Dora And The Water god! Episode 17 – Blessing-Enejo Abrahams

Dora And The Water god! - Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

Dora And The Water god!

Episode 17

… “Your grandmother!” I exclaimed.

“Yes. Is anything the matter?” She asked.

“No… I mean… yes. Please can you take me to your grandmother? “

She turned and looked at me. Though she was skeptical at first but she later agreed.

We left for her place but her grandmother was not around. She searched for her around the house but couldn’t find her. I had to sit somewhere before the house cos I wasn’t just ready to leave without seeing her.

I was there with Neni for almost an hour and when I finally made up my mind to leave, I heard a woman’s voice calling on Neni from the back of the house. I raised my head immediately looking at her, waiting for her to tell me that which I wanted to hear.

“That’s my grandmother” Neni said and I jumped up immediately I heard that, so elated.

Neni stood up and was going to the back of the house and I followed from behind, but she turned facing me again.

“Uhm…Dora, you know what? Just go back and sit down, let me tell my grandmother about you first then I’ll come and call you once she asks me to” She said.

“Oh ok, that’s a good idea” I said turning back.

I sat before the house for about another thirty minutes but Neni didn’t come for me. I sat there wondering what could be wrong, or maybe the woman didn’t even want to see me. I stood up to go home cos the day was already far spent and apart from that, I was already so famished.

By Blessing Enejo-Abrahams Elleywrite’s.


“Neni!!” I called but heard no response.

I turned to leave but it wouldn’t be ok to just leave like that without informing anyone so I decided to go to the back of the house to inform them that I was leaving.

“Neni!” I called again but still no response.

As I approached the back of the house, something was whispering to me to just go home but another thing was in my head telling me to just go ahead.
Well, I obeyed the one telling me to go ahead and I did.

Reaching the back of the house, I saw something I didn’t recover from for almost three days.

Wondering what I saw? I’ll tell you.

I saw Neni and the old woman both tying white wrappers from their chest down, coming out from a river behind their house. I stood there shocked watching them emerge from the water with their heads, and then walking out of it. I wanted screaming but I covered my mouth immediately, tiptoed back and then took to my heels, running straight home.

I threw the living room door open and I ran straight into my room. I was in my room hearing my stepmother asking her daughter if she saw who was chasing me but she said she saw nothing.

I sat on the floor visibly shaking, trying to comprehend what I had just witnessed.

“Wait o, what did I just witness? And how come there’s a river behind their house but Neni still came to fetch water from the village river?” I sat there asking myself till I finally slept off.

Very early the following day when I woke up, I thought about the event that took place the previous day, wondering who Neni truly was. But my stomach was so empty cos I didn’t even eat anything the previous day.

I got up, took some money from my bucket to go get something to eat but as soon as I turned, there the little girl was, standing with a smile on her face, stretching forth a plate of my favorite dish.I froze on seeing her and my jaw dropped in awe as soon as I sighted the plate she was carrying that I stood still staring at her.

“Come on, go ahead and take it” She said with a smile.

“But… I don’t understand” I said looking around.

“Just take, enjoy your meal”

“I’m sorry I can’t take it. Who exactly are you and where did you get this food? Even though it’s my favorite I just can’t take it”

She giggled looking away, and then looked at me again.

“First of all, don’t be surprised whenever I call you Mom. You are my mother”

“Please stop saying that, you’re speaking in parables and I don’t understand it” I said.

“I’m sorry but it’s the truth” She said.

“Make me understand all these please, don’t put me in the dark” I pleaded.

“First of all, take the food from me” She said, and I looked into her eyes so she could confirm what she just said.
“Take it”

I reached for it and I took the plate of food from her.

“But where did you get this please?” I asked.

“Daddy asked me to bring it to you” She said smiling.

“Daddy? Who is your Daddy?”

She then giggled with a hand over her mouth.

“Neon is my Daddy.” She let out and as soon as she mentioned it, my door opened all of a sudden, it was my stepmother…

To be continued.

Do not copy without giving credit to the writer.

©️ Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

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