Four days after.
Leo has gotten better and we’ve both been living happily, I still go to work, in his house. Well I wouldn’t call it work cause it doesn’t seem like “working” since I just cook for him and we just spent the day together.

It was Sunday morning when I woke up by the loud sound of my ringing tone. With my eyes closed, my hand reached for my phone on my bedside drawer. When my hand touched my phone I grabbed it slide my hand on the answer button which was on the left side of the screen and I placed it on my ear. Without looking at the caller.
“hey!.” I heard ‘his’ voice and my eyes fluttered open.
“hey? really?” I said, a small smile appeared on my face.

“what’s wrong with me saying hey?” Leo said into the phone.
“Okay let me get this straight, we’re both Two people, who fell in love and when you were sick, like seriously sick I was the one who took care of you, stood by your side and made your gloomy hours lively and here you are giving me the ‘hey’ attitude,” I said slowly and he gave a loud chuckle.
“okay babe?, is that any better” he asked. And my cheeks flushed.
“that’s not any better”.

“okay.. Then what else do you want me to call you?” he asked.
“I don’t know think of something”
“aren’t you the one who wants me to call you a sweet name” he said. And I could sense the smile in his voice.
“well as an absolute boyfriend can’t you think of something?” I asked.

“well no, cause I’m not the Corky type who calls, honey, sweetie, or darling, it’s dorky, cheesy, lame and cliche.. I’ll just call you by your name, and just because I’m calling you by your name doesn’t mean my I don’t love you, I do and you know that, and me calling you by your name means a lot of things that no one but only you and I can understand” he said and I placed my hand on my chest grinning from ear to ear, that was romantic.

“pen.. You still there??
“uh–uh…yeah.. Sorry I was just lost.” I said with a nervous laugh .
“lost in my words?” he asked
“uh.. No way
“really?” his voice teased
“–yeah, yes I was” I said truthfully.

“see nothing hurts in lying, it actually made me smile, and you know these dimples are only meant for you” he said
“stop with the flattery okay? Or I’m gonna explode” I said and said the last part lowly, but he heard it and let out a hysterical laugh.
“you are so cute” he laughed.
“anyway, get dressed, I’m coming over to pick you up”
“what? Are we going somewhere” I asked sitting up.

“somewhere? No not really just get dressed in three minutes, I’ll be there soon” he said
“three minutes!!, I’m not a guy, guys take three seconds to get dressed while ladies take four hours” I smiled.
“four hours!! Are they dressing up as clowns or what?” Leo laughed.
“anyways take your time but be expecting me in exactly three minutes” .
“okay I’ll be waiting” I smiled.
“okay…” he said not hanging up
“aren’t you going to hang up” I asked.
“nope, just keep talking I love your voice” he said which made me groan loudly and he laughed.

“okay, I’m just teasing ya’, I’ll be there soon” he said and finally hung up.
I got down from the bed and appeared under the shower, the warm water made the happy me more happy,
I dried my body, put on some body lotion and walked into my closet, I started to tear down all of my clothes to look for a dress cause I hardly wear dresses and wearing trouser is just my casual wears and if I happen to wear it today not knowing where Leo’s going to take me, it might seem too inappropriate, I have to look good.

After searching and searching I finally found a dress, but I sighed when I looked at it well, it was the dress Kirana bought for me when we went to club zero-zix, I paused for a minute and stared at the dress.

It’s a bit too much! I thought
“I’ll just wear it like that” I said to myself after glancing at my horrid closet, I shoved the rest of my clothes in my closet and closed it, suddenly hearing a knock on my door.

“who’s it??” I yelled, careful not to open the door for anyone, cause I’m in a towel.
“it’s your mother, open the door this instance” Kirana’s Voice echoed through the door and in my room, making me laugh.
“silly girl” I smiled when I opened the door. “hey, good morning” she said walking in with plastic bags. But still trying to give me a hug.

“hey, how are you?” I asked as I closed the door.
“never been better” she said dropping the bags on my bed. She spotted the black dress on the bed and turned to me.
“going somewhere?”she asked
“yeah, I don’t know, maybe” I said and she rolled her eyes.
“you don’t know!”

“actually Leo called me this morning telling me he’s coming over to take me out or something” I grinned.
“bummer! I came here to celebrate the Sunday with my best friend and now she’s leaving, I even bought pizzas” she said bringing them out of her plastic bags.

“I’m sorry Kira, you know I’d kill to spend a day with you, but I haven’t had the chance to hang out with Leo normally cause, he’s been sick for the past few days” I tell her, walking to my closet again.
“he’s been sick??” she gasped.
“yeah” I replied faintly.

“he doesn’t look like someone who’d get sick that easily, and even if he did get sick, he looks like someone who’d recover quickly, what happened to him, was it serious?, why didn’t you tell me about it?” Kirana question and I sighed and turned to her.
“he was poi– poured down with a little fever” I lied. I know I’m not supposed to lie but, she doesn’t have to know the truth, about his poisoning and my kidnapping.. I just don’t want her being all jumpy and cheesy and am not in for long stories.

“oh.. That’s common, the weather’s been changing creepily these days,” she said and I nod.
“so he’s okay now right? Perfectly okay.” she asked and i nod.
“pass me the dress please” I said to her and she threw the dress at me and it flew above me and hung on my head covering my face, and she laughed.

“it’s not funny” I said as I pulled the dress from my face.
“hell yeah it was” she said still laughing.
I slipped on the dress and it feels a little tight, Leo said I’ve been getting skinny because of him but I don’t think so, I think I may be adding more on the flesh, and that’s great.
Kirana then stood up to help me with the zipper.

“so.. I guess I better start leaving cause I’m not spending the day with you and I don’t want to waste any more time” she said as she pulled the dress up from the zipper.
“I’m sorry,… I mumbled “we can hang out tomorrow”
“I have work tomorrow dummy, I’m not like you who doesn’t have to work but still live on diamonds” .
“but I work” I exclaimed.

“spending all the day with your boyfriend, cooking and the both of you eat together, you call that work?” Kirana said and I pursed my lips together.
“but don’t worry, I can’t force you to hang out with me, whenever you’re free I’ll make myself free too, just have a good time with him.” she said and tapped both of my shoulders .
“thanks” I mumbled.

I packed my hair up in ponytail and but on some earrings before grabbing my phone and checking my reflection on my screen.
“do you think I should put on some makeup” I asked touching my face.
“no. And do you even have any makeup” kirana asked and I gasped. “I don’t”
“well don’t put any makeover cause it’ll ruin your hot, sexy but innocent image, and… you’ll look like a giraffe” she said and I rolled my eyes.

“okay then I’ll be off, I’ll just be alone, stuffing my face in pizza” Kirana said picking up the plastic bags. Just then her phone beeped. It looked like a text message, she read it and smiled at the phone then at me
“what?” I asked, my lips stretching into a smile as I saw her smile..
“looks like I’m not going to be alone, I almost forgot we got Mason, I’m going to share some of these with him” she said waving the bags in the air.

“good luck, seems like the both of you have been hanging out a lot, I never imagined that cause, you two are like Tom and Jerry” I said with a laugh.
“he’s been coming around the company a lot and he’s been helping me out on a lot of work, I never knew breaking his heart would break this side of him” Kirana said and I gave her a look.

“I’m just saying, but he’s been real nice and he’s been saying normal things around me, he’s changed, you should see this side of him, it’s really nice” Kirana said smiling and I winked at her.
“growing anything for him?” I asked with a sly smile.
“eww. Don’t go there!”she said and I laughed.

“anyway I’ll be going see you anyday” she said and pulled me into a hug. Before walking out of my apartment.
“oh hey Leo.” I heard Kirana said from outside, and suddenly a happy fire in me ignited and I smiled.
“hey Kira” I heard him say, and then walked in and closed the door .
“whoa” he said when he saw me.
“what, do I look awakward?” I asked.

“you just took my breath away, the last time you wore this dress it was beautiful, but not as it is now, it’s changed a bit, it’s more clingy to your body, and goodness I am dying” Leo said dramatically and I rolled my eyes.
“drama queen” I laughed.
“drama king” he corrected
“like I care, so where are we going?” I asked. Walking to my bed.

“how did you know, I wanted to take you out” he asked
“during our phone call, you said I should get dressed that you’re coming to pick me up and when a guy tells a girl, he’s coming to pick her up, it’s means he’s taking her out” I explained and he laughed. “you’re smart”
“thanks, I got that from my dad” I primped, and grabbed one of my shoe slipping it on my feet.
“so you ready?” he asked.
“yeah” I said standing up.

“okay then close your eyes.” he said.
“just do it” he said and I closed my eyes.
I felt something cold on my neck and I quickly opened my eyes to see Leo placing a golden necklace with a Dove pendant on my neck and I smiled.
“see now your dressing’s complete” he said and I smiled.
“no need, I have one and you should too cause, we’re one and whatever I have, you shall too” he said showing me the same necklace.

“well that’s awesome” I said and quickly turn to give him a kiss, which he immediately reciprocated..
We both stopped kissing, and he snaked his around my shoulder and smiled, “now, let’s go, time waits for no body”
“where are we going?” I asked.
“it’s a secret” he replied as we walked out of the door.
“really?” I rolled my eyes.

“yep” he said.
“bummer!” I pouted and he laughed, that sweet laugh that you envy his dimples and drown yourself in his voice.
We both walked down the building, meeting Richard and Olivia, saying just a simple hi to them, we walked passed them and to Leo’s car.
Leo opened the door for me and I smiled at him before walking in..

  • =«”»= KIRANA’S POV =«“»=
    I went over to Mason’s house cause he texted me if I wanted to hang out and yep, I am looking for someone to spend the Sunday with, cause Pen bailed at me.
    I finally got to Mason’s house and walked out of the cab that drove me there, my hand was full so I just slipped out a bunch of money from my purse and gave it to the cab man..

  • “keep the change” I tell him.
    “but ma’am this is not enough, you’re missing out on fifty cents” he said looking at me and the money.
    “then that’s your luck” I said and closed the door.
    “but ma’am… The man called.
    “happy Sunday..” I smiled at him before walking away.
    “madam.” he still yelled.

  • “IT’S JUST FIFTY CENTS OLD MAN!!” I yelled back, even though he’s not old, I have to put that old man so he’ll scram out.
    I got to Mason’s front porch and looked back to see the taxi driver still looking at me.

  • I sighed and dropped the plastic bags beside the door and walked back to the cab.. “it’s just fifty cents, I don’t know what your problem is” I rolled my eyes at him, shoving out a dollar from my purse and handing it to him.
    “here. For reals this time, keep the change” I said with my eye brows arched and he smiled, “thanks madam” .

  • Who knew he knows how to smile.
    I shook my head negatively and walked back to Mason’s house, this time pressing the doorbell, and after a second he opened the door.
    “hey” he smiled,
    “hey?, be a better someone and help me take these inside” I said and he smiled. He grabbed the plastic bags and walked in while I followed closing the door behind me.

  • “you even bought pizza for me, you just love me too much!” mason said peeping at the bag.
    “it’s for pen, don’t flatter yourself” I said, rolling my eyes and plopping down on the couch.
    “then why isn’t it with her then?” he asked,
    “cause she’s going out with Leo and I don’t want to ruin whatever he wherever they’re going to” I said,
    “oh” Mason breathed out,
    My head raised and I gaze at him till we made eye contact.

  • “what?” he asked opening one of the pizza box,
    “feeling jealous” I teased and crossed my ankle over my knee and start to remove my shoe.
    “what?.. No way” he smiled.
    “really? Cause I smell jealously coming from you” I laughed.

  • “I’m over her” he said.
    “yeah, If she’s happy that’s okay with me, even though I’m just a teeny tiny bit jealous about them, I’m happy for them” he said and my eyebrows arched..
    “don’t tease me Ira, I am happy for them, I’ve been over Penelope ever since I started hanging out with you” mason said and shoved a slice of pizza in his mouth. And I paused
    “you’ve been over Penelope ever since you started hanging out with me?? Don’t tell me I’ve been the one on your mind for the past few days” I said standing up.

  • “what? That’s not what I meant” he said with his mouth full.
    “really? You just confessed your feelings and you’re denying it” I said with a serious face crossing my hands on my chest .
    “what confession” he said surprisingly.
    “the one you just did” I said and he almost spit out his pizza.
    “I did not confess, that wasn’t a confession” he said and I laughed.

  • “I was just pulling your legs, gimme some” I said referring to the pizza and he passed me the box and sat down on the couch, while I sat down beside him.
    “turn on the TV” I said passing him the remote.
    “don’t boss me around” he said taking it.
    “I’m always the boss” I said when he turned on the TV.

  • “but it won’t be bad dating someone like you” mason said after a moment of silence.
    “so you admit you have feelings for me” I grinned at him.
    “I didn’t say that” he half yelled.
    “you don’t have to yell, I know when you lie, so yelling is wasting your time” I said and he sighed and shook his head negatively.

  • “I don’t have time for you, since all you want to talk about is junk” he said and took another bite from his pizza while I smiled.
    “since you’ve been talking about feelings and all, sure you don’t have any feelings for me?” Mason said after eating his pizza and I rolled my eyes.
    “keep dreaming” I said and he laughed.

  • *

  • 🌸🌸🌸Penelope’s pov 🌸🌸🌸
    After driving for what seems like eternity, Leo finally stopped in front of a big restaurant, ..
    He got out of the car and helped me open mine, while I got out he took my hand.
    “okay that’s new” I laughed.
    “don’t make me feel stupid” he said and I laughed.

  • “why are we here?” I asked as he took my arm and a walked me into the restaurant.
    “you talk too much.” he said and I laughed,
    We got into the beautiful but empty restaurant and we sat down at a table at the back of the restaurant that Leo suggested we take, and suddenly a white haired waiter walked up to our table.

  • “good day, Mr Finn and Mrs vandale, your table for two has been checked, and Now would you like to order anything now?” the man asked and I glanced at Leo, surprised that the man knows my name.
    “no thanks,..I’ll.. I’ll.. Just have water” I tell the waiter.
    “are you sure?” Leo asked me.
    “or orange juice,” I changed my mind and the waiter smiled
    “and you?” the waiter asked Leo,
    “same thing” Leo said and the waiter nodded and walked away.

  • “so what do you think of this restaurant? Is it okay to your taste?” Leo asked.
    “Huh? To my taste, why would you ask me tha–
    “I bought this whole place for you,.. For us just for today ” he said.
    “whoa,.. Are you serious! Why?”.
    “I realised ever since we’ve been dating we’ve never had an actual date and I just want this to be our first and most memorable date”.

  • “awwn, Leo that’s so romantic,” I said clasping my hands together.
    “thanks, I’m not those romantic kind of guys but with you I think the romantic side is rubbing off, I love you pen” .
    “I love you too” I smiled.

  • The waiter came back with our orange juices and after talking about some things we later ordered some real food and we ate, talked and laughed about a lot of things, Leo told me a lot of things about himself about his childhood days and the one that got me laughing is when he sleep walked and peed on the couch.
    I shared some of my childhood memories with him too, mostly about Kirana cause she’s the one who made most of my childhood days fun.

  • We were still talking until we got tired and faced our meal ..
    Leo said something but I didn’t hear him so with my mouth full I looked up
    “what?..” I asked softly.
    “marry me” he said.
    M..marry him..

  • I started to cough without no reason and he sighed and handed me his glass of water and I drank it till I’m okay..
    “I’m serious Pen.” he said after my moment of silence.
    “I mean we both like each other like so much, and I don’t see what’s keeping us from getting married, if you’re worried about me bailing on you on the last minute of getting married in a church or whatever, don’t be. Cause I’m not” he said and I sighed, he knows my problem.

  • “we don’t need to have a wedding for people to know we’re married, we don’t need a priest to court us together and make us say the word I do, to make people believe we’re together, neither do we need a pastor to pronounce us as husband and wife to make you my wife cause saying the word ‘yes’ you already are” he said and I sighed again looking at me.

  • What am I doing, I’m finally in love again and I don’t need to ruin myself and have regrets. Just as I was about to say yes, he placed his hand inside his jacket pocket and brought out a small box,
    He opened it and a small shiny ring laid on, “if you just put this ring on and say ye–
    “can you just stop being dramatic and hear me out first” I cut him off.

  • “uh…… okay” he said and sulked his lips into his mouth.
    “well yes. I’ll Marry” I said plainly.
    “really?” his eyes brightened.
    “isn’t that what we want, to be together, I know that’s what I want” I smiled shyly and he smiled exposing his dimples.

  • He quickly placed the ring on my fourth finger and kissed me.


  • THE END!!!

  • A perfect ending doesn’t mean all people have a happy ending 🙇
    Everyone has their own direction 👉 👈life is so long.
    Someday in future, you may meet someone, you may fall for someone.💑
    And may also forget someone.
    So they are,👦👧 so are w👦👧e.
    Not everything requires an answer 😯
    Right or wrong is not necessary ☀
    Someday you’ll just recall that it happened. 😢
    Then move on with your life.. ☺ 👭
    That’s all. ✌

Please Don’t be Ungrateful ? Don’t Leave Without A Comment , One Love ❤.

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