Dora And The Water god! Episode 27 – Blessing-Enejo Abrahams

Dora And The Water god! - Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

Dora And The Water god.

Episode 27

… I was so stunned with popped eyes.

“Your Highness, please don’t do this” I said also kneeling before him.

“Please get up, do not kneel with the baby before me please” He said also bowing his head.

“Your Highness, I don’t understand all these. Please I’m not comfortable with this at all. How can a king be kneeling before a new born baby and I?”

“Get up please, I can see that you don’t understand anything yet. He shouldn’t be kneeling before me, it ought to be otherwise ” He said.

“Your Highness, please…” I said in an attemp to say something but he immediately cut in.

“Get up, now! it’s an order” yelled the King and I got up immediately, but I was so shocked and surprised to still see him kneeling before us.

“You see this child you’re carrying, He’s a very powerful child and a reincarnation too. The only person I knew who had such eyes was Neon’s father, and I’m sure that this is him, he returned back to earth but this time, he returned through you. When he was alive no human dared to speak when he was speaking, he wasn’t just a river god, he was more than that cos everyone around this kingdom worshipped him” Revealed the King, still on his knees.

“But your Highness, even though this is somehow strange, this child came to me inform of a girl when I newly conceived him. I was almost going to leave this village to Neon to ask him some questions cos it seemed that the baby was exchanged cos I was expecting a baby girl, according to what I saw. But the child told me that he decided to come this time in form of a boy and everything was orchestrated by Neon to disguise him from those who were after us.

The King looked at me all of a sudden wearing a surprise look.

“The child speaks?” He probed staring deeply into my eyes.

” Yes, he spoke to me ” I said nodding my head.

“Can I carry him?” Asked the King stretching forth his arms.

“Yes you can ” I said already handing him over.

The King who was still on his knees started to eulogize him and the baby smiled back with a response.

“May your reign be long” Said the baby and the King bowed to receive the blessings.

When the baby was done blessing him, the King stood up with the baby still in his arms and he dashed out of my room while I ran after him.

“Roll out the drums, k!ll the fattest of cows and let’s make merry, the river god is back and of all the villages around this Kingdom, he chose our village ” The King screamed joyfully.

By Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrite’s.

I was walking behind him, going wherever he went and I couldn’t just believe my eyes and ears.

Villagers started to gather and drummers started beating drums, while dancers danced and palm wine tappers filling the cups of everyone who cared to take palmwine for free.

After the feast, we returned to our house and the King assigned two more guards and two more maids to me.

Wherever I went, the respect increased this time. Men, women and even children would never walk past me without going on their knees. And did I mention that every market day people would come to our place to give us foodstuffs for free?

Well, after 7 days, the King summoned me to the palace and I went with the baby.

I saw someone who looked familiar in the palace but I couldn’t really place where we had met before.

“Dora, this young man is here from your village. ” The King said pointing at the young man and as soon as I heard that, my heart skipped.

“Young man, please let her know why you are here” Added the King.

The young man fell on his knees immediately.

“Dora, you’re summoned by the King and the chief priest. The King asked to tell you that since you have given birth, you must return to the village immediately to resolve the case that is still pending” He said, and I stared at him confusedly.

“What case?” I asked.

“Remember that you were once told by the King that after you put to bed, you must swear before everyone that you did not k!ll your step brother ” He said, and my jaw dropped in awe.

I had forgotten that something like that was even discussed, but I mustn’t be allowed to leave the village, that was the instruction.

“I had totally forgotten. But I’m sorry, I can’t go with you. The instruction says that I mustn’t leave this village for any reason for my safety, but I promise that as soon as I’m allowed to go out I must surely come do the needful” I said.

“I am sorry, I didn’t send myself here, the King sent me. it’s a must that you come prove your innocence, otherwise the repercussion is dangerous” He said.

“Please try and understand me…” I said but the baby cut in.

“We will be there in three days” Said the baby, and the young man’s jaw dropped in awe, and started to look around.

“Sorry to ask but, I just heard someone speak, the voice was like that of a little child. ” Said the young man turning and looking around.

“It’s my baby” I said looking at him.

“No I mean, I heard a child’s voice” He repeated and I told him again that it was my baby.

He became so uncomfortable, already looking so frightened.

“I… I must… leave now” He said, got up and was hurrying out of the palace.

“At least take water” The King screamed but the young man sprinted away.

“We shall be there in three days, you must go ” Said the baby.

“But, you once told me never to leave here no matter what ” I said to him.

“Yes I said so, but power has changed hands”…

To be continued.

Do not copy without giving credit to the writer.

©️ Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites
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