HER BABYs SECRET Episode 46 – 48 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

HER BABYs SECRET Episode 2 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

HER BABYs SECRET Episode 46 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

Theme: A failed marriage

  Arike’s POV

Iteoluwa was a cheerful child and so full of life. And she was always silent like this only when she was badly hurt. I love her more than anything in the world and I would do everything in my power to make up for the fact that I didn’t let her meet her father when and I always thought I had done a great job of fulfilling both roles of a father and mother in her life.

The knowledge of knowing her father was near but couldn’t meet him must be hurting her right now. She was just a child, close to five year old, and definitely she had missed having a father around.

But Iteoluwa was trying to act mature and smarter than her age by trying to hide her pain just to protect me. She could tell that I wasn’t ready to meet her dad so she didn’t pressure me about it so I wouldn’t get hurt.

My child was starting to protect me when it was my job to protect her. So how was I going to make her open up to me and me her feelings?

“It was all my fault.” I admitted to no one in particular.

I took the whole blame knowing that Adedayo wouldn’t have cut us out if he knew I was carrying his child. He would have supported and protected us because he loved me. I knew Adedayo wouldn’t have acted like I never existed if I had told him I was going to have his child five years ago.

I should have made connections with him but I didn’t, which had resulted in hurting my child when I didn’t even want her to be caught in this situation from the start.

I had cut Adedayo out completely for five years. Obviously I have been an idiot to think that we were going to be fine without him. I was horribly sorry that my child has been caught in the middle of my selfish affairs.

“I am sorry.” I mumbled.

I peered down at Iteoluwa, her eyes were close so I couldn’t tell if she was asleep or pretending to be asleep. I slide out of bed and went out of the bedroom.

I needed to drink water and clear my head. I can’t keep hurting my child, I have to decide on what is best for my daughter.

On getting to the kitchen, I saw Busayomi in the dinning area. She gestured to me to come over.

“Why aren’t you asleep? It is late.” I asked.

She shook her head. “It is past midnight, let us say that..I am worried.” She answered.

I raised my eyebrow. “Hold on let me get water.”

She nodded and I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge and went back to the dinning area.

“Why are you you worried?” I handed her a bottle of water.

“Thank you.” She muttered.

We drank from our bottles of water respectively and set it back down on the table.

“So tell me why are you worried?” I repeated the question.

“Is it because of the wedding? I guess you must be really stressed from the wedding preparation.” I said.

She shook her head in disagreement. “It is not about the wedding. I am just worried about you and Iteoluwa.” She said.

“Why are you worried about us? Can’t you see that we are comfortable, alright and also looking forward to the big day.” I put on a fake smile.

“Arike, I have known you for years now, so don’t pretend like you are fine.” She said.

“Seriously-“ I tried to assure her that I was alright but then she broke the ice.

“I overheard you talking to Iteoluwa.” She said.

My false smile faded and was replaced with a sad look.

“I wasn’t eavesdropping but it happened that I was passing by at that moment.”

I swallowed the bitterness that welled up inside of me. “I told her everything..the truth and now I think she hates me because I am not ready to meet Dayo.”

“Arike-“ she reached out to hold my hand. “It must have been hard for you to return to Nigeria and I commend your courage to be able to tell Iteoluwa the truth.”

“I am worried about her.” I admitted sincerely.

“If you are truly worried about her, you need to let her meet Adedayo.”

“But that would stir-“ Busayomi interrupted me.

“Dayo’s marriage is not what you think it is, Arike.” She said with a sigh.

My forehead creased. “What do you mean?” I asked.

“It is a failed marriage.” She blurted out.

“What are..you..talking about?” I stammered.

“I am in no position to tell you anything.” Busayomi replied.

“You have to tell me what-“

She cuts me off. “You have to meet Adedayo if you want to know anything.” She stood up to leave but I grabbed her wrist.

I was confused as to what she was saying. “What is going on with Adedayo?” I asked in a concerned tone.

“I can see that you still care so much about him. If you want to know peace, find him so you won’t have to worry anymore.” She let go of my hand. “Check the news.” She said before walking away.

“The news? What news?” I asked but no response came from her.

The news? Bamidele has mentioned something about the news too. What are they hiding about Adedayo’s marriage? A failed marriage? What had happened in five years? I needed to know.


Theme: Domestic violence

  Arike’s POV 

I rushed to the room to find my phone and it was there laying on the bed side drawer. I walked out of the room so as to not disturb Iteoluwa with a scream in case I find a shocking news I can’t hold internally.

I settled on the couch and switched on my data. I thought about Instagram but I failed at logging in because I don’t remember my log in details and so I swiped to google.

I clicked the search engine and typed ‘Awosika Adedayo’ the results showed different names from LinkedIn. I erased it and typed ‘Nollywood actress Shalewa’ and her information popped out immediately.

I scrolled down and my gaze flickered at a news headline. “Awosika Adedayo allegedly charged for domestic violence and assault.”

My jaw dropped completely and tears welled up in my eyes at the shocking news. I shakily clicked the link and saw pictures of Shalewa and Adedayo on the internet – they were both in bad shapes.

Domestic violence?! Oh no! Adedayo was labeled “a wife beater” and several other bad names and it has even affected his company’s reputation that he had been voted out of the company by the board of directors with no legal back up.

It was stated that Adedayo has refused to see, talk to anyone while he was in the police custody while Shalewa was in the hospital. I was also surprised to find out that they have a child, baby Jamal who was just two years old.

Over the years, it has never occurred to me to search about them. I only asked about him when Iteoluwa clocked one and Busayomi said he was doing fine.

So she knew about it all these while and she didn’t tell me. Why on earth did she hide such big situations from me? Knowing that I was returning back to Nigeria and there was a possible chance that I would meet him.

My heart went out to Adedayo and all I could think about was that he would never do it. I hurried to Busayomi’s bedroom and knocked on the door.

“Busayomi-“ she opened up.

“Keep it down…Iteoluwa is asleep.” She cautioned me.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked with tears burning down my cheeks.

Then she pulled me into her room and closed the door. She folded her arms and stared at me.

“I didn’t…know..he was -“ my voice trailed off and I broke down in tears.

“Domestic violence. And assault.” She said.

“Dayo..would..never do such a thing.” I defended.

“I know Dayo can be mean but he would never raise his hand to hit someone.” Busayomi said.

I nodded in agreement. “Which leaves is to the option that something is fishy and I am sure it is Shalewa’s doing.” She added.

“We can’t be so sure..she is in a bad shape in the hospital.” I said.

“Why? Are you doubting Dayo?” She asked, annoyance clear in her tone.

“No..no..” I countered.

“Shalewa is not the only one suffering but Dayo is the only one getting all the blame. Domestic violence my foot!” She snorted.

“Dayo would never do such a thing.” I said.

“Listen Dayo is refusing to talk to anyone and people are coming up with the ideas that he is guilty that is why he isn’t saying anything to the police.”

“That’s lame.” I whispered.

“But that is what they think, you need for help him.” She crouched down to place her hands on my shoulder blades.

“What should I do?” I asked.

“Now do you want to find him?” She asked in return.

I nodded. “Yes..Yes…but what do I do?”

“Tomorrow I will look after Iteoluwa while you go out and find Adedayo.” She answered.

“Where? I don’t know anything about his again.” I said.

“He is back to the apartment that you know.” She responded.

“His place..you mean like where he used to stay before he got married?” I asked to be sure.

“Yes..his place.” She muttered. “Come here.” She led me to her bed.

I sat on the bed and closed my eyes allowing more tears to flow.

“I thought..he was having a blissful life with Shalewa.”

“All these problems started few months ago, I don’t know much but Adedayo needs help. And I think he might open up once he sees you.” She said.

“I..am not sure..we have been part for five years now.” I doubted.

She sat beside me. “Meet him.”

Busayomi hugged me and I sobbed in her embrace deciding that I would do everything to help Adedayo even though he was guilty which I know he can’t be guilty of the crime he was accused of.


Theme: The Arrest

      Arike’s POV 

I couldn’t bear to close my eyes after finding out about what was happening to Adedayo. And when I managed to take a nap around 3:00am, I was already up by 5:00am again as I was really finding it hard to sleep because I couldn’t get my mind off Adedayo’s case. The fact that he was suffering this much bothered me a lot.

At exactly 6:34am, I was already fully dressed up to leave home and I impatiently waited for the break of the day. I paced to and fro in the living room, wishing I could fasten the hands of time but It was only a wish that would never come true so I am left with no choice but to wait.

“You need to calm down.” Busayomi said.

“I can’t calm down..” I paced.

“I have some pills that can help you relax, do you want some?” She offered.

“No thanks, I will be fine.” I replied.

Busayomi sighed. “I think you should ask Bamidele for help.” She suggested.

“Why?” I stopped pacing to look at her.

“Isn’t the reason obvious? Bamidele is a lawyer who is really good and not just that he owns a law firm, so Dayo might be needing his help.” She explained.

“Sister Mi, you of all people should know that Adedayo has always been against Bamidele. No doubt, he would reject Bamidele as his lawyer.”

“I am not sure, Adedayo is all the verge of going to jail for assault, a crime I am not even sure he committed. Who will care about what happened in the past? So asking Bamidele for help is necessary to solving this case. He is one of the best lawyers in the country.” She said.

I sat on the couch slowly when realization hit me straight in the face. It would have been me stepping in to help Adedayo if I hadn’t left the country. I hated this feeling of being helpless for the fact that I have been out of practice for five years now.

“I wish…I was still in..practice.” I admitted sincerely.

I was heartbroken and deeply hurt for not being able to defend Adedayo in this situation. And once again, I regretted my decision of running away to America just to keep my baby’s secret.

Busayomi clearing of throat jolted me out of thought. “Listen, this is not the time to express regrets about past actions. Let us face the present situation and find a solution to it.” She said.

I shook my head in agreement. “You are right.” I wiped the few stray of tears that had dropped down my face.

My phone beeped and I reached out to take it from the table. It was an unsaved number but I figured it was the number of the driver for the ride I had ordered online.

I picked up the call. “Hello.” I said.

“Good morning ma, you ordered for a ride.” The masculine voice said.

“Yes, I ordered for a ride about ten minutes ago.”

“Yes, so I will be at your location in five minutes.” The driver said.

“Okay I will be expecting you.” I answered before disconnecting the call.


My head snapped up and found Iteoluwa walking into the living room with the singing doll in her hands.

“Oh you are awake!” Busayomi expressed in a disappointed tone.

We had hoped she would be still be asleep till I left home so she wouldn’t cry or suggest following me.

Busayomi has warned me never to tell Iteoluwa I was going to meet with her father. It was best for Iteoluwa not to know the situation her father was in and I agreed to it. Even though Iteoluwa was smarter than her age, she doesn’t have to know about the charges levied against her father.

Adedayo was in a bad shape which wasn’t a good condition for Iteoluwa to meet him. But once all these are over, I would definitely bring her to meet him without minding the consequences – whatever his family would do or whatever Shalewa would do doesn’t bother me anymore.

I was determined to make my child happy.

“Sweetie-“ I called but instead of Iteoluwa to come to me, she went ahead to Busayomi.

“Good morning..big mommy.” She sat beside Busayomi on the couch.

“You are up so early, I hope you slept well?” Busayomi asked.

“Yes big mommy..I had my doll with me..the whole night.” She gave her doll to Busayomi.

“Awwnnn, you have such a nice doll.” Busayomi complimented.

A car horn honked outside and my phone rang at the same time. “I think my ride is here.” I stood up to leave.

My child didn’t even greet me or make an attempt to question me about my whereabouts. Instead she rested her head on Busayomi’s chest.

“Sweetie I am going out, make sure you don’t disturb big mommy okay?” I said.

“Big mommy..I want to watch Sofia the first.” Iteoluwa mumbled.

Busayomi gestured to me to leave. “I will talk to her.” She mouthed.

I walked out of the apartment to the gate where the Uber driver was already waiting for me.

“Good morning ma,” he greeted cheerfully.

“Good morning sir.” I slide into the backseat and gave him the address to Adedayo’s apartment.

I sighed and brought out my phone to text Bamidele. It was kinda weird to ask him for help being that he and Dayo weren’t on good terms before I left the country five years ago. I could still remember the words Dayo had said to him that night we had planned to have dinner. Who would tell that Bamidele would be the one helping him someday? I could just give it a try.

Bamidele should do better than anyone else because I trusted him and I know how capable he was as a lawyer.

“Good morning Bamidele, how are you doing with your family? I should have called but it is way to early. I checked the news last night and found out things about Adedayo. Right now I am on my way to see him and I hope that he opens up to me.” I sent the text to him and waited for a response.

Several minutes passed before Bamidele’s call came in on my phone and I picked immediately.

“Arike, where are you?” He asked in a concerned tone.

“On my way to see Dayo.” I answered.

“You can’t go to his apartment.” He rushes out his words.


“Listen I have been following up on Dayo’s case and this is a very crucial one being that he has been charged to domestic violence, assault and attempt murder on his wife.”

“What are you talking about?”

“He was released on bail three days ago but Shalewa’s father already ordered for his arrest again because the medical results showed that Shalewa had miscarriage after Dayo pushed her down the staircase during their argument.” Bamidele explained in full details.

Tears streamed down my cheeks. “So you can’t go to his apartment to see him because the police are probably outside his home now to arrest him.”

“This is deeper than I thought.” I covered my mouth in shock.

“I am sure they have filed a murder case against him for the loss of the child due to the miscarriage.” Bamidele added.

“Is it true?” I found myself asking.


“I mean..you have been following up the case, did Dayo really did these things to Shalewa?” I tried to control the tears but I failed at it.

“Arike, I don’t know what to think, every evidence they gathered proves that Dayo did these things.” He answered.

“No, Dayo would never do such thing. He can’t even hurt a fly..something must have happened. Something is just not right.” I cried.


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3 years ago

Omg?i wish it was possible for her to go bk to job nd defend the father of her child…God I love this story!

Cynthia Orokumo
Cynthia Orokumo
3 years ago


God please help adedayo for iteoluwas sake

3 years ago

Hum really getting interesting

Joseph Aniedi
Joseph Aniedi
3 years ago

what an emotional blackmail, Dayo you will sail through and conquer it……… Next episode please