After dropping Penelope in front of her apartment building, she waved goodbye to me and walked inside, while I just watched her go, with her red hair swaying behind her as she walked, I sighed and turned to my front, it’s weird how I find myself around her these days… I started to drive not feeling so good about going home, so I decide to stop at one of my friend’s restaurant to grab a drink before going home… I parked my car in front of the restaurant and walked in .. Sitting down on a table before the door, a waitress walked up to me with a smile,

“what would you like to order sir” she asked. Placing a menu book in front of me. But I shoved it away,

“just give me a glass of water” I said and the way she turned remind me of Penelope.

“waitress.” I called and she turned.

“it’s Sofia” she said flirty.

“yeah sandra, where’s Cosmo?” I asked Cosmo’s my friend who owns this place.

“it’s Sofia and Cosmo is out of town” she replied with a small huff while correcting her name.

“okay.” I said and she walked away.

Someone walked in the door and since I was so close to the door I didn’t have a choice not to look at who walked in.

“Maxwell?” I said surprisingly and his eyes searched for who called him and after a few seconds his eyes landed to me. “Leonard?” he smiled.

He looked the same wearing a washed jean and a white T-shirt..

“whoa, I didn’t think someone like you would be here” he said as we both shook hands. “what is that supposed to mean, aren’t I human?” I laughed as he took a sit opposite me.

“you’re human but you seem like a busy person” he tells me.

“well I used to be a busy person but not anymore” I said and my eyes moved to the waitress Sandy as she walked up to me with my glass of water.

“thanks Sandy” I tell her as I took the water from her.

“it’s Sofia” she huffed angrily and walked away..

“Huh, still got girls wrapped around your finger” Maxwell said and I rolled my eyes.

“how’s everyone, I haven’t heard a word from one person since the fire.

“everyone’s fine,” I replied and took a sip out of my water.

“how’s Kirana?” he asked.

“oh Penelope’s fine” I replied and took another sip.

“I asked of Kirana not Pen” Maxwell smiled and I couldn’t help the small embarrassment that appeared on my face.

“oh well I guess they’re both fine right?” Maxwell asked and I nod.

“but they’ve been stressed out lately, their friend Mason got into an accident and they’ve been watching over him taking turns, and Penelope just started working for me and at the same time gotten a new apartment, trying to move in and still watching over mason, so they’ve been really stressed out.” I explained and Maxwell nodded, .. The door of the restaurant opened and two people walked in making me spit back the water I just sulked in.

Harmony and a tall boy with stupid blonde hair, “excuse me” I tell Maxwell who was talking and stood up.

“harmony!” I called with a smile and when she turned to me it seems like she’d seen a ghost. She quickly whispered something to the dude and they both walked up to me.

“Leo, baby, what are you doing here?” she said through her clenched teeth.

“oh, you know Cosmo owns this place so I decided to come check on him for a while” I replied and kissed her lightly on the lips and moved my mouth closer to her ear and whispered. “think of that as our goodbye kiss” I stood straight and looked at her and the guys sternly.

“won’t you introduce him to me?” I asked, she looked confused for a bit but she quickly composed her self and said.

“this is Steve. He’s my dance tutor, Steve this is Leo my boyfriend” she rushed her words.

“oh you’re the Steve, I guess we must be twins then, sharing the same name, I used to be called Steve but I changed that cause it was a really stupid name and now I guess we’re both sharing the same girl” I stated and harmony face went pale.

“Leo, he’s.. He’s my dance tutor” she said and her voice shook slightly.

“I didn’t know you dance, and how can you dance with this?” I said eyeing her red dress. And then my eyes dart back to hers.

“look it’s complicated” harmony breathed out.

“what the fuck is complicated.” I almost yelled.

“that Steve’s.. Steve..

“you don’t have to think of a lie Harmony,.. I know you’re dating Steve behind my back, I read all the text messages you love birds send to each other, you didn’t think I was that dumb not knowing you were cheating on me? First you lied to me about your meeting when you were actually going on a date with him, I can’t believe you harmony I thought you came back to me to have a fresh start with me, not knowing I was actually sharing you with someone else. Did you even for once think about my feelings for you” I said, and I know I’m being cheesy but who cares, I’m so pissed that I feel like I can tear a mountain into two. .

“okay fine! I came back to you cause I was just jealous, I was jealous of you and that girl, that Pen girl, I hated her being around you” she cried,

I don’t know why the hell she’s crying cause technically, I’m supposed to be the one crying.

“but you knew nothing was going on between us but the jealously never ended, you’re just so selfish harmony, you aren’t the girl I once knew, I spoiled you too much and I hate myself for that, you hated me being around Pen when we both clearly have nothing with each other while you,.. You’re busy having a lot of fun with this guy, you’re clearly a slut harmony, the nation’s lady slut” the moment those words left mouth, heavy tears fell out of her eyes and I know my anger was unstoppable.

“and you,” I said and looked up at the guy. Skeve or leaf whatever his name was..

“I heard you’re working in one of my companies, yeah ‘J-ORB” the moment I mentioned the name of the company he flinched.

“and congratulations, you just got fired” I said angrily and about walking out when I noticed a girl at a corner in the restaurant videoing me. I turned to her fuming in anger and she tried to dispose her phone, but you late, I already caught her. I walked up to her and she moved back with fear..

“did you find what we just did funny?” I asked snatching her from her hands.

“I’m sorry I..i didn’t mean to” she said with quivering Lips.

“well next time you’ll like to mind your own business” I said and smacked her phone on the ground smashing the screen with my shoe, I could hear gasp coming from different corners of the restaurant but i don’t care, when I’m angry, no one, not even a fly can touch me and go scott free.

I walked out of the restaurant and walked outside to my car, I walked in and pulled my phone from my jacket pocket, I called Gideon the guy I put in charge of one of my companies the one Steve works.

“good day boss” Gideon said cheerfully into the phone ..

“Gideon, I’ll like you to do something for me.” I said huskily.

“and what is it sir?” he asked.

“there’s a guy named Steve who works at the company”

“it’s Steve Hughes sir”

“I don’t know his surname, I just know he’s known as Steve, he has blonde hair, he’s 6ft tall I think and–

“that is Steve Hughes sir, he works as the manger of the department of–

“I don’t care of what he works at, I just want him fired!” I said calmly.

“sir, are you sure he’s one of the be–

“don’t question me if you don’t want to get fired too” I yelled.

“yes sir, I’ll do as you wish” he said lowly and I hang up on him.

I didn’t know what to do or where to go so I just place my head on the steering wheel of my car and sighed melancholy.

I baffled with myself on whether to go home or not, and I ended driving to any place my car takes me.



When Leo dropped me home the first thing that came to me was ‘sleep’ i couldn’t think of anything than to sleep cause I was just so tired and I needed to rest like immediately, I’m just getting tired these days and I don’t know why. I removed my shoes and changed my skinny jeans into something comfortable, a baggy sweatpants. I packed my hair up and rolled it into a messy bun, just as I got in my bed and wrapped my self in my blanket, breathing out a sigh of relaxation, I heard a heavy knock that almost knocked my door down.

Who could that be? I thought angrily as I got down from the bed, who’s that, that had to ruin my almost amazing siesta .

I opened the door and was surprised to see Leo standing there and looking angry, I thought he went home.

“what are you doing here?” I asked.

“I.. I don’t know.” he said softly and his angry eyes suddenly soften.

“you don’t?.. Then why are you here–

“can I just come in” he cut me off and I rolled my eyes and opened the door wider for him to enter.

“make yourself at home” I said sarcastically and closed the door as he walked in.

He looked around my room and said “your room’s still kind of empty”

“I know” I mumbled and got back on my bed and pulled my blanket over my body, I looked at Leo as he stood in the middle of my room wondering where to sit when there’s no single chair.

“you’re welcome to sit on the bed” I tell him, he was surprised by it but he moved closer to my bed and sat down at the edge. He rested his elbows on his knees and buried his face in his palm, sighing, I didn’t want to ask what was wrong cause sleep has already start to take over by body, but curiousness leads the best of us.

“what’s wrong” I asked sitting up.

It was like he was waiting for me to ask that cause when I did he suddenly turned to me.

“it’s harmony” he said.

“I broke up with her” he added.

Not surprising but, she doesn’t deserve him.

“I’m sorry” I said in a soothingly way.

“it’s okay, I expected it though, I kind of noticed she was dating someone else behind my back but I didn’t do anything about it” he said.

“oh yeah, Steve” I mumbled to myself

“what did you say?” he suddenly asked.

“I.. Uhm nothing.” I lied

“I thought I heard you say Steve cause that’s the douchebag who’s dating harmony” Leo said In any an angry tone. “actually I kind of knew harmony was cheating on you” I said not feeling the urge to tell the truth, but I just wanted to.

“what do you mean?, were you doubting that her love for me was fake and that she was dating someone behind my back?” he asked but I shook my head negatively

“I never let my mind guess or Doubt her love for you cause..well what do I care, but I found out from Kirana two days ago that she’s actually dating Steve behind your back, I wanted to tell you but Kirana insisted you find out yourself since you think you’re a smarty pants” I said truthfully and he smiled ..”classic Kirana” he mumbled then frowned.

“well you could have at least told me sooner, I had to find out last night cause the Steve kept sending her stupid love messages when she was already fast asleep, so I had to check her phone even if I was invading her privacy but I just had to and that’s when I found out and kept quiet so I could catch them red handed so she wouldn’t deny it” he explained and I sighed.

“well you’ve broken up with her, and that’s not my business, and please I’ll like to have a wonderful time sleeping since you’re okay” I breathed out and slowly lie down pilling the blanket over my body.

“it’s just three in the afternoon and you’re going to bed, you’re such a boring person” he said.

“I know, Kirana tells me that too. She says I just make people feel better when I’m around them, but I’m as boring as fuck, her words not mine, now that I have made you feel better, the door’s that way” I say with my eyes closed and pointing to the direction of the door.

I felt his weight press more to the bed and I opened my eyes to see him laid down on the bed too, his legs still on the ground but his body was on the bed facing up, his eyes closed. I huffed heavily and used my right knee to nudge his head. “hey wake up,!” I half yelled.

“you’re disturbing” he mumbled and placed his hands under his head.

“disturbing? You have a big, house with nice cushions and a big bed and here you are sharing this single tight bed with me” I huffed and smacked a pillow on his face but he didn’t flinch.

“get up! This bed isn’t big enough for two people and you can’t sleep with a girl not after breaking up with your girlfriend” I stated and he smiled slyly making his dimple appear quickly and opened his eyes .

“like anything can happen if the two of us stay in the same bed” he said sarcastically and closed his eyes, closing his smile and dimple and I rolled my eyes. “I don’t care if anything happ– you know what just get lost” I said and pushed his shoulder but his weight was too much and I gave up and sighed laying back on the bed. “you’re pretty stubborn you know that” I mumbled

“not as stubborn as you” he replied.. We both remained quiet and I didn’t know if his eyes was open but nine was and I kept staring at the ceiling until he asked.

“do you think I can ever fall in love again”.

“I’m not you Leo, what do you think”i said and he sighed. “well…. I don’t know” he said and let out another sigh, he suddenly got up and I breathed out taking over the huge space on the bed.

“finally” I said happily making an angel shape with my hands and legs on the bed sheets. He chuckled

“can I show you something?” he asked calmly.

“what now?” I groaned. Like a nine year old.

“just C’mon” he said and grabbed my hand pulling me from the bed, and when I got down I asked. “what?”

He smiled and said “you’ve been tricked, you’re so soft” before I could analyze what he meant by what he just said, he jumped on the bed and took over the bed with his huge body

“you child.” I gasped, using one of my pillow to smack his face again and he couldn’t help but laugh. I don’t know he plays like this.

“you’re easily tricked” he said still laughing and I put on a fake angry face and used all my girly strength to push him from the bed making him roll over and fall to the ground on the other side. “I win.” I said playfully as I got on my bed back. After staying a few seconds I didn’t hear Leo say anything or even stand up from the ground and I got to the other side of the bed and looked down to see him lying hopelessly on the floor and my heart skipped a bit.

“Leo?” I called scaredly and got down from the bed, walking over to him and kneeling beside him.

“Leo?” I called but my voice comes out as a gasp. I shook him lightly but he didn’t move, my heart beat has increased and I was starting to loose my breath, “leo.” I called again and shook him. But no response, I placed my hand under to his nose to see if he was breathing but he wasn’t and my breath hitched.

No he’s not dead. I tell myself, refraining me from crying.

I slowly place my ear on his left chest to hear his heartbeat when he pulled my ear and smiled opening his eyes . “are you crazy” I said, my voice shaking as I stood up and before I knew it the tears poured . He stood up after and his smile faded. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry I just wanted to joke with you for a while” he said soothingly.

“you scared me to death” I said and cleaned my tears.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized with a smile.


I tried to send Leo out of my apartment after the stupid prank he played on me but he still wouldn’t leave and he kept apologizing and smiling which was kind of annoying.. I got on my bed and huffed before giving him my last glare. “Leave before I wake up. And don’t even think of playing another one of your stupid games cause even if you play dead this time, and happens to be dead truly, then that’s it for you cause I’m going to leave you there” I said strictly and he laughed.

“you can’t, you’re Penelope,” he said and I rolled my eyes.

“watch and see then” I mumbled with my eyes closed.. When he didn’t say anything, I opened my eyes and I couldn’t see him where he was standing before, and when I turned, I saw him entering my small balcony and I sighed and laid back on my bed, drifting to sleep.


My eyes fluttered opened and after yawning lightly and stretching a bit, I sat down on my bed and cleaned my eyes, I gabbed my phone which was on my drawer and I checked the time, it six in the evening, I breathed out slowly and stood up from my bed, I so much enjoyed my nap. My ghost almost left my body when I saw a shadow in my balcony, but when the shadow turned it happened to be Leo and I breathed out a sigh of relief.

“you’re still here?” he asked, my voice cracky and low.

“oh.. Yeah,” he said nervously and rubbed his neck. He’s been wandering around my apartment for four hours!

“why didn’t you go home” I asked.

“well I just didn’t feel like going home, I hate being alone” he said and I not understanding what he means, since harmony’s gone it’ll be difficult for him to stay home alone.

“I understand you but it’s kind of creepy for you stay awake and do nothing while I was asleep” I tell him and he nods. “I get it, I’m sorry, it’s just so comfortable in here and your balcony has a nice view and you also get plenty of fresh air.” he replied and I sighed and turned. But suddenly turned back to him. “it’s past dinner time, don’t tell me you’re sleeping here tonight” I said, a little panic in my voice.

“don’t worry, I’m not, I’ll be leaving soon anyway, I just need a bottled water and I’ll be gone,” he said, walked passed me and started to look around my apartment..

“what are you looking for?” i asked, as I trailed behind him every corner he walked to.

“a fridge.” he replied turning to me

“I don’t have one, but I’ll be buying one tomorrow or the day after, after I get my salary, which is tomorrow” I said and he looked at me strangely.

“oh. I’m paying you tomorrow?” he asked and I nod.

“you were waiting this whole time for your salary just so you could buy a fridge” he asked and I nod, again.

“why didn’t you just ask me to get it for you” he said, “because I didn’t want you to, and besides, a fridge isn’t the only thing I need, I still need, a washing machine, and a microwave, so thanks for your offer but I’ll just wait till I get paid, I feel guilty when I ‘ask’ someone for something” I tell him and he sighed and brought his phone out.

“you know what, I’ll just send your salary into your account, right here, right now.” he said tapping his phone screen but I suddenly held his hand and his phone together bringing them down. “don’t. I can wait till tomorrow” I tell him and he nods slowly and I smiled and he shoved his phone into his pocket without smiling.

“okay then, you can leave” I said walking to the door.

“wow you really hate my presence don’t you” he breathed out walking close to the door, where I stood.

“I don’t hate your presence, I hate you” I said dryly and his eyebrows suddenly arched up.

“I was joking, I don’t hate anyone” I said

“not even Richard?” he asked.

“I wish I could hate him” I smiled and he rolled his eyes and opened the door.

“are you sure, you don’t want me to leave?” he asked with a grin.

“I don’t want you to stay, that’s for sure, you need to go home Leo, and have a good rest just because you and harmony have ended things doesn’t mean the world has ended things with you, you still have a life, now get out of my apartment before I get my apartment out of you” I said and he laughed.

“okay, then good night, thank you for your hospitality, I’ll be leaving then” he said formally and I shrugged.

“oh well goodnight.” I muttered.

“and before I leave, I met with Maxwell today and he’s sending his greeting and regard to you and Kirana” he said quickly and closed the door just as I was about to ask more of where and when he met with him. But I let it slide and locked the door. I sighed and went back to my bed,

That night I ate Chinese noodles as my dinner and watched TV till two in the morning, before having another round of sleep.


The next morning I woke up, not feeling to energetic, my body was kind of weak and tired and I was hungry for more sleep. I managed to get out of my bed and walked to my bathroom, stripping my clothes off my body I got in the shower and as the thousand droplet of warm water fall over my body, I breathed out cause it was amazing and it kind of made my sleepiness disappear. I got out of the shower, dried my hair and body before putting on some body lotion, and my causal clothes..

Grabbing my purse and shoving my phone inside, I walked out of my apartment and locked the door placing the key inside my purse, just as I turned I bumped into someone and quickly apologized. “Pen .. It’s okay you don’t have to apologize” I heard ‘that’ familiar voice and looked up to see Richard.

“oh. Okay” I breathed out. And we both stood together awkwardly in the small corridor.

“oh well good morning” I said.

“morning, I see you’re already living here” he breathed out ..”yeah I am” I replied with a smile.

“you’re here to see Olivia right?” I asked not knowing why I asked that, he looked at me a little blown off but he nodded slightly, and I expected my jealous blood to rise up but it didn’t.

“well good luck, I’m off to work” I said, still smiling and I walked away.

,I took the staircase instead of the elevator, I just wanted to exercise my body a bit and when I finally reached the last flight of stairs I was exhausted and regretted taking the stairs.

I walked out of the building and was hugged and welcomed by fresh wind,.. I breathed the fresh air in me and made my journey to Leo’s residence.


I got to Leo’s house and typed in his password but it didn’t work, I thought I missed a number but I realise I didn’t after trying it three more times. So I had to Knock.

My knuckles became weak after knocking on the thick door like four times, and just as I was about knocking the fifth time, the door opened only for me to see Leo standing there looking the same, only he’s wearing a fancy expensive robe and a toothbrush stuck in his mouth.

“really?!! I had to knock seven times for you to open the door” I said increasing the number of time I knocked.

“good morning to you too, and besides you didn’t knock seven times but four” he said and I gasp.

“so you heard it and ignored to open the door for me”

“I didn’t ignore to, I was putting this on” he said motioning his hand around his body.. “whatever” I sighed.

“why did you even change your password?” I asked.

“cause.. He sighed.

“it’s harmony birthday and I don’t want anything to do with harmony so I changed it.” he continued.

“so childish” I rolled my eyes.

“like you still have Richard’s phone number, I know you’d have deleted that” he said.

“I still have his phone number, just because we broke up doesn’t mean we can’t be friends okay now shut up” I said angrily.

“I wasn’t even talking” he blurted.

“well what’s your new password?” I asked.

“” he said.

“16514.. got it” I replied and he nods and walk away. I dropped my purse and walked to his kitchen to make breakfast, the house was harmony free and quiet, it’ll look like I’m a bad person but I’m kind of happy she’s gone..



The day ran by pretty fast and before I knew it, I was thanking Leo and making my way out of his house.

“take care” he waved with a smile as I closed his door,

I caught the bus and made my way home, thankfully Leo had transferred my salary for this month to my account and I can’t wait to make my apartment feel more like a home.

I got home and this time and I didn’t even dare to look at the stairs I just walked in the elevator.

I got to the last floor and finally I was at my doorstep, I brought out my key from my purse and unlocked the door walking in.

I almost walked out of my apartment cause it didn’t seem like mine, so I had to check if I was in the right room and yes I was cause my room number is 207 and it was right, my pictures were still hanging on the wall but aside from that I couldn’t see my TV anymore, I could only see a big plasma vojio TV , and my bed too, wasn’t the single bed I use to snuggle myself in but a huge bed big enough to contain three people, and also taking a lot of space in my not so big apartment. I turned to my kitchen and I gasp as I saw the huge fridge that stood firmly at a corner before you walk in the kitchen, and from the room I could see a shiny microwave that laid beautifully on my kitchen counter. Inside the kitchen

I gasped so loudly almost making my tongue fall back in my throat when I saw a washing machine at the entrance of my balcony.

Who could have done all of this, and how did the person get all this in when I locked my door.

Is it Richard? I thought

But he doesn’t know I need all this. Just as I was rampaging on who did all this I got a text from Leo

Could it be him. I thought

LEO: *are you home?* I read.

ME: *yeah what’s it to you*

LEO: *did you notice any change in your new apartment*

So he’s the one.

ME: *so.. You did all that?”

LEO: *yeah, you’re welcome*

ME: *but this is all just too much* I texted back and waited for some time before I got his message..

LEO: *there’s nothing too much about all that, I got you a fridge so you could have cold drinks and preserve your meal, I got you a new TV cause watching from small TV can make the film boring, I got you a microwave so you could Heat up some fast foods, and I bought you a washing machine so your hands can be free from your laundry, and I bought you a bigger bed so you could not only sleep with so much space around but you can also share… ;)*

I gasped as I read his message.

This guy is unbelievable..


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