Dora And The Water god! Episode 19 – Blessing-Enejo Abrahams

Dora And The Water god! - Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

Dora And The Water god!

Episode 19

… I was stunned.

“No, you don’t know Neni do you? I followed her home yesterday when she told me that her grandmother was also from the water. I wanted to see her grandmother and talk to her if she could help find a solution to my situation, but, what I saw…” I said recollecting what I witnessed when I went to their place.

“It will be wise to stay completely away from her. Neni is here to destr0y you, flee from her whenever you see her” She said.

“I just…I just can’t believe what I’m hearing. Neni is what? oh I can’t believe this” I said shaking my head.

“Come, let’s go somewhere ” She said.

“Ok, where?” I asked with curiosity.

“Just calm down and meet me outside” She said and then disappeared. I dashed out of my room into the living room and as soon as I sighted my stepmother sitted comfortably on one of the couches, I slowed down and was slowly walking out when she turned, looked at me, let out a long and loud hiss and then turned back her head.

The little girl was already outside the house waiting for me.

I got out to meet her and we walked side by side but nobody saw her, everyone who passed us by greeted just me.

“But, where exactly are we going?” I asked still walking with her.

“Just be patient and quiet, I want to show you something” She said with a smile.

I didn’t utter anymore word, I just followed her to wherever she was taking me and lo and behold, it was Neni’s place, but something mysterious happened. The house Neni took me to was no longer there.

“Have you confirmed all I told you now?” She asked staring at me.

“I don’t understand. There was a building here when I came here with Neni, what happened to it?”

“There was never a building. Just thank your stars that you didn’t see eyeball to eyeball with her grandmother, otherwise you wouldn’t have been alive to witness what I’m showing you right now “

“I just can’t believe this!” I said panting, with a hand placed on my forehead.

“So, what if I see Neni again? Are you sure she wouldn’t want to approach me next time?”

“Of course she will, but do not be afraid for I will always be here to guide you” She said.

“I just don’t know what I’ve done to deserve all these kindness from you. Thank you so much” I said giving her a hug.

On our way out from there, I decided to ask the little girl if it was possible for me to see Neon again, and she promised that she was going to talk to him about it and then get back to me.

We walked for another few minutes and then we sat beside an old and abandoned building, where I was trying to comprehend all I had just witnessed.

“Just cheer up, you still have a serious b@ttle ahead of you, but with me here you don’t have to worry.”

As soon as I heard that, I jumped up.

“B@ttle ahead? But, from who?”

“You don’t expect Neni to sit and fold her arms after conceiving and having a child for her man do you? And you don’t expect her grandmother to also sit and give up on the fact that a human won the heart of her supposed son inlaw. And your stepmother’s family? Of course you don’t expect them to sit somewhere and do nothing after you give birth to not just an ordinary child”

“All these for one person?”

“That’s why I said I was going to always be here for you and with you” She said.
“Neni’s grandmother is the Queen of all the rivers in this community and beyond, so you must thread with caution “

“Queen?!” I exclaimed and she nodded.
“Oh no!!” I added.
“Please, help me talk to Neon, I have questions to ask him. My heart yearns for him and I’ve missed him so b@d”

“I will deliver your message” She replied.
“I must leave to my world now, but be back whenever you need me” She said and I nodded.

She disappeared before my very eyes and I was still there thinking about the b@ttles ahead of me.

When I got home that day, I walked slowly into my room but after a few minutes, Dale came to look for me.

We both sat outside the house talking for hours. He greeted my stepmother and her daughter when he came but they refused to answer him. He then left when it was getting late and after seeing him off, I left for my room.

I sat on the bare floor with my knees raised up and with both hands holding my legs, wondering why Neon no longer wanted to see me after conceiving for him and I wept bitterly.

I slept off and I had a dream. Or should I say a nightmare?

I saw Neni and Neon standing in our village river with rings on their married fingers. I wailed on seeing them and when I woke up, I was still wailing.

I got up in that middle of the night, gently opened the door and I sprinted to the river in the dead of the night just to confirm if what I dreamt about was truly happening cos my dreams comes to pass most times.

Lo and behold, on reaching the river, I saw Neni and Neon holding hands, dancing to the sound of the drum being played by some people in white attire.

I was going to scream but the little girl appeared all of a sudden, and then covered my mouth…

To be continued.

Do not copy without giving credit to the writer.

©️ Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites
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