Kirana stayed quiet for a while facing the other side of the bed, I don’t know if she was angry with me when I’m supposed to be angry one. I mean it’s difficult to see Kirana compliment mason and now suddenly he’s the topic of today and Kirana’s actually kind of forcing me to like him . I mean I do like him but she’s forcing me to fall in love with him, now she apologized for saying that and doesn’t want to talk to me when she’s actually laying beside me.

I’m not angry with her cause, it’s not something to be angry about, I’m just a little surprised at her act. Since she was being all quiet, I remained quiet too and we just stayed quiet and listened to the ticking of the clock.

“I’m sorry” I said after a few minutes.

“I’m sorry for yelling at you” I added and she turned to me. Finally. I hate a meaningless silence with my best friend.

“why are you are you apologizing, you did nothing wrong, I was the one being stupid” Kirana said and sit up.

“I didn’t want you to give me the silent treatment I hate it” I said and she smiled. “I wouldn’t dare”

I smiled and hooked our arms together and rested my head on her shoulder.

“remember when you gave me the silent treatment” I said knowing she would recall that pretty easy cause that was our first meaningless fight and also the last one.

“that was way, way back in high school” she chuckled.

“yeah, it’s been years but I can’t forget that day, you just stopped talking to me and when I tried to ask why, you just ignored me, do you know I cried for a week?” I asked and she laughed.

“no way” she beamed.

“I did cause it was heartbreaking, you just stopped talking to me and I didn’t know the reason why, up until now” I said and her smile beamed.

“I never told you the reason even after we started talking, after you reporting our small quarrel to your mom and she had to convince my mom to make me talk to you” Kirana explained and we both laughed. .

“what is was the reason you stopped talking to me anyway,? You never told me” I asked and she struggled.

“it’s just some stupid and meaningless reason, that’s too embarrassing to talk about” she said and I scoot even closer to her and smiled.

“on a scale of one to ten, how embarrassing is it for you not to talk about it” I asked.

“ten” she replied.

“well you have to tell me now cause you just gingered my curiosity” I said and she nods.

“well it’s just that you didn’t wait for me as usual when I told you to, I wanted you to wait for me after my basketball practice so we could go home together but you left without me and then I just became this stupid mean girl and stopped talking to you” she explained and we outburst in another laughter that filled the room.

“oh my god” I breathed out when my stomach hurts from laughing.

“I kind of figured that would be the reason back then,” I said and she smiled.

“well that can’t happen anymore cause we’re no more high school scholars but grown ladies and we can’t stoop so low to have the silent treatment anymore” she said and I smiled and breathed a sigh of relief for that.

Kirana loosened her hand from my grip and stood up from the bed. “anyway I have to go, I’m afraid if I stay here any longer I’ll definitely have a sleepover” she said moving her hair back.

“well that will be amazing, it’ll be like old times” I said grinning weirdly.

“I’d like to have a sleepover here but I’ll be late for work and I don’t want that cause I’ve been taking too many off days because of Mason, and not being punctual will make me get fired, even though I can’t get fired because Leo’s the boss and he can’t let that happen but still that’s an act of selfishness and partiality and I don’t like that cause I’ll be the new talk of the town, so then I’ll be leaving” she said and I smiled and stood up to hug her.

“when will I see you again, I hardly see you” I said and she rolled eyes.

“oh child, don’t pretend that you’ll miss me when you have Leo by your side”

“what. Wh..hat is that.. Supposed to mean” I asked and she laughed.

“why are you freaking out when I was only joking”

“I wasn’t freaking out” I defended. Kirana sighed loudly and made eye contact with me, pushing back her hair.

“I hate keeping things from you but Mason can wal.. He’s getting discharged tomorrow” she said.

“really? Is he already walking so well that he’s getting discharged” I asked.

“well yeah, kind of.. B-but not too well” Kirana replied and bit her lips.

“don’t be surprised if you find him here tomorrow, well till then, I’ll take my leave” Kirana announced one last time before grabbing her bag and strangely grabbing Leopenny,.. I mean the teddy bear along with her.

“uhh. .. Kirana are you okay or what?” I asked dryly watching her trying to open my door.

“what? I thought you didn’t like the bear” she said.

“if I didn’t like it then I wouldn’t keep it” I said and walked up to her and dragged the bear from her.

“but it’s so cute I want one for myself too” Kirana said and I rolled my eyes.

“since when did you start to like cute things” I asked.

“since tomorrow,.. Are you sure you even like the bear or the real owner of the bear” Kirana blurted and I groaned at her silliness.

“I’m the real owner of the bear” I smiled and carried the bear back to the bed.

“then why did the bear first name starts with Leo?” Kirana pondered and I sighed.

“I wasn’t happy you were Leaving earlier than I expected, but now I’ll gladly show you your way out of this building.” I said and she Laughed.

“oh well, I’ll leave, goodbye” she smiled and walked up to me giving me a kiss on my cheeks.

“ugh, can you be less cheesy” I said wanting to clean the place she kissed but she held my hand.

“why are you about to clean it, are you pissed that it’s not from Leo” she teased.

“Kirana.. I called and she laughed,

“teasing you is my hobby, goodbye for real this time.. Dream about me and uhm.. Leo.. I mean Leopenny, the bear, not what you’re thinking” she said and I rolled my eyes which made her laugh and walked out.

I got back to my bed and got under the covers smiling for no particular reason. I smile disappeared when I heard a knock on the door and I assumed it was Olivia and when I yelled come in, it was her and she smiled friendly as she walked up to me.

“I decided to come have that conversation I was on about since your slightly rude friend is not here” she said.

“Kirana’s not rude, it’s because she doesn’t really know you” I defended and she shrugged. .

“anyway I’m here to have talk to you about something” Olivia breathed out.

“okay..” I said and beckoned my hand for her to come closer and sit beside me.

She did and breathed out a worried sigh.

“okay, I don’t know how to start this and I don’t know if you’ll feel okay with me telling you this.. But I think.. I’m in love with Richie” she blurted out and covered her mouth like she’s said something horrible.

“okay?” I said looking at her plainly.

“what, you don’t seem so angry about it” she said calmly and smiled.

“did he tell you we were almost married?” I asked and she nods.

“just because he’s my ex fiancee doesn’t mean he can’t like anyone and he doesn’t get to be liked by anyone, anything he does, is none of my business cause we’re over and we have nothing with each other” I said feeling proud of myself for saying that out loud.

“have I ever told you how charming you are, and awesome” Olivia said and I giggled. I get that a lot. “you seem to have moved on but.. Richie hasn’t, he’s still.. In love with you” she said and her voice faded at the last words..

“I’m sorry” I tell her.

“it’s Okay… you don’t have to be sorry, it’s not like you did anything wrong.. He’s the one in love with you and I’m the one in love with him” Olivia said and gave a sad sigh .

“I didn’t have any idea you two almost got married but I knew you both had a history together but I didn’t know it was that” she said but I just stayed quiet since I didn’t know what to say.

“I so feel stupid for falling in love with him and I feel awkward for coming here and talking to you about it” she laughed, a sad one.

“you know.. I started. “talking about it with someone wasn’t a bad thing cause you being in this state will just leave you devastated and confuse, and just because I’ve dated Richard doesn’t mean you have to call it awkward and you falling in love with him is not stupid but amazing cause who doesn’t fall in love? And trust me I know Richard, he’ll come around and when he does he’ll never let go cause he’s learnt his lesson, maybe we were never meant for each other cause we having seen what the world is like yet, but trust me you won’t regret it about falling in love with him, Richard might have made a mistake on our wedding day but he hasn’t for once make a mistake when we were dating he’s always been nice and caring and if you give him a chance you’ll learn to love him even more than I did” .

“d..do you still love him?” Olivia asked nervously.

“no” I smiled. “I don’t” I continued and she suddenly hugged me.

“you’re such a good friend, I thought talking to you would cause more problems but it’s actually great and it has put me to rest, thank you pen.” she said and I smiled.

We both talked for a while, till the day got dark and she got back t her apartment.

I laid back on my bed and breathed out a sigh of relief. “maybe all I needed was a little talk too” I said to myself.

Talking about Richard was the best way to remove him from my head completely. And now seeing the both of them together would just make me smile.

Thinking about this and that. I finally stood up to make a late dinner, and then I took my medicine and after that I fell asleep..


The next day, I woke up feeling so much better, no more cold or the weak feeling in my body but I’m not going to work today, cause I didn’t feel like going out, and besides Leo said I should stay home if I didn’t feel like coming and I need to follow that order. I spent almost an hour under the shower and after that I wore a baggy black sweatpants and shirt,

I was making breakfast when I heard a soft knock on my door. “coming?” I yelled and turned down the stove before heading to the door.

I opened the door and gasped when I saw Mason, looking good in a washed blue jean trouser and a white shirt but not with his crutches though, his crutches ruined his boy-swag. I almost forgot Kirana told me he’s getting discharged. And I have no idea he’ll be coming here early.

“c-come in” I said and opened the door wider and he walked slowly using his crutches to balance himself.. “not that I’m not happy you’re here but, why did you come here so early in the morning when were you discharged?” I asked closing my door.

“I was discharged this morning, and it’s not that early, it’s almost twelve” he said and pointed to the clock on the wall. Oh. I guess I must have slept so much.

“okay, then, make yourself at home,” I said and he smiled at me, his eyes widened around my apartment and his eyes and smile beamed. “your apartment looks great” he said.

“thanks” I smiled.

“breakfast or brunch, or whatever is almost ready you in?” I asked and he shook his head negatively.

“I already ate” he said, “okay then, just make yourself comfortable” I said and walked into the kitchen, I came out later with my breakfast on a tray in my hand and I found mason sitting on the bed and staring at Leopenny. The teddy bear.

He suddenly turned when he noticed me. “yours?” he asked referring to the bear and I nod.

“actually Leo won it at Breek’s carnival and he didn’t want it so I took it” I explained and his eyebrows furrowed.

We both stayed quiet and I start to eat.. While Mason just kept looking back at the bear.

“have you not seen a stuffed toy before?” I asked. My mouth full of toasted bread

“I have, I’m just a little surprised of how huge it is” he said and I laughed.

“you and Kirana ar….i stopped talking cause the bread I was eating suddenly clogged my throat and almost move up to my throat and I start to cough. This why I hate eating and talking. .. Can you get me a glass of water from the kitchen. I tried to tell Mason but I couldn’t stop talking. like he read my mind, he said.

“are you okay,.. I’ll get you a glass of water”

“b-but you can’t wa..” but you can’t walk, I tried to say but he stood up immediately and ran to the kitchen Leaving me surprised and coughing even more.

He can walk!!!

Mason came back with a glass of water and I snatched it from his hand and gulped down the whole thing, I breathed out and sigh feeling okay and then I turned to Mason .

“you can walk? — “are you okay?..

We asked at the same time and he gave me a nervous grin and turned his head away.

“since when?” I said and yanked his hand.

“I don’t know like since forever” he said.

“why’d you lie to me”

“nothing.. I. I didn’t mean too” he said and I huffed.. “you’re something else”

I started to eat angrily, can’t believe he’ll lie to me. Why did he lie to me.

“would you want to know why I lied” he said and I rolled my eyes. “save it”

“no, I think it’s time you know” he said sighed and stood up. Time to know what?

“Pen..” he started. “I love you, I’ve always have, I don’t know how it started but I know it was when you and Richard ended things, it might seem shocking to you but I’m not lying, I was shocked too when I found out that I was in love with you, I’ve tried to tell you many times but I was too confused and scared that you might hate me forever, Kirana knows about it but I begged her not to tell you so you won’t hate me.. I also wanted to tell you at the hospital and I did but in a joking way which made you not to believe me, but right now I’m standing here and letting you believe that I’m in love you, I’m tired of keeping it a secret cause it’s tying me up. I know telling you that I love you would make you see me differently that’s why I kept it a secret and decided to keep you by my side by lying that I can’t still walk properly, so you’d pity and give me the care you’ve always given to other people when they’re in need of it.. I don’t care if you hate me or not but I just want to tell you this so I can be free from being love sick, and this is the main reason for coming here, to tell you how I feel”.

I’ve stopped eating for a long time when I heard the word I love you, so he does have feelings for me and Kirana knows about it. I didn’t know what to say I just sat still frozen, that’s why Kirana came here yesterday to let me give him a chance, she was helping him.

I didn’t know what to say or do and I heard his voice said. “I expected this traction from, you don’t need to think about it much I just wants to let you know that and didn’t want to keep it a secret to myself, I don’t want you to do anything or want anything from you I just wanted you to listen, and Now that you have I’ll be taking my leave and it was stupid of me to lie to you and I’m sorry, please don’t hate me and thank you for listening” he said and grabbed his crutches and before i knew he wasn’t in my room anymore.

I wasn’t thinking about anything but I was frozen, I didn’t know for how long but a knock on my door brought me back to reality. I looked at my door and I couldn’t stand up cause my feet felt numb. So I just stared at it wishing the person would just open it and coming without me walking or yelling.

Luckily the person opened the door and walked in.


“hey, I can see you’re having breakfast all by yourself” he said cheerfully and closed the door. Due to my surprised and frozen state I couldn’t do say anything.

I watched him and he held a happy smile and walked up to my bed. At Least he’s feeling happy like I was earlier, but now I’m not sure how I’m feeling now..

“so.. Good morning How was your night? Did you take your medicine yesterday?” he asked but I just stared at him.

“hey are you even here? What’s wrong with you” he said and playfully push my shoulder back with his index finger, and I sighed and looked at my food.

“I’m sorry, but can you please leave I’ll like to be alone” I manage to say moving my hair back and standing up. I’ve lost my appetite.

“what.. What’s wrong” Leo asked .

“nothing, and I know you’re just coming but can you just give me some alone time” I said sniffing.

“why? What’s wrong” he asked again and I sighed and raised my head up to look at him. “it’s nothing please. Just leave” I said,, hating that I’m chasing him out.

“okay.” he said sadly

“but before I leave I’ll like to tell you something” he added.


“but before I Leave I’ll like to tell you something” he added and I tuned to him.

Tell me what?

“uhm… Okay, I don’t know how to put this cause I’m not those kind of people who say out their feelings so well” Leo muttered and I flinched on the inside. Say out his feelings?.

Is he trying to conf–

“I find you really attractive Pen” he said and my heart skipped a beat.

“not only attractive, I find you beautiful, extraordinary.. Okay well this is awkward for me, I’ll just cut to the chase already. See Pen, I like you, not just like any k-kind of.. Damn it” he murmured and shut his eyes before opening them again.

“I love you” . He said very loudly that I my eyes widen.

“I’m not so good at telling people how I feel so this might come out very weirdly, But I really do so much than you could ever imagine, I didn’t want to tell you cause. ..well you just ended things with Richard and you’ll be so angry hearing those cheesy words like I love you again, but for me I really do love you pen” he said with seriousness in his eyes and I couldn’t help feel flushed about that. I moved back a little not wanting him to hear the sound of my heartbeat and how loud it is.

He loves me.

That’s amazing and at the same time disturbing.

“i-I.. I.. I.. I… I” I shut my mouth when I realised I wasn’t saying anything but “i” .

“I want to be alone” I finally said without looking at him.

“yeah okay, as long as you heard me fine I’ll leave, and I’m kind of starting, I’ll just grab one of these if you don’t mind” he said with a smile and grabbed one of my toasted bread, shoving it in his mouth.

“adios” he said and turned his heels to the door before walking out.

I grabbed the Tray of food and walked into my kitchen shoving the whole tray in the sink.

I sat down on the kitchen counter and covered my face with my palm. I am not feeling so good.

I thought I was the one who’s having a thing for Leo nothing knowing he also have a thing for me, a huge one. Him confessing to me is sweet, really sweet, but it’s heart throbbing and keeping me in a confuse state and not to talk about Mason.

I never thought Mason would fall for a girl like me, cause he’s always trying to Flirt with all those hotties when we hang out sometimes. I shoved my fingers in my hair and pulled my hair with fire trying to pull out my hair off my head. I’m going crazy.

Two guys in love with me.

Which I had no idea that they were in love with me.

And then they confessed on the same day.

One is my best friend and the other one is my boss.

And the both of them waiting for a joyful reply, and here I am not knowing what to do, what to tell them or even how to face them. I came down from the kitchen counter and did my dishes, before walking back to my bed. I picked up my cellphone and stare it for a minute, contemplating whether or not.. Should I give Kirana a call.

Just as I was about to call her, she called me instead and I picked it up with a sigh.

“hey” I said breathlessly.

“how you?” she said.

“good.” I lied.

“really?.. Y-you don’t sound so good.”

“I can’t lie to you, I’m not feeling good actually” I said.

“w-what’s wrong, what happened..” Kirana asked like she’s being forced to say those words to me.

“mason and Leo happened”

“Leo and Mason?? Why what did they do,” she asked dryly again like she’s not interested.

“I dont think you’ even want to know what’s wrong with me judging by your tone” I said and nervously from the other line.

“that’s absurd, how can you say that, I’m just a little stressed out cause I worked my butt off yesterday, so tell me what’s wrong with you, mason and Leo as you speak” she said and I breathed out.

“like you said mason was getting discharged today and he was, and the first thing he did was coming here to me” I exclaimed.

“go on..” Kirana ordered.

“he lied about walking to me and suddenly he confessed that he’s in love with me, since when Richard broke up with me” I explained but I didn’t get any surprise gasp that I expected to hear from Kirana.

“okay” Kirana said dryly.

Okay? . Isn’t she surprised.

Oh yeah right, why would she when she knows everything already. Forcing me to like mason at all cost

“you knew right?” I asked Lowly.

“I’m sorry, look pen.. I wanted to tell you but Mason didn’t want me to, he’s afraid you’ll hate him” Kira sighed.

“I’ll never hate Mason, but this–he– ugh I don’t even know what to say.” I said gripping the hem of my shirt.

“but do you love him?” Kirana asked.

“yes. I mean. No. I mean I do love Mason but not that ‘kind’ of love he wants me to reciprocate, I just love him as a friend” I said sincerely.

“I understand” Kirana’s Voice softened my heart.

“but still I don’t want to hurt him by rejecting him and still I don’t want to accept him” I said ,

“then you have no choice, you have to tell him to quit loving you rather than wasting his time” Kirana tells me and I shut my eyes and grit my teeth knowing well that she’s absolutely right.

“I guess I’ have to,” I mumbled into the phone.

“oh and what about Leo.? You mentioned him earlier” Kirana said and I sighed.

“yeah, he also confessed to me that he’s in love with me.. Truth be told Kira I’m going crazy.” I explained to my best friend and she laughed.

“there’s no surprise there Pen, Leo confessing to you was something you could have predict.”

“what do you mean?” I asked.

“I know Leo was going to confess to you anytime soon cause the love he had for you was too obvious.”

“what do you mean?” I asked again.

“if you think deep and everything’s he’s done for you, you’ll understand me” Kirana said and I rolled my eyes. She can’t See Me though, but she’s being too cliche.

“so.?” Kirana asked.

“what?” I replied.

“about Leo”. She sad

“what about Leo?” I returned the question.

“are you going to tell him how you feel about him?” she asked and I gasped faintly.

“what do you mean, tell him how I feel about him” I asked.

“don’t give me crap Penelope, I know you have feelings for Leo”.

“i-i.. I ..don’t” I said lowly..

“really? Even your voice is disagreeing with you, you do don’t you?” she asked in a huge tone.

“I don’t” .

“seriously, you’re speaking to your best friend not a stranger. You have feelings for him, right??” Kirana yelled making me shift the phone from my ear a little bit.

“I don’t know, maybe, yes. Yes. I do” I yelled back and breathed out.

“okay see that wasn’t that hard, you just told me and now all you have to do is tell him?” Kirana suggested.

“tell him? What? Why would i tell him I have feelings for him”. I yanked.

“are you dumb, were you planning to keep it a secret?”.

“of course.”

“you’re dumber than I thought Pen. Why would you keep that a secret, look. You have to tell the two guys how you really feel before things get out of hand” Kirana reprimanded.

“why don’t you just tell them yourself” I scoffed.

“I’m being serious pen, tell Leo how you feel and tell Mason too, cause you never know what can happen next” Kirana stated seriously. Which made me sigh.

“okay, I’ll try my best” I announced.

“don’t try your best, give your all” Kirana said and I sighed again and hanged up.

This is so not my day.

I spent almost an hour on my bed thinking about this and that, how in the world am I ever going to turn mason down and what would happen to Leo and I if I ever tell him how I feel. I kept turning and tossing on my bed till I fell from it and landed on Leopenny.

“L.P” I called, Leopenny, LP for short.

“what do you think I should do, should I follow Kirana’s advice and tell Leo and mason how I feel” I asked the dumb stuffed toy in front of me, “I wish you could talk” I mumbled on Leopenny’s face and pinched it’s nose.



I dropped my cellphone on my table after taking a call with Pen, I bent my neck sideways feeling tired for working my butt off today, I know don’t when I became such a workaholic. It haven’t completed a day and I feel so tired already. I took a sip out of my coffee which has gotten cold which also made me to cringe as I tasted it. My phone blinked and I grabbed it and noticed I’ve been sent a message.

From my stupid assistant, Neil. I thought it was someone important someone like Maxwell.

I pressed back my home button and a pictures of Penelope and I appeared on the screen and I smiled remembering when we took that picture, we were so young. But now we’re both getting old that even two men are crawling over Penelope, she’s a lucky girl. She should just open up how she feels to Leo and just easily turn down Mason, he deserves it actually, cause I warned him. I received another text message from my phone which was from Maxwell and I smile and read it gracefully.

**hi, I’ll be at the company you work in 15, gotta introduce you to someone*

*okie.. I’ll be waiting” I texted back and dropped my phone.

Maxwell and I have been talking a lot, but not in real life though, though phones, but that doesn’t mean anything, I think soon enough we’ll be dating, we’re just chatting and friends but I deep down he wants to be more than friends and I do too. He haven’t reminded to ourselves the kiss we kissed last time but what was a killer kiss and it meant something to me, it actually made me realise I had feelings for Maxwell all along.

I stood up from the chair I was sitting pacing out in my office and staring at my horrible nails, I really need a manicure And pedis too .. I heard a soft knock on my door and I walked up to it expecting to see Max even if it was a bit too early but to my surprise I saw Mason and he walked in without me telling him to, but I just closed the door and let him be.

“hey Kira” he said and walked up to my table.

“why are you here?” I asked.

“I don’t know.. Maybe, cause it’s the only place I can come after a life time confession” he breathed out

“a confession to who? Pen?” I asked like I didn’t know.

“yeah” he replied rubbing his neck.

“how did it go?” I asked. But he didn’t say anything he just stared at my desk.

“I warned you” I mumbled and he rolled his eyes. “nothing happened it is went well, you don’t have to be all whiny” he said and grabbed one of my pencil.

“did pen give you any reply” I asked folding my arms.

“no, she doesn’t need to give me reply I just wanted to tell her how I feel that’s all” .

“yeah right.” I said sarcastically.

“I heard Leo’ confessed too” I said lowly thinking that he barely heard it but he heard it fine. “Leo did?” he turned and I nod which made him bring out a hopeless sigh.

“look you don’t nee–” a knock interrupted me from completing my words and I sighed, before walking to the door.

I opened the door and saw Maxwell, which made me smile, but my smile faded when I noticed a blonde brunette behind him, her hand intertwined with his.

“Max, you’re here” I said and forge a smile.

“yeah” he Walked in, with the girl.

“we were on our way to a friend’s house and since we were close by I just decided to stop by for a while to say hi” he explained but my eyes dart to the girl behind him.

“who’s this?” I asked with another forged smile.

“oh her?.. sorry for Not introducing her earlier this is Dawn, my girlfriend” Maxwell said and I blinked rapidly..

Girlfriend???!!! I thought…… …….

“Dawn. It’s so nice to meet you, I’m Kirana a friend of Maxwell” I said shaking her hand all of a sudden.

“nice to meet you too” she smiled her pink lip gloss glimmering on her lips, I turned to glance at Mason and saw that he wasn’t even concerned with what ever we were saying but looking out the window and was lost in thoughts.

“so I didn’t kno– Dawn’s phone ringtone distracted me

“Maxie, I have to take this call” Dawn said and Maxwell nodded at her while she smiled and walked away leaving me and Maxwell alone.


“so how’s everyone doing?” he asked with a grin. But I just stared at him.

“what? Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked.

“no special reason,… A girlfriend? Really?” I said almost in a whisper.

“what’s wrong about me having a girlfriend” he asked

“nothing’s wrong, b-but I just I thought.. Y..y..you and I had something..” I said feeling so stupid of myself

“something? I’m sorry but I don’t remember you and I having this something… He paused. “are you talking about our kiss from last time” he continued.

“Look we should forget about that kiss cause.. Well I did enjoyed the kiss but thinking of it would just make me feel guilty since I’m dating dawn, when the restaurant got burnt I had no job, I just stayed home and did nothing, I didn’t get any call, either from you or pen and then suddenly Dawn came, like her name she brightened my days and then “WE” happened” he said and I blinked surprisingly.

I’m a big time idiot.

“well that’s such a sweet love story” I said with gritted teeth and he smiled happily.

I’ve been here drooling over him when he’s been with Dawn of a girl.

“well that you’ve stopped by, you’ll be late to your friend’s place if you don’t leave now so you better hurry up okay?” I said and he nod lightly, before saying bye to me and before waking out to leave with his Dawn.

I slammed the door pretty hard that Mason flinch.

“whoa, what’s up with you” he said and I huffed and throw myself on my chair and moving my hair back angrily.

“I’ve been such an idiot” I said and Mason smiled “and you’re just realising that today?”

“don’t tease me mason, I’m being serious” I said.

“okay, what did Maxwell say or do that made you this angry” he asked calmly, and I started. “I’ve been crushing on him for so long that I didn’t know he had a great girlfriend”.

“oh” mason breathed out.

“yeah, that Blondie that walked in with him” I muttered and grabbed my mug of cold coffee. And started to drink it, hating the fact that it’s cold but I still didn’t feel like stopping. Until mason pulled the cup from my mouth and hand, and brought it to his mouth to drink.

“cheers to broken hearts” he smiled after taking the coffee.

“my heart’s not broken” I said and he shrugged and sat down on my desk opposite me. “well mine is” he said taking another sip. “cause I know pen doesn’t like me the way I like her” .

“well that’s your problem, cause I’m not you, but don’t worry you’ll find someone like Pen.” I said and grabbed the coffee from his hand.

“I hope so” he mumbled.

“well in that case, cheers to being single” I smiled. And he laughed.

“we’re single and searching.” he beamed.

“you’re single and searching not me” I primped.

“well I agree” he said and tried to take the coffee from me but I moved the coffee from his hand.

“hey.. That’s so not fair.” he echoed.

“there’s a coffee machine there, go make yourself another coffee” I yelled and pointed to the coffee machine.

“but I want this one” he said and pointed like a child.

“well you’re not getting it” I arched my eyebrows at him and he did the same and still tried to pull the coffee from my hand, I let go of the coffee and with the force he used to grab it, the mug Turned the coffee poured on his shirt.

“Kirana…” he called my name bitterly, his blue-grey eyes piercing into mine.

“what? Don’t give me that stupid look it’s your fault” I pondered.

“but… ” he didn’t say anything cause he knew he’s at fault so he just jumped down from the desk, dropped the empty mug and started to unbutton his shirt.. The coffee also stained the white shirt he wore inside his dark blue buttoned shirt.

I stared at him as he removed the white shirt he wore inside leaving him shirtless, my eyes dart to the necklace he wore and It looked familiar and I suddenly remembered when pen gave him for his birthday two years ago.

“what are you looking at.. It’s awkward for me to see you drool over my body Kira” Mason suddenly said with a bit of humor in his voice and I glared at him.

“that’s the last thing I’ll be doing on earth, drool over you? Don’t get your hopes up” I said and sat down back on my chair.

He laughed and I pushed the mug to the edge of the desk.

“now. Make me another coffee” I commanded and even though he glared at me, he still did it.




~• Penelope’s pov •~

I woke up the next morning not feeling like going to work cause I have to face Leo. but still I have to cause I want to become clean and clear to Mason and Leo, I have to tell them how I really feel.

I did my morning routine and after putting on a skinny jean and a not so thick sweater, I grabbed my phone and dialed Mason’s number.

“hey” his sleepy voice echoed through the phone.

“good morning, sorry for waking you up but can we meet?” I asked.

“yeah sure” he mumbled.

“okay I’ll be coming over your place” I said and hang up.

I have to make things clear today,..


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