Leo suddenly pulled my head forward and kissed me, his lips were soft and warm that I couldn’t find myself to push him away, he pulled away from the kiss and smiled.

“goodnight” he said before walking away.

I stood still at my doorstep frozen, lost and confused, “why did Leo kiss me?” I ask my self.

Why did he kiss me and smiled like it was a pretty normal thing between us. I couldn’t define what I was feeling now but I know being confuse is one of those feeling. The sound of someone slamming his-her Door snapped me about of my reverie and I breathe in heavily. I turned my head to the teddy bear and sighed heavily almost feeling like crying, what’s this feeling.

I walked up to the teddy bear and opened my door, and dragging the teddy bear inside with me.

I placed the teddy bear beside my bed on the floor in a sitting position and I threw my bag on my bed, after that I walked to the bathroom.

Under the showers I kept thinking of the kiss not knowing I spent almost an hour in the shower. After taking my bath, I changed into my pajamas and plopped tiredly on my bed.

Today was supposed to be a great day but Leo ruined it, well not that he ruined it but he kissed me and that’s.. That’s.. I don’t even know what to say about it.

I turned to the teddy and sighed at its smiley face, I touched it’s nose and sighed again.

“Leopenny..” I called slowly staring at the teddy bear .

“why do you think Leo kissed me?”

“does he like me?” I asked dumbly and rolled my eyes when I realize I was talking to a stuff toy, “I must be going crazy” I tell myself and breathe in heavily.

I looked up at my ceiling and I kept staring at it. I started feeling stuffy on the bed and I got down from it and walked to my small balcony.

I looked up at the sky and watch as the starts twinkle weakly. I grunt when I heard a knock on my door and walked out of my balcony and got to my door, I opened it and saw Olivia in her pajamas grinning from ear to ear.

“what are you doing here?” I asked dryly not really looking forward to her company.

“well I just came to talk before sleeping, since you’re the only friend I have in the whole building,.. Can I come in” she squeaked.

“make yourself at home” I said plainly and walked away from the door making her walk in happily, she closed the door and walked up to me on the bed and smiled widely seeing.. Leope.. I mean the teddy bear.

“wow it’s blends with your apartment so much” She said happily and walked up to it.

“so what do you want to talk about, I’m feeling sleepy” I lied.

“about anything.” she said and we both remained quiet before she said.

“how did you enjoy the carnival today?”

Don’t remind me,.. I wanted to tell her but I stopped myself. Well it was actually fun, it’s just that Leo had to.. Gosh that kiss me making me uncomfortable.

“it was fun” I said stretching my lips to smile.

“but wait I don’t get it!” she said titling her head cutely.

“why would you and Leo go to the carnival together when he has a girlfriend” she questioned and I sighed and laid on my bed.

“they broke up” I said

“oh” she breathed out.

“I may not have seen her before but you two totally suit each other” she said grinning which made me gave her a hard stare.

“sorry if you don’t like that” she apologized.

“what about you, did you have fun?” I asked

“so much” she said and spread out her arms dramatically.

“even though I had so many rides and played many games and meet many people, my best part was kissing Richie.” she said staring at the floor, maybe recalling the kiss.

“you guys kissed?” I asked, pretending I didn’t know

“yeah we did” she smiled.

“are you guys dating?” I asked, she still doesn’t know he’s my ex fiancee so she wouldn’t get any idea that I’m jealous even though I’m not… Anymore .

“we’re not dating. Well yet.. But back at the amusement park, he said he wanted to tell me something and when I asked him what, he just pulled me and kissed me, I didn’t understand why he did that but I reciprocated and after the kiss I saw you guys” she explained and I nod. So he’s just kissing random girls..

Well I don’t care it’s his life, what’s my business.

I closed my eyes and breathed out slowly, Olivia was saying something but I wasn’t really paying attention or listening, then she tapped me and I opened my eyes.

“are you sleepy? Should I leave?” she asked and I nod.

“okay sleepy tight and goodnight” she said happily and got up from my bed before walking outside. I close my eyes and tried to process everything that’s happening around me, that happened today hours, minutes ago and in my head. But before I knew it I fell asleep.


¤¤ LEO’S POV ¤¤

I got home and threw my car keys carelessly on the couch and walk upstairs to my room

Today has been one hell of a day and it was also a day to never forget, I took off my shoes and sat on my bed, my elbow placed on my knees and my face buried in my hand.

I kissed Penelope.

I don’t know what suddenly gave me the courage to do that but I did and was surprised at myself when I found myself kissing her. And after kissing her i didn’t even explain to her why I did that, I just smiled and blurted out goodnight like a fool, then walked away.

she’s going to be so confused, I hope she doesn’t hate me for not giving her an explanation.. Gosh I don’t want to regret this kiss but thinking of her reaction and the fact that I let her solve my kissing puzzle at her doorstep is just so stupid of me.

I should have apologized or lied it was a mistake, but that wasn’t a mistake even the walls could tell the kiss wasn’t a mistake, I hate myself for doing that.

Lately she’s been on my mind, everything I do reminds me of her, I’ve been so fond of her I can’t do a day without being with her. And she’s just so small, skinny and fragile that I feel like protecting her every time she’s beside me and when I held her hand yesterday It just felt so warm and little inside mine, that I resisted every urge not to kiss her at the amusement park.

There’s no surprise that I’m in love with Penelope. Even my house password is her name, Pen. 16514

P- is the sixteenth number in the alphabet, 16.

E- is the fifth number in the alphabet, 5. And then

N- is the fourteenth number, which makes it, 16514, spelling pen in alphabetical order. I moved my hair back cause all this is freaking me out, cause I think I’m going to be in love with her for the rest of my life with her not responding the feelings. Cause I don’t think she’s ready to be with any guy ever since Richard. But that dude’s crazy, a sweet girl like Penelope just about to marry her and he screws it up. What was he thinking, yesterday the look in his eyes shows he still loves her. He failed to make eye contact with her anytime she looks at his direction and then he looks at her like he’s seen angel when she looked away. Girls like her, you don’t let go easily cause you can never grab a hold of them back, not even a strand of their hair.

I pulled my hair back with full force and laid on my back, I think I’m going crazy, no I’m already going crazy, she’s making me go crazy, not the fact that I kissed her tonight but the fact that I’m never going to kiss her or be with her, and that I’m giving to face her tomorrow..



The Next morning I woke up from my deep slumber and found tears lying at the corner of my eyes. I sat down and last night memory rushed into my head when I looked at the teddy bear.. and I groaned… I walked slowly to my bathroom and grabbed my toothpaste and toothbrush. As I slide the paste on my brush I sighed, I can’t believe I’m going face Leo today and somehow I want him to give me an explanation for that kiss and somehow I don’t want him to. I took my and got dressed before grabbing my bag and walking out of my apartment.

I got to Leo’s house and as I typed in his password my hands were shaking slightly , I breathed in heavily and said to myself, “you don’t need to be nervous.”.

I walked in and suddenly paused when I saw him coming down from the stairs, he was wearing his fancy expensive robe and which was showing off his chest a bit, his long hair was wet which made it look so much darker, I could have sworn my heart skipped a beat when his eyes dart to my, his wet lashes dangling on top of his eyes as he blinked.

“g…goodmorning” he said forcing a smile which failed to appear.

“m..orn..ing” my voice cracked and I felt like dying.

I looked away and walked up to couch slowly dropping my bag, “I’ll make breakfast” I tell him and he nods.

“uh okay”

I walked into the kitchen and breathed properly, we’re both acting like immature and I couldn’t hate myself Less.

I prepared breakfast like always and before I know it, we were both sitting together at the dining table eating slowly and feeling awkward I don’t know about him but I’m feeling awkward!.

Finally I was done eating but he was still eating but I sat still not making any attempt to stand up. I need to know why he kissed me and I’m going to ask him why, right here right now. I sulked all the courage around me in and raised my head up to look at him.

“about last night” we both said together and my eyes widen.

“well you go first” he said and I nod.

“well you said about last night too so you clearly know what I want to talk about” I tell him.

“I do?” he smiled and I arched my eyebrows at him, the smile from last night..

“oh well, if it’s about the kiss then I’m sorry” he said with a serious face and sucked his bottom lip in his mouth.

“why did you do it.” I asked inquisitively.

“is it bad that I did?”

“no not that it’s a bad thing but.. I mean.. Yeah it is a bad thing for you to kiss me cause well. We’re just friends.. Actually no, you’re my boss and am your employee and we don’t have that have that kind of relationship or did have that kind of relationship, I mean who kisses their employee” I said

“most people do that” he laughed.

“Leo this is not a laughing matter” I tell him.

“what’s there not laugh about it’s just a kiss” he said.

“just a kiss?” I asked, there’s no such thing as just a kiss to me some people take kisses as greeting or as an appreciation but I take kisses as the touch or pressing of one’s lips to another that can express sentiments of love, passion, romance, sexual attraction,..

“well if you’re just so against it, you can forget about it okay?” Leo said without smiling this time.

Forget about it, how can I forget that when he hasn’t given me an explanation.

“it’s not that I’m ag–

“please. Just forget about it, I’m sorry for kissing you pen, is that apology okay or should I kneel” he yelled a bit making me flinch a little .

“why are you suddenly getting angry”i yelled

“you’re the one getting angry” he yelled back .

“I’m not you are!!” I yelled.

“then why are you yelling?!!” he yelled very loudly.

“I’m not yelli__ I sighed and stopped talking.

“we’re both yelling” I said lowly.

“what I’m just saying its that it’s just a stupid kiss and you should forget it ever did that and we should just continue with our lives” he said and I nod

“yeah fine. It was just a stupid kiss anyway” I blurted out standing up and packing the dishes in front of. I was almost walking out of the kitchen when I stopped and without turning to face Leo I said.

“I’ve planned to go see Mason this afternoon is my permission granted?”

“yeah whatever” Leo said and walked out of the dining room first.. I sighed and walked out, judging from his reply I don’t know what the hell he’s angry about.

After doing the dishes and resting a bit, sending and reviving text messages with Kirana, I decided it was time for to go see Mason, as I picked up my bag and wore my shoes, I saw Leo coming out of the kitchen and I turned my face back to my shoes.

I stood up and moved my hair back.

“okay I’ll be leaving” I tell him.

“should I give you a ride?” he asked calmly likewise the tone he had this mourning.

“no it’s okay I’ll take the bus” I assured him and he nods and walked away while I walked out.

I got to the hospital and met Amanda outside Mason’s door, apparently she had happen to find out from Kirana that Mason’s in the hospital cause Kirana accidently sent her a text message to come to hospital and see Mason instead of sending it to me. After waving goodbye to Amanda, I walked inside and saw Mason walking to his bed using crutches to support his legs and balance.

“now look at my baby boy using his crutches.” I said cheerfully as I walked in and he smiled seeing me.

“please don’t embarrass and close the door” he laughed and I laughed too and closed the door.

“you can stand not now? And even walk?” I asked sitting down on his bed.

“well I can stand, but walking not so much, I can walk but slower than a snail, the doctor said I’m recovering faster than ever,” he explained and I smiled, “well that’s a relief,, you’re getting better but me I think I’m feeling sick myself” I said and sighed heavily

“what’s wrong is anything going on” he asked sitting down.

“well no. But I’ve been getting tired lately”

“what? Is Leo giving you a hard time at work?” he asked. Curiously.

“ugh don’t remind me” I blurted.

“what he is?”

“no he’s not giving me a hard time, he’s pretty cool, nice and sweet and he just do everything I ask him to do and sometimes do what I don’t ask him to do, he’s pretty considerate though but last night he…” I paused not having the audacity to finish my sentence.

“he what?” mason persuaded.

“he nothing.” I smiled.

“so when do you think you’re getting discharged?” I asked, changing the subject

“maybe next week I guess”

“well I can’t wait for your recovery” I said

“thanks” he smiled.

“you’re welcome”

We both remained quiet and Mason suddenly pulled his phone to his face cause maybe he received a text message I don’t know but he dropped it down and sighed. Looking straight.

“I love you” he said.

“Huh..?” I turned to him.


“I love you” mason said.

“Huh?” I turned to him,

“that’s what my mom said” he said and he brought his phone closer to my face showing me the message. *i love you* his Mom wrote.

“I mean if she loves me she wouldn’t be telling me this through the phone but in my face, when Amanda found out about me being hospitalized, she told my mom and instead of her coming here she just send a stupid message saying she’s too busy to come that I’m gonna be okay and that she loves you” mason spat angrily and I smiled. “you don’t have to get angry mason, your mom loves you even if she sent it through a few phone in her she really means it, “what are you my mom? How would you know that?” he scoffed.

“cause no mother would hate their child” I said and bat my lashes at him.

“well that’s easy for you to say, your mom loves you but when it comes to my mom. It’s different” he sighed and pat his back.

“look well even if you think she doesn’t love you there’s still your dad, Amanda me, Kirana and Richard there’s still plenty of love to go around” I tell him and suddenly he turned his curious blue-eyes at me bringing his face closer to mine but not too close.

“who’s that girl anyway?” he asked. In a whisper

“what girl?” I returned the question.

“the one with the short black hair, that smiles too much” he replied.

“short black hair.. ” I mumbled trying to think of a girl with short black hair.

“what’s her name again, uhh.. Olive, Olly..

“oh Olivia” I exclaimed.

“yeah, the one with Richard lately” he said and I rolled my eyes.

“she’s just some chick who’s been clinging to Richard lately she’s in love with him but I don’t Richard’s returning the feeling” I explained and Mason smiled weakly, “I know how that must feel”

“what do you mean by that, know how what feels” I asked curiously.

“to have feelings for someone and the person not returning that feeling, it hurts” he said with a sad sigh.

“what, are you in love with someone?” I asked.

“I’m afraid I am” he replied, looking down at his hands that were laying on his thigh and I gasped and moved closer to him.

“who is it? I smiled and he turned to look at me and then he looked away. “no one” he mumbled.

“is it a girl from Texas? Tell me is she pretty, who is she tell me” I beamed holding his arm.

“it’s no one” he said looking down shyly, his hair covering his face..

“hey why won’t you tell me, I’m your bestfriend, we share everything together and don’t think you can keep up with this cause you’re so going to tell me” I said pulling his arm.

“you’re hurting me” Whined as I pulled his arm for him to speak.

“I don’t care if your arm falls off cause I want to know who you Mason of all people like, I bet Kirana knows, C’mon just tell me” I whined like a six years old swaying his arm. And he laughed lightly and said “okay okay, let go of my arm first and I’ll tell you”

“yay” I smiled and let go of his hand.

“okay well the girl I like she stays here in Breek and well she just got a new apartment like you, she has red hair, golden-brown eyes, cute nose, beautiful lips and her name’s Penelope Loretta vandale” he explained and slap him on the arm.

“do I seem like a joke to you,!! Tell me or I crack your neck” I said placing my hand on his shoulder closer to his neck.

“hey I already told you her name’s Penelope Loretta vandale” he repeated laughing, he thinks I’m a joke.

“you still don’t want to tell me right!” I said holding his neck but very lightly and he was still laughing.

The door opened and Kirana walked in with a plastic bag in her hand.

“uh.. What’s going on here? She asked slowly.

I quickly got down from the bed and ran to her. Giving her a hug

“gosh it’s been so long since I’ve seen you in person” I said and she smiled and rolled her eyes

“stop being cheesy” she tells me.

“hey did you know that Mason here has a girl he likes and he doesn’t want to tell me” I said quickly and Kirana glance at mason and they both exchanged weird glances with Mason shaking his head negatively a little at her.

“uh. No I do not” she said slowly still looking at mason and by that attitude I know she knew something..

“you know?” I gasped at her

“I don’t” she quickly defended herself moving back a bit.

“I Can tell you’re lying” I said moving closer to her and she suddenly stood straight.

“and what if I do happens to know the girl Mason likes and decide not to tell you” she said and I pout, “why wont you tell me?”

“cause I don’t want to” she said and moved me aside walking close to Mason “here. It’s for you” she said and handed the plastic bag to Mason.

“thanks” mason smiled and gently took it from her.

“so you two are keeping secrets from me now isn’t it?” I huffed placing my hands dramatically on my hips, “even if we tell you who Mason like you won’t know her so stop bothering yourself” Kirana said and narrowed my eyes at her.. “still just tell me her name” I said.

“Beatrice” she replied.

“who’s Beatri—

“I told you, you wouldn’t know her now stop bothering me about that!!” kirana yelled. And I flinched “well I’m sorry for asking” I said lowly and moved back a bit and she sighed and walked up to me pulling me Into a hug.

“look Pen, I’m sorry for yelling but you just ask so many questions at a time and it’s brain crashing, Beatrice is a girl who lives in Breek and who mason likes, that’s all I know, I’m sorry for yelling” she said and disengaged the hug

“it’s okay, I was being annoying too” I said and she smiled.

“I met Maxwell yesterday” she smiled.

“oh really!?” I beamed.

“yeah I didn’t know if it was me or he was looking smoking hot.” she said and I laughed making her laugh too.

“nerd love” Mason mumbled chewing on a doughnut.

“nerd what?” Kirana yelling throwing him her purse and it hit him right in the face.

“hey, I’m a patient here you don’t hit a patient” Mason stated bitterly.

“you seem more like a dead person than a patient to me” she said and he glared at her. I smiled cause they’re back to their cat and dog cave of loathe.

I phone started to ring and immediately brought it to my Face to see Leo’s name on the screen. I sighed tiredly not wishing to pick this call.. I stared at the phone as it ring and Kirana turned to me.

“aren’t you going to pick that up? ” she asked and glance at the screen to see that it was Leo. “well yeah I am”

“then what are you waiting for?” she said and touched the answers button making me squeak a little and I placed the phone on my ear.

“who’s that” Mason mouthed to Kirana.

“Leo” Kirana whispered and he nodded.

“hey.” I said dryly into the phone.

“hi.” he replied and we both remained quiet. I used to love the word silence or quiet but Leo is making me hate it.

“so why are you calling?” I asked.

“well I just wanted to check if you’re still in the hospital” he said.

“oh, yeah well I am” I tell him and I felt Kirana’s ear suddenly pressed against the back of my phone to eavesdrop on our conversation, I tried to push her away and she glared at me and stayed like that eavesdropping on our conversation.

“oh okay, should I come over?” he asked.

“No. I mean why, I mean I’ll be leaving soon anyway to make dinner anyway so there’s no need to come” I said and laughed nervously.

“oh okay?” he said lowly and I could hear the sadness in his voice.

“okay, well can I hang up now?” I asked.

“I remember it was me who called you pen, I’m suppose to hang up since it seems like you don’t want to talk to me anymore on the phone too then you can hang up and don’t worry while coming back from the hospital you don’t have to come to work just go home,” he tells me, his voice plain and low

“are you firing me?” I gasped.

“no why would I do that” he mumbled and I breathed out a sigh of relief.

“okay then goodbye” he said.

“bye” I said lowly and he hang up.

I dropped my hand down and sighed while Kirana just looked at me weirdly.

“is something going on between the two of you cause lately you guys seem close and now on the phone is something wrong cause the way he sounds and the way you reply it’s just sound as if something off” Kirana Explained.

“well nothing’s going on between us don’t get the wrong idea Ira” I said and she eyed me for calling her Ira.

“you.. just keep lying to me, but don’t worry I have spies watching you and Leo’s every move” she said playfully and I rolled my eyes “Yeah right.”

“Oh you think I’m joking, then how do I know that you both went to the amusement parks together, rode on a rollercoaster, and you puked, and also Leo won a teddy bear for you which you named Leopenny.” Kirana explained and I gasped.

How did she know all of this.

“a teddy bear? Leopenny?” Mason repeated and Kirana nodded at him. If she knows all of this then why didn’t she know that Leo kissed me.

“I think someone told you all this” I tell her.

“no I was there myself I saw everything” she said loudly folding her hands.

“if you were there when we named the teddy Leo Penny then you should have known it didn’t ended there” I primped.

“what? Did anything happen after that?” she asked holding me.

“I thought you knew everything” I laughed.

“well nothing happened I was just lying” I lied and she rolled her eyes.

She, Mason and I talked for a while, well mostly Kirana and I did the talking cause Mason seemed lost in some kid of thoughts. Well after that I bid both of them goodbye and head home straight at Leo suggested.

I got to my apartment and inserted my key into the lock. I opened my door and walked in but paused when I saw Leo sitting at the edge of my bed.

“what are you doing here?” I almost screamed that out and he looked up and stood up.

“oh you’re here” he smiled

“how did you get in?” I asked closing the door.

“I kind of have a master keys that opens any lock” he said bringing out a fancy key from his pocket. I sighed and walked passed him and place my purse on my pillow.

“okay what are you doing here?” I asked packing my hair up.

“I’m here to apologize” he stated and I paused and look at him.

“apologize for what?”

“for my rude remarks and yelling this morning” he said

“oh that, I totally forgot about that.” I said and his brows arched at me.

“no you haven’t forgot about that cause you’re kind of avoiding me since that” he said and I walked closer to him, “okay fine I kind of was, and I apologize to,” I said and he smiled making his dimple appear.

“so still friends?” he asked

“yeah” I replied.

“not the boss to employed friendship cause I don’t like that” he said and I laughed.

“of course not, we’re normal friends real friends” I laughed and he smiled.

“so I’m about making dinner, you joining?” I asked.

“wouldn’t miss it” .


I made dinner and Leo and i ate it together watching TV, instead of sitting around the dining table sitting and eating properly I was sitting on the floor and he was sitting at the edge of my bed, we were both eating and laughing Hard because of the comedy movie marathon we were watching.

Not knowing it was late we were still watching the movie laughing, we’ve finished our dinner like since forever and before we know it the movie ended.

“finally what a movie” I said standing up and grabbing my plate and Leo’s. I gasped when my eyes fixated at the wall clock.. It was 11:50pm

“Leo, it’s almost twelve midnight aren’t you going home” I asked and he shrugged. “maybe?”

“maybe? Don’t think you’re having a sleepover here cause I won’t allow that” I said and he smiled. “well how about a slumber party?” he beamed and I rolled my eyes.

“it’s the same thing you doofus” I said and he laughed which also came with a heavy yawn.

“you can see I’m already sleepy so how do you expect me to drive” he murmured and laid his back on my bed sighing.

“I don’t care, leave before I get back” I said walking into the kitchen, I washed the dishes we used for dinner and after Cleaning my kitchen I washed my hands and walked out.

“you haven’t left yet?” I almost yelled when I saw Leo still laying on my bed. He didn’t say anything so I just walked up to him and paused when I found out he was asleep.

“Leo?.” I called softly and shook his hand.

“are you asleep” I asked softly and sighed when I touched his hand and he let out a heavy breath.

I groaned and sat down beside him, how am I ever going to sleep with him here. I stood up and pulled the blanket over him, a little hospitality won’t kill me. I turned to him as he adjusted a little on the bed stretching his lips and making a little dimple appear before fixing it to its normal state and sleeping soundly, I stared at him as he slept peacefully. And I saw some strands of hair on his face and my fingers went up to his forehead and moved it back, instead of dropping my hand to myself, I didn’t know when my hand crawl down his face cupping his face. He’s pretty gorgeous, I thought.

My heart beat increased as I watched him sleep and as my hand laid on his face.. My thumb moved a little and touched his soft lips and I gulped, my face starts to move down on its own and I paused and gasped when my face were inches away from him.. What am I doing?

I thought and let go of his face and stood up from my bed moving back slowly.


That night I couldn’t sleep, not with Leo in my bed but with the way I’m feeling and acting right now, it’s strange and I hate it. Afraid of almost kissing Leo while he’s asleep, I sat down on the floor at the edge of my bed. My hands wrapped around my legs and my forehead laid gently on my knees, I sighed loudly staying like that for some time before falling asleep.

The next morning I woke up to find myself on the bed, alone, and my blanket over my body, I remembered yesterday night and how I slept on the floor because of Leo. And I pondered on how I got on the bed, I gasped when my mind guessed it might be Leo who carried me up here. I got down from the bed and yawned a bit before walking into the bathroom, after taking my bath I put on my clothes and truth be told I wasn’t feeling like going to work, well not because of Leo or my outrageous behaviour last night but because I’m feeling tired and my head was hurting a bit.

I walked out of my apartment building and head to the bus stop.

I got to Leo’s house and I opened the door and walked in, I saw him talking on the phone and I quietly dropped my bag on the couch he was sitting on, and he Turned and notice me. I tried to smile but I was taken aback by the heaviness of my head and my smile faded.. “I’ll talk to you later” he tell the person on the phone. And hang up.

“hi Good morning” he smiled.

“good morning” I replied without smiling and my voice came out weak… “sorry about last night though. I made you sleep on the floor” he quickly said.

“it’s okay” I said, the past is in the past he doesn’t need to bring that up.

“so I’ll just go make breakfast” I said quickly And he nods while I walked away.

Making breakfast wasn’t as easy as before cause I didn’t have the strength to do so my hands felt shaky and the heaviness of my head was getting worse. But still I made breakfast successfully but didn’t have the appetite to eat.

“aren’t you eating?” Leo asked as we both sat down around the dining table.. “I don’t feel like eating” I said dryly and he nods and start to eat.. I glance at him and watched as he ate and stare at his phone in anticipation at the same time and wondered who he was texting that he’s so into his phone than his food, his eyes turned to me and I suddenly looked away not wanting him to see I was staring at me, but it was too late cause he caught me and that was embarrassing to death. I glance up at him again and sighed softly when I found him looking at his phone and not at me, as I watched his dark eyes roam his phone, I recalled last night and bit my bottom lip for my stupid attitude towards him. . *no I’m not falling inlove with him* I tell myself and covered my face with my palm, I don’t want to fall in love again..cause I don’t want my heart broken twice, even if I don’t get my heart Broken twice I’m still afraid to fall, cause I’ve come to learn that nothing lasts forever. I placed my head on the table and sighed

“you okay?” Leo asked and I turned my face to look at him

“what makes you think I’m not” I said slowly.

“I don’t know seems like you’re thinking about something, you hid your face in your palm and you kept sighing and now you’re laying your head on the table, are you feeling guilty of what you did yesterday?” he smiled. Taking his last bite and diluting his meal with the bottle water beside him.

“feeling guilty of what?” I asked raising my head up.

“you don’t remember?” he asked still smiling and for first time his smile made me felt cold.

“remember what?” I asked.

“okay lemme give you a hint, I’m a light sleeper” he tells me and I tilt my head in confusion still wondering on where he’s trying to head to and my eyes widen when I suddenly realise his words.

He’s a light sleeper, so he must have known that I touched his face and almost kissed him. Oh my god this is.. This is embarrassing.

“i-i.. I.. I.. w-w..as I..” I fumble my words and he laughed and stood up.

“oh I guess you remember now, and by the way, you’ve got soft hands” he nods at me and carried his plates, smiled at me before walking out of the dining room.

I sat still frozen and freaking out on the inside, this is so… Embarrassed I feel like choking myself, so he actually knew I tried to kiss him, he must have felt my breath on his face.. This is not funny at all. I placed my head on the table again and huffed, I tried to stand up but my body failed me and I tried again and stood up but almost lost my balance when it seems like my head was in control of my body cause it felt heavy and was throbbing badly.

I slowly walked to the living room using the walls to balance myself, I didn’t see Leo in the living room when I got there but I just didn’t care at the moment cause I think something’s wrong with me, my eyes felt like misty like I was about to cry and at the same time it felt like It was getting pricked by needles.. I groaned when the throbbing in my head became worse and I closed my eyes and rested my head on the couch and just then I heard his footstep, I opened my eyes and saw him walking up to me smiling. “so… Still feeling guilty ab–

“uhh.. Are you okay?” he asked when I closed my eye again cause opening them it feels as if they’re on fire. I started to feel cold and my head kept on throbbing.

“pen. Are you okay?” he asked again. But I couldn’t reply him cause I was falling asleep but I could see still hear his voice. I felt his warm hand on my neck and I felt my body vibrated under his touch.

“Geez. Pen you’re burning up” he said, why would my body be hot when I feel so cold, I wanted to tell him but it feels like my life depended on sleeping like right away. “I think you have a fever” I hear him say and that was the last thing I heard him say before falling asleep.


I woke up and my head was still pounding and I still felt cold, my vision was blurry but I cleaned my eyes and sat properly, I touched my body and noticed it was still pretty hot. My vision became clear and I noticed myself on a huge round bed, fancy and huge, the walls were silk gold paintings and the curtains were to die for, it was gold and thick, the ground were golden tiles I think and in the middle of the room was a black or purple rug that covered the golden floor.. The room was a bit dark due to the closed windows but you could still see how Rich, beautiful and fancy it is . .

I was about coming down from the bed when the door opened and the room lights were turned on revealing the complete beauty of the room and I selfishly wished my apartment could be like this.

“oh thank goodness you’re awake” Leo said with a glass of water in his hand. “you kind of scared me though, I mean you just suddenly fell asleep and I thought you were kind of dead” he said and laughed to himself. He walked up to me and gave me the glass of water.

And I gave him a “what’s-this-for?” look.

“I just came back from the hospital not too long ago and I explained your situation to a doctor and he said you have a mere fever and it nothing to worry about and he prescribed some pills for me, well you…” he said and chuckled at his mistake, he opened his golden drawer and brought out a plastic bag and I don’t know why everything’s mostly gold in his room.

He sat down on the bed beside me and poured out everything from the plastic bag and it was just pills meant for me.

“here you’re going to take this one, two pills two times in a day morning and night and so is this one.. And this you’ll just take this one just for today and lastly you’re taking this one, three in just a day, any time of the day, all before or after a meal” he explained and I nod grabbed one of the medicine.

“you can’t take anyone cause you haven’t eaten Anything yet” he said and I sighed. “there’s some leftovers from breakfast I’m sure I can take like one or two bites from there” I shrugged and he nods.

“I’ll go get them” I said standing up.

“no it’s okay, you’re the sick one I’ll get it, and it’s kind of all my fault though, I let you sleep on the cold floor last night taking over your bed” he said and stood up.

“oh, no it’s not your fault” I said lowly trying not to make him feel guilty and trying to make him forget about last night and stop bringing it up!!.

“it’s my fault” he said plainly and before I know it he left the room, I sighed and placed the blanket over my legs cause I was still feeling cold. I rested my head on his huge pillows and sniffed in air but instead I persevered his smell and it felt like he was here. And thinking of his presence it felt warm and I hugged the pillow tightly. Just then the door opened and ‘he’ walked in with my food,.

“it’s weird you’re hugging my pillow but I’m not gonna ask questions your food’s here” he said and I let go of the pillow feeling a bit embarrassed by that cause it was because of him I was hugging that pillow and now I’m feeling stupid for doing that.

“I was feeling cold and I just thought that was the easiest way to keep myself warm.. ” I said and he smiled and shrug..

Nice one Pen. I tell myself.

I started to eat slowly still having no appetite but because of the pills I’ll be taking I had to force myself.

Leo watched me with every bite I take and that just made me uncomfortable and more sick.

“you know, I’d be able to eat more, if you just don’t look at me” I said and he laughed and looked away. “sorry” he apologized .

After eating I took the pills I’m supposed to take today and the one I’m taking anytime of the day.

After taking them, I rested my head on the wall and pulled the blanket over my body. Leo sat still at the edge of the bed well I don’t know if that was the edge of the bed cause it’s a round bed and all sides are the edge. But anyway he sat at the edge of the bed faraway from me since it was a huge bed and we both remained quiet.

“thanks Leo.” I breathed out.

“for what?” he asked looking at the ceiling.

“for everything you did now” I said slowly and he smiled.

“no big deal, friends help each other even in their darkest days” he said and I smiled. He’s a real charmer.

We both kept quiet again and I just stay still and few minutes later the heaviness of my head start to drop, but it was still throbbing a bit and I was still feeling cold but I know I was getting a little better.

I turned my head to my right and saw that he had a golden mirror hanging on the wall..

“why did you make everything in here gold?” I asked looking at his room.

“well it’s a long story” he said and shrugged at me.

“lucky you, I love stories” I said and he smiled. “okay well I’ll just cut it short cause I hate stories,.. Well I never got to know my mom but I’ve leaved with my dad and he’s an asshole.. He’s strict and sometime’s I assume he was the one who killed my mom even though she was died in a car accident, i guess. . This isn’t a fun or meaningful story but anyway, my dad and I.. well.. My dad was not as rich as me we barely eat and he did all he could to make money but he couldn’t and then he started to drink and then he’ll come home everyday crying about how he failed my mom and how he couldn’t make her live in gold like he promised to. And after he’d cry he’ll make me promise him to get really wealthy and make him live in gold and well I promised him. And well at the age of nineteen I got this job and well let’s just said that job made me where I am today, I got rich at the age of twenty and well I fulfilled my Dad’s promise, we use to both live in this house and the whole living room used to be gold and everything around the house, and my dad was proud of me but not too long he died. His death didn’t really get to me cause I didn’t really like him, but since I didn’t want to have any memory of him my house which was once gold became a normal home, I didn’t have the time to rearrange my room cause I was busy that time and I just got used to the way my room is and didn’t feel like changing the golden-ness, so that’s why my room’s all gold-ish” he explained and I nod.

So he got rich at the age of twenty, all by himself. He must have worked so hard, I feel sorry for him.

I got down from the bed and stretched a bit feeling like walking cause my leg’s feeling a bit numb. He watched me as I walked to his window touching his gold and thick curtain, “but still your room’s still pretty awesome with all the gold” I tell him smiling and looking out the window.

“yeah I know” I hear him say behind me.

“but still it must have been so hard for you working so had at such a young age” I said emotionally and hear him chuckle behind me. A cold wind suddenly blew from the window making me shiver and moving back a bit, I started to feel so cold and regretted ever coming out of the bed and just as I turned to go back to the bed, I bumped into Leo and he used that and suddenly hugged me. Tightly.

“what are you doing?” I muffled into his chest.

“isn’t it obvious, I’m keeping you warm” he said and I could feel his smile from his voice. I fought the urge to hug him back cause he felt so warm.. I tried to walk out of his grip but he held me tightly.

“to fight it Pen. And let’s just stay like this for a while” he said and my heart skipped a beat.


My heart kept beating fast as Leo grip tightened on my body, my cold body started to heat up and this feeling was so familiar .. It was with when I first met Richard.

“i.. It’s okay.. I’m totally fine I’m not cold” I said and forced my self out of his grip and head to the bed.. I covered the blanket over my body and over my face not wanting to look at him.

That was so weird, “okay.. Since you don’t want my warmth, I’m going to downstairs and make myself a cup of tea” he said and I heard as his boots Clanked on his tiled floor and as he slammed the door.

I pulled the blanket away from my face and breathed a sigh of relief.

That was crazy.. I thought. I held my chest and noticed my heart beat has decreased. I can’t believe I’m falling for Leo. I can’t believe me… This isn’t supposed to happen.

He doesn’t even like me, he just likes me as a ‘friend’, ugh gosh I hate this.

I stayed in his room for a while before walking out, I need to go home and calm my head, cause all this is all just too much.

I walked out of his room and scratched my neck looking sideways as I stood Clueless in his hallway not knowing where to go or how to get to his living room cause I haven’t been up here before and I don’t know my way. Up here, only downstairs .

Luckily I heard Leo’s loud voice coming from the living room and I followed his voice and made my way downstairs..

I got to the living room and found him making a phone call and seeing me he immediately cut the call,..

“oh you’re here” he smiled and took a sip of whatever he was drinking, maybe his cup of tea.

“I thought you wanted to rest more” he added and I shook my head negatively.

“actually, I’ll like to take a sick leave” I said and his brows arched.

“well that isn’t a bad idea, do you want to go home now?” he asked and I nod. At least I’ll be able to rest well at my own apartment. Not some golden room

“well I’ll be happy to drive you home?” he said and my almost blooming smile faded.

“sure. ” I said bitterly.

“well I’ll help you go get your medicine” he smiled and dropped his cup of tea-or whatever. And hurried upstairs to his room

He’s being so nice and that is not so good , cause it’s heart throbbing.



I walked out of my house and entered my car and start to drive to my everyday place. Olivia’s apartment. I don’t know why I like going there when I don’t really like her. Maybe it’s just that she’s a good listener and does everything I say, she’s cheerful and I’ve recently become fond of her. And it seems like she’s the only friend I have now aside from Mason who’s in the hospital, for Mason being in the hospital it’s kind of hard for me meeting him cause I’ll get to meet Kira and pen. it’s weird for me meeting Kirana or Penelope cause they both hate me now especially Penelope. She now Hates my guts and my presence, she even called me a disappointment on the day of the carnival thing which Olivia forced me to go, .. I’ve missed pen so much but she doesn’t know that, I’ve missed how she always calls my name when something’s difficult for her or when she’ accidentally cut herself while cooking. How she cutely calls my name for help, I missed how she throws a fit when I’m with other girls and how she cried during Mason’s birthday and every other things that aren’t worth crying , I missed her smile most especially, I missed her everything. But now seeing me with other girls, she doesn’t care cause she’s dating that seven headed asshole, Leo, or Doe or whatever his name is.

I love Penelope but I lost her because of my foolishness, I’m not a man, I’m a failure and I don’t deserve her .. .. Even though I want her back so badly.

I got to the building Olivia’s apartment is and also where pen’s apartment is but she doesn’t stay home by this time of the day, I got to Olivia’s apartment and I glanced at Penn’s apartment before knocking on Olivia’s door.

The door suddenly opened and Olivia smiled seeing me. “hi Richie, come on in” she said cheerfully as always and I walked in and she closed the door.

“so I just made lunch, do you want to have a bite” she asked happily.

“no thanks, it’s okay” I tell her.

“that’s not fair you know, every time I ask you to eat breakfast or lunch or dinner with me you always decline that offer and yet you still come to See Me and thats just messed up” Olivia pouted and I sighed.

“okay fine just a bite or two” i said and she squeaked happily. And turned her heels to the kitchen, I sighed and again and turned on the TV sitting on her bed. And they were showing Penelope’s favourite TV show Full house. The both of us used to watch this like every single day, she’ll be sitting on my thigh. Her hands around my neck and hands around her waist and we’ll be laughing out our intestines.

Gosh, how I missed those days

“did you know you came at a perfect time cause lunch Is already ready” I heard Olivia’s voice as she walked out of the kitchen with a tray in her hand smiling from ear to ear.

“here, I’ll get the water” she said giving me the tray.. and moved to her fridge bringing out bottled water.

“aren’t you eating?” I asked cause there’s only a plate in the tray she gave me.

“we’re both eating together, silly” she laughed and my eyebrows arched on its own, I wanted to protest but I just let her be, cause she’s been so kind to me ever since I met her but I keep giving her cold shoulders.

We both ate together and she just kept laughing so hard at the TV show we were watching I wasn’t laughing cause I’ve watched the whole episodes so many times, but when I remember how pen laughed on a particular thing someone said, I’ll laugh too, I lost my appetite after remembering so much about pen.

“what’s wrong” Olivia asked

“nothing I’m just not hungry” i tell her.

“oh-okay” she said sadly and looked down.

“so since this is the first time you’re tasting my cooking how’s it” she asked happily. Drowning her sudden sadness.

“it’s good, but not up to pen… I quickly stopped talking and regretted what I just said, cause I know she’s going to be sad

“Pen? You’ve tasted her food?” she asked lowly.

“well Pen and I have some kind of history together.” I said. And she sighed,

“Pen already said that you guys have a history together what history?” She asked curiously and stopped eating.

“well she’s my ex-fiance” I said.

“oh.. I didn’t know” she breathed out.

“well, what broke you guys up” she asked lowly and I sighed.

“i-i don’t feel like talking about it” I sighed and she frowned and she held my arm.

“come on tell me” she said shaking my arm “I tell you everything” she added bating her lashed at me.

“fine. It’s nothing to be proud of but well, on our wedding day, I told her we aren’t ready to get married and well she kind of got angry and well that how it happened” I shortened the story and she gasped

“oh my god, Richie that isn’t very nice, that is messed up” she said and I rolled my eyes

“I know, and I regret it” I said and she smiled, “well don’t let it out on yourself cause everything happens for a reason” she said and rubbed my shoulder soothingly

“I’ve heard that shit a dozen times and I still think it happened because of my foolishness” I said and she laughed and I don’t find anything funny there. She became quiet for some time and later said

“she’s moved on, aren’t you going to move on too?”.

“I’ve moved on too” I said and she gave me a look.

“well do you still love her?” Olivia asked.

“well, yeah kind of” I answered hesitantly and she suddenly looked down and let’s go of my shoulder.

“I don’t think she loves you, she’s with Leo Now, even though they’re not dating, they will soon, I can see it so you have to move on” she said and I looked at her surprisingly.

“they’re not dating?” I asked almost happily

“yeah they’re just friends” Olivia said, and I held my smile. I’ve been thinking they’re dating all this while but I was wrong..

“what? Do you think you still have a chance with her?” Olivia said angrily standing up.


“don’t be a blockhead Richie, she hates you, do you remember when she called you a disappointment, it hurt me too but I just took it in cause you’re not a disappointment. Just let her be and be with those who want you” Olivia explained and I rolled my eyes.

“no one wants me, don’t you get it!” I half yelled standing up.

“but I wan–

“it’s nobody but her, she’s my first and I’ll want her to be my last” I pondered and Olivia’s eyes suddenly went glossy.

“if you love her so much then why’d you kiss me” she yelled making me flinch a bit. “kiss you?”

“yeah, on the day of the carnival, you just suddenly kiss me without any reason or explanation before or after the kiss..” she said and start to cry.

“that.. That was a mistake” I tell her.

“a mistake? God Richard, I treasured that kiss with my life, and heart but you called it a mistake?” she said this time her cry and voice was getting louder .

“what else could I call it and when the hell would you treasure it” I asked irritated.

“isn’t it obvious Richie, it’s because I love you, I always have, with you it’s love it first time,” she said and cried even more which left me speechless.

“but everything you say or want to do is with pen.. I don’t understand she doesn’t love you anymore just face the fact. I love you Richie, I gave you my love My heart, my body, everything but still you want her” she cried and ran out of her apartment. I took a little of time to think everything that just happened before calling and chasing after her.

“Olivia wait.” I called and ran out of the apartment bumping into Leo and Pen.



Leo drove me home to my apartment and still escorted me back to my room, it was nice of him but I didn’t need an escort.

We were almost at my apartment door when I Olivia suddenly ran passed us, crying so seriously and I wondered what was wrong for her a cheerful girl like her to cry so seriously and suddenly seconds later, Richard walked right out of her apartment yelling her name and bumping into me which made me hit Leo.

“sorry” he quickly apologized and we made a brief eye contact before he walked away.

“that was weird” Leo Turned to me.

“there was nothing weird about a boy chasing a girl who was crying” I replied.

“they’re not just any girl, they’re your girlfriend and your Ex-fiance aren’t you like jealous or something” he said and I rolled my eyes.

“Jealous my butt, I don’t need to be jealous Richard can date anyone he wants it’s not like I tied a rope around his neck to follow me around and FYI Olivia’s not my friend” I said and Leo smiled slyly.

“judging from your tone it’s seems like you’re jealous,” he said and I sighed and looked at him.

“can you just leave, I have to, no I need to rest” I tell him and he pouted. “after everything I did for you today? You’re still giving me cold shoulders.” he said.

“don’t act like a child in front of me” I said sternly and he laughed.

“anyway I’ll be leaving since you don’t want me here, and make sure you take your medicine, if you don’t feel too good about coming to work tomorrow you can stay home and I’ll come check on you okay?” he said and tapped my shoulder and that made me flinch a little.

“yeah sure, thanks” I said and he smiled and walked away. Still turning back to look at me. I widen my eyes at him when he turned back to look at me again and he laughed, which made me laugh too before walking in.

I got into my bed and turned on the TV, maybe watching a boring movie can make me fall asleep.

As the movie started I heard voices from outside and recognized the voices it was Richard and Olivia, I don’t know what’s going on between them but they don’t have to disturb the whole building.

I started to watch the movie playing on my TV and I thought I’d sleep two minutes after the movie starts playing but I was wrong I was so engrossed and interested in the movie cause it was catchy and was a romantic movie that I got lost in it, and after crying at the happy ending I fell asleep.


¤~¤ MASON’S POV ¤~¤

back at the hospital I sat down alone on my bed reading some shit boring article in the news paper, Kirana sitting on a chair beside the bed, engrossed in her phone,smiling and laughing her lungs cause she’s busy chatting with long lost love Maxwell.

I threw the newspaper at the corner of the room and stood on my feet. I walked to the window, without my crutches. And sighed looking out the window and thinking about pen.

I kind of hate myself for lying to her about not being able to walk properly without my crutches, but I can actually run without my crutches but I just want her pity cause, her pitying me will let her take care of me, and when Penelope takes care of someone even though you’re the same sex as her you’ll definitely fall in love with her… I just want her to See Me as this poor boy who needs help and then she’ll give me all the care in the world.

“so are you going to keep lying to yourself and Pen that you can’t walk” I heard Kirana say behind me and I turned.

“you know she’s going to find out sooner or later and also you’re getting discharged tomorrow.” Kirana added and I walked back to the bed.

“i don’t care, I just need her by my side for the main time” I said and she rolled her eyes

“you are the dumbest person I’ve ever known, she’s not your property for her to remain at your side for the main time.. You’re her best friend for God’s sake if she ever learned that you lied to her, you’ll be dead, and you falling in love with her is just another stupid thing you could ever do”

“it’s not my fault that I fell in love with her, it’s nature, and I know I can’t keep it to myself, I have to tell her how I feel someday” I breathed out and Kirana dropped her phone.

“what if she doesn’t want you” Kirana asked lowly.

“I..i.. don’t know actually, but as long as I can tell her how I feel I’ll be okay, I guess” I said.

“okay, then what if she rejects you and accepts Leo?” Kirana asked which made me a little surprised.

“she rejecting me is a very possible situation, but why would she accept Leo, does he have feelings for her, is anything going on between them?” I asked and she sighed and stood up.

“well see… Mason lately you’ve been lying in this bed and not knowing what is going on, Leo and pen have been hanging out together lately and well… I don’t know how to say this but.. I think they’re one step away from being a couple cause, these last few days I’ve become Leo’s diary and he like tells me everything we text each other like every night and he tells me how he’s been interacting with Penny lately and to my own point of view, I think he might have a thing for pen, I’m not suppose to tell you this since I promise him not to say anything to anyone but you’re my friend and I love you,.. No who I’m I kidding I totally hate you but Pen’s your friend and I love pen and she loves you so I which means I do to, but what I’m trying to say here is, get rid of those feelings cause you’re going no where without them.” she explained but I didn’t like what I was hearing, I thought Pen was just working as a normal cook in his house, I thought he’d be this bossy boss who would have nothing to do with his employee cause the last time I was with the two of them they never really talked to each other much, but what I didn’t remember is that pen is a sweet and sensitive lady, any one can fall for her easily. He may have fallen for pen but I don’t think she would fall for him,.. No she can’t.

“look Kira, I know you like that Maxwell guy, how do you feel when he’s close to you?” I asked.

“it’s weird that you’re asking me that and it’s also weird that I’m answering that, but anyways, I feel really happy, really loved and really special” she replied

“that’s how I feel when I’m with Pen” I smirked and she gave me a sympathetic look, that’s what I wanted I also want to buy Kirana’s pity, cause she’s like pen other half, even though they’re both different people.

“so please help me be with her” I added and she moved back a bit.

“I don’t think she would want that Mace”.

“I know, well but please try to say something nice about me to her and I need you to help me confess my feelings to her, I’m not the brave type when it comes to confession” .

“mason, I am not going to help you confess your feelings to her cause I’m not the one inlove with her, but I am going to see what I can do including saying nice things about you.” Kirana said before a sigh and I smiled. “thank you” I said and pulled her in a hug but she pushed me away.

“never hug me again.” she warned.

“hey we’ve hugged before and I didn’t know why I did that either so don’t think I did that on purpose I wasn’t thinking straight, it’s not like you’re some kind of great celebrity that I want to hug, you’re just some cr–

“try insulting me and me helping you is off the chart” she interrupted me and quickly stopped talking.

“I’m sorry” I smiled and she rolled her eyes.

“anyway I have to get going” she said. .

“going where? To see Maxwell” I asked

“to meet Penelope” she said sternly.

“I see her once in a while and I miss her and also I have to help you too even though it irritates me that I’m doing so, today’s my only free day I have to go to work tomorrow, so good day” she said and her phone starts to ring immediately.

“oh Maxwell’s calling” she said and glance at me smiling before picking the car. She waved bye to me before walking out.

I sat down on the bed and buried my face in my palms, Penelope, why did you have to be so pretty and nice.. I have to.. No I must tell you how I feel before Leo does.



I woke up by the sound of huge bangs on my door. “who is it” I tried to yell but my sleepy voice failed me. So i sluggishly crawled out of my bed feeling so cold, I wrapped the blanket around my body and walked to the door. I opened it and smiled seeing the person.

“Kirana.” I called and she looked at me weirdly.

“why are you hiding yourself in that huge blanket, are you naked?” she asked but I just drag her in and closed the door.

“wow your apartment looks fantastic” she beamed.

“thanks” I said and got back to my bed. “I called your line, but you weren’t answering I almost went to Leo’s house thinking you’d be there but when I called him he said you’re home so I came here instead” she said and sat down on the bed beside me.

“what’s wrong, you’re so quiet” she asked me.

“you just woke me up and what do you want me to do, sing?” I asked and she smiled.

“I hope you’re not sick cause if you’re sick then I am too”

“well too bad I am” I said and coughed a bit.

“what. What’s wrong with you?” she asked touching my body but I moved her hand away

“don’t worry I’m not that sick.. I’m actually getting a little bit better it was worse before” I said and sat down but the blanket was still on my body. She turned to look at my drawer beside my bed and gasped seeing the pills I’m supposed to take all together in a plastic bag.

“are all this for you?” she gasped.


“what, were you diagnosed with cancer or what? How can you take all these?” Kirana half yelled

“don’t shout, you’ll hurt my head. And just looking at the pills it’s so plenty but actually it’s not that much, I’ve taken some this afternoon and I’m feeling okay, so if I take the rest I’ll feel better so don’t be so dramatic” I tell her and she rolled her eyes and dropped the plastic bag.

“this is the first time I’ll be in your apartment, let me check it all out” Kirana said and suddenly stood up and walked to the kitchen, then the bathroom and then to the balcony. Before walking back to my bed.

“your apartment’s great, but that balcony is the best of all it has a great view” she said.

“yeah that’s what Leo said too” I grinned

“Leo’s been here?”she asked.

“a dozen times he even slept here yesterday” I said and Kirana gasped loudly.. “no freaking way he did?” she said walking closer to me.

“Yeah, he’s the reason I got this sudden fever, since he fell asleep on my bed I couldn’t sleep on the bed anymore and then I slept on the floor.. But today he felt guilty for that, he bought me those medicines and also gave me a day off” I said and Kirana shook her head negatively.

“you poor girl, he’s obviously giving you a hard time” she whined and I smiled.

“he’s not giving me a hard time, he’s actually been pretty nice to me” I smiled. But Kirana just paused and gave me a weird look, “why are you smiling all of a sudden” she asked

“I wasn’t smiling” I hesitantly answered.

“you totally were, just as you were talking about Leo your lips pressed into a smile” Kirana blurted and got on the bed looking into my eyes.

“what?” I asked and she brought her face closer to mine.

“don’t tell me you’re falling in love with him” she said almost in a whisper, and suddenly I started to cough an unexpected cough.. While she rubbed my back . “don’t worry when you’re done coughing, you’ll tell me” she said and I stopped coughing finally.

“what.. a..are you ta..talking… About, me in love with Leo?” I scoffed.

“don’t try to act dumb I know you are” she said and pushed my forehead back with her index finger.

I ignored her words and her eyes suddenly dart to something beside my bed and she gasped followed by smile

“is that Leopenny?”she asked and walked to the huge teddy bear.

“gracious it’s huge” she laughed and touched it ears which was bigger than her hand. And I laughed too.

We both heard a knock on the door and I yelled “come in” while Kirana just kept enjoying her playdate with the teddy.

The door opened and Olivia walked in, her eyes bloodshot red and her nose swallowen and red..

“Penelope can I talk to– she paused when she saw Kirana and they both made eye contact.

“oh you must be Pen’s friend, hi can I steal her for a minute” Olivia said softly to Kirana.

“she’s not something you can steal and besides can’t you see her inside that blanket, I’m afraid you can’t talk to her right now she’s not feeling too good” Kirana said and stand up.

“but I just want to tell her something ver–

“please leave! You can see I’m in the middle of a conversation with her and it’d be rude for you to cut in” Kirana protested and Olivia glance at me before sighing, I wonder what she wants to tell me, she wants us to talk privately and that means Kirana would have to leave. And I don’t think that’s very pleasing cause she’s my guest.

“Olivia how about we talk later tonight” I assured her and she nods and glared at Kirana and it’s the first time I’ve seen Olivia glare at someone.

Kirana walked close to her and folded her arms.

“she said you guys can talk later what are you still standing here for, the door’s that way” Kirana said and pointed to the door.

“I was about leaving” Olivia said angrily in her squeaky voice. “I was about leaving” Kirana mimicked her voice and laughed to herself.

“okay then leave.” Kira added and Olivia walked out angrily and Kirana slammed the door so hard that it made my heart skip.

“why didn’t you just tear my door down instead” I said and she balled her fist.

“I don’t know why I never liked that girl even when I first saw her at the hospital with Richard. I never liked her, she’ acts like she’s too nice, she’s too squeaky she’s a talkative and she’s always interested in what’s not Her business” Kirana explained.

“hey she’s not that bad” I smirked.

“I guess I should stop talking since you two are kind of birds of the same feather” she said and walked up to me and lying beside me.

“so you hate me? I asked

“so much that you could ever imagine” she smiled and I rolled my eyes

“so where were we” she suddenly asked.

“we weren’t anywhere” I replied

“no we were having a conversation on how in love with you are with Leo” she said and I groaned

“for once can you just have a normal conversation with me” I shouted dramatically and she laughed.

“Loretta, we are having a normal conversation” Kirana said and I groaned again.

“I know but can we talk about the one that says less about Leo”.

“okay fine mason?” Kirana said looking at me.

“what about mason”

“I don’t know, don’t you think he’s cute” Kirana smiled.

“mason’s cute but it’s weird that you’re actually complimenting him behind his back are you still the Kirana I know” I said and she laughed.

“even though I pretend to hate Mason I kind of like him though, and don’t you ever dare tell him I said that okay!” Kirana yelled and I nod with a smile.

“do you think Mason can ever get to date someone?” Kira asked and I turned to her.

“why would you say that of course. Mason’s not only a pretty boy , he’s also sweet and caring”

“sweet and caring only around you” Kirana scoffed

“what is that supposed to mean” I said but she shook her head negativelike

“if I ever want mason to date someone I’d like that person to be you” she said and my eyes dart to hers making us make a heavy eye contact.

“why would you say that aren’t there other girls other than me” I said kind of pissed off .

“I know but you’re nice, pretty and sweet” Kirana complimented and I blushed a bit.

“b..but Mason would never fall for someone like me, I think his taste of ladies would be more like those hottie type not someone as boring as me.” I primped

“okay, then let us just assume what if he happens to fall for you, don’t get this in your head I’m just assuming” Kirana said and I laughed.

“he can’t”

“I’m just assuming, what if he is then would you date him?” Kirana asked grinning from ear to ear.

“well actually.. I don’t know” I said sincerely.

“why don’t you know?” she pressured.

“cause I don’t you can’t tell what your heart wants so I don’t know” I tell her.

“I don’t care, about heart or something, okay then how about this would you date him if you happen to be in love with him?” Kirana asked slowly.

“no” I said plainly.


“cause he’s my best friend”

“that is the most lamest reason I’ve ever heard pen”

“I don’t think he’d want that” I said and Kirana rolled her eyes

“why wouldn’t he want that” she said and I turned to her angrily

“okay I’ve had it can we just stop talking about mason, it’s mouth piercing and it’s like you’re forcing me to marry him I don’t understand you” I said angrily and she looked away.

“okay fine I’m sorry” she apologized and I huffed.

“Mason I tried” I heard whisper to herself and I wondered why the hell she would say that .


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