her head, the thought of her uncle suddenly walking out of the door while they sneak her into one of their apartments almost made her tremble.

“If you insist on staying in the shop, no problem. Oya stand up” Amina helped her up and started leading her into the shop.
“I’ll be right back, I need to inform Aunt Esther” Layla said.


“You see, I told you he wasn’t going to come” Emeka smiled at Amina. “How are you feeling now?”
She nodded, feeling nowhere better.
She checked the time on her phone, it’s almost an hour since her friends left for the market.
She felt bad, knowing it must be her list delaying them.
Her friend toiling the market because of her made her feel worse.

“Sorry ehn” Emeka added and she smiled.

Dan who was seated outside the shop, his turn looking out for Dammy’s uncle dashed in all of a sudden.
“Oh my God! hide somewhere, I’m so sorry I sighted him late!” He said, feeling really bad.

“Chineke! He’s here already. Quickly get behind those crates of eggs” Emeka said as that was the only possible place at the moment. Dammy didn’t waste time doing that.
Her heart slammed hard and painfully against her chest as she hid there, gripping her phone tight in her sweaty palms.

“Give me two coke there” Dammy’s uncle said and Dan realized he has never seen this man smile. His face always depicted how cruel he is.
Emeka helped Dan in selling to him so he could leave as soon as possible.
He was about leaving after they were done selling to him when he turned again.
“Give me two gala and one biscuit” He added and they felt like cursing at him.

The fear of her uncle likely finding out she’s here coupled with the pain she was feeling and the discomfort of hiding behind the tall crates of eggs made her so weak, almost dizzy, her phone slipped out of her hand and they all turned on hearing the sound.
Dammy’s breath almost seized, she shut her eyes tightly, her stomach in turmoil.

“Dan, your phone have fallen down, you shouldn’t have put it there na” Emeka quickly said.
Dan cleared his throat, knowing Emeka probably didn’t know his own phone was in his hand and Dammy’s uncle looked from the phone in his hand to the one on the floor.

“That’s Layla’s phone,” Dan said acting nonchalant. “She probably left it there.”
He quickly started picking out the man’s purchase.
“How much change are you collecting?” Emeka asked, after picking up the phone.
“And what’s your business with the change I’m collecting, he’s going to give me change after he’s done selling to me” Dammy’s uncle glared at him, irritated.

Dammy felt really glad her cover wasn’t blown and in the process of adjusting herself to be a little bit comfortable as her bones were already straining from the discomfort, her hand hit the crates of eggs and her heart jumped in her throat, crashing alongside more than a hundred eggs.

Her eyes met with her uncle’s as the only thing obstructing them from seeing each other already collapsed.

She trembled, overwhelmed with terror.



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