Dora And The Water god! Episode 35 – Blessing-Enejo Abrahams

Dora And The Water god! - Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

Dora And The Water god!
Episode 35

“How dare you?” The old man r@ged in
anger. His voice was so loud that the echoes
travelled afar.
Neni’s grandmother busted into a dev!lish
laughter, and then paused all of a sudden and
started to stare at us one after the other.
“How dare you? | command you to let the
little girl go now” The old man repeated and
again, Neni and her grandmother busted out
in laughter.
“Look, weren’t you informed that your era has
since come to an end? Another more
powerful river being has since taken over”
Said Neni’s grandmother witha dev!lish
“It’s still my son, you don’t have to remind me
of that. Now let the little girl go before you
face my wr@th” r@ged the old man.

“You think you’re the only powerful river god
on this earth? You lie! I have journeyed
through all the water kingdoms on this earth
and I’ve come across even more powerful
ones than you are. I have rendered the little
girl powerless and now, I’m taking her with
us to start our own kingdom somewhere very
far away” The old woman said and then gave
a very thunderous laugh.
“You have dared me enough!!” Thundered
the old man, then stretched forth his arm
towards the old woman and suddenly, the old
Woman returned whatever the man was
trying to send to her by stretching forth one
of her arms instead towards me and right
before my very eyes, something like a black
cloud hit me and II fell straight, face down
into the river, and that was the last thing I
After some time, I found myself tied down
Somewhere inside a room filled with water. I
don’t know how I managed to survive under
the water though. And then, Neni and her
grandmother appeared before me and began
to make jest of me.

“Come on, the river god’s special daughter in-
law, I bow before you” Neni mocked and they
both busted out laughing again.
“Please, let me go. I promise never to go
close to Neon or have anything to do with his
father, or the river ever again” I pleaded.
The old woman turned and looked at Neni,
and they busted out laughing so hard this
“My dear, this you have here is your soul, your
bOdy is in Neon’s arms right now and I can
see him crying uncontrollably” She said but I
didn’t understand what she meant.
“l don’t understand” I said with mouth agape.
“Oh, you don’t?! You’re going to be de@d in a
few minutes. I brought your soul here so that
once you’re finally pronounced de@d, your
soul automatically becomes mine and then
you become my water slave.”
“What?!” | exclaimed looking around, so
“Please Il beg of you, I want to go back”

“It is too late. Can’t you see how you have
brought back my pa!ln? I thought that I had
lost my son and that stup!d girl whom he
once impregnated so I could claim Neni
whom I single handedly raised. Now what
have you done? You didn’t only bring back
that use!less boy who calls himself my son,
but you brought along the girl”
Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrite’s.
“Mama l am sorry, please have mercy. I never
knew all these” I pleaded already in tears.
“Keep quiet!” The old woman thundered.
“Look around you She said and I turned and
looked around again.
“No one, not even the water god and his son
can be able to locate this place. I swam
beyond all the seas in Africa just to possess
the kind of power I now have, and not even
the water god can be able to challenge me
now” She said.

“You only have a few minutes left like she
said. Would you like to see your daughter
from the future so that you both can talk
about maybe the things you would have both
done together if this didn’t happen?” Asked
Neni, with laughter and I nodded sporadically.
“Yes, yes, please, allow me to see her for the
last time” I pleaded and Neni disappeared
and reappeared after a few seconds with the
“Last time? Definitely not the last. You both
remain here with me” Said the old woman.
As soon as the little girl saw me, she
removed her hand from Neni’s tight grip and
she ran towards me in my already opened
“I missed you but not to worry, everything is
under control” The little girl whispered in my
right ear.
“‘So, get talking. What and what would you
like to talk about?” Asked the old woman.

“Nothing. There’s nothing to talk about” Said
the little girl and then she walked back to
“Perfect. Once your mother from the future’s
body finally dles, you both automatically
become my slaves” Said the old Woman to
the little girl.
“If it is right before you and before anyone
who can differentiate between good and ev!l,
then let your wish come to pass” The little girl
said, and then gave her hand to Neni, while
Neni grabbed it in @nger.
“| have surrendered myself to you, do with
me as you please” Said the little girl to Neni.
“Henceforth, you and your mother from the
future become my slave. You will do as I say,
and only do whatever I want. You will no
longer listen to anyone but me, and will no
longer hear anyone’s voice but mine” She
thundered and Neni turned and looked at her.
And then, I started to feel somehow within
me, as if air was penetrating my skin.

“I don’t understand how I feel, I feel
somehow” I said looking at myself.
“Yes, it means you’re already at the verge of
giving up. Your soul is totalling leaving your
bOdy, that’s why you feel that way” Said the
old woman with a dev!lish grin.
“| can’t allow you to continue doing this” Neni
let out with head bowed, and I became more
confused, asking myself what she was up to
this time.
She looked up all of a sudden now facing her
“Enough is enough” Neni said, giving her
grandmother a very devil!sh look..
To be continued!

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