I sighed and turned back to my phone as my fingers tap through my keyboard I bit my lips.

*you’re a crazy person* I send to Leo and I didn’t have to wait for even a Second when he replied.

*is that how you say thank you?, if so you’re welcome*

I rolled my eyes and dropped down my hand, I looked around my room observing the new change in my apartment. I’m grateful for what he’s done but it’s all just too much,

Or am I going to pay him back? I thought and my breath hitched, i was so lost in thought and that I almost smashed my phone to the wall when it buzzed, but I breathed out and slowly looked at my phone, I thought it was a message from Leo but I was wrong it was from Mason.

*do you hate me?* I read and gasped, why would he think that, before I knew my fingers started to work on its own typing:

*no, why would make you think that Mace?*

*cause you forgot about me* he texted.

“forgot about you? No I’ve just been busy*

*I’m clearly alone at the hospital and Kirana’s gone cause she can’t give any more excuses at work just to look after me. But thankfully the doctor said I’m recovering faster than ever, but it doesn’t feel like it* he texted and I sighed dropping my hand by my side and breathing out a heavy sigh again, even if it’s late maybe I should just pay him a small visit. I made a U turn and dropped my phone into my purse walking out of my apartment.

I locked the door and took the elevator down, I walked out of the building and took a cab to the hospital, I was pretty tired and sleepy but I don’t want my best friend to hate me..

I knocked lightly on his door and walked in and his eyes immediately lit up when he saw me.. “hey” I said lowly walking closer to his bed.

“hey” he breathed out sulking his smile.

“so…. .. I said not knowing what to actually say and I sat down beside him on the bed making him adjust a little.

“sorry?” I said but it came out as a question.

“it’s okay, just being in the hospital alone freaks me out, even now that the doctor said I can’t stand and walk” mason said and I gasped.

“that’s wonderful” I exclaimed

“with crutches” he added and my smile disappeared.

“crutches?” I asked and he slowly nod.

“well it’s just to support your legs it’s not like its forever right?” I asked and he nods. I didn’t notice but when his eyes flickered around me I looked at his forehead and I couldn’t find the bandage that was lying there before. Only a small part of his skin that was scratched that laid there.

“your bandage’s off your head, how do you feel?” I asked

“like I can control my own head and think again” he smiled and I smiled too. I touched the small bruise on his forehead lightly and asked “does it hurt?”

He covered my hand with his and pressed my my palm to him forhead while I looked at him strangely. “it doesn’t hurt but this feels warm” he said pressing my hand more to his head. “and I feel cold myself” I said and he laughed letting me slide my hand away from his head.

I looked around the small room and found a pair of crutches, laying on the wall.

“have you tried using the crutches to walk?” I asked but he shook his head. “I rather lay down here till my knee is fully healed than walk with those,” he said and I tilt my head and sighed.

“eventually you’ll have to use it, so your knee can respond to your body knowing you want to walk, and then it’ll heal” I said.

“yeah, whatever, so how’s your apartment coming out?” he quickly changed the topic .

“it’s coming out okay, I’m done mowing and I’ve gotten more stuff to the apartment the remaining thing for me is adaptation.” I explained and he nods.

“wish I could go there with you, to see it myself” he beamed and I smiled, “don’t worry, you will soon”

We both remained quiet not knowing what to say, and he suddenly held my hand and sighed.

“I wish I never went to Texas” he breathed out.

“don’t feel that way, everything happens for a reason” I tell him and he sighed, I got up from the bed and sat down on a chair beside the bed with him still holding my hand.

“rest, I’m here” I assured him and he nods.. “I’m sorry, you’re going through all this because of me” he apologized but I shook my head.

“don’t feel sorry, it what friends do” I said.

“friends.” he repeated,

“that word is driving me crazy” he continued, I didn’t know what he meant by that but I didn’t bother to ask him or even know what he meant by that, my eyelids were getting heavy and my sight was becoming blurry, I have to stay awake I tell myself but before I could stop and think about staying awake, I slept off.


I woke up by the sound of voices having a fun conversation and I noticed my hand was still in Mason’s hand and that I fell asleep and slowly I raised my head closing my eyes tightly from the bright light in the room, I cleaned my eyes with the back of my hand and slowly open them. And there I saw Richard sitting on a chair on the other side of Mason’s bed and beside him was Olivia, who was standing and holding up a big smile.

“you’re finally awake” Mason said, “I thought you said I should rest and you’ll watch over me but you’re actually the one who fell asleep and I became the watcher” he teased and I smiled and gave him an eye roll and looked up at Richard and Olivia who were both looking at me.

“hey, I didn’t see you guys there” I lied.

“yeah, it hasn’t been too long since we came,” Richard said and I nod, I almost forgot he’s the best friend of Mason, but why is Olivia here!. Well I don’t care why she’s here or why they’re together though. Cause it’s none of my business.

I stood up and yawned a little covering my mouth with my hand and my eyes dart to Mason, “since he’s here.. I said referring to Richard. “I’ll leave I don’t want anyone to think I’m over taking the patient’s bed and sleeping routine” I added and he smiled.

“but isn’t it to late to leave now?” Richard asked slowly avoiding eye contact with me.

“well I can’t sleep here so I don’t have a choice” I tell him.

“or.. You can wait till Richie and I leaving and he’ll take us both in his car and since we’re both leaving in the same building it’ll be easy for him” olivia suggested and I almost gave her an eye roll.

“Richie?” Mason repeated, the way Olivia called Richard, “since when?” he muttered and turn to me.

“anyway you both, thanks for the offer but I’ll just take a cab” I said and grabbed my purse.

I got close to Mason and gave him a stern look and he look frightened for a minute but eased up when I smile and held his head.

“make sure you get well soon and use your crutches, I promise they’ll help, okay!” I said and gave him a small squeeze in his hand.

“yeah sure whatever” he said and rolled his eyes.

“use them!” I said sternly and let go of his hand.. “bye” he smiled, I looked up to see Richard staring at us surprisingly, now I don’t get why he’s surprised but I don’t care.

I waved a little to him and Olivia before walking out, “I’ll see you at home” Olivia yelled as I walked out.

I got outside the hospital still feeling a little sleepy and I saw Richard black Mercedes parked at a corner, a little bit of annoying memory came of him opening the car door for me, the both of us smiling from ear to ear before walking in the car.. I rolled my eyes at that memory and turned my sight to somewhere else. The night was dark and jet black and everywhere seemed quiet, I walked down the lonely road looking for a cab but I couldn’t find one. Less car and people passed by and it was not very nice.

I started to walk slowly cause my eyelids were still heavy and I just needed to go forward a little bit and catch a taxi, I walked slowly with my footsteps echoing around me, but suddenly I heard another footsteps covering mine but when I turned I couldn’t see anyone behind me, that frightened me a bit so I started to walk a little fast, how late is it that everywhere has to become this quiet. As I walked quickly I heard the footstep again and this time I stopped and turned back but I couldn’t find anyone, I sighed and was about walking again when I bumped into someone who suddenly held my shoulder.

“Now what’s a fine young lady like you doing here in the dead of night” a deep scary and husky voice said, like Leo’s but this one’s way scarier.

“let go of me” I said and freed myself from his grip and moved back a bit but bumping into another person who held my shoulder too.

“she’s definitely a keeper” the one who held me suddenly said and they both shared a small laugh. I tried to free myself from this other one’s grip but he was too strong, he brought his mouth closer to my ear and said, “don’t fight it sweetie” I almost died cause his Breath smelled like cigarettes and alcohol. I still struggled to get out of his grip but he was still holding me so tightly.

“now, how are we ever going to be gentle with you if you keep being violent” the one holding me said and I start to cough cause of his breath, the first one snitched my purse from me and smiled, and through the help of the dim streetlight, I could see his dirty teeth and I almost puked.

“give me back my purse” I ordered angrily.

“and who’s going to make me?” he asked. And laughed, making the other one holding me to laugh to.

“Dont worry we’re not taking anything from you, we’re just going to check your purse for anything valuable and then get down to business” the one with my purse said and I huffed angrily

“give me back my purse or I’ll scream” I threatened.

“oh an iPhone, I’ve totally wanted one” the guy said ignoring my threat, and suddenly I screamed my voice louder than before echoing around us.

“shit!” the guy holding me said and covered my mouth with his hand, and I almost bit his hand but I didn’t because of the stench coming from there.

“let go of her or let go of this” I heard a not-so familiar voice behind me and the stupid guy holding me and suddenly the guy holding me let go of me.. The guy who held my purse wanted to run but another guy wearing all black suddenly attacked him and pinned him to the ground, taking my purse and phone from him, “get lost” he said to the guys who attacked me and with a blink of an eye they both ran.. They act all tough and strong around girls but with their fellow guys they’re just lazy jobless dudes.

“thank you.” I said to the guy who saved me as he handed me my purse and phone.

“no problem, but seriously Pen you shouldn’t be walking alone by this time of the night it’s dangerous” he tell me and my jaw dropped slightly, he knows my name.

“I’m sorry do I know you?” I asked, befuddled.

“don’t you remember or recognise me? It’s me Liam, Leo’s friend” he said and I gasped remembering him. He’s one of the two guys who hang around with Leo back in the restaurant before it got burnt, he’s the nice one and the other one Pete isn’t as nice as he is.

“oh Liam! Sorry for not recognising you” I apologize but he smiled “it’s okay you do now so it doesn’t really matter”..


Liam escorted me home and I couldn’t thank him enough, I walked in my apartment building and when I got in my apartment I sighed and threw my purse on my new bed remembering leo.

I spent just a small amount of time in the bathroom taking a shower and after that I changed into my pajamas and got on my bed. It was soft comfy and filled with so much space. I smiled as I buried my face in my pillow, closing my eyes and before I knew it I drifted to sleep.. peacefully.


I woke up not hearing my alarm go and I gasped when I saw the time that I was late for work, the bed was just so comfy that I overslept.

I quickly took a shower and wore my clothes even though I know Leo won’t get angry, I just hate being late.

This time instead of taking my purse, I took one of my bag which was small in size like my purse but was a bag, I slipped my phone inside and wore the bag on my shoulder, I walked out of my apartment and locked the door, I turned and met olive coming out of her room too. “hey, good morning” she said cheerfully. “morning” I said quickly and start to walk away but she stopped me.

“I’m kind of late Oliv—

“I just wanted to give you these” she said handing me some papers that look like some sort of ticket.

“there’s a new amusement park that Just opened here in Breek and they’re giving away free tickets for the opening tomorrow and I just wanted to give you those since my brother happens to have like a dozen, Richie and I are going there together tomorrow and you can also go with anyone you have in mind” she explained with a smile.

“OK thanks, I’ll see to it” I said hurriedly and wave her goodbye before squeezing the two tickets in my bag.


I got to work and typed in Leo’s password before walking in and I bumped into him.

“oh pen!” he exclaimed

“I didn’t expect to see you at work today” he said.

“why?” I questioned.

“I heard you were ambushed yesterday night by two guys” he replied and I sighed, Liam.

“well it was nothing, just help me thank Liam” I said wanting to walk pass but he held my hand and pulled me back

“are you hurt or anything?” He asked inquisitively and I gave him a weird look .

“Leo, I’m fine” I said and removed my hand from his grip.

“are you sure?, do you want to take a day off” he asks

“no. I am fine” I said slowly, shook my head negatively and walked away.



I made breakfast that morning and Leo and i both ate quietly, and while eating I noticed he kept glancing at me and after chugging down a glass of water making sure the food was way down away from my throat I turned.

“okay why do you keep staring at me?” I asked.

“me? I wasn’t staring at you” he said, with a mouth full.

“you kept glancing at me I could see it” I tell him.

“oh yeah I was glancing at you but I wasn’t staring, there’s a difference” he stated like it’s something I should take note of.

“it’s the same thing” I said and turned to my food.

“I was just checking if you have any injury cause I don’t want to be in trouble when you pass out due to loss of blood from your injury you’re hiding from me.” he said and I rolled my eyes. “you imagine too much”.

I took the last bite out of my meal and chug down another glass of water before wiping my mouth with the clean napkin beside me and then I smiled at Leo.

“what?” he asked dropping his fork.

“can I take a day off tomorrow?” I asked nicely and he scoffed making his dimple appear a little.

“I’m giving you the permission to take a day off today but you’re insisting on taking a day off tomorrow, but nothing’s wrong with you so no.” he said and I huffed.

“nothing’s wrong with me but I have somewhere important to go tomorrow” I said, well it’s not that important but if Olivia doesn’t see me tomorrow in the new amusement park, she’ll be sad and she personally gave me those tickets and aside from that, growing up I haven’t really been to an amusement park, I’m sure it’ll be so much fun.

“somewhere important.? You seriously have to tell that ‘important somewhere or I can’t give you a day off’.. ” he said and I almost rolled my eyes but maintain my manners, I don’t want him to be vexed.

“er.. I.. I.. My sis..s.sister just gave birth and I have to see her?” my stupid lie came out as a question and I balled my fist.

“you’re not a very good liar, Penny” he narrowed his eyes at me and I sighed.

“okay well there’s this new amusement park that’s opening tomorrow here in Breek and Olivia gave me tickets and I just don’t want to let her down by not going” I explained and he still didn’t look grateful with the truth.

“I have two tickets and I can give you one and you can come with me” I smiled and he looked at me sternly making me look,

“don’t try to bribe me, I donated money for that park, and I happened to be assistant owner of that ‘amusement park’ which I don’t want to be but since my money helped the place so much I became the assistant owner and I can walk in there anytime without any ticket” he tells me and I sighed, does he have to be involved with everything.

“well don’t you want to go and see how the place has turned out?” I asked but he shook his head negatively.

“no, I rather stay home” he said and I rolled my eyes at him. I stood up and packed the dishes in front of me and him,

“since you won’t let me go, I guess I’ll just go anyway without your permission” I said trying to make him a little mad.

“and if you do go without my permission, remember am your boss and I can fire you” he warned and I smiled.

“oh please do fire me, cause I’ve already gotten what I wanted, an apartment and the things inside and you were the one who got all those for me and IF you happen to fire me, then that would be your loss not mine” I said and he gave me a confused look before sighing knowing that I’m right. But still I don’t want to get fired I just

“who said anything about firing you I was just joking” he smiled and stood up.

“your joke actually sound like a threat” I tell him.

“really? I had no idea” he said.

“anyway just give away those tickets and you can come with me as a vvip” he bragged and I rolled my eyes, “don’t worry I’ll just go with the tickets and take someone else” I said.

“then you won’t be going cause I won’t allow that” he said sternly.

“but I thought you’ve already given me the permission to go” I said dryly

“yeah I have, I’ve given you the permission to take a day off tomorrow and go to the carnival with me, not with someone else” he replied and I huffed.. I moved my hair back and what he just said sounded like he’s asking me out. And I looked at him.

“are you asking me out?” I smiled slyly.

“asking you out?” he repeated. And then smiled

“please!. Don’t flatter yourself” he added.

“stop being pathetic, you just asked me out, what you just said was way too showing that you asked me out.” I said dramatically.

“I don’t know how you girls think things but I clearly did not ask you out” he blurted.

“keep telling yourself that.” I muttered, he seemed confused a bit and remained quiet, I laughed cause that was actually my brief goal, to get on his nerve or make him confuse. His eyes dart to me and he wore a frown as I laughed.

“I was joking.” I smile. “Gosh, you could have seen how confused you looked” I laugh and his frown turned into a smile.

“okay then, what if I did happen to ask you out, would you say yes?” he asked with a smirk

“don’t. Flatter yourself” I repeated his words and walked out of the dining room with the plates in my hand.

“nice one pen!” I heard him yell, and I smiled and shook my head before walking into the kitchen.


The day went by slowly with me and Leo trying to get into each other skin, playing boring jokes on ourselves..

After having dinner, it was time to for me to leave, I grabbed my bag and Leo escorted me to the door, and I turned to him just as I was about opening the door.

“so.. Goodnight?” I said

“yeah, goodnight, I’ll see you at the park opening tomorrow.” he replied.

“what park opening?” I asked like I was clueless.

“the amusement park!” he said.

“what amusement park?” I asked clueless again and he rolled his eyes.

“you’ve started your lame pranks again” he stated and I laughed..”can’t help it”

“well I’ll see you tomorrow;” I tell him.

“what’s tomorrow’?” he asked trying to sound like me.

“don’t even start with me” I said narrowing my eyes at him and he smiled.

“well goodnight” he said still smiling.

“goodnight, for the tenth time” I smiled and he nods lightly while I slowly walked out and for the first time I didn’t feel like leaving.

I got home and plopped right into my bed sighing, thinking about today and the funny jokes and stupid pranks Leo and I pulled at each other.

Just then I heard a knock on my door and I got up from my bed, who could it be..i thought.

I thought of no other person than Olivia and when I opened the door it was her.

“hey Ollie..” I said giving a tired smile.

“hey Pen” she said cheerfully, as always. She walked in immediately making me move back a little and closing the door.

“so are you going to the carnival tomorrow” she asked happily.

“carnival, I thought it was an amusement park” I said.

“oh it is. they’re having a carnival in the amusement park, it’s like having a birthday party and a regular party in one place, oh it’s going to be so much fun.” she said and spin playfully making me smile. “so have you found a partner to go with you?” she asked.

“yeah” I nodded, thinking about Leo.

“well that’s great, I’m taking Richard” she blurted out.

“I know you told me this morning” I tell her and she grinned. “oh I did. Maybe I’m just too excited I forgot I did”

“oh” I breathed out and walked away from her and to my bed bringing out the tickets from my bag. “give these to someone else I don’t think I’ll be needing them” I said handing her the tickets.

“are you sure? But without this you can’t get in” she said lowly.

“I can and don’t worry you’ll see me there” I assured and she smiled “okay!” she said and took the tickets from my hand.

“goodnight Pen” she squealed and walked out my apartment, no matter how many time I’ve seen her she’s just so full of energy. I wish I was like that.

I got back to my bed and took my shoes off and laid back staring at the ceiling, I got surprise call from my dad and we both talked till I fell asleep without showering.

The next day, I woke up as late as ever. since I’ve been given the permission to stay home today, I heard someone banging my door but I was still too sleepy to yell come in or stand up to get It. So I just ignored the sound and fall asleep again.

After hours of sleeping so well I woke up. Finally. And gave a happy stretch, there’s nothing like sleeping too well. I got out of my princess bed and walked into my bathroom taking off all my clothes and got under the shower.

After bathing I started a rally in my closet looking for clothes to wear, after littering all my clothes in the whole house, I gave up and wore a jean blue short and a black shirt, then shoved my clothes back in my closet.

I plopped down onto my bed and drag out my hair-dryer from my drawer, plugged it and start to dry my hair..

I heard someone knock on my door and just as I stood up to get the door it opened and Leo walked.

“hey” he smiled.

“how impatient are you that you couldn’t even wait for me to open the door?” I asked and placed my hands on my hips dramatically.

“well at least I knocked” he said with a shrug.

“well at least you knocked” I mimicked his voice and rolled my eyes. “what if I was naked or putting on clothes?” I asked almost angrily.

“well there’s no difference cause there will be nothing for me to actually see or be surprised at” he smirked and I gasped. “perv..” I murmured and walked back to my bed drying the remaining of my hair. While he just stood still at the edge of my bed watching me.

When I was done, i packed up my hair and turned to where he’s standing “done” I smiled

“you’ve wasted like five hours drying those hair” he teased looking at his watchless wrist. Making me roll my eyes.

“so you ready?” he asked. “yeah.” I mumbled. I’m so ready for that carnival thing or whatever Olivia called it..


Leo and I got out of my apartment building and got into his car and he started driving. The both of us remained quiet as he drove into the lonely road, I just kept looking out the window at passers by, and then I saw Amanda, Mason’s sister, she saw me And we both share a quick wave.

I turned to my side and saw a white paper lying at edge of the seat I was sitting and I grabbed it, and turned the other side to see it’s actually a photo not a plain paper. Inside the photo was a woman and a man but the man’s head had been ripped off from the picture, the woman looked a little bit like Leo with her elegant dark hair that fell to her waist. So I asked.

“is this your mom?”

“I don’t know, maybe.” Leo replied still focused on the road.

“maybe?,, don’t you know your mom” I asked. “I grew up with my dad so I don’t really know my mom,” he replied

“oh, she’s really pretty” I said and smiled at the picture.

“if she’s pretty then I’m pretty too right?” Leo smiled and Turned to me for a reply but I just gave him my recent ‘eye roll’.

“don’t flatter yourself” I repeated his words from this morning and he laughed, I dropped the picture and turned my face to my front and let out a loud gasp almost screaming.

“what’s wrong?” Leo asked and glance at me a little startled. And I pointed happily.

“it’s a Ferris wheel, I can see it from here” I said happily, “we’re almost at the amusement park” I beamed. I Iooked closer and I could also see a rollercoaster, a skyroaster and other tall amusing rides I’ve never seen before.

“oh I can also see a rollercoaster ride and a skyroaster ride,” I said to Leo, feeling so excited. I’ve never been to an amusement park before even as a child or an adult. and going there now is making me feel all excited I can’t help it.

“wow I didn’t know you get excited at stupid things like this” Leo said and I hit his arm.

“they’re not stupid, they’re magically” I said and Leo scoffed which turned into a laugh. “magical my foot”

Finally we got to the amusement park and he parked outside, we both got down from his car and couldn’t help being all jumpy and happy. We got to the entrance where two huge men stood wearing some kind of masquerade mask. “ticket please!” they said to two couples who stood in front of us and the Two couples handed their ticket to one of the huge men, and they walked in. Leo and I walked closer to them and one bowed his head a little.

“welcome sir, have fun” he smiled showing his white teeth. Leo nodded and was about walking in when the man stopped us

“excuse me ma’am” he said, referring to me, I hated the idea of being called mama but I just turned to him.

“yes.” I smiled

“your ticket please” he said.

“but I’m..

“can’t you see she’s with me” Leo said huskily glaring at the man, “oh sorry I didn’t know, please have fun” the man said with a forced smile. I gave him a not-so-friendly look and walked in with Leo.

I gasped when ‘we’ walked in cause there were just so many people. So many rides, so many festive games that instead of the butterfly feelings in my stomach, I felt something bigger like dragons inside my stomach. I was just so excited.

“so what do…

“let’s go ride the rollercoaster” I cut him off. “wow. You seem excited as ever, it’ll be okay if you just breathe and we’ll go there” he said and I rolled my eyes.

“if you’re not going then I’ll just leave without you” I said and was about to walk away but he pulled me back.

“what If you get lost in this big crowd” he asked and I scoffed.

“I’m not a child Leo”

“oh really, judging from the way you’re being jumpy and happy for coming here, there’s no difference from you and a child” he smirked.

“OK shut up Leo, or I’m leaving without you” I snapped.

“save your breath, I’m coming” he said, and we started to walk, he was still holding my hand and just as I was about to make a comment on it, he let’s go of it and held it again, this time clasping our fingers together.

I looked at it and my voice failed to come out and comment on it, and when he saw me looking at our hands he asked


“uhm.. Nothing” I replied and looked away.

“what, you haven’t held a guy’s hand before?” he smiled looking down at me.

“it’s not that, just shush” I said and rolled my eyes.

“don’t worry I’m just holding so you won’t get lost” he smiled, “have I ever told you, you’re an annoying person?”


“well you are” I said And he just laughed.



Leo and I got close to the rollercoaster and there’s was a sign that said “rollercoaster one dollar per person”, and I couldn’t help the wide grin that laid on my face. This is amazing, there was a woman in front of the sign who seemed like she was the one collecting the cash. When Leo and I got to her, she greeted Leo politely and gestured her hand for him to go forward without taking anything from him. I couldn’t help being jumpy. The two of us walked to the beginning of the rollercoaster where it was still close to the ground and where the car or boat or whatever it is called that will ride us through the rollercoaster. Inside the car thing, there were ten seats, two at the front two at the middle and two at the back. With another two seat at the back making it for ten passengers, there were already four seats that were taken and it was around the back side leaving the front seats open.

“let’s get in the front” I tell Leo.

“why? I hate front seat” he said irritatingly. “well hate it, I’m getting in” I said and let go of him walking to the car thingy’ why got in, placing like the seatbelt around my body. Leo sighed as I glance at him and he walked up to me and sat down down on the seat beside mine.

“thought you aren’t going to get in” I said but he just looked away, we waited patiently until more people got in for it to be full, and finally it was filled with people and the lady who was standing in front of the ride walked up to us, Leo and I, and crossed an iron handle over our legs.

“this will prevent you from falling even when your seatbelt are out” she said and I nod happily, while Leo just scoffed.

“okay everyone fasten your seatbelt and you’ll be good to go” the lady informed. And everyone fastened their seatbelt but I didn’t have to cause I already did.

The Lady move to where it seemed like a metal box but it has different colours of small round or square shapes and i assumed that must be the control buttons.

“okay everyone! Your will bring in 3 2 1…” the lady yelled and pulled down something like a lava I think. And the car started to move up slowly.. “OMG. OMG.. OMG.. …

I started to murmur as it was moving.. “if you’re so scared then why did you get in” Leo said.

“I’m not scared,.. I’m.. I’m just warming up” I lied, maybe I’m so excited but I’m a little bit scared, well excited and scared

“well if you’re scared you could always hold my hand, cause you don’t want to know how you’ll be when this thing start to move fast up and down the coaster ride” he said and I rolled my eyes

“no need. I’m not that scared” I said and he shrugged and said “we’ll see” ..

The car starts to move up and it was getting really fast and my breathing hitched. The heavy wind has already take control of my hair and it’s like we’re getting close to the sky .

Immediately the car sped up and I gasped and without thinking I held Leo’s hand and he laughed lightly, some girls had Start to scream behind us happily as everyone’s hair was roaring in the wind. We got above the coaster ride and I could see the entire amusement park and so many people.. I wanted to talk but the wind was so strong due to the fact that we’re driving speedily and we’re way up above the ground like it feels like I could touch the sky, so instead I let out a happy scream letting the wind take my voice.. And before I knew it my hair was all over my face and getting into my mouth, the wind is too strong it must have slip my rubberband off my hair. I was about removing my hand out of Leo’s and move my hair back but he beat me to it. Moving my hair back with his other hand.

“thanks” I said lowly but I doubt heard me.

“we’re going down” Leo tells me and with speed the car faced down and started to go all the way making all the girls in the ride scream including me, and holding Leo tightly, the car went up and down like a dozen times before it finally reached the end of the ride and started to slow down and then it stopped.. Everyone unbuckled their seatbelts and start to walk out of the car thing. While I took my time to breathe in before unbuckling my seatbelt, Leo has already gotten out and as I was about getting out, I lost my balance and almost falling but he caught me.

“you need to be careful.” he said as he let’s go of me.

“thanks” I mumbled while he shrugged, we walked away from the rollercoaster ride, and I was still loosing my balance not walking straight.

“are you okay?” he asked, as he held my arm, stopping me from walking.

“why do you ask I’m fine” I replied not feeling too good. I was feeling a bit nauseous and I don’t like it.

“you don’t walk straight and… He paused.

“your face is all red” he said making me touch face.. “but I feel fine” I said slipping my arm out of his hand and was about to walk away when a heavy wave of nauseousness hit me and I held my mouth and ran to a lonely place were no one was only tall grasses.. I bent down immediately and puked on the grass coughing after it.

“oh my God Penelope” Leo sighed behind me and handed me his handkerchief. And I slowly took it from him, stood up wiping my mouth,

“sorry you have to see that” I said and he fold his arm and looked at me with a small mocking smile.

“what?” I asked.. “you were just so excited on getting a rollercoaster 🎢 ride not knowing your body isn’t strong enough for it.” he scoffed and I looked away.

“well that’ doesn’t matter anymore cause the ride’s over and I’m fine” I blurted loudly.

“yeah really, what if you passed out in the middle of the ride” he assumed.

“but I didn’t.” I said and he sighed and shook his head.

“let’s go get ice-cream or cotton candy” I tell him quickly changing the subject and pulling his arm making him release his folded arm.. After my small vomit I think I feel a little bit okay.

We passed through thousands of people just to get to a man and he cart where he sells cotton candy.

“two cotton candy please!” I said to the man cheerfully almost sounding like Olivia.

“what flavour?” the man asked.

“uhh.. I said and glance at Leo who doesn’t seem interested in what I’m buying.

“strawberry?” I said and the man nodded.

“strawberry, why do all girls like strawberry flavors” Leo asked. “I just didn’t know if he’ll have other flavours, cause isn’t strawberry the only flavour in cotton candy?” I said lowly to Leo and he smiled “you kind of have a point” I shrugged and turned to the man and he handed me two cotton candy, and I gave one to Leo.

“are you trying to insult me?” he asked looking around.

“what? Are you embarrassed of eating just a cotton candy?” I asked.

“of course how old do you think I am, five?”

“three” I tell him and he rolled his eyes.

“look around you Leo, look how many people are eating cotton candy, it doesn’t matter how old or how you seem to appear, it’s about how much fun you’re having.” I explained And he sighed and shyly took it from my hand.. I paid the man and told him to keep the change cause well the excitement is still bubbling in me and I just had to do that.

“why didn’t you let me pay” Leo asked as we walked away.

“just because you’re rich doesn’t mean you have to deal with everything that involves money, and mostly not around me” I stated, shoving a hand full of cotton candy in my mouth.

“that is offending” he said and I gave him an apologetic look even though I’m right. A girl suddenly walked passed us and bumped into me making my cotton candy fall from my hand and touching the sandy ground. She looked at me and ignored the fact that she bumped into me or that she should apologize.. She was about walking away when Leo pulled her back.

“what the hell.!” she said and turned to see that Leo was the one who held her.

“apologize” Leo said to her, his eyes darkening.

“why would I apologise to you I didn’t–

“not me. Her!” Leo cut her off and she turned to me

“I’m sorry.” she said angrily. “it’s okay” I breathed.

“Leo let’s go of her and she glared at me before walking away.

“you didn’t have to do that you know” I said moving my hair back.

“she was being stupid and I had no choice” he said and I sighed, I looked down and saw my cotton candy on the floor melted and contaminated with dirt.

“here, you can have mine” Leo said making me raise my head up and giving it to me.

“you don’t have to g–

I haven’t completed my words when he grabbed my hand and place the cotton candy there. “I didn’t have an appetite for it anyway” he said and I smiled.

“thank you”.

“you’re not welcome” he said smiling a bit,.. I didn’t know if it was my imagination or something, cause his was definitely sweeter than mine.

We both started to Walk again seeing many games, rides and people. I didn’t want to get in any ride cause I don’t want to end up embarrassing Leo by puking, and I really wanted to get on the Ferris wheel.

I gasped when I saw an eye catching game. “what?” Leo asked tracing my eyes..

He saw the small tent where the game was being held and he sighed. “do you have to be such a lame person” he said dryly but I ignored his words and said “come-on” we got close to the tent and on top of the tent they boldly wrote , “CROSS BOW SHOOT”.

“I love this game like so much,” I said taking the last bite out of my cotton candy and throwing the stick away.

“this game, you play it by shooting all the little balloons on top of those dolls heads with that gun” I tell him pointing the doll, the balloons and the gun which the barker the owner o the game held. His eyes eyes turn to me and he pointed the gun to me. Making me move back a bit.

“miss want to give my game a try?” he smiled and I nod happily, pushing Leo away, who was in front of me and going in front of the tent . .

The barker handed me his gun and grinned, “it’s ten cents for playing a round miss” he said and I dipped my hand into my pocket to see if I have any coin but I didn’t , Leo quickly handed the man some cash leaving him surprised and I gave him an annoyed look while he shrugged.

“you can take as many rounds as you want miss” the barker said dipping the money in his wallet.

“see miss, the gun you’re holding is filled with tiny darts, and above this dolls head are tiny water balloons if you happen to shoot all five of the water balloon then you win that big doll over there” he said and pointed to a very huge stuffed teady bear with a heart shape on his stomach, I gasped at how huge the bear is, it might be a little taller than me.

“and if you happen to shoot from three and Below, you’ll get one of those” he said and his hand pointed to a medium sized stuffed animal toys, “I’m going to win that one” I stated and pointed to a panda doll..

“good luck” the barker said and moved away so I can see and shoot the water balloons.

I pointed the gun to the first water balloon on top of the standing doll head and my hand couldn’t stop being shaky cause it felt like a real gun. I pulled the trigger and shook, and instead of hitting the water balloon it hit the standing doll. I sighed and tried again but I missed, I tried again and missed, Leo who seemed like he was getting bored snatched the gun from me. “move, your girly hands are not fit for this game, you don’t even know how to hold the gun” he said making me roll my eyes.

“and I assume you’re a pro” I said sarcastically and he smiled.

“watch and learn” he said and scoffed.

He raised the gun up and his eyes darkened as he pointed to the first water balloon, the barker and I gasped loudly when he shoot all the five water balloons successfully..

“wow that was amazing.” I shout and walked up to him.

“that was indeed a High score” the barker said smiling and, Leo proudly dropped the gun and smiled arching his brows at me.

“I could have gotten a high score too I just wasn’t paying attention” I said and he laughed.

“here, you earned this” the barker said and handed Leo the big teddy bear, Leo tried to return it but I dragged it from him and the barker.

“I’ll take that” I tell the barker and he smiled ..”that thing is clearly bigger than you” Leo said.

“I don’t care, I’m going to brag to Kirana that I won it and Mason too” I said happily and Leo laughed.. We walked away from the cross bow shoot game with the barker waving to us. And gosh the teddy bear was huge and covering my face I couldn’t see where I was going, Leo saw me struggling with the teddy bear and took it from my hand. “thanks” I breathed.

“we should rest a bit” I said

“oh you’re tired?” he asked mockingly.

“don’t get on my nerves” I tell him and he laughed, by my right eye, I saw two couples kissing and when I turned fully it was Olivia and Richard. I felt a little sad about it, I thought nothing was going on between them. I sighed hating it that I’m actually feeling sad about it, my fingers went numb as I watched them kiss and immediately I felt Leo’s hand around on my shoulder

“don’t tell me you’re getting jealous” he said looking at me cautiously.

“I’m not jealous” I said lowly looking at my feet.

“let’s get out of here” I said and Leo nodded without arguing with me. He let’s go of my shoulder and we both turned about to walk away when I heard my name. I turned and saw Olivia running up to me and Richard walking as slowly as ever behind her.

“hey Olivia I didn’t see you there” I said and gave her a faux smile.

“I was with Richie over there, I didn’t know you’ll bring Leo, hi Leo” she said waving to Leo who just nodded at her.

Richard got to us and just gave Leo and I a simple hi, and I crystal clear ignored him when I didn’t want to.

“wow! Did You guys win that bear at cross bow shoot?” olivia asked happily.

“yeah Leo won it for me” I lied, Leo didn’t want it or even wanted to win it for me.

“wow. Leo you’re awesome,” Olivia grinned.

“yeah he is” I said and Leo glance at me.

“Richie tried to win it for me but he couldn’t” Olivia said. With no sad emotion in her voice.

“such a disappointment” I said and glance at Richard who looked away as I said that. “even though he didn’t win the bear, we still had a lot of fun” she said happily and held Richard’s arm.

“well Leo and I have to go, see you at home!” I said and immediately turned hearing her happy “bye”

Leo and I Walked away from them and I couldn’t help the small angry frown that laid on my face. “let’s go home” I tell Leo.

“why? because your ex fiancee was kissing your neighbour?” Leo asked and I sighed. “I hate that it’s bothering me but I can’t do anything”

“how about one more ride before we leave, I don’t care if you puke” Leo said with a smile.

“if you’re trying to cheer me up, don’t! Cause it won’t work” I said and he laughed. “we’ll see about that” he said and pulled my hand dragging me toward the Ferris wheel.


Leo and I had so much fun, and him trying to cheer me up worked and I couldn’t be more glad, finally we were ready to go home and the day was already getting dark, Leo and I found our way through the crowd and to the gate, we walked out of the amusement park and got in his car, throwing the teady bear at the back seat.

He drove me home and when I got down from his car I started to feel sleepy. “okay goodnight” I wave to him and started to walk inside the building when he called me back.

“aren’t you forgetting something?” he asked, and I gasped.

“yeah my teddy” I said he smiled and brought it out from his car handing it over to me. “so what would you name it?” he asked.

“is it a must?” I asked and he nods.

“I’ll just name it John, one of my dead goldfish when I was in grade six” I said and he laughed.

“okay you’re funny, instead of giving it a dead deceased goldfish name, why not give it Leo. As in me, cause I won it” he said and I scoffed.

“you didn’t want it so I took it and that means I’ll name it Penny” I tell him

“okay since I won it and you took it why not give it, Leopenny” he smiled.

“or PenLeo” I stated.

“no Leopenny” he said

“okay fine, whatever” I rolled my eyes, I don’t need to argue with him its my doll and I can call him whatever I want. And I’m getting sleepy anyway.

I turned to take the teddy and myself to my apartment when I lost my balance falling the teddy bear and me falling on top of the teddy.

“seems like the Teddy’s to heavy for you” Leo laughed.

“can you just help me up” I half yelled and he smiled and helped me up grabbing the teddy, “I’ll carry this up for you” he said.

Leo helped me carry Leopenny or PenLeo or whatever his name is upstairs and to my apartment door and I thanked him and as he dropped the teddy in front of my door.

“no need to thank me” he said and I smiled.

“okay goodnight” I said as I opened my door, and before I knew it Leo pulled my head forward and kissed me.



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