“how are you?” Mason said into the phone .

“I’m fine, everything’s fine.” I said and he breathed out an “okay” from the other side of the line.

“so why are you calling?” I asked

“really? I can’t call my friend and asked how she’s doing.” he replied and I imagined he rolled his eyes.

“you’re not that kind of person, it’s either you want something from me or you want me to do something for you, that’s the Mason I know” I said and hear him laugh.

“well In that case you do not know your best friend at all, I just called to ask if you’re okay cause, well Richard told me he came to see you” Mason blurted out and I sighed.

For once in my life can’t I just live without hearing his stupid name. 🌱🌷🌷

“yeah he came here, apparently to visit me. He just said he needed to talk and I foolishly cried seeing him” I said angrily like I tasted bitter. I hate myself for crying that day.

“one thing about you is that you cry a lot” he said and I scoffed.

“you’re suppose to be on my side Mr. Not oppose me!” I reprimanded

“I am on your side I’m just telling you things you shouldn’t do, Pen you cried on my birthday last year just because I was cutting the cake.. I mean hello! Who does that?, look some things In life are bound to be forgotten, like what Richard did and also forget about him too cause you’ll only be hurting yourself, he’s my best friend and I’m supposed to be on his side but he did wrong and it’s not fair to support him.. So stop acting like an old lady snail and forget about him okay? Move on Pen” Mason yelled and a hell of a thunder strike causing me to jump, but I cooled down and sighed.

“you’re right… But it’s going to be kind of hard, I’m still trying though.. Cause I love him too much” I said and regretted I said that.

“he loves you too but I think his dumb self is working” Mason said me making smile a bit, but my heart tightened.. He loves me too, then why did he do that.?

I remained quiet for a while holding my tears… No fucking way. I’m not gonna cry.. It’s getting way out of hand

“hello.. Pen? Are you still there? You’re not crying are you?” Mason suddenly said breaking me out of silence..

“no.. I’m not crying” I replied and he breathed a sigh of relief.

“thank God, just be strong for me, for Kirana, your parents they will love to see you move on” he calmly said and I nod “okay thanks,”

“anytime” he said cheerfully

“but seriously I didn’t know you could be such a great advisor” I said after a brief silence.

“I had no idea until my best friend broke my best friend heart” he said and I smiled.

“well it’s still raining, do you want me to pick you up after work? Or should I come over there?” he asked

“well the rain’s pretty tough and dangerous, I don’t want you to die while cooking to me” I said with seriousness and he laughed.

“like you wouldn’t be happy?” he said, making me gasp playfully.

“you are such a goofball.. I love you and I don’t want anything to happen to you..” I tell him and I could feel his smile from the phone.

“yeah, I know.. I love you too But guess what?” he suddenly asked.

“what?” I asked inquisitively.

“are you close to the restaurant door?” he asked

“no but I can see it from here” I replied. “great cause..

The door to the restaurant suddenly opened and Mason walked in making me gasp. His hair was a bit wet but aside that he was perfectly dry , thanks to his leather jacket, I guess.

From the table Kirana sat down she saw Leo from the door and watching stood up making Leo flinch a little. “what are you doing here?” Kirana yelled.

“don’t worry I didn’t come here for you” Mason said to her walking up to me, I slowly pulled down my phone from my ear and cut the phone call.

Mason spread out his arm coming towards me, and with a smile and an eye roll, I hugged him… “you didn’t tell me little Mrs tigress was” Mason whispered in my ear reffering to Kirana and I giggled and pulled away from the hug. “C’mon” I tell him and went back to the table I was sitting before with Leo and Kirana.

“hey! I told you I didn’t come here because of you” Mason said to Kirana who was looking at him awkwardly and settling down beside me. “I don’t care about that? Why did you come in this rain, it’s dangerous out there” Kirana said and Mason smiled at her. “what? You Care about me?” Mason playfully said and smiled

“shut up” Kirana tell him and sat down..

Mason glanced at Leo who was staring at the table and being quiet. “who’s this” Mason leaned closer to me and asked.

“he’s Leo” I replied, trying to whisper but in a way my voice came out loud. And Leo turned and figured out I was introduced him to Mason.

“hi.. I’m Leo Penelope’s friend” Leo said and Mason smiled..

“Friend?” he said and glance at me smiling making me nudge him.

“I’m Mason.. Also Her friend.. But closer. .. We’re close friends like best friend a—

“you know what? Why don’t you two get to know each other, Pen? Can I talk to you?” Kirana cut Mason off and I nodded and stood up..

“get to know each other and we’ll be back” Kirana said one last time before dragging me away from the table and taking me to the one we both ran away from.

“why are we here, do you want us dead another deadly object can strike through the window and kill us” I said

“I don’t care” she quickly said and I gave her a look.

“sorry.. I just need to tell you this and since we’re here the rain can cover our voices..” she said apologetically and I sighed and before saying.

“go on.”

“okay so when I got to meet that Jimmy guy for my orange juice, I walked up to him and started yelling at him for forgetting to bri– to just cut things short, I kissed Maxwell, I mean he kissed me, we both kissed” she said in a panic voice and I gasped.

“so you do like him?” I said almost happily and she rolled her eyes.

“shut up would you?” she said angrily and I bit my lips and bat my lashes at her.. “you don’t have to pretend you don’t I’m your bestfriend, you can share anything with me. ” I primped and she sighed.

“well, we’re just arguing about the orange juice and then I said something which made him dared me to do something and not wanting to be a chicken in front of him, I did and then he dared me to kiss him and I did. And then he reciprocated which Led to a hot and never ending kiss, that’s why my face was all red and puffy, I could feel it..and now I am so freaking out.. But in a good way actually” my best friend panicked and I laughed.. I use to believe Kirana’s a tough girl, who doesn’t let things get to her skin easily, but look at her being all afraid because she kissed a man, she may or may not have a crush on.

I guess when it comes to love. We all become weak.. It’s just to powerful and gets us easily.

“look Kira, you don’t need to panic, just follow your heart” I tell her.

“eww following my heart is the worst.. I followed my heart once and what happened. I dated a stupid Germany guy who tried to sell my cat.. So me and heart we don’t work together” Kirana said and I smiled softly.

“just trust me on this one and follow your heart” I blurted and she sighed.

“okay I’ll try, but don’t you dare tell Mason about this cause seems like we’re not best friends anymore and more like you two, so don’t tell him anything” she warned and I rolled my eyes.

“do I look like that kind of girl to you” I asked, half way angry.

“you don’t look like that kind of girl you are that kind of girl” Kirana said and I scoffed with a smirk

“well I’m not gonna tell him” I said

“whatever” she primped and walked back to the table where the boys are and I trailed behind her.

Getting to the table, the boys were already talking and laughing, wow guys get along real fast.

Leo and I had known each other for almost a week and we didn’t laugh like this. But he just met Mason today and they’re already talking and laughing their lungs out like they’ve known each other for years.

“what are you silly boys talking about?” Kirana said taking a sit beside Leo while I took mine beside Mason.

“I was just talking about my birthday party last year where Kirana entertained us while I was cutting my cake” Mason said and my head snapped at him and I gave him an angry look.

“oh yeah that was hilarious” Kirana said and starts to laugh.

“pen.. I can’t believe you cried” Leo laughed making his dimple holes so wide and deep.

“nice story goofball” I said and angrily to Mason and he grinned. “sorry I couldn’t help it when the story came out of my mouth” he said and I rolled my eyes and folded my arms.

Randee came out of the kitchen with her attention all to her phone

“Randee!”Mason called and her head turned to our table.

“hey Mace..” she said walking up to us

“it’s nice to see you?” she added grinning from ear to ear.

“well it’s nice seeing you too can you get me a plate of yam fries.. I love eating that when it rains” he said and she nods.

“would you like anything?” she asked Leo nicely “I’ll get the same” Leo muttered and she nods


“just get me a glass of orange juice” Kirana replied and Randee nodded and walked away.. “why didn’t you order anything?” Mason asked me when Kirana left.

“I’m not hungry” I replied and he nods.

Randee came back and placed a huge bowl of yam fries in the middle of the table and Mason looked up at her.

“who’s gonna eat this? It’s too much And I don’t have enough money to pay for this, I thought you were going to give us differently?” Mason whined and Randee eyed him.

“shut up and eat, you don’t have to pay, you’re eating with the owner of the restaurant” Randee said and flashed Leo one of her flirty smile. She dropped Kirana’s orange juice and walked away.

“you’re the owner of this place” Mason asked Leo..

“yeah, kinda, sorta.. Maybe? Let’s eat” he said and quickly shoved one of the yam fries in his mouth.

Mason starts to eat while I just stared at Kirana’s juice. And suddenly I wanted it.

“can I have some?” I said to Kirana

“no” she answered dryly and I grunt.

“here” Mason said bringing a fry to my mouth. “I don’t want that” I said.

“just open up and you’ll like it” he said pushing the fry to my closed mouth. I sighed and opened my mouth while he shoved it inside my mouth, smiling, I chewed the little yam in my mouth and gosh it was delicious..

“I want more” I quickly said, my hand almost reaching for the bowl but Mason slapped my hand away.

“you didn’t want it before so you’re not going to get it now” he said playfully making me scoff.

“you are such a child” I blurted out loudly and he laughed.

“still the best word you’ve said to me all year”.

“come-on Mason.. Don’t be a child and just let me have some” I whined like a child. “whose the child now?” he scoffed.

“you can get yours you know” Leo who was watching us said. “I know I’m just too tired to stand up” I replied not looking at him, sometimes it’s just so hard to look him in the eye. And I don’t know why.

“okay fine here” Mason said and brought another yam fry to mouth.

“what? you’re gonna feed me now” I said sarcastically..

“sweetie.. Half Is better than none you gonna argue with that one or stick with me feeding you” he said and I sighed and opened my mouth for him to put it in..

“that’s my girl.” he said and I rolled my eyes

“you guys are such dorks” Kirana said and Mason playfully glared at her..

Mason fed me for a while, whilst Leo watched us with this kind of amusement in his eyes.. Like he wanted to try it out too..

Mason continued feeding me and I couldn’t take it anymore, at the tenth feed.. I bit his finger making him yelp and flinch . And I packed all the fries could my palm could take

“Penny!!” he yelled while I laughed and so did Kirana and Leo.

“sorry but I couldn’t take anymore” I said and place three yam fries in my mouth.

“if you hadn’t been so nice I would have drag out those vampires teeth from your gums” he said and I laughed even more

He sat down and continued eating and kept looking at his fingers..

“I’m sorry” I said..

“it’s okay but it still kind of hurt” he replied and I pulled his finger towards me.. “lemme see”

“there’s not even a single scratch here and you’re being all whiny about my teeth” I said and threw his finger to himself..

“yeah but it still hurts” he said and I rolled my eyes at him. I looked up and notice Leo staring at me but he quickly looked away when I caught him I just ignored that and enjoyed the yam fries..


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