Delayed Diagnosis Episode 10

Delayed Diagnosis Episode

Delayed Diagnosis Episode 10
Written by Kingsley Olanrewaju Efughi

A short corridor led to the kitchen and I thought it wise to slow my steps. This woman was armed after all.
I could still hear shouting and even cheering from the other hall by now I expected phones to be recording strange eyes and Mona’s one would venture to seperate..there were some kind of fights that when you saw the quality you knew you were safer on the sidelines.

I drew closer to the kitchen and I could hear the old crooner’s did have a lovely and grandmotherly tilt..but that was pretty deceiving.
“A di’ ti’ ni? (Are you deaf)open this door immediately”
I could here another woman’s voice..probably the madam of the diner..
“Mummy I have told you this is for only staff..the entrance is that way”
Next thing I heard was “Jesu!”
And the short gasp of a younger woman..probably the sales girl.
I knew the gun must have been whipped out.
My heart beating I eased slowly to the doorway..wishing for the thousandth time that I had a gun..not as if I would have been able to hit the target..I remembered my miserable shooting the last time my life had depended on it.
I heard the bolt of the door..the gun had changed the rules..the door wasn’t exclusively for kitchen staff anymore. I peeped into the room and saw the old crooner pointing the gun at both the madam and the sales girl who had opened the door..she had her back to me and was easing her way towards the door slowly still keeping the gun trained on the two women.
I thought of sneaking behind her and smacking her upside the head with all my strength..the cane was stronger than the stick I had used before…and if it meant I had knocked out two old women under 24 hours so be it.
I almost took the first step but then my feet became cold….
what if I made some noise and she turned around…
And she remembered me from the diner as the suspicious old man she and Mona had been avoiding..
I could picture it clearly..all it would take is one shot to the way.
I watched her step into the rain and immediately she was gone I hurried after her..The Madam was shaken..drawing signs of the cross..and speaking speak in either tongues or Yoruba..her eyes widened as I rushed through and I could tell she was thinking not another old person again!

I burst out from the side street…observed left and right
I thought I had lost her..but there she was running to a commercial bus that she had flagged down..I observed the street it was empty..if she got on that bus it was over..the yellow and black buses where indistinguishable and I couldn’t tell the plate number from here..besides she might highlight at any point- I shut off my brain and ran with speed shouting for the bus to wait for me.
The old crooner was just entering the bus and once the conductor saw me running he held the bus.
I entered the bus and our eyes locked.
She looked at me in disbelief and what I hoped was panic.
“Madam help me shift for am na!” The conductor shouted.
She shifted but her body was rigid..her left hand held her purse but her right was inside. I had a good idea of what she was gripping.
What kind of whala did I just put myself into..leaping without looking!
‘Next time don’t shut me off’ (my brain scolded)
The Pringles case was in her purse also but half of the body was outside.
I eyed it with the corner of my eye..if I could grab it and jump out of the vehicle..
But the bus was moving at break neck speed and what’s more the driver had slid the door shut to prevent water from being splashed on the passengers.
The old crooner was mumbling something..I slowly bent my head with style to hear what she was saying.
‘..of many colours that my mother made for me’
She looked at me slowly and smiled..wickedly.
And I knew she had just figured out who I was.

I almost shouted for the driver to stop..I couldn’t risk it, the way she sang the song like there was an underlying message in it. I imagined her singing the same song before she discharged the bullet that ended Fumi’s life.
Funny but this time recalling Fumi’s demise didn’t bring about the anger and charged up feeling it previously brought about instead I could feel myself begin to panic.
The thing was if I ran away today..I ran to die another day (or two days to be precise) live to fight another day I had to take a stand here and now..(I hope u catch my drift) I thought about the code I had used at the hospital..’delayed diagnosis’..what if the situation I found myself now, from Fome’ to this woman.. the outcome had been predetermined but I was just delaying it.. Dr Rasheed had seemed straight forward but I could imagine him and his ‘handler’ smiling at a hidden second meaning when I had said I had delayed diagnosis…

Currently I was sitting next to the old woman killer in a bus. The rain had died down but the conductor still kept the door shut.
“Conductor my change oh!”
A woman from the back shouted.
The conductor ignored her and the bus fell silent.
I wondered were the old crooner was taking the papers to..I was sure it was to the Chief..but if it was the Chief then why did he allow me to take the papers from his house 3 weeks ago? I was sure he had done it on purpose that day..Moreover how did Mona now fit into things..who was she? What had my buddy (Andy) been married to? Just look at how she had fought with strange eyes…
“Conductor gimme my change o!”
The woman’s voice boomed from the back again.
The conductor put his face through the window without replying.
The bus fell silent again.
The old crooner leaned close to me
“You will meet your ancestors tonight”
She said it in clean English and I had a feeling she could speak any language.
“Conductor gimme my change now haba!”
Every other person was mute minding his/her business. If things were normal I would have bothered the conductor on her behalf but presently the assassin beside me who had a gun just told me I’d be going to my ancestors.
I replied her “you killed my can never go free..ever”
The guy in the front seat glanced back..I didn’t care if my voice was loud..I wouldn’t mind exposing her here but I knew the power of a loaded gun.
“Driver tell this your useless conductor make he give me my change na!”
The conductor exploded suddenly..”Nna abeg park this bus,park this bus!”
The driver slowed down.”wetting dey happen again eh Osi”
“I tell this woman say change 1000 no dey but she still she dey disturb me..abeg make she comedown..hey woman wey you oya con come down”
I was surprised the driver was actually slowing down to a stop..the conductor jumped down
“Madam no waste time na come down..I go give you your money..I no go again”
The woman remained inside..
“No dey disturb me again o..when I get your change I go give you”
I had been watching the drama and only when the conductor was about to climb the bus did I notice I had been slacking.
The old crooner still maintained her position meaning she wasn’t holding the case I looked at it and I knew the window of opportunity was very small.
It all broke down in slow motion…I grabbed the Pringles with such force and leapt out the vehicle which was just about accelerating. The conductor had been hanging on the door the way they always do and I had knocked him legs touched solid ground but gave under me as I wasn’t knees and hands..on the floor..there goes the Pringles case rolling away..
Then it all sped up..I got to my feet and picked up the case and ran with the kind of speed an old man just could’t attain no matter how fit.
I heard shouts from the bus..
“That man no gimme money o! The conductors voice.
I didn’t dare look back..I ran madly entering puddles with the rain falling a little harder.
Luck was on my side that the bus had pulled over at a bus stop and not the lonely high way if not where would I have run to? I heard more shouts from the bus..then the strange woman’s voice: “Ole! Thief!”
I could see the few people standing under shelter fron the rain beginning to pick interest..
Ole ke?? I thought to myself not with all this jungle justice that has been going around lately..only in Lagos you can hear something like someone getting lynched in the rain..
“One chance! One chance!”
I shouted madly at the top of my voice
“That bus na one chance o!”
“I see am him jump commot for the bus na true na one chance!”
A lady’s voice(bless her!)
I heard the bus pick up speed as people had began advancing throwing stones already.
Whether Alhaja had stayed in the bus or not I didn’t know and didn’t intend to find out..I kept on running.
“Baba o’ ti to’ (its okay ) they have gone”
For where? I paid no heed to their calls and I could here someone laugh obviously marveled at my speed.
I zig zagged through countless shops then entered a shack in one was covered well and although I chose it spontaneously, the shaded look was a factor.
I entered inside out of breathe and drenched..I wondered how my face would look..not so old I was sure.
“Baba welcome eyah..sorry..”
The woman was heavily pregnant she ushered me to a bench “what will you drink?” She asked in Yoruba.
I looked around about half a dozen men were witted about..spread on about four benches..all were drinking some kind of spirit drink or the other which she poured in shots.
“My liver” I touched my stomach..”you don’t have palmy? I no dey take hot again e don spoil my stomach already”
She smiled at this. “We no dey sell palmy but I go help you go bring..iya Sarah dey sell”
I made to give her money but she said “wait lemme come first”

I looked around the shack no one had even spared me a second glance..they were all busy knocking shots and discussing within themselves.
I looked at the Pringles case…at long last!
A foolish part imagined if I had gone through all that trouble..from almost breaking my neck and the running only to discover that the case truly held Pringles.
All that for Pringles!
“That’s impossible” I laughed as I loosened the cover..but my smile began to falter.

When I saw the whiteness of paper I let out the breath I didnt know I was holding..I looked around the shack again but this time I took everything in with a peace of mind.
I did it!
Somehow I had stumbled on the papers without having to cross the danger zone of the chief or through strange eyes and his strange tactics.
A mother hen entered the shack followed by about a dozen chicks. They began pecking here and there searching for food.
‘Don’t count your eggs before they hatch’ I remembered the saying.
I frowned as I studied the chicks then the Pringles case….
I brought out the papers completely they were about four in number.. I hurriedly checked the contents..

The first paper had just four digits:
‘What on earth is this?’
No banking coordinates nothing..I checked both front and back nothing!

The second paper like the first occupied just the center of the A4 paper. It contained an address…I cracked my brain and remembered that was the address Mona had told me was the Chief’s operations home.

I didn’t like what was forming in my mind..

The third paper literally stopped my breath…I was looking at Fome’s photograph, her name, age, height,weight, eye. Colour…in fact everything concerning her physical appearance.

The last paper was a confirmation.
It was a check of 500 thousand naira..
So that’s how much Fomes’ head was worth..
How much had the killer been paid for Fumi?
How much for me too the pending case?

“Iya” I signaled to the pregnant lady..
“E fun mi hot” (give me spirit)
She smiled as she brought the bottle along. She brought the drink and without regard for my ‘liver’ I turned 3 shots to my half empty glass of palm wine.
The woman raised her brows in question but I unholy mixture was needed right now.

As she moved away I wondered idly how many months gone she was..the stomach looked like it could drop any day…as long as she didnt go Into labour right now because I could tell she was running the shop alone.
I looked at the papers in my Fome was supposed to meet the chief tonight but he had put a hit on her for 11 pm.
I shook my head and drank deeply.
It had to be the Chief..Mona had to be working for him…Mona..Mona Mona.. I shook my head thinking of Andy.
I brought out my phone and saw it was still on aeroplane mode. I deactivated it and dialed his number.
I took another long gulp again..I could feel the effect already…I didn’t want to think about later tonight..I knew I had to somehow be at that address come 11pm and I needed a clear head and a foolproof plan with enough strategies but I topped up the glass again with the palm wine
The phone was ringing..Andy what did you marry..I muttered to myself.
He picked up on what had to be the last ring.
“Obasi..where you dey? You won’t believe what I’ve gone through today because of you”
“You snitched me abi” I turned the cup again. This mixture was making sense
“Why you go dey talk like that”
“Andy..where is your wife?”
“My wife?”
“Yes your sweet innocent wife where is she”
“She went to the hospital..why?”
“Andy you are married to a away I tell you”
“You’re slurring your words..wait don’t tell me you’re drinking right now!”
“I’ve been shivering like a fowl that was left in the rain..I’d drink what I want”
“Do you know what I went through at the hands of the police because of you?”
“I’d do the same for the way how far the car did they get it?”
“Yes they’ve gotten it” he whistled “the car main o”
“I tell you”. I was worried “Andy please listen to me just leave your house..go to a hotel don’t tell anyone I’d meet up with you early morning..your wife isn’t normal..she was with the person who killed Fumi now she gave her a contract to kill Fome”
“Rex what do you have against Mona..all this your stories are getting tiring”
I felt like smashing my phone so hard that I ended the call and placed it gently on the table.
This guy has been brain washed!
I had other things on my mind anyway…I had to find a way to warn Fome or save her from getting killed by 11pm
Not to mention the 48 hours had been counting down Already and I somehow knew Mona had been the one to steal the made sense perfectly..she had been to my place severally with Andy in the past and she could have easily gotten in that week and retrieved the papers for the chief.
So whether I liked it or not the confrontation I had been avoiding had to take place.

My phone vibrated, it was strange eyes.
“Now where are you?” He asked rudely.. I thought he sounded tired..
“Did you arrest Mona?”
“She got away”
“Why am I not surprised”
I could tell he was pissed..I began to suspect Mona had whopped his ass.
I thought of asking his help I didn’t know how else I could handle this 11 o’clock business. But something stopped me..Fome had said the Government never had one interest and she was one..or something to that effect, and i knew strange eyes had been after Fome and at times i got the impression he wanted her caught more than the thoughts were mixing up thinking and drinking didn’t go together.
Still I emptied the palm wine bottle pouring the last contents in my cup.
“Strange eyes..I swear the minute you catch the assassin that is after me I would turn in myself to you..I would trust you fully”
“Turn in?But I don’t want to arrest you..I just need-“
I cut the call.
So if Mona was working for the Chief and the Chief had the papers..why had he allowed me to find and take it from him before..what was I missing. It all seemed so puzzling

I began to have headache…I had taken alcohol a remedy for thinking but i was still over thinking I checked the time 6:45pm it was getting dark. The rain had stopped..
how could I contact Fome to warn her away from that address..or how did I go about ‘saving’ her from the deadly bullet from the old crooners gun..what would I do…?
I remember thinking but next thing the vibration of my phone woke me up..I checked the time in dismay 7:45pm. I had conked out for an hour.
The shack was still half filled and the men were quiet..each having pumped himself with sufficient alcohol.
The number calling me wasn’t saved and I wondered who it was.
I considered not answering it but knew that I could be Fome.
I picked but didn’t talk.
Definitely a females voice but I couldn’t place it..
“Rex..its Ada”
My eyes widened and the remnant from the drink cleared from my head as guilt took over.
“Ada I’m sorry about your car”
“So you don’t own a magazine?”
Could they be tracing this call? I needed to end this..they could arrest me tomorrow night..not tonight…infact not even tomorrow night..they should wait till I relayed the paper to Dr. Rasheed then I would gladly stretch out my hands for the handcuffs
‘Look Ada-“
“I recognised you today”
I was silent…”but I didn’t rat you out Rex..with what you put me through I didn’t rat you out..and I don’t know why..”
“Thank you and I’m sorry I took your car..its just I’m going through something you won’t even believe”
“I didn’t follow my family home tonight”
Oh-oh “why not”
“I stayed behind in a hotel..”
She let the unspoken suggestion hang in the air and I knew I should cut the call but I stayed on the line.
“I want you Rex..come and spend the night”
I rubbed my about piss poor timing..besides paranoia won’t allow me do such it could easily be a trap.
I was prepared to shoot her down..I have to be in your daddy’s house before midnight to prevent my fiancé from being mudered!..your daddy…your daddy..the chief your daddy…
I frowned…Strange eyes had described Ada as the Chiefs favourite.
Maybe I had some leverage after all.
“I can’t.. but you could come and spend the night with me instead” I wondered how she even got my number..just one more mystery that won’t get solved.
“I don’t know if you can move around at night because I won’t be there till like 11”
“I have Bruce with me”
Bruce was her Mercedes named after Batman whom she loved..this girl didn’t learn..she still planned to bring her car to the very same person who stole it…
“That’s nice” I said
I told her the address.
“Good 11 you I would leave like 10:30”
“That’s splendid” I got up from the bench where i had slept for over an hour. using the light from the oil lamp which was hung on the wall to put the documents back into the case.
I had to stop this from happening..I looked at the paper with Fome’s details..I had to stop it.
I didn’t know how it would play out and as I waved the pregnant woman and exited the shack I thought about Ada who I had invited to her fathers house..obviously a danger zone..
Hope she dresses decently..I laughed bitterly to myself..
And if it was a set up and she was coming with armed officers of the law..the more the merrier.

I walked the streets of Lagos observing the night life.
It was 8pm.
Three more hours.
The rain had stopped by now and traders were back on the streets trying to salvage a little profit before closing.
Foremost on my mind was a suitable weapon.
The cane had previously given me confidence, but ever since I had sat next to the killer in the bus I knew it was child’s play.
I needed a gun. But where do I get one?
The only person I could think of was my immediate elder sister’s (utebo) husband.
Paul was a major in the army and we got along fine but I doubted he would like to give his brother in law a gun. Besides they were based at Abuja were he was posted.
I walked the streets shaking off the lingering effects of the palm wine,I knew I needed to be agile and light on my feet but I felt heavy.
I stopped at a suya seller.
“Saanu’ abeg gimme suya”
I selected and as I watched him cut it up I watched the knife..
“This your knife sharp well well o”
“Yes one time I dey cut”
He added pepper.
“No I no want onions…this your knife you get another one”
“Haba oga..wetting I wan take am do”
I scratched my chin as he wrapped the suya up in news paper. The blade was too long could I carry it about..besides I wasn’t a ninja..having the blade would still be equivalent to the cane in my hands..all it took was the old crooner to point her gun @ me….
“No mind me jare I no get anything to cut o”
I paid him and turned to leave but he called me back.
“Oga oya bring five hundred I give u the knife”
I looked at him “you no dey use am?”
“I get another one oga”
I thought of it then wondered if I had the guts to cut someone open..maybe the killer for instance I shook my head..I planned to avenge Fumi but…I shivered as I imagined the blood and everything no…I knew myself I didn’t have it in me I wasn’t a cold blooded killer.
“No worry again a beg” I left.
I had just made a very wise decision or a very foolish one. I would find out in less than 3 hours.
I decided to head straight for the address..better to scope the neighbourhood out. Especially since I couldn’t remember anything from my last visit.

The house was massive..I stood looking at it or better yet looking at the walls because they were very high and allowed you to only see the metro tiled roof.
I couldn’t really tell but I thought the lights inside were off..the security light on the fence was on however and I felt open and vulnerable.
The time was what? I still had two more hours to go.
I tried to listen to my instinct but I couldn’t hear Jack!
I tried the gate and saw it was locked from inside..
What if there were dogs sef?
I couldn’t sneak in..I couldn’t climb the fence (electric lines ran across) I could only knock.
So I knocked.
A young man in his 20s and in a uniform opened the gate without asking who was there first.
“Yes?” He said rudely. He smelled like a brewery and I sensed that this man was my key into the house.
“I’m here to see the chief”
He sized me up then burped loudly”here to see the chief…from where? Who you be?”
“We have a meeting here tonight.. Very important”
“Baba the chief no tell me anything like that..I no sure say he dey come tonight”
I was skeptical..I tried to look past him and I could see the compound was dark.
He squared his shoulders blocking my view.
“When do you think he’ll come?”
“See na him house if he like make he come if him no like..Na him sabi my own na to open gate.”
With that he pushed me back and slammed the gate.
I walked round the street for should I play this now?..
The chief wasn’t yet in and that had to be an advantage and I had to take it to the fullest.
My only problem was dogs..did the chief have any..from the look of it he should judging by the high security I guessed he needed as much security as possible for the shady deals which went on in the ‘operations house’.

Finally I decided I was wasting time..this was 9:22pm now. I had to take the risk.
I walked back to the gate and knocked loudly bracing my self.
“Who be that..old man na you again?”
Why didn’t he open up straight this time na.
“Lemme just drop a message for him then I’d be on my way”
“Talk I dey hear you”
“I have some money with me I’m supposed to give him.”Money always worked.
And it didn’t fail this time. The gate guard opened the gate and I was swift.
I brought the cane to his head smacking him backwards..he staggered but didn’t go down and I knew he hardly felt anything..he was obviously intoxicated right now.
Well he needed to go to sleep.
I went upside his head about five times and he even threw a punch at me which luckily missed..I knew it would have been bad news for me if he had caught me with the right hook.
It seemed I had knocked him unconscious but he remained staggering on his feet.

Now since I was little my sisters had always jested me that I had a big head. For the first time I wished it were true. I held him by his shirt and pulled him the same time smashing my head into his face..this time he touched the ground.
I feared I had broken his nose but shrugged..that was collateral damage..besides hopefully next time he sees an old man he would show some respect.
I hurriedly closed the gate. Thankfully the house opposite had been marked to be demolished so there was no one there to see what happened.
I closed the gate and observed the barking of dogs..surely if there were dogs they would be going bananas by now.
I dragged the guard to the gate house where he was living.
I noticed the half empty bottle of ammunition on the table..
I shook my wonder!
I dropped the guard on the floor then stared around..what now?
I stripped him off the uniform he had on (a grey halogen uniform)
I took off my sweater and slacks which had been soaked and dried off on me.
I put on the guard’s uniform which was a little tight I marveled at my bald head and tribal mark. It changed my look alright but now it was a far cry to what this man on the floor looked like.
I looked around the room for something suitable to tie him with and I saw the grey cap on a nail..I hurriedly put it on and decided the chief couldn’t notice least not from a distance.

Few minutes to ten now and I knew that time wasn’t on my side anymore..I used belts including the one I had on previously to tie up the guard..I wasn’t convinced..I knew if he woke up he could free himself easily..but what could I do?there was nothing to use!
Maybe I would see something suitable in the house..that was a good idea!
I hadn’t planned on snooping around before but now I thought it was a good idea.
I made sure the main gate was bolted then walked carefully to the front this time I had decided there were no dogs..unless it was a very evil and intelligent dog that had waited until I had locked myself in before attacking.
The front door was locked and the compound was quite dark. Apart from the security light on the fence no other light was on.
I had seen a torchlight in the gate house and I quickly ran back to retrieve it. I went round the compound checking the doors which were all locked. I got to the back and tried the was locked also. I shone the light through the window and saw it was the kitchen.
I turned to leave but on an afterthought, I tried the window and it slid open
Sweet luck!
I climbed in then found the light switch and put it on. It was possibly the only furnished place in the house..cabinets, gas cooker and everything a kitchen needs basically.
I checked the rooms downstairs and it was as empty as it had been 3 weeks ago even the room I had discovered the papers in was empty even the table was gone.
I got to the stairs…and remembered the chief had spent a lot of time in his room that day..I just had to find it and I was sure I’d see something..maybe even the papers hopefully.
As I put my foot on the first step I heard the blast of a car horn.
the Chief was back!
I hurried to the kitchen switching off lights as I went.
I headed straight for the window then stopped.
I went to the gas cooker and turned on all the knobs..
I climbed through the window and shut it.
The cylinder was outside.
I released the valve.
The chief was horning Impatiently and I ran to the gate thinking about the gas being released in the seemed like a very foolish act and I wondered what had drove me to do such.
I opened the gate for the chief. His headlights blinded me. But I could see him stick his head out of the window.
“You nincompoop! have been drinking again haven’t you! I’d fire you idiat!”
He drove into the compound.
And I thought to…hmmmm..that was a bad choice of word considering what I had just done.
As I slid the gate shut I thought to myself..why not take down the chief cane was inside but I guessed I could still take him on comfortably..
As I entertained this thought his son (Emenike)got down from the passenger seat. The back door also opened and a man in a neck brace stepped out.
I recognised him as of the two thugs who had come to my house at night and I felt some satisfaction knowing I had done that to his neck.

“Mathias you must be very foolish” the chief had opened the door but he remained inside. “Will I be paying you and I’d still be opening my gate by my self?”
He obviously expected me to run to the open door so he could blast and address me properly. But I wasn’t about to get too close to him and risk being spotted, besides if I had my way I wouldn’t even speak..I wasn’t so sure about my voice yet.
He solved my dilemma for me however “my friend what are you standing there for? Assist Emmy with the powder. idiat”

Emenike had opened the booth of the car and was carrying down about 5kg bags of what looked like garri. I hurried to his side. Jumbo remained standing at the corner..his neck brace disqualifying him from any physical work but I could see the butt of the gun sticking out of his trouser.
The booth was filled with these bags and I naively wondered if the chief was into food distribution also.
It seemed Mathias worked as both the gate man and slave.
“Hold it carefully and follow me”
I carried two bags and followed Emenike as he brought out a bunch of keys from his pocket.
“What do you mean she lost the papers?!!”
The chiefs voice carried through from the car.
“That’s her business Fome would be here very soon and I have already paid her half the money”
He paused listening to the person on the other end who I presumed was Mona.
“Well she’d better infact after this one I’m thinking of killing her. She hasn’t still been able to get that boy”
He ended the call. I could hear him say “Rex my boy..I never expected you to survive this long”
I was at the door behind Emenike who was fumbling with the keys and for a moment I thought he was talking to me.
But he must have been thinking out loud.
Emenike finally had the door open and he directed me.
“Just put it in the usual corner”
He hit the light switch and looked at me and I thought: its all over..he would surely spot that this wasn’t Mathias in the uniform.
But his eyes were glassy..he leaned in and whispered.
“I snagged a whole bag of this mehn..I’m f*cking stoned right now…I’d keep tour share don’t worry..just carry everything and don’t let Big Chief notice anything suspicious.”
“Yes boss!” I guessed even if I had a female voice he wouldn’t notice.
He moved upstairs and I guessed to continue ‘stoning’ himself.
I didn’t know where the usual spot was but decided to dump it in the room I had found the papers 3 weeks ago.
I stared at the bags..this was pure cocaine..the soo called evidence strange eyes hadn’t been able to find for over a year. I considered snapping it with my phone but then I thought: why bother?
I sniffed the air but couldn’t smell any gas..that was good.
I hurried outside and the chief was still in his car but this time he had the engine running and had shut the door for privacy and I could see him smiling into the phone and I wondered who he was talking with..maybe his wife self..after all his son was aware and even involved in his activities.
I walked to the booth to continue my task..there were about 20 bags in there!
I glanced at the gate house and I saw the light had come on..Oh my God..I had almost forgotten about Mathias..he must have freed himself now..
I ran to the house hoping I’d reach there before he started shouting or ran outside.
I entered then saw to my relief he was still on the floor..I could even hear him who had switched on the light?
I saw Jumbo before he saw me..he had been gazing around shocked to see Mathias on the floor..tied up with belts..I had the advantage because he couldn’t turn his neck and had to rotate the upper half of his body anywhere he wished to look due to the constraints of the neck brace.
I didn’t need to think twice..I crossed to were he was with double speed..and just like the first time, I caught the back of his head perfectly in my palm and…you know the rest.
I heard the sickening thud as his head connected with the wall he slid noiselessly to the floor and something told me I shouldn’t bother with tying him up.
I noticed the bulge of the gun and picked it up..where to put it now? would show on me because the uniform I had on barely fit as it was.
I decided to put it on the shelf Mathias kept his boots..if anything should happen I’d run like a mad man to get it and hope to keep my shooting steady.
I locked the door this time and pocketed the key which had been sticking out the key hole all along.
I returned to the car to continue with the transfer.
The chief was still on the call and I took a second to look at the bags..I knew I was looking at hundreds of millions and I just wondered about the Chief..what kind of man was this anyway?

I had carried half the bags and I was dropping the 11th and 12th approximately when my phone rang. It was Ada..
“Rex Darling I’m almost there..the road is so lonely I’m just glad my central lock is on”
I checked the time 10:45pm
“No problem I’d soon be there also if you get there before me just wait in your car please..I won’t be long”
“No problem honey”

What was I doing? Dragging an innocent girl to the middle of such danger..I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to her..
But she was the ‘apple of the chief’s eye’ I just needed her presence for my own safety And Fome’s also.
Still it was my duty to try and protect the two of them..every other person in this compound could kiss the dust for all I care.

The chief had closed his booth when I got outside..
“How come you never carry am bloody nitwit”
I remembered Ndidi his house help and him crucifying her because of pidgin English.
“Sorry sir” I had to risk saying something lest my silence becomes suspicious. I made sure my face wasn’t in the light.
“Sorry for continue the packing later..I’m expecting guests..once FoFo knocks on the gate you let her in immediately”
“Yes sir” it seemed I was safe with only two syllables as my reply.
“An old woman is coming let her inside with no questions…I don’t want your I clear?”
“Yes sah”
He turned towards the house
“Now where are these two fools…Jumbo! Emmy”
Jumbo is in la la land..I thought to myself. Then: why not get the gun and hold the chief down till Fome arrived?..his son the black belt was stoned and wouldn’t know what was reality and what was not.
I considered it seriously..I remembered a word from my favourite song: ‘sabali’
It meant patience.

I calmed my beating heart then returned to the gate house..Mathias was still asleep but I felt it wise to ‘reload’ his slumber…I picked up my cane.


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