Dora And The Water god! Episode 25 – Blessing-Enejo Abrahams

Dora And The Water god! - Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

Dora And The Water god!

Episode 25

… I screamed as soon as I saw the baby’s eyes and the women who were on their knees looked up immediately.

“Please, stop screaming” One of them said, and they all stood up.

Another brought out leaves from her calabash of water and started sprinkling it around the room, pouring out blessings as she did.

“May you live long, and may your birth bring forth bountiful blessings”.

The whole thing looked mysterious to me as I sat there on the bed still so shocked and confused.

I had met my child from the future long before she was born, but she didn’t have eyes as shiny as these.

The women all poured out blessings in turns and when they were done, the one carrying the baby handed her over to me after cleaning her up . I was so scared to carry her at first but I had to summon some courage.

“We shall be back by morning” One of them said as they picked up the calabashes they had dropped on the floor and then turned to leave.

“But, wait” I said.
“Please, where are you from again and how did you know that I was in labor?”

“We are not ordinary midwives, we are midwives of the gods but we reside here. Whenever anyone around here is in labor we don’t need to be told as we see and also hear directly from the gods.

“But, how come her eyes are like this?” I asked.

“Her?” One of them asked, and they all turned and looked at each other.
“Were you expecting a girl?”

“I knew even before I gave birth to her that she was a girl. The reason her eyes are like this is what I don’t understand “

One of them giggled and then looked at me.

By Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrite’s.

“Well, it’s a boy” She said with a smile.

“No, it can’t be. I’m sure it’s a girl, I even met her before she was born. Or is it possible that you people didn’t check the gender properly?” I asked already handing her over to one of them.

She collected the baby and then unwrapped the baby for me to see and lo and behold, it was a boy. My jaw dropped immediately as I looked confusedly at each of them.

“No, this isn’t my child. Is it possible that you people made some sort of mistake?”

They turned and looked at each other again.

“Mistake?!!!” They all asked in chorus.

“We never make mistakes. Besides, you were the only pregnant woman here so it’s not even possible that the baby was exchanged with that of another person”

“I’m telling you what I know! This child can’t be mine!!” I yelled.

“I’m sorry but, it’s yours and we must leave now” The one who took the baby said to me, dropping him on bed.

They were already on their way out when I managed to get up, carried the baby and hurried after them with the baby in my arms. It was then my maid and guard rushed out of their rooms but the women had already stepped out of the house when my guard came outside. It was still raining heavily, I was outside screaming at the top of my voice, trying to stop them but they entered the rain and left.

My guard ran after them in the rain, but later got back drenched. I asked him if he knew the women or the direction they went but he said they already vanished before he got out of the compound.

“They said they were midwives of the gods. I need to tell them that this isn’t my baby” I said to him as he stood before me panting.

“Midwives of the gods? What did they come here to do?” He asked with curiosity.

“I was in labor and I put to bed a few minutes ago. I kept screaming you and the maids name but none of you heard me.”

“That can’t be true” He said.

“It is. But this baby isn’t mine” I said showing them the baby and as soon as he saw him, he fell on his knees while the maid froze.

“What’s going on? ” I asked him.

“This child is a very powerful one. This is either a child of a god or a child from the gods” He said still on his knees.

“He isn’t mine. I know my child “

“Are you serious about this? But there was no other pregnant woman in the room when you gave birth” Said the maid.

“I know but I know what I’m saying”

“We’ll need to see the King by dawn then” He said.

“Not just the King, I need to go and see Neon too as soon as possible cos I don’t understand what’s going on ” I said…

To be continued.

Do not copy without giving credit to the writer.

©️ Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites
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