ESCAPE FROM CEMETERY⚰☠ Episode 8 & 9 – Written by Unknown

ESCAPE FROM CEMETERY⚰☠ Episode 1 - Written by Unknown

Episode 8

This time, I wasn’t scared to look at the person who shot the gun. I’ve already knew the person that shot the gun, but I decided to look up in order to satisfy my curiosity.

Yeah, I was right. His twin was the person that shot the gun. Unlike the previous event, when the man gestured to me to come to him so that he can save me, this one doesn’t give a damn anymore.

I guessed he already knew that I’ve known the truth about the lies he told me because he started shooting at me the instance he shot the man I was talking to.

The first bullet hit me on the upper part of my left arm. The hand started bleeding immediately, even before he fired another bullet.

I held tightly onto it and started running towards an unknown direction. I could heard his feet chasing me drastically. I couldn’t look back because looking back for just a second may spell doom for me.

And according to what Paul the apostle said, I kept focusing on “what’s before me not the things behind”. He kept on shooting as I was running. And as I was running, my arms continued bleeding, I felt every flow of the hot blood that was streaming out of my arms.

I started becoming weary, my feet started wobbling. The breath oozing out from my nose started becoming hotter every seconds. But the man chasing me didn’t show any sign of fatigue, of course, this is because he is an undead. He’s not a human like me.

After realising that I may collapse anytime, I quickly hide behind a big tree amidst some decorated burial ground. I started breathing rapidly like someone that was just rescued from drowning in water and I hugged the tree as if it will save me.

For like 3 minutes, everywhere was silent like a valley, I didn’t hear any sound of gunshot. I didn’t hear any sound of approaching feet. Everywhere was just silent.

I thought everything has ended. I thought it’s over. I kneel down beside the tree and started shedding tears of joy. What also confirm my assumption that I’m saved was the obscure light that begins to set in in,side the cemetery. It seems like morning was already coming. I forced myself to smile a bit and increased the tempo at which I was shedding the tears of gratitude.

I decided to move away from under the tree and continue my journey of escaping from the cemetery. I stood up, dusted my dirty trouser and set to leave.

I was about to go when a liquid dropped on my cheek from above.

I raise my head to see this unbelievable figure on the tree, starring directly into my eye with just a distance of one feet between our faces.

It was another unknown creature and I guess he has been watching me since I got to that tree. 🍳


episode 9

If you describe what I saw as a snake, you’re right. If you describe it as human you’re right. His body looks slippery like a catfish, his finger nails were longer than witches own. Immediately our eyes came in contact, he scre-med at me, I almost died of heart attack. I was shifted to the back because of the high frequency of his noise. Being 3 feet away from him now, I was able to see his body clearly. He has a horn a in his forehead, his eyeballs looks like a crocodile’s eyeball, half of his body was human and the rest took a snake’s form. He just kept crawling around the tree. I was still looking at the bizarre figure in surprised when I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind in the dark. Normally, I shouldn’t have stayed to scan his body, but fear stucked my feet to the ground. I looked back the seconds I felt the touch. At first, I didn’t see anything when I looked back because everything behind me was really dark. I continue searching for the thing that tapped me when I saw this crawling sneaking movement on the ground. Then I quickly looked up. Lo and behold, the human snake was no more there. That moment was the first time I experienced a cold and hot temperature at the same time. I wish I came along with an injection that can kill me instantly. As I’ve been doing since, I prepared my leg and took off, I started running away. It wasn’t up to 4 seconds when the tail of the man tied up my legs. He started strangling my feet. The bones of my weak feet started quivering and shivering. I thought my leg will come off any minutes. Ever since the torment begin in the cemetery, I’ve been praying to die, but believe me, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die at all. All the dying stuff I’ve been saying were spoken by the fear in me. The snake kept on knitting my legs like a thread. I began to lose hope up of escaping or been alive. I was already going mentally and physically down when my hands touch a stone. A very big durable stone Without wasting any seconds, I grabbed it and hit it on the vain of the coiled snake. The stupid mouth he used to scre-m at me in pleasure earlier now scre-med in pain. He released his grip immediately and use both his hand to hold his tail. I sprang up like someone that got bitten by a scorpions and started running like someone chasing a game in the bush. I continued running intensely to a place only known by God. I wondered how the 4 plot cemetery ground turned out to be 4 acres land. I was still running when my eyes caught a very bright light shining from a far place. What I saw was the perfect example of light at the end of the tunnel. I was really happy when I discovered that the place where the light was coming from was the entrance of the cemetery. I changed the course of my direction and headed towards the door. I ran as if the place I’m running to is heaven. I got to the gate successfully. I was surprised nothing stopped me while running, I thought I will drop in,side one grave but no, nothing happened. “So I will just escape without being hunt”, I whispered to myself. With a dripping face and shivering hand, I held the unlocked gate tightly and opened it in one swing. Wow, seeing outside at that moment was a miracle. The car, the houses, and the street looks so new to me. It was as if I’ve never seen anything like that before. Even the people walking hastily to their place of work looked strange to me. I ran out immediately then turned to close the door, the door of torture and death. I picked the key from the ground and locked it sharply. I was really serious with the way I was locking it, I locked it in a way that even a fly won’t be able to go in or come out. Then I turned back to navigate my way back to my house. I turned my back to behold thousand of old graves occupying all the land area my eyes could covered. Everywhere now looks so dark, darker than the earlier darkness. I knelt dow like someone who just lose up because I’m still in a cemetery that is more scary, frightening and terrifying than the previous cemetery. I regretted locking the gate, I wished I’ve left it unlocked. I just fell from fry pan into fire.

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Chinwendu marvelous
Chinwendu marvelous
1 year ago

🙄🙄🙄🙄 Ije ego