Dora And The Water god! Episode 31 – Blessing-Enejo Abrahams

Dora And The Water god! - Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

Dora And The Water god!

Episode 31.

… After he changed form into a baby, he was on the river floating like a mere leaf. I started to shiver again cos I didn’t even know if it would be ok carrying him back home.

“Will I be able to take care of him now that I’ve confirmed that it’s Neon’s father?” Was all I kept asking myself as I stood there dumbfounded.

“Come on, carry your baby” Neon said pointing at the baby who seemed unbothered and was also there smiling at us.

“I don’t know if… the thing is… I’m just so sc@red” I finally voiced out but instead, Neon busted out laughing so hard

“Sc@red of your own baby? I mean, who does that?” He teased with folded arms.

I ignored him and then I went closer to the baby, and I carried him up but I was too sc@red to look into his eyes and I also tried to avoid any form of eye contact.

“I… I must leave now” I said to Neon unable to look directly at him too.

“Dora, I know that you’re still so m@d at me but it’s not my fault, please forgive me ” He pleaded.

“I was m@d at you but now I know better. Your father already told me a few things so I’m just ok with you now but our friendship is no longer going to be as it used to be “

“I understand, but I’m glad to at least know that you have forgiven me” He said.

“Yes I have. And, I must leave now”

“Not so soon Dora. There’s something I would like to discuss with you please “

As soon as I heard that, I sighed.

“Please go ahead ” I said.

He walked slowly up to me with both hands behind him, and then stood before me and started staring into my eyes.

“Dora, will you marry me? please marry me and let’s live comfortably and peacefully together. We already have a seal of our love remember?” He said pointing at the baby but I couldn’t just believe what I was hearing. Just like that?

By Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrite’s.

“Neon, it doesn’t work that way. You went completely out of my life and now you want to return simply because your father put an end to whatever that was between you and Neni? It just can’t work. Neni is your betrothed and you and I are in two different worlds. if you had asked me this again a couple of months ago I would have gladly agreed to do so but now, I’m so sorry to disappoint you, it’s not going to work”

“But… you said you’ve forgiven me. Look, If I was never in love with you I wouldn’t have gone this far just to protect you ” He said.

“How far did you go please?” I asked.

“See, I wanted you to be safe from that w!cked goddess, that was why I asked you to go to the land under the protection of the gods. And another thing, I wanted my father to come back to life through you so that the w!cked goddess could be served the punishment that she deserves, and I’m glad it happened exactly the way I wanted it to. I didn’t have the power to dethrone her so I wanted Father to do so instead cos if she wasn’t dethroned, she and her granddaughter Neni would have made your life a living he!l, even if it meant waiting for 50 years for you to leave the land under the protection of the gods’ cos you would surely want to be out of there someday to explore other villages.”

“What?!” I exclaimed.
“So, what about the little girl?”

“Oh, she’s fine. We actually planned it together. We wanted Father to come in her place so he could right some wrongs so you could be free from all the tr0ubles you were in. That’s how much you mean to me Dora”

“I can’t believe this” I said with a faint smile.

“Can I see the little girl again?” I asked with curiosity.

“Yes but, in 7 days” He replied.

“I don’t understand. What’s with the 7 days “

“Cos, something big is going to happen in this kingdom in exactly 7 days from now. You will be allowed to see her by then if you want to ” He said.

“Yes, I just can’t wait” I said excitedly.
“I must leave now” I added, and I turned to leave.

“Dora, wait!” He said and I paused.

He came forward again, made me stretch forth one of my arms and he put a few drops of water in my palm and immediately, I appeared before the entrance of the land protected by the gods…

To be continued.

Do not copy without giving credit to the writer.

©️ Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites
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8 months ago

Wow beautiful one