DIAMOND IN THE FOREST Episode 3 by Amah's Heart


Written By Amah’s Heart

The prince woke up amidst sweat and breathed heavily, this is the second time he was having the same dream, he wondered what the dream could mean, he try to sleep again but couldn’t, sleep has disappeared from his eyes, ,he stood up and walked to his chamber window, everywhere was dark outside, dawn was still far.
He stood there for sometime before returning to his bed again
He shut his eyes and tried to force himself to sleep again but his mind was occupied, all he could think off was just one person, the lady he has seen in his dream with a child, the prince started talking to himself just to ease off the burden that has weighed him down for long

“Remi…ohhh…the gods she is dead by now, hmmm…I pray the gods accept her soul, she was indeed a beautiful maiden, I have loved her and wanted her ever since she stepped into the palace, my feeling for her grew by the day, I loved that maiden I wasn’t going to deny that fact but she was in love with Leja, Leja was her man, I never knew and when I found out I felt stupid…yes…I really felt a punch on my face, loving Leja’s woman…I have tried to wave off this feeling but I don’t seem to be doing so well with that…I wished I have made love to her that night…I just wish I laid with her maybe in that way she will have my child…not Leja’s child, well…she was pregnant for Leja before being banished…how I also wish father has listened to me and send her faraway to another kingdom… not into an evil forest…not totally banishing her… sending her off to die was so cruel…why will she even try to poison father…I see her as somebody who is not capable of such…why will she want to do such evil and where did she even get the poison…oh…Remi…how I wish you have lived, how I wish you were mine…how I wish it was my child you carried, you tried to lie to me that the pregnancy was mine…I don’t know why you will do such…your lover…Leja was angry and said something that made me have doubt in you…why do you seem to fill my dream with a child in hand…nursing a child in your arm who’s body seem to be transformed like that of a diamond…it shown forth and covered the whole place with it’s light…I don’t understand…I wish I do…I wish I understand what this terrifying strange dream means…Remi is dead and all I want to do is to put all that behind me…Olorun sa nu mi (God have mercy on me) mo fe run re (I loved her) I really do but…she is gone…killed with baby in her womb…too cruel yet she brought it on herself…I couldn’t do anything…I wish I have the power to change her judgement…hmmm…why is she occupying my mind…I don’t have a hand in her death…so why do I see her even in my dream with a baby in her arm…who shown so bright like a diamond…what is wrong with me…why can’t I think straight and leave the dead alone….i feel she is alive yet I know that she can’t survive the forest…she is dead…what do I do to move past this feeling…

The following day it was hard that the Oba fell ill and couldn’t get up from his bed, the native doctors and medicine men came to administer different kind of medicine to him but he did not get better.

Nike dressed so fine, she checked herself to make sure everything was in place, she pulled up her ankara skirt to her laps and wore a top that exposed some part of her breast as she walked to the Prince chamber that evening, she knew that the Queen mother was attending to the sick Oba, the princess has gone for a walk with her husband to be Tunde, the prince recline to his chamber more than before
Nike tapped on his door gently and she hard when the prince asked whoever it is to come in
Nike went in and saw the prince resting on his bed, he look troubled
The prince looked at Nike from head to toe, she dressed as if she has come to seduce him, and such dressing was not allowed in the palace, how could she dress like this to his chamber

“Why are you dressed like this in the palace…do you understand where you are…this is not the normal uniforms you are given to wear…and what do you want?

“I’m sorry my prince…I was so busy I couldn’t wash all my maiden cloths on time…so I just washed them today… not quiet long and this was the only cloth left for me to wear…sorry about this…you looked troubled are you okay..

“don’t ask me unnecessary question…what do you want and please immediately you leave here go and look for the right cloth and wear, cloths like this are not allowed in the palace…you should have being told of all this..

Nike saw that the prince was not even move by her dressing which she has intend to use in seducing him, she romanced her laps and touched her breast stylishly while moving closer to him

The prince watch her as she move touching every part of her body, he waited to see what she was up to as she move closer, the Prince sat up from his bed with hand akimbo frowning as Nike came to stand beside his bedside, she bent to touch the prince shoulder with a tone to show that she cares about him and the prince hush her angrily which made Nike to run far from his bed side

“if you dare touch me with those wretched hands of yours I will cut them off and send the pieces to your mother….are you out of your mind, how dare you straight those filthy hands towards me…I asked you what are you doing here…Remi your sister was not so undisciplined like you are, Remi can not come into my chamber dressed like a village harlot…

At the mention of Remi Nike became angry

“My Prince Remi is dead you still have her name on your lips…she is long gone and forgotten, she was my late sister and it saddens me to remember how she died with her unborn child, she tried to kill your father, the Oba of this great kingdom…that is unforgiven crime…and she got what she deserve…please don’t mistake my statement in thinking I don’t love my sister…I do…but her sin was not only to the Oba but also to all…the entire land and anyone calling her name is just like inviting the wrath of the gods to their selves, she is dead and we all have move pass that…she has different crime pointing right at her, she did not only lie that she was pregnant with your child she also tried to blackmail you into settling with her because she wanted to be the Queen by all means…I warned her severally but she didn’t listen…I told her to change her evil ways but Remi has always being an evil stubborn child right from birth, she never listen to anyone and she got exactly what she deserve…

“Why are you here…I did not ask you to give me details of what Remi did…I asked you what you came for…what do you want?

“I’m pregnant…yes…I am…and you are responsible my Prince…the night you were drunk and ask Leja to bring me into your chamber and he did and you laid with me…that was the night I took in for you

“hmmm…something is definitely wrong with you…you are a crazy maiden…this reminds me of Remi…yes Remi….she came here not so disgustedly dressed like you are, but she came anyway calming that I’m responsible for her pregnancy and the truth was that Leja was her Lover who got her pregnant…does this lies run in your family….lying, manipulating, tricky, seductive and dangerous does it run in your family… I’m beginning to wonder how you got to work in this palace, how did they chose you without a proper check up….you don’t deserve to work in the palace…you in particular…

“I’m sorry my prince, I don’t mean to offend you and I am never like Remi, she was a liar all through her stay here but I’m real, I did not plan for this to happen but when Leja came to wake me up that you are asking for me and I obeyed…who am I not to anyway. I came here and you make out with me and I was shock when you wake up in the middle of night surprise to see me, you can’t remember what happened between us again…but it truly happen…I am not lying…I can swear it…please believe me..i am carrying your child…a son and a true heir for you…I can’t lie with such heavy thing…I understand the implications of such so I can’t do that…believe me, Remi lied to you and try to get you with those lies but she is long dead…I am carrying your child my prince…

“hahahaha…you are carrying my child…very funny, I remember everything that happened that night, right from when Leja kept on filling my cups until I couldn’t take anymore drink, I fell asleep with my cloths on and woke up without them, I remember everything that happened, what do you take me for …a fool, I may not have remember what that transpired between me and Remi the night with her…during those party days, it was as if my memory of that night was wiped off but I remembered everything on the night with you, I know and I am very certain that I did not touch you… alright…you said I laid with you right…that is fine…how long is your pregnancy…how long have you gone…

“I am thirteen weeks gone my prince….thank you for believing me…this means a lot to me…I am carrying the future heir to the throne…thanks the gods that you believed me I was almost afraid of your tone, now I’m relieved…I am thirteen weeks gone my prince…

“yea, you are thirteen weeks, you are carrying the future heir indeed, fantastic…that is like three months and one week, the last time I caught you in my chamber naked was over five months now, you should be smart enough to know this… you are three months and a week, how possible….you must be out of your mind to come here with such blunder…is being over five months and you are just three months gone…you are really crazy…go and find who is responsible for your pregnancy…just as Remi found out hers…from now onward you have being suspended from this palace for one week, if you ever come back here with such news I will finally throw you out of the palace for good…and on your way out ask Leja to see me immediately…leave right now, tell the Queen mother that I sent you home for one week suspension and if she ask you what your offence are then you should have a better answer for her, pick up your things today, this evening and leave the palace immediately…next time you want to lie… try and be calculative and smart with it…but if you are caught doing such then you will have a lot to answer…get out…out of here now and out of the palace too.

Nike walked out in shame, her plans has failed her, she bite her fingers in anger, she never thought that the prince will have time to start calculating the period she was in his chamber naked, she has not thought of that and the truth is that, the pregnancy did not enter on time as she kept on pressuring Leja to lay with her even after the night in the prince chamber, she and Leja has being on it and even when Leja do not want to do it she will force him or threaten him and when she confirm she was carrying a child she waited for another month to be very sure before going to the prince with the news, and now the prince knows the truth and she doesn’t know how to convince him again, she will go home just as the prince as suspended her for a week and she will tell her mother, she would have asked her mother to come and see the Oba so that the Oba will make the prince take responsible of her pregnancy, Leja will bear a witness to them confirming everything but now the Oba is so ill and will not be able to see anybody
Nike was sad as she picked up her things, she will think of another way to get the prince to claim the pregnancy, she will certainly become the future Queen, she will talk with her mother and they will come up with a better idea.

Remi sat with Sipah close to the fire place, while Mikia carried the baby, Ore was with Mikai and the baby, as they play around, Remi watched them and smile as the monkey kept on jumping to touch the baby but Mikai held the baby so high preventing Ore from touching the baby, which made Ore to cry out in frustration, Remi laughed out before turning to Sipah who was fanning the coal…

“you should have allowed me do the cooking today…you are spoiling me too much Pah, you and Mikai, I can’t even do anything…maybe tomorrow I will do the cooking while you watch…

Sipah turned and looked at Remi, he looked out at Ore who seem to be complaining of something but in a funny way, he looked at Mikai as she cuddled the baby in her arm, he muttered something to himself

“Emmanuel…God is with us…

“What…you said something…I did not hear you Pah…

“a name for the baby…aside the one you gave him…I called him Emmanuel…and it means God is with us…

“uhmmm…that is a strange name but is fine…the name I gave him is just the first name that came to my mind when I thought of a name for him “Ademide” which means my crown has come.

“that’s good…your dialect sound so sweet to the ear…you will get to teach me some of it…I know Ore means friend…and Ore mi means my friend and few others…but I will like to learn more…will you teach me?

Remi looked at Sipah with a smile on her face, and he was also looking at her with a smile, she blushed and looked away

“what is it…is there a problem…the way you looked away…I totally understand if you can’t teach me your fine dialect…Yoruba dialect…as much as I would love to learn but I can’t push it…don’t feel bad about that…

“no…no I am not feeling bad…I will teach you…our class will start anytime you are free in the evening or any day you are home…I will love to teach you and Mikai…

“thank you…and as for spoiling you too much…you deserve it…pushing out that cute baby without any complication, I know is not by your power but from the power above… being strong enough to carry him in your womb even after being banished…you deserve to be loved and cared for…and don’t worry I will let you cook tomorrow so that I will sit and watch you…I will love to watch you cook…

Remi looked at him again as Sipah looked at her eye balls which was filled with happiness, Remi breathed deeply before looking away.

She don’t know why she feel this way with Sipah, he looks at her and she feel like melting inside, Sipah has being great both to her and everyone here, he cares deeply and always so protective of them. She thanked the gods for him everyday.

Sipah put some hot soup in the plate with lots of bush meat and vegetable and gave Remi

“eat everything in there, the baby is eating from you remember, so eat up so that he will suck it out from you later…as Emmanuel is sucking out from you I will be here making sure you don’t lack vitamins, minerals, protein and carbohydrate which the plants and herbs gives us, I will be filling you in with enough quantity…

Remi laughed out so hard and Sipah joined in.

DIAMOND IN THE FOREST Episode 26. Written by Amah’s Heart.

“Where do you get those oso..? (Oranges)

“From your backyard Iya…I climbed up the tree and got all this…

“I never thought there was still more fruits in it…the leave are too crowded…one won’t easily know there are still big oranges in there…peel and bring some here for me…

Dami quickly peel the oranges and gave it to his grandma. Who was throwing corn seed to a hen with its chicks…

“Here is the orange Iya…you will over fed that hen…and it will become so fat and lazy to go and find food for her children… if you keep feeding it all the time…she won’t have strength to even protect the little chicks from the yellow eye hawk…

“hahahaha…what do you even know…the hen reminds me of your sister…she is being taking care of, well fed, supported and loved by total strangers…and the seed of crown is growing in good hands…

“Iya…do you see all this things while sitting here or the gods reveal them to you while at asleep…because I don’t even understand most of them…Remi being cared for by a stranger…do the stranger live in the forest or is he a hunter who took her home…and allowed her to…

“shh shhh…don’t say a word…

Dami kept quiet, he continued with his orange as he watch his grandma shut her eyes and raise her face upward…a strange wind blew and suddenly stopped. Dami felt cold and the orange in his hand fell to the ground, everything suddenly became normal again, he felt his normal self and started peeling another orange, he was use to his grandma strange behavior, she sees and hear things from the gods. Dami wondered what she was seeing or hearing again this time
Grandma return back to her orange, after sucking off the juice she started eating the inside of the orange, Dami watched silently, he wanted to speak but doesn’t know if is okay for him to talk now, but he spoke out anyway

“Iya there are still more oranges here…just in case you want more…

“I know…I’m fine with this my child…hmmm…ose gan…

“So…what did you see or hear…that made you to hush me to be quiet…

“All I live for… is for you and your sister…my being alive is mostly because of your sister…she has a diamond…

“Really…is that what you saw…real diamonds…wow…if she sell it she will become wealthy…are the diamond much…do they grow in the forest…aaah…Remi is so lucky…but is unfortunate that she can’t sell them…nobody will go to the evil forest to go and buy a diamond…

“The Diamond I’m talking about is her child…I told you the day Remi gave birth…it was same day that the Oba fell ill and I doubt no medicine man can cure him…most of them know this, they are aware that the medicine they are administering to him does not have any effect on the king yet they keep on doing same thing all over because they don’t want to be the one to give the sad news but just to be around the Oba… the truth will be out soon because many will fall sick…not just the Oba, the Oba’s cabinet men will start falling sick one after the other and many other will follow, the kingdom will be torn apart and the prince will be heart broken and confuse, and they will come running…then he will remember…

“running to where and he will remember what exactly Iya?….will the Oba die…and why…why did the Oba become sick on same day that Remi put to birth…is strange Iya…and you said more people will follow in the illness…why is that…will the Oba die…

“Just ask one question at a time my child…The Oba will not die yet…not now…the diamond in the forest will come to him and he will see the seed of crown…

“I don’t understand Iya…

“you should understand because I am not speaking latin to you…I speak in a clear and a very understandable tongue…try to clear your mind so that it will be easy for you to understand certain riddles and few of my saying, you are growing into strong man with a strong mind but not so strong like your sister…you are smart, strong and has a good heart for mankind…Damilola, your future lies in the heart of the forest…

“Iya…if I say I don’t understand again you may start complaining but I serious don’t…I sometime get scared from this riddles…my future in the forest…how is that possible…my future is here…right here in this kingdom…I’m not going anywhere…I don’t want to go and live in the forest…no Iya, I’m not at strong as my sister…if I’m sent out like Remi I will just die even before I get to the forest…at the mention of forest I have great fear because I will remember egbo mi (elder sister) but you said that she is happy and she is well taken care off with her child and that alone is all that matters to me, just for her to be fine…but my own future is right here please…

“hmmm…nobody is sending you out of the kingdom…your sister was chosen by the gods and that is why she in the forest, you have no business going there but you still have business there… when the time comes my child you will love everything from the forest…

“I will love egbo mi and her child… then the bush meat and fruits that I have not tasted before…that is the only thing that will interest me there nothing else…I wish egbo mi will return back now with my nephew…so I will teach him how to climb tress and swim in the river, I will teach him how to make ridges and how to be a great farmer…

His grandma laugh before asking Dami to go and fetch firewood and he left immediately.

Nike did not see Leja, she was told he went out, but as she got to the gate she saw Leja coming in, she pushed Leja to one corner

“I have being suspended…so I’m going home right away…I will be away for one week…

“Suspended by who and what was your offence…what happened..

“Omooba…he gave me one week suspension…and he said you should report to his chamber immediately….i went to tell him about the news of being pregnant but it didn’t go down well because he calculated from the last time i was seen in his chamber to the present day, he added everything up and it did not make sense at all…I never thought he will have time to start calculating all that and I was surprise when he brought it up Leja…I don’t even know how to convince him, so you can try to do that because everything lies within this child I’m carrying…i will discuss with Iyami and know what to do next….the Oba is critically ill and can’t attend to anyone…I would have suggested that me and Iyami come down to speak with the Oba if he will listen to us but as the whole thing is now we have to think of another way to get the prince into this…is the future I’m carrying here, I know is your child but the prince has to believe is this otherwise we are doom…

“Omooba is not foolish Nike…if he can remember what happened the night he caught you in his chamber then there is nothing I will say or do that can convince him…

“Don’t say that Leja, the prince trust and believes everything you tells him, you are the chief guard here too also the Prince right hand man….only you can convince him, make him believe that this child is his…I don’t know how you will do it but do it anyway you like…all that matters is for him to believe you…Omooba has no doubt in you…he trust you…

“yes, he trust me and I have betrayed him severally already, I took his trust for granted…I wish I can get off this, I wish I never even get involve with this whole mess….the fact is he will not believe me and I don’t want him to start suspecting me in anyway…I will try to clear my head and…

“clear which head…your head…hahahaha…you are a joker Leja, mind whatever you say to the prince before it backfires…clear your head and also clear mine because I am carrying your child, you can’t get away with this…the pregnancy did not enter when it was suppose to, and you contributed to it…I will make a solid plan you will scatter it…what is wrong with you…if you have laid with me continuously like I asked and wanted you to… the pregnancy wouldn’t be this late, I have to force and kept on disturbing you just for us to get here finally now the ball fall back to you…play it well Leja…play it well and don’t try to be smart with me…remember we are in this together…we have gone deep and can’t get out until the purpose is all achieve…think of what to tell Omooba so that he can believe you…

Ope saw Leja and Nike whispering something to their selves close to the palace gate as she tries to spread the princess wear, she wonder what they were always talking about in a whisper, she watched them for sometime and felt anger building up as Nike talked with Leja, Ope frown as she stood at a distance watching them, Nike looked like she was pregnant and Leja is responsible no doubt, maybe the queen mother found out and sent her home because she looked like she was going home, Ope thought within her as she turned and walked away with some of the princess dry cloths
She breathed deeply as she thought of Remi, she really missed her and it saddens her that she is no more, Remi has a warm presence, beautiful and hardworking but Nike was always jealous of her and she succeeded in making the Oba to banish her.
The princess was suppose to be getting married soon but since her father is ill they have to postpone the wedding until the Oba gets better.
Ope has become the princess personal maiden, the princess chosed her and asked her to be her personal maiden in place of Remi, and she has tried to serve with all her heart just as Remi had done, she is taking Remi’s step to serve the princess wholeheartedly.
Ope knew that she will never be able to fill the gap or the emptiness that Remi left in everyone’s heart.

The prince walked along the corridor and Ope who was carrying some of the princess dry cloths ran into the prince unknowingly and quickly knelt down to apologise

“ejoo…I mabinu omooba…(I’m sorry my prince)

“kosi wahala… (No problem) you serve my sister now?

“ben ni, (yes, I do)

“Good, and hope you serve well just as Re…Remi when she was here. Be sincere in your dealing and also be trustworthy and you will win the princess heart…by the way have you seen Leja around…

“Yes, my prince…he is at the palace gate side…talking with Nike…

“Nike, the maiden I sent for one week suspension?, what are they talking about…go and call Leja immediately…and tell that Maiden to leave the palace at once…

Ope dropped everything in her hands and ran off to the gate, she wondered what Nike did wrong for the prince to send her home on suspension, she was glad that Nike was sent home.
on getting there, Nike pause from what she was saying to Leja to face Ope…

“Witch…what do you want here…what are you looking for…

Ope decided to drop few insult for Nike first

“Getting pregnant for Leja is that the way you intend to become the next queen, you told me that I should watch out and you will become the queen of this kingdom…and I am still watching and all I can see is that you are pregnant for Leja and the prince sent you home on suspension…what a pity,…

“You are an idiot Ope, who told you I’m pregnant for Leja, I’m proudly carrying the Prince son in my womb, and I am not going on suspension but to visit my mother as the prince asked me to…deal with it jealous fool, because I will become the Queen of this great kingdom and people like you will become my footstool, I will banish you from this kingdom when the time comes, just like Remi was banished…enemies like you are threat to this great kingdom, you are meant to become food for the wild animals in the forest…that is where you will belong…is a matter of little time and it will happen…

“hahahaha…may the gods curse that your lying mouth for saying you are carrying the prince child, the prince said it himself that you are on suspension and I should tell you to leave the palace at once. Leja, he asked you to report to him immediately…so Nike, go home and serve your punishment and all your evil deed will catch up with you one day, Remi deserve to be a Queen, she was truly carrying the prince child just as the princess has even testified but you feigned her up and got her banished with a child in her womb…you are so heartless, and mind you…the gods maybe crazy but they are wise and they will bring judgement to you and to the womb that bore you…Leja the prince is watching and he wants you to report to him at once and he said you should push Nike out of the palace, push her so hard or better still drag her out of this gate before going to omooba…Leja do it…the prince is watching you now…

Leja got scared as he hard that the prince was watching him which wasn’t true. He turned to Nike and asked her to leave, Nike slapped his hand off her shoulder

“so you want to push me out…you are crazy…can’t you see I’m pregnant with the prince son and this evil witch is so bitter because of that fact…she will die of jealousy…don’t touch me before the gods strike you down…

“Nike, just cooperate and leave…the prince is watching us…don’t make this more complicated than it is already, just leave at once as the prince commanded….please.

Nike quietly started walking towards the gate as Leja followed her to make sure she was out, Nike pause at the gate to look at Ope angrily from head to toe, she gave a heavy hiss before walking out.
Ope started laughing at her as she walked away.
Leja went to see the prince while Ope went back to the princess chamber.

DIAMOND IN THE FOREST Episode 27. Written by Amah’s Heart.

“You sent for me my prince…I’m sorry I was out on palace patrol…I just returned…

“You are talking with the maiden I sent out on suspension, I was told so…what business do you have with her..

“Nothing my prince…she told me that she was suspended and i wanted to know why…that was all…

“Leja…I trust you and I hate to have doubt in anyone I trust totally…you are close to me and it was because of your hard work and sincerity that made you to become the chief guard and the Oba has rewarded you greatly for all your labour and when you saved me from drowning at the river. you have serve well and you know almost everything that goes in and out of this palace…why I’m saying this is because I have few question for you and I need a truthful answer, you have never lied to me so don’t start now….Nike came to me with the news of being pregnant and the funny part is that she said I’m responsible. the night I woke up and saw her naked in my chamber and all my cloths were off…that was the night she said it happened….now tell me is this true, did I send for Nike because I don’t see any reason why I will do that…I have no interest in her at all and I won’t even in my dream…why will I specifically send for Nike and then lay with her…because I remember all that happened that night, you kept on filling my cup until I passed out and the next thing is a naked maiden in my chamber…and she is claiming that I laid with her…and I’m certain…so certain that I did not do such…so tell me the truth…what happened that night…

Leja breathed in, he wish he can say everything without covering anything up, but if he has to that then the real truth about Remi’s pregnancy and so many other things will be revealed and the prince will never forgive him, he may end up being punished or banished, “may the gods forbids, being banished and die in the evil forest is not my portion and the gods will not allow such thing to befall me”, Leja prayed in his mind.
Leja bent his head not knowing how to start but he has to end this evil seed that Nike has started planting before something else goes wrong, he will leave Remi’s part out of it, she is dead and long gone, so she has become a history but Nike was running with speed with this her evil plans and he can’t bear it any more, he has to tell the prince everything that happened that night

“Leja…soro…kilo sele…I asked a question and I need a sincere answer…why are you quiet…all I want is the truth, if you have lied before to me then say the truth now before I start digging, say the truth because that is the only way to my heart…you know that.

“my prince… i….i mean…I uhmmm…imabinu…you are right my prince…you never sent for Nike that night neither did you lay with her, the child that Nike is carrying is not yours…I don’t know how she sneak into your chamber that night and I was surprise to find out when you asked her to fetch me that night…she was obsess with you and wanted you, most maidens admires you greatly my prince but Nike took it too far and all I did was to cover her up and not for her to get into trouble with you, I never knew she will come up with this pregnancy thing…she took it too far and I am deeply sorry for not saying the truth when you asked me and I did not bother to come all this while to clear what happened that night…I know you trusted me, I betrayed that trust and I felt bad after lying to you that night please for give me my prince…e joo

Leja knelt down and the prince asked him to stand up and he quickly did.

“Is there any other thing you aren’t telling me…Leja…I feel there is more to this…tell me more…. Everything I need to know.

“That is all my prince, if anything needs to be told you will be the first to know…this is all

“Leja…Leja…why will you agree to such…she pulled off my cloth because I woke up without my cloths on, what an insult to my person, she was standing right here naked…real naked, Leja…and she did not make any attempt to cover up until I asked her to…why will I see such thing, you strongly lied to me and said I sent for her when I know fully well I never did, you made me look like a fool and I did not know what to say except to ask two of you to leave my chamber that night…why will you agree to such, your duty is to the palace not to a maiden, why will you even defend her unruly act…who is responsible for her pregnancy…

“..i…I don’t know my prince…maybe is from outside the palace…but…I uhmmm don’t know…all I know is that she was obsess with you and she took it too far…i am so sorry…deeply sorry, I plead for your forgiveness my prince, please…I’m pleading…such will never happen again…I promise…I will do my work as I’m trusted to do…with all sincerity…I will…

“enough…when that maiden returns from her suspension she will be totally dismissed from the palace, such people should not be here…they have no place in this palace…they are desperate and dangerous and before she will be finally dismissed ask her to bring her mother to the palace…in fact go to their house tomorrow and give her my message, tell her while she is resuming back from her suspension she should bring her mother along, I need to see the kind of woman that gave birth to such maiden, I will love to know if the woman gives advice to her daughter at all, that maiden is wayward and unrestrained that was why she has the gut to do what she did, and as for you Leja, my trust for you has gone below my legs, I will have to weigh everything you tell me next time, until I’m certain is the truth, it will be hard for me to believe you…you failed in your duty and you deserve to be suspended too but I will let you be for now, leave my chamber at once..

Leja bowed and left immediately, he wish he has not allowed his jealousy to get the best of him, he wanted Remi but when the Prince started showing interest and Remi never gave him a second look, it prompted him to get involve with Nike and the result so far has being disastrous, innocent lives has being lost and now the prince has doubt in him, he wish there was a remedy to everything he has done, he wish he can totally confess everything but that will be dangerous, the prince is angry with him for just this, that means if he has told the prince everything, the truth about Remi and all that he has gotten involve in, the prince will want to have his head in a platter, he will do worst things to him.
And Nike may want to get back at him if she finds out that he have spoilt the whole plan, she and her mother will not take it lightly with him, but she will also be getting herself into a bigger mess if she decided to tell the prince what happened, Leja knew Nike can not tell the whole truth. But whatever that may happens he silently prayed it will not get worst than it seems already.

Remi held Ademide as he feed in her arm, she watch him with a smile and suddenly hard Sipah’s voice who was watching her from the door, she startled

“Sorry…I scared you….i just wanted to know how he is doing, I was out the whole day and didn’t get a chance to play with him…

“He is asleep now, he looks so beautiful Pah, and just watching him alone gladdens my heart…

“Sure, he is, you are beautiful Remi…so is only normal to breed your kind…you have a warm heart, when I say you are beautiful I mean every word of it…inside and out.

Remi looked up at him and they locked eyes for sometime, the native handmade lamp burn at one corner, Mikai sleep soundly, Ore was out, he sometimes sleeps on the tree or in the house that Sipah built for him, Sipah also built a house for Mikai’s birds, rabbits, squirrels and other pet animals that Sipah caught for Mikai
Sipah looked away, as he felt the heat of his emotions

“I just wanted to check up…i will wash up and go to bed, good night Remi…good night Emmanuel…I pray the almighty God, keeps us all safe through out the night as always and may morning bring the blessing of the new day to us…

“Amen…thank you…goodnight…

Sipah turned to leave and Remi spoke again making him to pause.

“Pah, you are also handsome, even your scar can not hide the fine man that you are, you are a good man with a large heart, sometimes I mistake you for an angel in human. Thank you Pah….i love…I mean I love the environment you created for us here…

Sipah smiled, he nodded before walking away, he washed up and return to his room, he lay down in his bed and watch the fire from the clay pot in his room, burn quietly.
Remi has occupied his mind and he forgot to pray, he sat up from his bed and silently started praying

“heavenly father, I thank you for your numerous blessing everyday, I can’t tell it all, even if my body is filled with mouth is never enough to say thank you father, thank you for Remi and Emmanuel, thank you for Mikai, Ore our monkey friend, the beauty and quietness of this place, where people dreaded most you created a beautiful home out of it for us. Night has come and I ask for your protection over us, send your angels to surround us, no evil is allowed close here because we are under your wing of protection. Thank you so much for your love and kindness so far, I tell you everything because you are a good listener and a loving father, today I decided to talk to you about Remi, my emotions and the way I feel for her, I don’t know if this is right or not but I don’t want to do things you won’t approve off, keep me in check and don’t let me run wild with this, it may seem normal to be together but I am not counting on what seem normal in my eyes but what you think about it all. Have your way in our lives and perfect that which concerns us….may we find our purpose in life and live as you want us to live…this and many more I pray in Jesus name…. Amen.

Sipah returned to bed and slept with peace in his heart

Remi lay with Ademide in her own room, she wish she can express how she feel about Sipah, he looks at her the way she love, she melt at his gaze and love having him around, he makes her have this warm feeling that she can’t explain, she wonder if Sipah feels the same way too, she wish Sipah could just tell her the way he feels about her, she almost said that she loves him earlier which was what she had wanted to say but caught herself, Sipah maybe feeling different from that.

Remi breathed deeply as she tried to think of something else, she thought of the prince and frowned, she has had same feeling for the prince, same feeling that she was having for Sipah, the Prince has joined many other to hurt her, only the princess and Ope stood by her in the palace.
Remi wondered what life was like for them, they all probably thought she was dead.
Remi thought of her late mother and wiped a tiny tear off her eyes, she wondered how her grandma and Dami are doing.
Her grandma’s riddle has never left her heart “two will want you, only one will have you, then disaster will struck and the gods will take you far away with the seed of crown…which will become a Diamond in forest…sorted after….
She understand her grandma’s riddles but not fully, the only part she is yet to understand now is “diamond in the forest that will be sorted after…by who, Remi asked her self silently, she looked down on her son and covered him up properly. “the only good thing I got from the palace is Ademide, the prince broke me up even without knowing, and when I thought the world has come to an end for me I found a new home here and another beginning… I’m glad the gods kept me safe until I brought my Ade forth. This is my present, Sipah, Mikai, Ore and everything here is my present and I find peace here, no trouble, just us living in our own world. All I wish is that Sipah will open up to me on how he feels or maybe I should tell him…no I can’t, I will rather remain quiet and allow whatever will be to be…but I feel something strong for him…same as I have felt for the prince.

Remi breathed again before shutting her eyes, as she allowed sleep to take over her.

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