Dora And The Water god! Episode 10 – Blessing-Enejo Abrahams

Dora And The Water god! - Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

Dora And The Water god.

Episode 10.

… I turned and looked at Neon. He looked back, and then looked away.

“Please, I need to go back” I said crying.

“It’s too late, Dora” He said as we proceeded slowly to the river. I didn’t want to follow him but where else would I go?

I continued crying and I refused to respond to whatever Neon was telling me.

We arrived at the river and we swam deep into it. I continued crying till we finally reached his place, and I sat somewhere by a corner of the living room without talking to him. He brought something for me to eat but I refused to take it from him. He. apologised and tried convincing me to go into his room but I refused, and I was there alone till in the night.

After a while, he came to me and then squatted beside me.

“You really want to return home?” He probed but I turned and looked at him, and then I looked away.

“Alright, fine if you want to go back” He said and I grinned immediately.

“Are you serious?” I said, so elated.

“Yes, if that’s the only thing I can do to make you happy” He said with head bowed.

I stood up and ran toward the entrance door.

“Where are you going?” Neon asked standing there and staring at me.

“Home” I said already opening the entrance door.

“Come on, what’s the hurry when you are still going to return home?”

“After I’m buried?” I asked.

“No, you will leave very early tomorrow morning, not today, it’s late already” He said with his hands held behind him.

“Please, I must return home now” I said already in tears.

“Stop being so stubborn. I know why I’m telling you that you will return tomorrow. Or do you want to be k!lled the second time?”

“Oh, ok ” I said already so shocked to hear what he said.

“I wish you could stay” He said with a bowed head again.

I reached out to him and I raised his head with a finger under his jaw.

By Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites.

“Thank you so much, I will never forget this day” I said and he nodded.

“But, am I really pregnant?” I asked and he nodded again.

“But, how?” I quizzed with a hand on my stomach.

“I’m sorry but, I made… you fall… asleep and then I… I had my way” He said scratching his head.

“It’s just a few days ago. So how come I’m pregnant?”

“Cos it’s a child of the river god, and not of human. You took in that very day and I made it so on purpose “

“But, I trusted you ” I said with tears flowing freely down my cheeks.

“I’m so sorry but, I did it for you ” He said.

“I don’t understand “

“You soon will” He replied.

“But, how possible will it be to carry a…” I asked with mouth agape but he immediately cut in.

“A river god’s child?” He quizzed and my mouth shut immediately.

“You will not understand why I’m doing this now, and I wouldn’t want to appear to anyone for your sake or make you retaliate yourself, a river god does not appear just like that. I want to f!ght this f!ght for you but through someone. Someone people will reverence, and respect”

“Who is that someone?” I asked.

“You will soon find out” He said with smiles.
“And I promise never to make you regret carrying this pregnancy, or regret ever having anything to do with me”

“I don’t understand all these things you’re saying ” I said looking so confused.

“You will understand, soonest” He said.

After going inside his room with him, I sat on one of the chairs and I started to ponder on all Neon said to me.

“Will keeping this pregnancy not add to my suffering?” I asked myself and I couldn’t even sleep all through the night.

The following day very early in the morning, I told Neon that I was ready to go back but he refused, saying that it was too early. I wanted to argue with him but I decided to follow his decision but I was so restless.

A few hours later, he finally asked us to leave. We swam out of the water and then we headed to our house. People were already gathered and my corpse was already beside the grave they dug beside our house.

“Did you see that?” I asked almost rushing there but Neon grabbed my hand.

“Patience” He said, and I paused.

“She was like a daughter to me and would never allow me to do anything when she was alive. She did all the chores single handedly and willingly. I will miss you so much, my darling daughter” My stepmother declared.

“What?!” I asked in exclamation, not sure of what I heard.

“Did you hear that?” Neon asked and then busted into laughter.
“Well, I wanted you to hear that part” He added.

“Did she actually say that?” I questioned with popped eyes and mouth agape.

“Well, you can return now” He said.

I looked at him and I smiled.

“Thank you” I said, and then I gave him a hug.

I ran into the crowd, and then to my b0dy. The coffin was open so I laid down in the coffin and after a few seconds, I jerked back to life.

As soon as the people there witnessed the unimaginable, they took to their heels, screaming at the top of their voices. I climbed down from the coffin and I looked toward where Neon was standing but he was no longer there, not even anywhere around, and I felt b@d.

I left into the house without even a word to anyone.

That day, people kept trooping in in their numbers to see “the girl that returned from the land of the de@d”. Even the King sent for me and a small party was thrown for me in the palace.

Since I jerked back to life, my stepmother and her children abandoned the house and hadn’t even returned when I returned from the palace.

I was home all alone that night with no sign of them till the following day. And the following day, I decided to go to the river to sing so I could see Neon but I sang for hours and he didn’t show up. I was so hurt that I cried and cried.

I decided to return home when I started to hear people’s voices wailing and screaming from afar. As I approached home, I noticed it was from our house…

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©️ Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites
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