ESCAPE FROM CEMETERY⚰☠ Episode 6 & 7 – Written by Unknown

ESCAPE FROM CEMETERY⚰☠ Episode 1 - Written by Unknown


Episode 6

Immediately I discovered that it was the man I punched earlier, I started urinating,shitting, farting and doing other kind of irritating things. I wanted to run away again, but it seems like the man has glued my feet to the ground.

Then he started coming towards me slowly like he is deliberating on how to kill me. I closed my eyes and whisper something to God that created earth and heaven.

He sat my ass down immediately he got to where I stood and also sat down silently beside me like a mother that wakes up her child in the middle of the night for a heart heart talk.

My heart started beating faster and louder. I can hear the sound of every single movement the heart makes. When he sat down, he moved closer to me to start a discussion, I could feel his hot breath on my skin.

“Hey Calm down”, his thick voice sounded in my hears. That’s the first time I will be hearing another person’s voice in the cemetery. That moment seems like I’ve never In my life heard another person’s voice since the day I was born.

And of course, I thought I won’t hear another person’s voice again till I die because I’m not sure I will get out of that cemetery alive.

“Hhmmhmm” The man took his time to clear his throat which signifies that he is about to start a long conversation.

“I’m not here to scare or chase you”, he started, “but I just want you to know that I’m here to help you get out of this cemetery alive because you’re not the first person to come here. I’m the one that helped those who came earlier escaped even though they suffered”.

I twisted my face in disbelief and I guess he read my expression. “You know”, he continued talking, ” I’m the one that worked for the money you are here to take, but I’m unable to go to the world beyond because of that money, without spending the money, I can’t leave this cemetery” he noted emotionally.

The spirit that gave me that money is the same spirit that don’t want you to take the money, probably they want me to suffer here till Jesus come.

He looked at me with a pleading eye and beg me to get out alive with that money.

“But wait sir”, I spoke instantly with a disagreeing tone. ” Do you mean I should be concerned about taking the money over escaping alive. So you mean I should rest in pieces because you want to rest in peace” I can’t believe I was actually rejecting the money I came for.

“If that’s so” I continued fuming ” Sir, you won’t rest in peace oo.”, I busted out angrily.

I don’t know if it was my tone that frustrated him or because I disagreed, he stood up immediately.

The atmosphere around me started changing, I could smell death more that the way I perceive aroma of boiling chicken.

I stood up immediately after him in order to try and protect myself from any dangerous step he might take against me.

I was still looking in his eyes directly when I heard a very loud gunshot ” Kpaaa”. The man fell down instantly with his head scattered on the floor due to the effect of the gun. His brains and blood popped out of his skull.

I won’t believe it if someone tells me that a dead person can die, but looking at the scattered head of the dead and dead person before me, I knew that my days of running is about to end.

I’m left alone now to face the spirit that has been scarring me since.


Episode 7

I couldn’t raise my head to see the person who shot the gun. I was really scared to even make any movement. I just stood at the front of the dead corpse like a puppet and was expecting to receive a bullet in my head too. That’s the most merciful death I can get.

At that moment, my notion has extremely shifted away from escaping, my intention now is to look for a quicker and painless way to die. I don’t think escape is possible.

I was still looking down like a shy lady when the corpse before started moving. I was right and wrong at the same time. My assumption that the dead man is dead was wrong but my belief that a dead man can’t die again was right.

I opened my mouth in awe. The dead man just stood up like nothing happened. He held his scattered head and started rearranging it. He was even dusting his shirt and trousers.

Now I don’t know what to do, I don’t want look at his regenerating head and I don’t want to look at the man who shot the gun. Closing my eye either is a bad option.

I was still thinking of what to do when I heard a voice whispering, but also seems very loud. ” Come over, come here” was the word that kept resounding in my head. Then I shifted my gaze to the left to see the man that shot earlier. What I saw was enough to end my life that instance.

The man that shot was a direct replica of the man that just got shot down, replica of the man that was discussing with me all this while. He kept on waving to me to come over. The way he was gesturing to me seems like he’s trying to save me from an impending danger.

Do I have a choice?, I quickly ran towards his direction, stepping on every graves on my way. I got to where he stood successfully and he led me to another place that seems like a safe house, a hide out.

He sat me down on one of the chairs and even gave me water to calm my nerves because of the way I’ve been running since. I won’t actually believe it if someone tells me that I will experience this that midnight. What also baffles me is that I’ve spent over 9 and half hours in that cemetery, but there’s no sign that morning will soon come.

After he realized that I’ve calmed down a bit, he sat down beside and cleared his throat just like the way his twin did earlier. Everything about the two was the same, even their voice.

” I know what you’ve been experiencing since”, he started with a manipulative tone. Everyone will believe every word coming out of his mouth.

” I heard all the things he told you”, he continued using the sugar coated tone, ” Everything he said was right except that he is not the man he said he was, he is actually among the spirit tormenting this place and I’m the real man that owns the money”.

I just opened my eyes and mouth wide open as if I want to swallow him. I don’t what to believe what he is saying. I just continued starring at him unbelievably.

” So what’s the assurance that you’re not a spirit too”, I asked to justify my doubt.

” You don’t have to believe me, he responded, but just follow me and let me help you to escape from this mysterious world.

“Wow, thank God I’m safe”, I murmured to myself. His word sound so reassuring than his twin I met earlier, and his twin didn’t even offer to follow me out.

I was smiling happily and was watching him adjusting himself so that he can begin his mission to take me out.

He was about to stand up when I heard another sound of gunshot, more louder than the previous one. The man before me, the man I suppose will help me out of this cemetery fell down immediately. His head was scattered brutally on the floor. His brains and blood also popped out of his skull.



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Chinwendu marvelous
Chinwendu marvelous
1 year ago

No way of escape indeed
God will help you