Dora And The Water god! Episode 4 – Blessing-Enejo Abrahams

Dora And The Water god! - Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

Dora And The Water god!

Episode 4

… ” The river dried up before their very eyes? How??” I sat there questioning myself.

Immediately, my stepmother ran past me while her children followed.

“What’s going on? How can the river just dry up like that?” I asked but none of them cared to answer.

They returned about an hour later seriously lamenting. Their mother asked them if it was an atrocity they committed by the river that caused it to dry up but they said they did nothing.

“So how come other people can see the river, even fetching from it but we can’t? Is there something you children are not telling me? I am finished!” My stepmother continued lamenting till she busted into tears.

I became so sc@red and confused.

“Is it that the gods are @ngry with us or what?” I asked rhetorically.

“Can someone talk to me please? What’s going on?” I probed but they all ignored me.

Villagers started gathering in numbers in our compound to confirm the rumour that was already flying around the village and my stepmother and siblings wouldn’t stop explaining to everyone what happened and what was happening.

Later, the King of our village summoned my stepmother and her children and they went to the palace leaving me all alone in the house.

After they returned, they still kept mute without saying a word to me. It was the following day when our neighbour’s son came to visit me that he told me that the chief priest asked my stepmother and her children never to go close to the river again, and that my stepmother should amend her ways, that she and her children have offended the water god and the only way not to incur his wrath further was to stay far away from the river.

My stepmother or her children started going to the neighbouring village to fetch water. They were the only ones in the village who dared not go close to the village river.

By Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites.

As a result of what happened, things became extremely difficult for me. Before then, they used to fetch a full small cup of water for me to drink throughout the day, but when they started going to the neighbouring village for water, no one cared about me any longer and I started going to our neighbours begging them for water.

One day, I was very thirsty and on that particular day, none of our neighbours were around. I continued roaming about in our neighbourhood in tears, swinging my stick from side to side, screaming at the top of my voice for water but some who my stepmother had brainwashed heard me but refused to give. I roamed about till I missed my way until a good Samaritan brought me back home.

“How long have you been blind? ” He asked sitting me on my mat.

“A few months ago” I said wiping my tears with the helm of the cloth I was wearing.

“Thank you sir” I added staring at him, if at all it was him I was staring at. All I knew was that I was staring towards the direction of his voice.

“What if I take you somewhere so you can see again?” He quizzed stroking my hair but I immediately withdrew my head.

“But, I don’t even know who you are” I said sitting up.

“It’s me, Neon”

“Neon? Wait, you were the one who came here the other day right?” I asked pointing in his direction.

“Wait, were you… or are you invincible? How come my sister did not see you?”

“You’re right and no, I’m not invincible. She’s only blind within” He said.

“How do you mean? Where exactly are you from and, how and when did you leave here the other day?” I questioned.

“You will find out soon. Come, let’s go. Let me take you to where your sight will be regained ” He said and on hearing that, I jumped up.

“Wow, really? really??” I asked but he helped me up and we journeyed holding one of my hands.

“But, where are we going and, can I trust you?”

“We are almost there and yes, you can trust me” He said confidently.

I wasn’t sc@red following him to wherever he was taking me to so I could see again, all I wanted was to regain my sight.

We finally arrived at a place so cool, calm and serene.

“Wait, is this the river?” I asked.

“You’re right” He said.

I was about asking him what we were doing there when I felt splashes of water on my face and all of a sudden, something pierced through my eyes and I could see again.

“It’s a lie! I can see!! I can see!!!” I said at the top of my voice and then, I remembered who brought me there.

I turned towards his direction to thank him for what he had done but I didn’t see anyone…

To be continued.

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