Dora And The Water god! Episode 6 – Blessing-Enejo Abrahams

Dora And The Water god! - Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

Dora And The Water god!

Episode 6

… She would come and check the pot countless times, and then make me blow the fire severally, and then go back inside the house. I sat outside wondering if it wasn’t ordinary porridge yam she was cooking.

“How come?” I would ask myself cos I was so famished. At least no matter how small my portion would be, it was manageable.

She returned outside moments later and went into the kitchen to check what she was cooking and this time, she flung the pot cover outside. I had even dozed off, it was the sound of the pot cover that jerked me up from sleep.

“What is this? Ordinary porridge?” She asked herself, and then came outside from the kitchen angr!ly.

“You, what did you put inside this food that the water has even refused to boil for almost four hours now?”

On hearing that, I stood up immediately and began to wonder how possible it could be.

“Nothing ma o, I didn’t put anything” I said waving both hands but she gave me a thunderous slap

“I’ve been cooking my food without any issues when you were bl!nd. Now that you’ve regained your sight things have begun to get worse. What kind of a child are you?” She yelled at me but I couldn’t do anything, I just stood there crying.

She returned into the kitchen, brought out the pot and then emptied the content in the pot on my b0dy. My heart skipped immediately as my jaw dropped in awe, thinking it was boiling water she poured on me but the water was as cold as ice.

All the while when the food was on the fire, I didn’t have the guts to open the lid to even see the stage it was, not knowing that the water didn’t even boil.

She then slammed the pot on the ground and started to yell at me again, accusing me of w!tchcraft and that everything was my fault.

“What did you do to my food you daughter of a w!tch?” She quizzed again but I shook my head as I stood there drowned in my own tears and then, she lets out a long hiss and walked away.

I cried and even blamed my late mother for bringing me into this world only to grow up in the midst of people who don’t like me.

A few hours later, it was already late. My stepmother and her children had already gone out to get food for themselves while I sat outside the house lonely, alone and famished.

After singing different songs for hours I decided to go to the river that night as that was the only place that gave me peace of mind.

I sat by the river under the very bright moon and I sang melodious songs while also throwing tiny stones into the water and all of a sudden, I started to hear footsteps.

I turned left and then right but saw no one, and I became so fr!ghtened.

“Who’s there?” I asked but I could still hear the footsteps.

By Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites.

“Who’s there?” I asked again but heard no response.

I got up to leave immediately and I heard this laughter coming from behind me.

“Don’t be sc@red, it’s me” Said Odu the hunter and as soon as I saw him, I became a bit relieved.

“You sc@red me” I said with a hand on my chest.

“Sorry” He said with a grin.
“But, what are you doing here at this time of the night?”

I exhaled, and then folded my arms.

“My stepmother and step siblings story” I said looking away.

“What happened this time?” He probed and I explained everything to him.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him too.

“I’m a hunter remember? I hunt anytime”

He laughed so hard about the porridge that refused to boil and I had to ask him to stop laughing before he did.

“Care for some roasted bush me@t?” He asked again and I nodded, it was a very big catch this time.

“She deserves it you know?” He added.

We sat by the river gisting for a very long time, I even sang to him and finally, the me@t was ready. I ate to my fill and after a few minutes, I told him I wanted to go. He saw me off to the house but it was late so the doors had already been locked.

I was so sc@red to knock at first as soon as Odu left but I summoned the courage to do so. My stepsister opened the door and started to insult me, calling me a pr0$titute as soon as she set eyes on me.
I slapped her and it resulted into a fight and before I knew what was happening, my stepmother and her children gathered me and I was thoroughly be@ten up.

“Since you like going to the river, now go and pick up a container from the kitchen and go fetch some water” My stepmother said and I went on my knees.

“Please ma it’s late, I’ll fetch it tomorrow” I begged but she refused, telling me to fill up the three big drums in the kitchen.

Well, I left for the kitchen to pick up a container and I left for the river. Everywhere was so quiet cos of the time but all thanks to the moon for it’s brightness.

I sang on my way to the river in tears walking on the narrow path alone and then, I stopped singing and I began to think about my future.

I soon arrived the river but what I saw sent shivers down my spine. I saw the hunter going deep into the water, transforming into this shiny image with long hair.

“Odu!” I called with my mouth agape.

He looked back all of a sudden with eyes as shiny as the sun, and then stretched forth his arm..

To be continued!

Do not copy without giving credit to the writer.

©️ Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites
And Elleywrites Stories Page

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