HER LAST WISH Episode 18 – 20 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 1 by Azeemah Salami

HER LAST WISH Episode 18 by Azeemah Salami

“We thought you wont be attending anymore” Anne said as she and Fel joined Layla who seem so shy to move, at the door.
“I’m sorry i’m late, I got delayed” Layla smile, her nervousness wearing off now that Anne and Fel were close to her.
She had thought the party was over when she got to Dan’s exquisite living room and found it empty. But Paul, Dan’s driver had led her to the large hall and Layla was so surprised there was a hall in the house. Though the house looked so big and beautiful but she never thought there would be a hall in it, not just a hall but a grand one.
Dan’s parents must be wealthier than she had thought.

Walking in here and having almost everyone attention on her almost made her crawl out, she was so shy and nervous that her cheeks went hot.
She has never had to deal with getting so much attention, maybe she had . . she had gotten a lot of attention whenever Chloe bullied her but this was different, almost everyone had a look of admiration on their faces as they stared at her and Layla felt glad Phil had dolled her up a little, she had felt overdressed but getting here, every female made her think otherwise. They look stunning with different heavy makeup popping up their faces. She would have felt so bad if she had come in here with a plain face and rough hair . . ‘in Phil’s words’
The males were looking great too.

Everyone had turned back to whatever they were doing before she walked in and it made Layla less nervous, most especially now that Anne and Fel were with her.
Their faces were simply made up and their dresses looked beautiful, Anne’s looked stunning though . . anyone would tell her parents were the hosts and this was the first time Layla would be seeing her without her glasses.

“You look so beautiful Layla ” Anne complimented with a smile.
“Yeah and your your make up . . so simple yet highlighting” Fel said admiringly.
“Thanks” Layla smile.. “You both are looking great too”
“We’re so glad you are here” Fel said.

Anne grabbed a glass of drink from the tray of a passing waitress and handed it to Layla.
“Thank you” Layla smile and it was then she noticed almost everyone had a glass cup of drink in hand including Fel and Anne. Though the Adult’s drink looked different from the teens.

She slowly sipped it and the heavenly taste of the drink almost made her down it in one gulp, but of course she had to restrain herself.

“Hello there” Rylan smile, snaking his arm around Layla.
“Rylan” Layla smile, hugging him.
She hadn’t seen him since the last time they all came to the café . She missed him.
“How have you been?” Rylan ask.
“Great and you?”
“Been my normal funny self” Rylan grin and Fel scoffed loudly before rolling her eyes. Layla laughed . . She really missed seeing the both of them getting on each other’s neck.
“It’s so nice to see you again” Layla said.
“Wow . . I felt that deep in my soul” Rylan said, holding his chest with his hand with his eyes rolling upward like he was in a trance.
Layla burst out laughing again and Fel and Anne joined her.

“It’s so nice to see you too again Layla, you should get a phone soon so we can always keep in touch” Rylan said, his arm still snaked over Layla’s shoulders.
“Oh .. yeah, I should” Layla said, sighing inwardly.
“And you’re looking so chic” He wink at her and she laughed.
“Thanks Rylan, you are not looking bad either” She wink back at him.
She likes how playful Rylan is, he makes her get playful too.

Fel suddenly slapped Rylan’s arm away from Layla’s shoulders.
“What was that?” Rylan groan.
“You are suffocating her” Fel roll her eyes.
“Gosh, you are so annoying. Layla didn’t even complain” Rylan hiss.
“She didn’t have to complain”
“How does my arm around her shoulders means suffocation? Oh.. now I get it, You wanted to touch me badly and that’s what you could come up with? Gosh that was so petty” Rylan raised his brow teasingly and before anyone could blink Fel was chasing him all over the hall.
Anne and Layla laughed.

“Thanks for coming” Layla heard Dan’s voice before turning.
“Dan” She smile, she was about asking Anne where he was.
“I’m sorry for arriving late, I got delayed” Layla said.
“It’s fine, i’m glad you are finally here. By the way, you look so beautiful” Dan smiled and her cheeks flushed.
She always find herself blushing whenever Dan complimented her in any way. Maybe it was the sincerity in his eyes whenever he does.
“You look great too” Layla said, taking in his appearance. His hair had been styled differently and it highlighted his already good looking face, he looked so cool and matured in his neat wears. Anyone would have mistaken him for an Adult.

“Where’s everyone leaving to? Is the party over?” Layla ask, seeing everyone move to a direction.
“No, they are moving to the dining area, its time to dine” Dan said.
“Oh” Layla said.
” Let’s go join them but you should meet my parents first” Dan smile, taking Layla’s hand.
“I’ll be going to the dining area” Anne said to them.
“Okay and just ignore my friends if they try to talk to you okay?”
“Okayyyyyy” Anne drawl, rolling her eyes before walking away.
“Brotherly duties” Layla teased as Dan led her towards his parents. They both chuckle.

“Hi Mum, Dad” Dan said standing in front of a beautiful woman who was talking to one of the caterers and a man who stood beside her, the man is no doubt Dan’s father, the resemblance was striking, even if Dan hadn’t called the man ‘Dad’ Layla would have guessed right away that he was Mr Keyes. He looked the older version of Dan and they even had the same color of hair, glossy brown.
Dan’s mum turned away from the caterer and smiled on seeing Layla, her smile totally similar with Anne’s . . Layla noticed, even more beautiful than Anne’s. Gosh . . Dan’s parents are so good looking, it’s no surprise they have such beautiful children.

“You must be Layla” His mum spoke first.
“Yes Mrs Keyes, I’m Layla Moremi Williams” Layla said nervously.
“Oh, the African” Mr Keyes smiled and Layla nod shyly.
“Woah . . an African in the building” Mr Keyes danced and they laughed. Layla suddenly felt less nervous around them.
“It’s so nice to meet you dear, and thanks for coming” Mrs Keyes said.
“It’s a pleasure” Layla smile.
“Yeah, it’s so great to have you here .. I hope you’re having fun?”
“Very well Mr Keyes”
“And . . Thanks for making Anne better at pies, the last one she baked was so tasty. i’m so glad she’ll stop wasting my flour” Mrs Keyes said with a relieved sigh.
Dan and his dad chuckle. . The fight between Anne and her Mum whenever Anne made bad pies is no small one.
“It’s nothing Mrs Keyes” Layla smile.

“Dan’s told us about you and I would really love to know you better, have a lengthy conversation with you but this is no place for it, everywhere is so tight now. I’m going to invite you over for lunch some other time, I hope you don’t mind darling?” Mrs Keyes smiled.
“Not at all Mrs Keyes” Layla smiled back, thinking of how she’s going to get another permission from Phil once Mrs Keyes invites her over.
“Uhm . . i’m sorry we’ll have to leave you guys now, to make sure the guests are fine. Have fun Layla and it’s so nice to meet you once again” Mr Keyes winks, tucking his wife’s arm in his.
Layla smile.
“And, I must say you look really beautiful Layla” Mrs Keyes said before walking away with Mr Keyes.
“Thank you” Layla called after them shyly.

“Wow, your parents are terrific” Layla grinned.
“Thank you” Dan smile. Though his parents were always nice to his friends but he could see they liked Layla more . . just like they had liked Ry and Fel at the first meeting. If he had told them she was now one of his special friends, he would have definitely thought that was the reason they seem to like her more but he was yet to. They thought she was just a normal friend.

“Now you should meet my friends from Prestige High School” Dan wink.
“I’m going to meet every one of them” Layla ask and she started getting nervous when Dan nodded.
“Don’t be nervous” Dan said like he was reading her mind. “They are cool people, though most of them are crazy but you’ll find yourself relaxing among them in no time”
“Okay” Layla sigh.
“We should join them at the dining table” Dan took her hand, she dropped her almost empty glass of drink on a nearby table and they were both heading towards the dining area.
Layla realized the teens had a separate table from the adult . . Great! She would have been so nervous eating at the same table with so many adults.

“She have to meet Mr and Mrs Summers too” Fel said suddenly popping up behind them.
“Fuck! Must you always have to scare me!” Dan groan.
“No” Fel replied with a straight face and Layla chuckle.
“You both be quick and join us at the dining table, I need to introduce Layla to our friends” Dan said.
“Okay Dan, we’ll be back in a jiffy” Fel said, pulling Layla away and they both went in search of Fel’s parents.

“There they are” Fel smile, approaching a couple who were interacting with others.. They excused themselves when they saw Fel approaching with a girl they’ve never seen with her.

Fel’s parents were good looking but in no way looked like Fel, her dad was tall,bald and heavily built, with a ‘no-nonsense’ look on his face, his presence was almost intimidating and Layla had to swallow hard as they approached them. Her mum was less intimidating, though the makeup on her face was so heavy that Layla doubt if she would recognize the woman without makeup on, and her dress looked so beautiful and expensive, glittering extravagantly all over the place. The bright smile on Mrs Summers face made Layla relax a bit.

“Hi Mum, Dad this is Layla” Fel smiled.
“Oh . . Your new friend” Mrs Summers smiled at Layla and she smiled back, fully relaxed.
“I’m Layla Moremi Williams” Layla introduced herself.
“Oh dear, it’s so nice to meet you” Mrs Summers kissed Layla’s cheeks, surprising her.
She was yet to recover from the surprise when Mr Summers whom Layla had thought to be rigid, stretched his hand to her for a handshake.
She swallowed, taking his hand. His hands were as hard as he looked but there was this gentleness to it.
“Hi Layla” He smiled down at her and that was when Layla realized he looked like Fel, but only when he smiled. He looked less intimidating wearing a smile.
She was thrown aback by their pleasantness that she went mute for some seconds, she hadn’t expected this, especially with how Mr Summers looked.
“Hi Mr Summers” Layla finally said, looking up at him like a tall tree.
“It’s so nice to meet you both too” She added with a smile.

“Your dress is so beautiful, it’s of which design?” Mrs Summers asked, checking out Layla’s dress with admiration. Layla could tell Mrs Summers is a lover of beautiful dresses, a fashionista just like her mum.
“Thanks Mrs Summers, It belonged to my Mum” Layla said.
“Wow . . She must really have an eye for dresses and . . . did you say ‘belonged?’ ” Mrs Summers asked.
“Yeah, she’s late” Layla said.
“Oh my .. dear, i’m so sorry about that” Mrs Summers said, looking so concerned as she hugged Layla.
“Accept my condolence Layla” Mr Summers said looking sorry too and Layla didn’t know why she almost laughed.

“It’s fine, it happened years back, i’m over it” She smiled.
“We have to go join them at the dining table now. Dan is waiting for us” Fel said to her parents, knowing they were talkative.
” it’s nice meeting you once again Layla” Mr and Mrs Summers said and Mrs Summers kissed Layla cheeks again.
“I’ll have Fel invite you over for a nice meal some other time, I hope you will come” Mrs Summers said.
“It’ll be a pleasure” Layla smiled but Phil’s voice started ringing in her ears “YOU ARE GOING NOWHERE!!!”
“Damn” She muttered under her breath.
“See ya” Fel said to her parents before pulling Layla away.

“Your parents really beat my expectations” Layla said to Fel as they headed towards the dining table.
“Especially my dad right?” Fel laughed.
“Yeah, I was almost intimidated by his height”
“His looks are very deceiving, my dad is one of the nicest person you would meet, even more softhearted than my mum is” Fel said.
“Are you serious?”
“I know you find that hard to believe, people find that hard to believe but its the fact, they are my parents and I’ve lived with them all my life”
“It’s hard to believe but I believe you, I’ve always known looks can be deceiving ” Layla said and just when they were about getting to the dining room, Rylan popped behind them with a squeak.

“Are you crazy?! You fucking scared me!” Fel yelled.
“It’s not my fault you’re a chicken that gets scared every single time” Ry scoff and Fel scowled, glaring at him.
“Any way, Layla needs to meet my parents too” Rylan announced, smiling.
“Gosh, she’s tired already” Fel said and before she could blink, Rylan was pulling Layla away like she had done.

“Rylan!” Fel screamed, running after them.

HER LAST WISH Episode 19 by Azeemah Salami

Layla smiled as she got introduced to Dan’s friends one after the other. They shook her hand one after the other and most of their handshakes had lingered with knowingly gaze. She knew what that means but pretended not to have an idea that the guys find her attractive. It kind of surprised her though, so many guys wanting her. No guy has ever wanted her . . . so she thought.
Four of the six guys at the table obviously found her attractive, they had shown it clearly except one, named Elvis who wouldn’t stop staring at Anne even while he was shaking her and also one named Jacq who Dan had whispered to her was Fel’s boyfriend.

She has never even think of herself attractive, she doesn’t even care about her looks but suddenly she cares. When four guys cant help but stare at you, you’ll suddenly care about your looks.

“And finally, this is Jennie. Jennie. . this is Layla, my new special friend” Dan said and Jennie gave him a skeptical look before turning to me, she has been silent all the while even when someone said something funny and everyone laughed, she kept a straight face, eating, and even now that she was facing Layla, her cheeks were stuff with chicken. She just stared at Layla, obviously prepared to finish chewing before saying hi to her.
Her look wasn’t of contempt but of great study, like .. she was a judge and Layla was the contestant.

Layla smile “Hi Jennie”
“Hi Layla” Jennie replied after she finished chewing. She turned back to her meal almost immediately.
“She’s Dan’s ex” Rylan whispered to Layla.
“Oh” Layla nodded, turning to look at Jennie again , she had stopped eating, now drinking a white wine.
“She’s beautiful” Layla muttered to Rylan who nodded.
Jennie is indeed beautiful, an eye cathching type of beauty, she had straight blonde hair that carved her smooth oval face, piercing bright blue eyes that held so many things that Layla wished she knew. She had a light make up on, the color of her lip gloss matching with her dress. She seems cool but Layla thought there was an edginess to it.
Layla turn to look at Dan whom she caught staring at Jennie and then she knew he was still into her, she wondered why they had broken up. Perhaps Jennie had broken up with him, because Dan is still looking so much in love.

“So . . Dan said you’re African” One of Dan’s friends named Felix interrupted Layla’s thought.
“Half African, Nigerian to be precise” Layla said and continued eating.
The food was great, she wished she could eat as much as Jennie did but almost everyone at the table were staring at her and it made her eat her food slowly, eating under their watchful gazes made her nervous.
“Wow, you sure have an African body” Christ, another of Dan’s friend said, looking admiringly at her.
Yeah . . Layla knew she had an attractive thick body, deadly curves that could make a man pass out but she doesn’t pay attention to it, Phil had told her to never wear skinny trousers but always wear baggy trousers whenever one of her fuckers were coming around.
She has never liked skinny trousers though, it makes her feel uncomfortable.
“Yeah, African girls have the body mehn” Jasper said and laughed when Fel glared at him.

“Is it true Africans teeth are like axe?” Collins suddenly asked and everyone burst into laughter.
“Who told you that?” Layla asked, still laughing.
“Dan, when I asked for your contact”
Layla laughed again. “Was that why your hand shook earlier . . while you were shaking me?”
Collins nodded, looking embarrassed.
“OMG” Everyone laughed again, even Jennie who had seem not to find anything funny.
“Col, I only said their teeth were like axe not their hands” Dan said, while laughing.
” Collins level of cowardice cant be compared to any” Felix laughed.
“And … are Africans teeth truly like axe?” Jacq asked when the laughter subsided.
“Wanna confirm it” Layla winked wickedly.
“Hell no” Jacq said and they shared another round of laughter.

Layla was eating as she wanted now, she didn’t feel a bit nervous under their watchful gazes anymore.
“And speaking of your contact . . I would love to have it” Christopher smiled at Layla and for once she felt glad she doesn’t own a phone.
“Unfortunately, I don’t own a phone” She said.
“What!” Jasper couldn’t stop himself from exclaiming.
“Are you serious?” Christ asked.
“Yeah” Layla smile.
“Dan, is she serious?” Collins asked.
“Of course she is, and why are you all acting like it’s a terrible thing not to own a phone” Dan said.
“No, just expressing our surprise” Jasper said.
“Yunno we’re used to thinking someone our age should own a phone, and hearing Layla prove otherwise took us by surprise” Christ said.
“Well she doesn’t, at least not yet” Dan said.
“We’re sorry if that made you feel any sort of way Layla” Jasper apologized and the rest joined in.

“No, it’s fine” Layla chuckle. “I didn’t even take it as an offense”
“Is it some African moral role?” Jennie asked, speaking up for the first time at the table since she said hi to Layla, everyone turned to her.
It felt like she was like a queen who had ordered her subjects to turn to her and they did so without hesitation . . just that Jennie wasn’t a queen and she hadn’t ordered anyone to turn to her, her words commanded attention.
“Sorry?” Layla asked, not quite getting the question.
“I mean is it some African moral role that made you not to own a phone at your age?” Jennie ask, the expression on her face, unreadable.
Everyone turned to Layla again, waiting for an answer.

“No” Layla smile.
“And I don’t appreciate that people tag everything I do to African ethnicity, just because i’m half African. I make decisions that I feel would work for me regardless of my nationality, being an African or American has never influenced my decision and would never” Layla sipped her wine and everyone looked impressed by her answer.
Fel wink at her and she smile.

“Have you ever been to Africa?” Elvis, One of Dan’s friends and Anne admirer ask, he’s obviously into Anne and Layla knew Dan might never consent to it, though she feel Elvis genuinely like Anne and doesn’t just want to get in her pants, the affection in his eyes when he looked at Anne explained everything. Layla doubt if Dan had noticed though.
This would be the first time he’ll be speaking up too since he had said ‘Hi, my name is Elvis.. nice to meet you’
“Are you planning to?” He ask.
“Hopefully” Layla said. “I have relatives there and I see myself going there soon”
“That would be one hell of an adventure” Dan smile.
“I bet ” Layla smiled back at him.

“Who’s the African? Your mum or dad?” Jennie asked and this time, not everyone turned to her.
“My Dad. Michael Ajagun Williams” Layla said proudly.
“Wow, you must have an African name too” Elvis said.
“Yes she does, a beautiful name with a beautiful history behind it” Fel smiled.
“My African name is Moremi” Layla smiled proudly.

Everyone at the table except her special friends tried pronouncing it but it went haywire and in minutes, laughter resonated the table, they all failed at it, each of them with a funny pronunciation that almost cracked ribs. It was fun. Even Jennie who had seem aloof joined also.

“At this point, I think you should teach us how to pronounce it, I don’t want to die of laughter please” Jasper said.
“Okay, it goes like this . . ‘More – ray – me” She said slowly and they repeated after her.
After few attempts, they all got it, smiling like they just passed a test.
“Wow” Christ sigh.
“What a beautiful African name you’ve got” Collins said.
“Yeah, I love it” Felix smile.
“Thank you” Layla smiled. Rylan’s mum had loved her African name too. She hadn’t spent much time with Rylan’s parents like she had with Dan and Fel’s but she had enjoyed their company, they were nice to her also. Layla has never felt so special in ages.

“Okay, now the history” Elvis said.
Layla smiled, sitting upright . . She started.

“Wow” Jasper sigh after Layla was done narrating the history.
“Aren’t African cultures just beautiful” Elvis said, with great admiration.
“Sure they are” Collins nodded in affirmation.
“And . . i’m sure there will be more great histories, wow” Christ sigh.
“Africa is the embodiment of great and beautiful histories” Layla said, she was done eating, now gulping water.
“I would love to see the statue of Moremi” Dan said.
“Same here” Rylan said.

“It’s on the internet, you just browse it and it’ll come up” Layla said.
“I know but it wont feel the same as seeing it real”
“You are right” Fel nodded.

“Enough of the Africa talk, Dan how is your new school?” Jennie ask.
“Great so far” Dan smile.
“So which one do you think is the best?” Collins asked.
“Huh?” Dan ask.
“Between Prestige and Ocean High” Col said.
“Gosh, I can’t believe you can ask that” Dan said.
“Answer the question” Jasper said.
“Even you” Dan sigh.
“Answer it, let’s know if you’ve betrayed your old school for the new one” Rylan tease.
Dan laugh. “Okay, Ocean High has been fantastic so far but Prestige will always remain my best”
“I knew you wouldn’t ditch Prestige for Ocean High” Fel wink and Dan wink back at her.
“Why did you leave Prestige then? You are yet to tell us the reason” Christ said and Dan shrug and then they knew he doesn’t want to answer the question.

“Let’s dance” Fel said when a beautiful song filled the room.
They all stood up and filed to the dancing floor.


“That was great” Christ smiled after they were done dancing.
Jasper nodded and sipped his juice, sitting.
“That was fun” Layla grinned happily . . she feels so happy to be here and not sitting in the corner of her room, bored.
“Told ya it’ll be fun” Dan wink at her.
He was still holding her hand, he had danced with her last. She danced with Christ first then, Collins, Jasper, Felix and lastly Dan, they had all made her laugh hard on the dancefloor that she felt so exhausted now.
She slipped her hand from Dan’s and sat beside Jasper.
“Do you want a drink?” Dan ask.
“Yes please” Layla smile, she could really do with a chilled drink right now.
“I want one also please” Jennie said, sitting beside Layla.
“Okay, i’ll be right back” Dan walked away.
He returned with the drinks and handed it to them, Layla downed it in a gulp, smiling as she savored the sweetness.
Jacq and Fel were still on the dancefloor and Rylan is nowhere to be found.
Dan was about sitting too when he noticed Anne wasn’t with them.
“Fuck!” He growled, seeing Elvis is nowhere to be found too.
They all turned to him, wondering what was wrong.
Of course he knew Elvis is into his sister and he had warned him to steer clear of Anne and Elvis had promised to.
“He’d be so damned if I find him with my sister” Dan yelled, storming off and they all knew he was talking about Elvis.

“Wow” Jasper whistle loudly.
“Elvis is so into it today” Christ shakes his head.
“You guys should stop Dan” Layla said, scared of the look she just saw on Dan’s face before he stormed off, she has never seen him in such rage.
Felix laughed “Stop him? I can see you don’t know Dan well enough”
“Dan cant be stopped when it has to do with Anne, so just relax and go get more drink for yourself” Collins wink.
“I bet Elvis is gonna appear here with a broken lip” Jasper laughed and Layla’s throat went dry.


Dan finally found Elvis and Anne talking in front of the guests restroom. Elvis saw him approaching and before he could explain himself, Dan had punched him twice on the jaw, very close to his mouth, pushing him to the wall. Elvis groaned in pain.
“Dan!” Anne exclaimed, she wasn’t surprised though. Dan has always been that way, she only exclaimed because Elvis hadn’t tried anything silly with her, he was only thanking her because she had shown him to the restroom.
Though she suspected he liked her, but he hadn’t even told her anything concerning that, maybe he was holding back because of Dan.

“What the fuck were you doing with her? Didn’t I warn you to steer clear of her? you were about leading her into the restroom right?” Dan ask in rage, still holding Elvis against the wall, tightening his grip around Elvis neck and when it seems Elvis would die from the choking, Dan finally released him.
Elvis coughed loud, holding his neck and breathing fast.
“Get the hell out of this house, this will be last time I would invite you here. I made you come because you promised not to try anything funny with her!” Dan yelled.
“I didn’t try anything with her, I swear. Yeah, I like her so much but I promised you I wont approach her and I don’t ever go back on my word and you know that, you know I don’t go back on my word, that was the reason you trusted me enough to invite me here” Elvis said, straightening his disheveled hair, he wiped blood off his lower lip and Anne felt her heart ache.

He likes her . . .

“Then what were you doing here with her?” Dan ask, his voice softening .
“She showed me to the restroom and I was thanking her, that was all”
“If I hadn’t approached, you would have said something to her! And why didn’t you ask me to show you to the restroom instead of her?” Dan ask, his voice loosing the softness.
“You were busy fetching drinks for Jen and Layla and I was so pressed…”
“You should have asked Fel or Rylan to!” Dan cut in.
“Fel was dancing with Jacq and I didn’t see Rylan around, Anne offered to show me to the restroom when she saw how pressed I was”
“Oh” Dan sigh, biting his lower lip.
“You didn’t even allow me explain before hitting me” Elvis said, nursing his broken lip with his hand and avoiding Anne’s gaze.
“Well . . i’m sorry” Dan shrug.

“I understand you’re trying to prevent Anne from getting hurt but I will never hurt her, I . . like her way more than that” Elvis said, looking Anne in the eyes and for the first time ever, she felt her heart flutter.
‘what was that?’ she thought.
“Any more word on ‘I like her’ and i’m gonna kick your ass out of this house” Dan said and Elvis acted like he was zipping his mouth with an invisible zip. It made Anne smile.
“You’re done using the restroom right?” Dan ask.
“Then leave” Dan said.
Elvis left after glancing at Anne for the last time.

“Dan, that wasn’t necessary. I already told you I’m not going to date anyone till im sixteen and definitely not any of your friend” Anne said but deep down, she knows she likes Elvis.
“Whatever, just go to your room” Dan said, walking away.

He almost bumped into Jennie.

“I need to tell you something” She said, holding his gaze and he felt his heart race.
“Okay, go ahead” He said after some seconds.
Layla suddenly appeared, she noticed the tensed silence between Dan and Jennie and she knew this isn’t the best time to have appeared.
She would have turned back but she was so pressed. Fel had told her the direction of the restroom.

“Layla” Dan smiled.
“Hi, going to the restroom” She smiled back at him and quickly walked past them.

A smile was still spread across Dan’s face when he turned back to Jennie.
“You wanted to say something” He prompted.
“Don’t bother” She said and walked off before Dan could blink.

“Jennie” He called after her.

HER LAST WISH Episode 20 by Azeemah Salami

“Jennie” Dan called after her and she stopped without turning.
He quickly walked up to her, still surprised she had walked away after telling him she had something to say to him.

“What’s wrong?” He ask.
“Nothing” She smile and he knew her well enough to know the smile was a façade and that got him more worried. Jennie wont fake a smile if something wasn’t wrong.
“You said you had something to tell me” He said.
“Not anymore” She said about walking away but he pulled her back gently.
He hated that his body still reacts to her touch…
“What do you mean? How can you suddenly not have anything to say to me again”
“I don’t deem it necessary to tell you anymore”
“Why?” He ask, fucking curious about what she wanted to tell him.
“I felt you deserve to know, that was the reason I wanted to tell you but I suddenly feel you don’t deserve to know any longer, you cant blame my feelings . . can you?” She asked.

“Jen, what did you feel I deserve to know?” Dan asked.
“I feel you don’t deserve to any longer . . is that so hard to understand? . . and . . you’re still holding me” She said, her gaze fixed on Dan’s grip on her arm.
“Oh . . Sorry” He slowly released his grip from her arm and she raised up her head to look him in the eyes.
He quickly snapped out of the charm of her eyes. Her eyes had been the first things he fell in love with then.
“If you feel I don’t deserve to know any longer, then it’s fine, when else you feel ready to talk, just holla” He said.
“I’ll probably not talk to you about it again because you’ll soon find out yourself”

“You’re making me curious. Cant you just tell me before I find out?” He prompted.
“No, and you shouldn’t be so surprised when you find out” Jennie bit her lower lip.
“Fuck” Dan sigh.
“And if you still like me, you should stop” She said and Dan stared at her.
“Please” She added with a pleading gaze, before walking away.

He rested his back on the wall and watched her walk away, he sigh deeply when she was finally out of his sight.
“Believe me, I also want to stop liking you but its so hard” He said, like Jennie was standing in front of him.
She was really over him and he could see it, it hurt him so much and remembering the memories he had had with her almost brought tears to his eyes. They loved each other so much, he wondered what went wrong.
Now that he’s really giving it a thought, him moving to Anne’s school is not enough reason for Jennie to have broken up with him, considering the love they had both shared.
He only moved to Anne’s school, not out of the country. Well, he might not see it as enough reason but she had and he of course respects her decision.
Though, he’s deeply hurt over their separation, he will never regret moving to his sister’s school, he would willingly do it over again.

“Dan, what’s wrong?” He heard and snapped out of his thoughts.
He saw Layla standing in front of him, looking up at him worriedly, she was so cute he almost smiled.
“Nothing so serious, i’m just being over-emotional” He said.
“Are you sure you are fine?” She ask.
“I am” He smile.
“You are not” Layla stated worriedly. This would be the first time she’ll see him look this bothered, he’s looking like he would cry.
“Okay . . i’m not but i’ll be, i’ll try to be” He said.
“Is it something Jennie said?” Layla ask after hesitating, though she doesn’t want to pry into whatever is going on between them but she also needed to know the source of the look on Dan’s face.
It’s probably something Jennie said to him, because she had noticed the tensed mood between them before going to the restroom.

“She didn’t say anything she shouldn’t have, i’m just being a chicken” He said but there was no trace of humor in his eyes or voice.
Layla knew he was hurt.

“Dan, I’ve never been in a relationship but I can offer you some advice. Still in love with an ex is normal, not getting over an ex as quickly as you want is normal, it only shows how much you cared about her and the relationship, don’t beat up yourself over it, don’t force yourself to stop liking her or you’ll never stop. Just let everything be, move on with your life, the feeling will fade as gradually as it had built. Getting worked up wont solve anything, it’ll only affect your mental health believe me” She took his hand and gently patted it.
He held on to her hand when she wanted to release it and she let him, smiling at him.
He didn’t say anything for a while, he only stared . . at her.
She was ready to stay here with him as long as he wants if it’s gonna make him feel better and she was a bit surprised when he suddenly pulled her in a hug, muttering thank you.
She smiled, patting his back . Gosh, his back is so hard plus she has never felt so small in someone’s arms, Dan is way bigger than her, he always towered over her and even now that she was patting his back, she had to strain her hand.

“I feel like a short dad, patting his overgrown son back” Layla said and Dan laughed loud, she chuckled too.
They finally let go of each other and Dan was still laughing.
“C’mon, it’s enough” She smiled, though she was glad he was feeling better now.
“Gosh . . your words sometimes are rib crackers” He smiled after he had laughed enough.
“Looks like you’re feeling better, i’m glad” Layla smiled.
” All thanks to you, i’m so grateful for your words. They really helped. Thanks Layla” He said, so glad to have made her not just his friend but his special friend.
“It’s nothing, you would do the same if I were in your shoes. Let’s go back to the hall” She took his hand and they both started working side by side, their hands intertwined.
“I almost forgot there is a party going on” Dan laughed.
“Yeah, you were looking so lost when I approached you” Layla chuckle. “By the way, where’s Anne?”
“She should be in her room” Dan said.

“Did you yell at her?” She ask.
“I dare not, i’m not ready to face you guys piercing gazes again, it was so draining” Dan groan and Layla laughed.


“I’m still the best at this game” Felix boasted.
“I’m better than you at it but its fine, I know it’ll be hard for you to admit” Jasper said.
“You really love deceiving yourself, y’all know I’ve always won at this game” Felix said.
“You’ve just been lucky” Jasper scoff.
“There’s nothing like luck in board games, you’re just so pained” Felix laughed.
“You both should just keep quiet, allow the rest of us concentrate” Dan said.

They were by the pool, playing board games after they had taken pictures.

“Jacq and Dan! You both are out” Felix announced mockingly.
“You don’t have to announce it, we know” Jacq hissed.
“Pained” Felix laughed and Dan slapped his head.
“Ouch . . I cant believe Dan is pained too” Felix laughed harder.
“This is the first time Layla will be playing it and she still won over you guys” Jasper giggled.

Layla smiled, she was enjoying the game. It’s not so easy but she loves it, Felix only taught her once, before they started and she’s playing it like she has been playing it forever. It’s been fun.
…Jennie, Dan, Jacq and Elvis were out, she is against Jasper, Christ, Felix and Collins now and she’s determined to win.
Anne hadn’t joined them, she was sitting by the pool, reading a novel with her legs in the water.
Elvis was tempted to sit by her side but he knows he dare not, Anne had been the reason he lost so quickly, he had been staring at her.

“Jacq, I need to have a talk with you” Dan said quietly to Jacq and they both stood up and walked farther from others.
Dan had confirmed from Fel earlier if Jacq was still giving her attitude and she had said yes, that … she even had to force him to him to dance with her.

“So . . what’s up?” Jacq asked.
“It’s about Fel”
“What about Fel?” Jacq raised his brow.
“You really don’t know?” Dan ask.
“How would I know?” Jacq asked and from the tone of his voice, Dan could tell Jacq doesn’t want to discuss Fel.
“Well, she has not been happy recently because you are starting to avoid her. Why are you doing that?” Dan ask.
“I cant believe she came to discuss that with you, it should be between us” Jacq said, looking pissed.
“Hey, why talking like you don’t know how close Fel and I are, we tell each other every damn thing, even before she met you, so .. drop that shit you said and tell me what I need to know” Dan said.

“Okay, I know you guys are bestfriends and all but it’s something I don’t want to discuss, at least not yet”
“There’s a reason you’ve been avoiding her?” Dan ask.
“Well . . yeah” Jacq stared at his feet.
“And you don’t want to discuss it?”
Jacq nodded and Dan sigh.
“Well . . I reassured her by telling her you are probably going through something and don’t want to bother her about it, is that truly what’s happening? Are you going through something?” Dan ask.
“Not really” Jacq shrug.
“You are not about to break her heart, are you?” Dan ask suspiciously.
“Speak up!” Dan half yelled when Jacq didn’t answer his question.
“No” Jacq said reluctantly before walking away.
Dan watched him walk away like he had Jennie.
He really hope Jacq isn’t about to make Fel cry or he’ll make him regret it.

Dan also walked back to the others, he saw them jubilating except Felix who look like he’s about bursting into tears.

“What’s up? What are you guys excited about?” Dan ask.
“Layla is the overall winner” Jasper laughed.
“She won over Felix?” Dan showed his surprise before bursting into laughter.
Felix had always win most of the times and he always boasts about it a lot. He must have relaxed, thinking Layla is an amateur in the game and she’s never going to win over him. Haha.
“This is so funny” Elvis laughed.
“And unbelievable” Jacq said.
“Felix, I cant believe Layla who is playing this game for the first time won over you. OMG” Jasper mocked.
“She was only lucky” Felix said sullenly and they laughed.
” There’s nothing like luck in board games . . ‘in your words’ so, how come Layla won over you with luck?” Jasper taunted with a grin.

“Well . . maybe there’s something like luck in board games” Felix said, staring at his feet.
“That doesn’t change the fact that she won over you” Collins stuck out his tongue, laughing.
Jacq glared at him.
“Well I taught her how to play the game, I taught her the same way I play it, that is the reason she won over me, if I hadn’t taught her well, she wouldn’t have. so . . I should take credit for her win” Jacq said and they all laughed again.
“Jacq is so pained right now” Rylan chuckled.
“So pained” Fel laughed.
“He doesn’t want to accept that Layla won over him clean and fair, i’m so glad for this. he wont be bosting every now and then again” Rylan grinned.
“Well, I intentionally went easy on her because it was her first time” Felix claimed.
“Just shut up, Layla won over you” Christ laughed.

Layla smiled, watching them taunt Felix, she had been determined to win and she had.
Well, maybe it was luck mixed with determination.

It was getting dark or rather, it’s dark already, they hadn’t noticed because of the pool bright light. Though the party wont be over till its 10pm but Layla had to leave now or Phil will have her head.
It’s dinner time and Phil never cooks so Layla knew she had to get home soon enough to make dinner.
She needs to go say goodbye to her best friends parents first.
She was set to leave after saying bye to Dan, Fel and Rylan parents respectively.

“Bye guys, it was so nice meeting everyone one of you” Layla smiled hugging Dan’s friends one after the other, the hug she and jennie shared was tensed and short, Layla wonder why she didn’t find herself getting along with Jennie like she had with others and Jennie also look like she doesn’t like her.
There was this little feud between them.

“It was nice meeting you too Layla” They chorused.
“I wish you didn’t have to leave this early so you’ll help us whip Felix’s ass again” Jasper said and they laughed.
Felix snorted at them.
“Felix is actually very good in the game, if he hadn’t taught me well, I wouldn’t have won” Layla said.
Felix squeal, laughing excitedly.
“I cant believe you’re allowing him raise his shoulder pad again.” Jacq groan.
Layla laughed .. “He deserves to, he’s a genius at it, anything one is good at should proudly be flaunted, the only mistake he had made was relaxing because he thought there’s no way I would win over him”
“Serves him right for looking down on you” Dan said.
“Yeah” The rest agreed.

“Well . . Layla said im a genius at the game, you guys deal with it” Felix laughed sipping his drink.
“Fool” Jasper muttered under his breath.

“Bye guys” Layla waved at them, they waved back at her with smiles except Jennie though, who was now sitting and busy with her phone.

“And you should share your contact with us when you finally have a phone” Collins smiled.
“Yeah, you should” The rest chorused.
“Sure” Layla smiled and waved again.

Dan and Anne walked her to the gate.

“Thanks for coming Layla” Dan said.
“It was nice having you with us” Anne smiled.
“I had so much fun, all thanks to you. Thanks for inviting me” Layla grinned.
“I’m glad you had fun” Dan smiled.
“Yeah, i’m glad I did too, Bye guys” Layla smiled hugging Dan and then Anne who kissed her cheeks.
“Paul is going out tonight?” Layla ask as Paul drove the car towards them.
Paul winked at them before driving out of the open gate, which closed automatically.
“Anyway, bye” She waved at them, but Dan pulled her back gently.
“You want something?” Layla asked.
“Paul will be dropping you home” Dan said.
“Wh .. What? Why? That’s not necessary”
“It is, it’s late already and we cant leave you to the stress of looking for cab this late” Dan said.
“Yeah. After all, we invited you here” Anne said.

“Thanks so much but i’m going to take a cab, it’s not so late and I wont have to go through the stress of looking for one, Thanks so much guys” Layla smiled.
“No, I insist. You wont get to see cab so quickly here, you might have to waitttt and im sure you would love to get home early” Anne said.
“Besides, my parents are going to get pissed at me, they insisted I make Paul drop you” Dan said.
“Will Paul be fine with it, i’m sure he doesn’t have any plan to drive tonight” Layla said, feeling bad to have being the reason Paul will be driving tonight, he might have just wanted to rest for today.

Dan laughed, “Paul is more than glad to drop you home, he’s been wanting to drive all day, sitting idly is not his thing”
“Paul is eagerly waiting outside, get going before he comes to drag you into the car, he has been wanting to drive all day” Anne laughed.
“I should get going, see you tomorrow” Layla smiled, hugging them again.
Dan kissed her cheeks this time and muttered ‘a thank you’ in her ear.
Layla wondered what for before her mind trailed back to the advise she gave him, she smiled and winked at him.

“Bye” She said walking out of the gate.
“Bye” They waved back at her, smiling.

Layla got in the back seat and closed the car door.
Dan and Anne waved till the car was out of sight.

“I want a piggyback ride” Anne said, already on Dan’s back before he could object.
He sigh and adjusted her properly on his back before running off to where the rest were with Anne squealing in excitement.
“I’m sorry to have made you drive tonight Paul” Layla said.
“Haha, I should thank you for that, been wanting to drive all day”
“Do you love driving that much?”
“I do, very much, I love being in control of the wheel” Paul smiled.
“Wow” Layla smiled, looking out of the window.

The night breeze caressed her face softly and she grinned. Today was great, it’s been so long she had so much fun. Everything was just so perfect, she’s still so stunned by the amount of love that was shown to her, she hadn’t felt so special in a long time.
She always thought life was a pain, not after she met these wonderful people that showed her life can be fun too, the thought of death has always appealed to her because she thought she didn’t mean anything to anyone, but meeting these people . . They gave her the reason to live and that almost brought tears to her eyes.
“Goodnight Paul, thanks for the ride” Layla smiled, alighting in front of her house.
“Night Layla, see you tomorrow” He wink.
He watched Layla walk in before driving off.

Layla closed the door behind her and stepped into the living room.

It was dark.

Phil had probably put off the light and went to bed, she might have ordered pizza or burger for dinner.
Layla sigh in relief, glad she wont have to prepare dinner.

She noticed a movement in the dark but quickly brushed it off, darkness can be deceiving.
“I can see you enjoyed the party” Layla suddenly heard. She screamed, dropping her purse.
She quickly flicked the switch on and saw Phil, sitting on the couch with a blanket covering her body.
“What are you doing alone in the dark? You scared the shit out of me. Why did you put off the light?” Layla asked, recovering from the shock.
“Well . . I rented this apartment so I can do whatever I want in it without any wide-eyed questionnaire questioning me” Phil said.
Layla sighed and picked her purse from the floor.

“So, did you enjoy the party?” Phil asked, throwing popcorn into her mouth, that was when Layla noticed the pack of popcorn beside Phil, there was a half burger sitting on the table too with a jug half filled with iced tea and also a glass cup beside it.
“It was fun” Layla said, walking to a couch.
“I can see that, excitement is written all over your face” Phil said and Layla nodded, about sitting.
“Don’t sit! You need to make dinner, i’m hungry” Phil said and Layla stared at her before moving her gaze to the popcorn, burger and iced tea. She was still bent in the position of someone that was halfway sitting before abrupt interruption.

“Well, I only had all these as snack while waiting for you to be back and stand straight and stop bending over like a hippopotamus that’s close to death” Phil said with a roll of eyes, she poured more popcorn in her mouth and picked her phone.

Layla finally stood straight. “Okay, i’ll go into the kitchen after undressing”
“Hell no, pull off your shoes and go into the kitchen right now. You know im yet to scold you for returning late, do not piss me off Layla” Phil said, her voice raising.
Layla pulled her shoes and dropped her purse on the couch. “What do you want for dinner?”
“Anything that’ll be ready within few minutes” Phil said, her attention on her phone.
“Okay” Layla said, walking to the kitchen.


Dan sat on his bed after freshening up for the night, he smiled once the pictures were uploaded, the pictures they had taken earlier today, he just uploaded them on his Instagram account.
He dropped his phone by his bedside lamp and snuggled under his blanket.

He had a great day, today’s party was extra fun.
Layla’s advice replayed in his mind and he smiled, her words brought peace to him, everything that had been bugging his mind is starting to clear off.

He cant wait to see her tomorrow…


Dan and Layla walked into the class together like they do everyday, excitement was written over their faces as they talked about the party.

Chloe glowed with anger in her seat, she saw the pictures Dan had uploaded and she knew they had been together yesterday.
She had been fuming since she saw the pictures yesternight, her hatred for Layla quadrupled and what was on her mind right now is tearing Layla to shreds.
Dan was saying hi to some of his friends and Layla started walking to her seat.
Chloe saw Layla was about walking past her and she knew she had to do this, she suddenly got to her feet and leaped on Layla, biting her on the neck, Layla screamed in pain and everyone realizing what was happening rushed to them. Chloe bit deeper not caring if she’ll loose her hair to this.


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