My legs became faster than my body as I walk down the road, looking for a cab. Mason was all I could think of, he’s my best friend and I don’t think or want anything to happen to him.

A cab finally stopped in front of me after waving my hand through the heavy air.

“where to ma’am?” the cab driver asked as I got in.

“Breek’s private hospital!” I tell him and he nods and without wasting time he starts to drive…

“please can you go more faster?” I said to driver but he shook his head negatively.

“I’m sorry ma’am I can’t, I don’t want the cops chasing me” he said and I sighed and bit my lips impatiently. I brought my Phone out of my pocket and called Kirana.

“hey” she said cheerfully.

“kira” I called breathlessly.

“you sound off what is it?” she asked in a friendly and concerned tone.

“it’s Mason” I said and noticed my cheek had suddenly became wet from my tears.

“Mason? What ha– are you crying?, what happened.?” she asked.

“he got into an accident” I sniffled out as lowly as ever.

“an accident??!!” she screamed and gasped after that.

“where, when, how,??” she asked breathlessly.

“I don’t know” I cried.

“all I know is the doctor called asking if I was a friend to mason and saying he got into an accident.. I, i just didn’t didn’t want to hear the rest of it and I hang up and now I feel like..

“just breathe Penelope, you’re scared and I can feel it, you’re talking way to quickly and it’s not good, I’m as surprised as you but don’t worry, it’s okay, Mason’s a strong person, nothing will happen to him, I assure you, now just breathe in and stop crying it’s going to be okay, what hospital do you say he is?” Kirana said soothingly

“Breek’s private hos–

“I’ll be there” she cut me off and I breathed out, and noticed I’ve holding my breath.

“just breathe okay! He’s going to be fine, I’ll meet you there” she assured me and hanged up.

I place my phone on my thigh and buried my face in my palm, I hope he’s okay.

Finally we got to the hospital and gave the driver tons of cash, not caring how much it was or even waiting to collect a change.

I hurried in the huge hospital and suddenly I became lost, everything in there was happening so fast everyone was busy and I didn’t know who to walk up to and ask about mason or where to go, I just stood there looking around the hospital.

“yes, put him in room 122” I heard a familiar voice say behinde me and I turned swiftly i an elderly man wearing who was way taller than any other person in the hospital and by his clothing and voice, I assumed he was a doctor and the one who called me earlier..


I paused trying to remember his name

“doctor Ralph!” I called and he turned immediately..

He gave me a confused look, probably confused of who I am and why I called his name.

“it’s me pen the girl you called earlier” I tell him and his eyes suddenly lit up,

“oh you’re the mypen” he smiled.

Oh goodness, I’m not in for jokes right now.

“it’s actually short for Penelope, please how is mason?” I said rushing my words.

“he’s been treated and he’s okay.. Well slightly” the doctor tells me and I got affected by a sudden hiccup, what does he mean by slightly.

“slightly? I don’t understand what you mean, you said he’s okay but you added slightly” I said and was shocked as how my voice came out bossy and demanding.

“he actually got into a car accident on his way back from Texas, when he got to Breek. Well it was a huge accident but thankfully out of seven people three survived and he was among the three, he got a little injury in his head and he fractured his knee bone a little, but his head and knee injury has been treated, he’s resting but don’t worry he’ll wake up soon,” the doctor explained and I felt my eyes getting wet, I quickly cleaned my tears as it poured on my face, he was among the lucky survivors, that makes me happy but I’m still worried.

“are you certain, his injury wasn’t huge a––

“I assure you miss, he’s fine and his injury wasn’t too big of a deal, his head injury was just a small scratch and his knee, well just give that like three weeks or a month and it’ll heal. So there’s nothing to worry about miss”

“can I see him?” I asked immediately.

“he’s actually resting but sure, you can go ahead and see him. He’s in room 122 just go to that direction” he said and pointed an empty passageway.. “thank you” I said and hurried to the directon.

“room, 119, 120, 121, 122..

My breath hitched when I got to the room and I breathed out a sigh of nervousness.

I heard beeping sound coming from the room and I sulk all the air around me in me before walking in the room. My shoulders dropped when I saw Mason lying helplessly on the bed, a huge bandage neatly wrapped around his forehead and his knee wrapped in a bandage too but it seemed like something was slipped inside before they wrapped the bandage. The hospital cloth he was wearing was stained with a little blood at the neck side and I sighed and walked up to the bed and sat down on a chair beside the chair.

“Mason!.. I hope you’re really okay” I said and held his hand which wasn’t occupied like the other one which was filled with a plaster, a needle and a small transparent rope line that connected his hand and an intravenous drip.. I bent my head down and sighed, with only my breathing, a beeping sound and the sound of Mason’s breathing could be heard in the room and with that I tell him.

‘don’t worry, I’ll wait here until you wake up’.



I got home safely from pen’s new apartment, and truth be told I really didn’t want to leave but I was needed by harmony.

I walked inside my house and immediately two tiny hands hugged me and I smiled and hugged her back.

“where did you go?” harmony asked pulling away from the hug.

“oh, I uhh.. I went to Penelope’s new apartment” I said truthfully and her brows furrowed.

“really? Penelope?? Leo, why would you go there” she whined like a five year old.

“to help her get the stuff done” I said and tilt my head my head in confusion, replaying the meaningless thing I just said in my head.

“to get the stuff done? What is that supposed to mean?” she asked angrily, folding her arms.

“I mean, to help her in arranging her stuff cause she’s moving into a new apartment” I explained better, but either way my girlfriend didn’t like that.

“why would you help, doesn’t she have a friend who can help her with that or a boyfriend, why is she bothering you.”

“she’s not bothering me, I went there myself, and she has a lot of friends is just that none of them are here right now” I tell her.

“and you’re the only one available” she rolled her eyes and looked away.

“I don’t get why you hate Penelope so much, but I’m sorry, okay?” I said sweetly and her rues slowly dart back to me..

“whatever” she rolled her eyes again.

“how was the family meeting?” I asked her changing the subject, actually I’m not changing the subject cause it seems we’re already done talking about that, and I’ve wanted to ask her about the family since this morning she said she was leaving.

“what family meeting?” she asked with a befuddled look.

“the family meeting you told me you were going to this morning” I said slowly, how can she forget what she just came back from.

“I didn’t attend any fam–– oh yeah right the family meeting, yeah I almost forgot about that.” she said and breathed out a nervous laugh.

“how can you forget, you just came back from there” I said, a little bit pissed is she lying to me or what!.

“w-well there’s just too much going on and I don’t know how I forgot about the family meeting but it wasn’t that bad, but you know how our family meetings always end up, there’s always a brawl” she said and got close to me and wrapped her hand around my waist resting her head on my chest.

“can you take me upstairs? I’m tired” she said and brought her face up to mine and standing on her toe to reach my height. She was about to kiss me but I quickly moved my head back making her completely shocked by my act and I was also surprised by my act, why did I do that? I asked myself..

“did you just ignored my kiss?” she asked surprisingly. Even I don’t know why I did that.

“i-i-i.. Honestly don’t know why I did that” I tell her.

“you don’t love me anymore?” she asked with a sad look and let’s go of my waist.

“no.. No don’t think that way, I still love you” I smiled and placed her hand back on my waist. “then why’d you do that, ignored my kiss? Leo that is the most hurtful thing you’ve ever done to me” she said sadly her eyes getting misty.

“look harmony, I’m sorry I won’t do that again, I promise.” I said and leaned closer to her and kissed her forehead, nose and lips.

“there, you see.. I didn’t ignore that, instead I invented that” I said and she rolled her eyes.

“just take me upstairs” she said and I nodded and placed my hand around her waist and we both walked upstairs together. My mental screen suddenly gave me a glimpse of Pen and I smiled to myself, I hope she’s doing okay with that Olivia girl.

“why are you smiling?” harmony asked me.

“was I smiling,?” I asked and she rolled her eyes.

Funny, remembering pen is just making me smile.

Classic. **



I was already feeling sleepy cause it’s been an hours since I’ve been waiting for Mason to wake up, and still he’s still not showing any sign of waking up, suddenly the door open widely and Kirana walked in looking tired, her hair in a messy bun, her buttoned white shirt ruffled and her tight mini black skirt..well nothing was wrong with her skirt but with the way her shirt, and hair was, you’ll know she’s tired.

She gasped seeing mason and dripped her back at a small cabinet beside the door.

“don’t worry he’s going to be okay” I tell her.

“I know” she breathed out, I told her what the doctor told me about the accident and she smiled.

“he is going to be okay, cause he’s a lucky person and always has been”

We both stared at him for while, his brown hair was pushed back so the bandage could rest and his face looked pale while and so did his lips.. He had a very small cut on his stomach, but not ruining his complete six packs..

“what are you looking at?” Kirana asked as she caught my eyes on his body. “I was loo–

“don’t tell me you’ll drooling over his body, now that’s he’s injured, you didn’t drool over his body when he was okay but drool over them now that he’s injured” Kirana said and my eyes glared at her.

“shut up Kira, I was looking at these small cuts” I said and pointed at them.

“oh” she breathed out.

“Mason’s body is beautiful but I don’t fall for bodies, I fall for you” I said and Kirana snorted out a laugh.

“sorry,” she apologized when I gave her a look. I laughed too cause seeing the funny look she held, I couldn’t resist. Sometimes having funny and playful friends are the best cause even your hardest time, they still make you remember the word ‘smile’..

Mason’s hand move slightly under my touch and immediately my eyes went to his face and slowly his eyes started to blink with them still being closed and slowly his eyes fluttered open, making me and Kirana gasped in happiness.

“mason!” we both called out happily.


Mason’s eyes fluttered open and it took him like ten second to observe the place he was, while Kirana and I watched him as he carefully move his eye ball from side to side.

“are you blind?” Kirana asked suddenly when he blinked his eyes twice. I gave Kirana a look but she just rolled her eyes at me

“can’t you see the way his eyes are going, what if he’s blind” Kirana whisperers to me.

“you joke with everything” I whisper.

“I’m not joking” she half yelled and I immediately shunned her.

“are you trying to give him a heart attack by yelling.” I whispered yelled.

“I didn’t mean to” she replied back with a whisper. We both turned and found ‘our’ Mason staring at us with a blank expression on his face.

“Mason?” we both called together and gave each other a brief look.

“are you awake?” I asked and Kirana nudged me.

“he’s awake and you’re still asking if he’s awake, are you dumb”

“his eyes can be open but it’s still possible for him to be asleep” I said and Kirana rolled her eyes. We both turned back to mason and he held on a small smile that made our heart melted.

He is okay.

“okay maybe I should go get the Doctor” Kirana said and I nod, while she walked out. I smiled back at Mason and held his hand.

“are you felling any pain?” I asked.

“a little bit.” he said but his voice comes out as a small and low whisper, and then he starts to cough. “oh my god, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cough” I rushed my word and rubbed his hand and when he stopped coughing he sighed.

“I’m sorry,” I breathed out.

Kirana and doctor Ralph walked inside the hospital room and Kirana walked up to me and stood still while the doctor walked to the other side of the bed and pulled out a syringe from nowhere, filled with yellow liquid and he inserted the yellow liquid into his drip from the syringe.

“there” he said and dropped the syringe on a tray. Mason kept looking at the Doctor maybe feeling a little confused

“mason, finally you’re awake, both of your friends have been waiting for that, in case you’re wondering where you are, you’re in a hospital and you got into an accident, but don’t worry you’ll be fine and what you just need today is enough rest and also you’re not allowed to talk today till you’re feeling strong enough unless you’ll end up coughing out blood” the Doctor said dryly and I turned my head away.

I made him talk.

“okay till then,.. He said and turned to us.

“don’t make him talk, until tomorrow just make him rest, I’ll take my leave first” the doctor said and walked out.

“heard that pretty boy?, you’re not allowed to talk” Kirana said with a tint of humour in her voice, while Mason just gave her a small smile.

Mason turned to me and kept staring at me, and it seems like he wanted to say something.

“if you have anything to say, just let it go for today and tell me tomorrow okay?” I said and I didn’t know if that was a nod he gave me or his adjusted head cause he was uncomfortable.

But I’ll take that as a nod.

I was supposed to be moving in my apartment today but due to mason, I think I’ll be cancelling that, I wonder how Olivia and my open apartment are doing. I sighed thinking about that and Kirana tilt her head at me.

“what’s wrong?”

“I’m supposed to be moving in my apartment today but I had to pause that ’cause of Mason” I sighed.

“well I don’t see how he’s stopping you from going back to your apartment, you can go and I’ll stay with him” Kirana tells me.

“no it’s okay, I’ll stay, you go, you had to take excuse from work, you’ll get fired because of him, just go and I’ll stay” I replied.

“really? Get fired?, pen! Leo owns where I work, aren’t you two like dating or something, you just have to seduce him and tell him not to make them fire me” Kirana said and winked at me.

“seriously, you think so dirty, what the hell would make you think I’m dating Leo, and besides he and his girlfriend are back together” I said and she looked at me bewilderingly

“girlfriend? Who’s that?” she asked.

“who else harmony!” I replied.

“harmony?” she repeated.

Why is she surprised

“yeah Harmony.” I said.

“but harmony’s dating Steve” she breathed out.

“who’s Steve? She’s already back with Leo” I tell her.

“she went on a date with him today, Steve hangs around our department in the company like everyday, waiting for harmony to show up and also she came to him this morning and they both went out on a date” Kirana explained and I gasped. So does this mean harmony is cheating on Leo.

Poor Leo.

“but how do you know all of this” I asked Kirana.

“didn’t I just explain that Steve hangs around our company like everyday waiting for his precious harmony, sometimes they make out in front of us. And also aside from Leo who comes to the company regularly before, but not anymore and me, harmony knows no-one but me and Steve and she hates making new friends, so anything going between she and Steve, she’s the talker and I’m the listener. She always tells me how sweet and funny Steve is and how cute he is when he eats , but all those just seemed uninteresting to me cause, she’s dating another boy after dating Leo and I didn’t see her any of that concerned me. But now it just became a whole interesting cause she’s both dating Leo and Steve.”

I sighed and shook my head negatively. “that girl is the most heartless being on earth” I breathed out.

“no kidding” Kirana said.

“so what now, I feel sorry for Leo, do you think we should tell him?” I asked.

“no.. Don’t. He’s always acting like a smarty pants around me, I wonder how wise he is, if he’s wise enough, he’ll notice his girl is cheating on him.” Kirana said and I nod.

“but I’m not sure if I can keep my mouth shut about it around him” I said and Kirana rolled her eyes at me.

“you’re pathetic” she said.

“anyway you can leave and I’ll watch over your boyfriend for you” she said referring to mason who has been listening to our conversation the whole time but unable to say anything..

“when it comes to you, everyone’s my boyfriend” I said and she laughed.

“okay then, Mason I’ll be taking my leave” I said standing up but with a little bit of strength he held my hand that was still in his hand. “I’ll be back” I say and slipped my hand out of his light grip.

I’m so glad he’s okay.

“okay then, I’ll see you tomorrow?” Kirana said and I nod and waved at mason and her before turning to leave.

“you’re stuck here with me now, so don’t act like the old mason or else I’ll break your other knee” I hear Kirana said to Mason and I smiled before walking out. She’s good with threat but not with action.

With a breath of relief, I took a taxi and went back to my apartment, my stuff were still half arranged and Olivia was still sitting on the spot I left her, and I suddenly felt sorry for leaving her.

“Penelope!” she said seeing me and stood up.

“sorry, I had to tend to something” I said but she still wore a sad face,

“my friend got into an accident” I explained better and she gasped.. “oh my god, I’m so sorry” she breathed out.

“it’s okay, cause he’s fine” I smiled.

With the help of olivia, I got my things arranged and later the pickup truck came back with the rest of my stuff including my bed.


It was evening time and I was almost done setting my apartment, and lastly it was my bed after setting everything and all, I thanked Olivia.

“you don’t need to thank me, I’m not returning the favours you did for me that day” she said and I pulled her into a hug,

“well I don’t care cause I know I wouldn’t have finished everything today without your help” I said and we both disengage from our hug.

“well this is great cause we can both see each other more often, and I also didn’t tell you, my apartment is opposite yours” she said and I smiled. “that’s fantastic”. “but even though you’re done with arranging your apartment, it’s still a little bit empty” Olivia said.

“yeah, I Know, I still need to save up to buy, a mini fridge, a cooker, a microwave and a wishing machine” I replied and she nods.

“well If you need to warm up your food, or do your laundry or anything, you can always Borrow mine” Olivia offered and I nod and thanked her. It’s almost the end of the month and I’ll be getting my salary soon, and I think my salary is going to cover everything I need, so there’s no need to use any of Olivia’s stuff, she’s way to nice and I appreciate that.

Before leaving my apartment, she invited me to come over her apartment later this night so we can both watch a movie together and how could I say no to that, even though I’m as tired as ever.

I laid on my bed and sighed, I stared at the ceiling but closed my eyes cause it feels unfamiliar to me, I got up from my bed and pulled my clothes off my body before walking into the bathroom.. I took a long bath before taking my pajamas and putting them on.. I called my mom and told her everything that happened today, and how I’ve gotten my apartment ready already through the help of olive, but I left Mason’s Part out, I don’t want anyone worried.

Later that night I fulfilled my promise by going over to Olivia’s and having a movie marathon with her, her apartment was nice warm and cozy, covered in all yellow and I assumed her favourite colours were yellow. After the movie with her, I went back to my own cold room and went to bed.

The next morning, I woke up and while taking my bath, I thought of going to work before going to Mason and I aceded to that thought..

I put on something casual and before I knew it, I saw myself in the bus stop waiting for the bus, as usual, while I was inside the bus. The thought of having to face harmony made my fingers twitch on its own and I just had to control my anger that was already booming because of her.

I got to Leo’s residence and typed in the password and walked in. I met Leo coming down the stairs. He saw me and smiled.

“good morning” he said.

“good morning” I smiled back, look at him being all happy not knowing his girlfriend is cheating on him..

So sad.

“so.. sorry, I had to leave yesterday, harmony was freaking out cause I wasn’t home” Leo said,

So she was freaking out just because he wasn’t around, when she went out with a dude name steve.

“oh no it’s okay, I actually left after you left, cause. Well mason got into an accident” I tell him

“mason?” he asked. Surprised

“yeah, he got in an accident yesterday in Breek on his way back from Texas, he got a small injury on his head and dislocated a bone in his knee but it’ll heal in no time and he’s alright” I tell Leo and he sighed.

“that’s.. That doesn’t sound good either, if you’re here, then one of his family members but be there right?” he asked

“No. None of his family members know about this but Kirana’s with him” I pondered.

“Kirana? Are you sure she’s not going to add more to his injury?” he asked but I just smiled.. “no Kirana and Mason may fight all the time but they don’t hate each other,”

“okay, that’s good to hear, what hospital was he admitted to, I’m going to see him today”

“I’ll be going there to, so instead of telling you let’s just go there together” I said and he nods.

“go where together??” I heard harmony voice called.. I thought she was dead.

“oh our friend got into an accident and we’ll be going to see him together” Leo replied Her.

“and who’s this friend that you speak of that I don’t know” harmony asked

“mason, cause you don’t know him” Leo said and harmony huffed, she quickly looked at her phone, cause it buzzed, she became lost in it and after some time she raised up her head.

“when are you guys going?” she suddenly asked.

“uhm… .. Leo hummed and tired to me.

“after breakfast” I replied for him.

“perfect, I’ll be going out too” she said and start to walk away.

“babe.. I’m going to take a shower first” she announced as she happily walked upstairs.

“okay” Leo yelled back.

Look at her, I know she’s going to get ready to meet Steve, poor Leo, clueless about Harmony.


That morning I made breakfast, and also asked for permission from Leo to make breakfast for Mason too. And just like I expected he agreed.

After having my own breakfast in the living room and leaving harmony and Leo to eat theirs in the dining room, I packed Mason’s breakfast. And placed it in a paper bag, leaving it in the kitchen..

I walked out of the kitchen and bumped into Leo and apologized.

“aren’t you getting ready? We’ll be leaving soon” I said.

“I will” he replied. “where’s harmony?” I asked.

“oh she’s upstairs getting ready to go meet her friend” he tells me and I scoffed

“friend or you mean Steve” I muttered lowly to myself.

“what?” he asked,

“uhm nothing, just go get ready” I said and he nods and turned to go, when harmony starts to walk down the stairs, dressed in all red, her hair down and styled into big curly waves, her strappy heals were red and almost seven inches in height, her red dress glued to her body exposing her small curves and her lips filled with red lipstick.

“you’re dressed like that Just to meet a friend?” Leo asked. Walking close to her

“yeah, my friend has a good sense of fashion and she’s really judg-ey when it comes to dressing” she lied, I know she’s going to meet Steve.

“uh okay.” Leo said, she smiled and pecked Leo before walking away, while Leo just watched her go. He sighed and walked upstairs. While I shook my head negatively pitying Leo.

Finally Leo got dressed, still in all black looking like a grim reaper as always, and I thought we were going to take the bus or a cab to the hospital but Leo reminded me he has a car, while I just laughed and got in.

We got into hospital and it was like Leo had this dark aura around him cause of the way people were staring at him was weird like he was about to bring them bad luck.

Note. Dressing in all black isn’t nice, I try to tell him that.

We got into the room Mason was and Leo had that same expression Kirana had when she walked in. Kirana was looking tired sitting my the bed side staring at mason she noticed us and quickly jumped to her feet.

“oh thank god! You’re here, I can finally go home” she said hugging me. I laughed as she pulled away from me cause she was looking pale and sick. “I’m feeling like the one who got into an accident cause Mason couldn’t sleep last night and I had to stay up all night talking about things I don’t want to talk about even though he’s not allowed to talk, but thank god he’s alseep and you guys are here, I’ll be going home to get a shower..” she said and without wasting time, she grabbed her bag and walked out.

Immediately I sat down Mason’s eyes fluttered open like he sensed my presence and he smiled seeing Leo and I.

Leo sat down on a chair , at the other side of the bed opposite me. “hey” I smiled at mason.

“thank god you guys are here” mason breathed out and I smiled cause he can talk without any side effects.

“why? Was Kirana giving you a hard time?” I giggled.

“kind of.. She kept telling me how dumb I am” mason complained and I laughed even more. . He turned to Leo and they both gave each other a guy-ish greeting and Leo asked him if he was feeling any pain, but he just said, a little bit.

“we brought you food” I said pulling up the paper bag to his face and he smiled. “thanks guys” he breathed out.

I brought out the food from the paper bag and turned to him.

“you’re going to sit up and eat, do you want me to help you sit up?” I asked. “don’t worry I can manage” he said and pressed both of his hand on the bed and slowly starts to move his body up, it was like he was loosing balance but was quickly assisted my leo. “thanks man” mason said and sighed.

“I feel like a total prick” mason sighed.

“don’t say that” I said sympathetically. But he just sighed in return.

“here” I said and handed him his food, he took it from me but it seems like his hands were shaking a bit, so I just took it from him anyway. “don’t worry.. I’ll.. I’ll feed you” I said and grabbed the fork.

“it’s okay pen I can mana–

“no I’ll feed you” I tell him and stabbed a bacon and brought it to his mouth, but he shyly brought his head down .

“I’m sorry pen, I’m just being a burden to you” he said and I gasped softly. And used my index finger to lift his chin up so he’ll look at me.

“listen to me mason, you’ll never be a burden to me, so don’t you ever say you’re a burden to me” I moved the bacon closer to his mouth and he slowly open his mouth

“is he supposed to eat bacon, didn’t he hurt his head” Leo asked and he was right, bacon will be too hard for his teeth and it’ll affect his head.

“no it’s okay, as long as Penelope made it I’ll eat it” mason said and took the whole thing in his mouth. “oh” I breathed out and touched the bandage on his head, “doesn’t it hurt?” I asked. But he shook his head negatively.

“okay then,” I said and continue feeding him, I mistakenly placed the food on his cheek instead of putting it close to his mouth

“oops! Sorry” I laughed and so did he. I felt a stare coming from the other side of the room and found Leo staring at me.. Actually ‘us’ mason and I, he held this sad but agony and enthusiastic look that made me wonder what was wrong.

“what’s wrong” I asked.

“nothing” he smiled.

As I kept on feeding mason, I could still feel his Stare.


Mason was done eating, and later a doctor came and injected his drip and walked out, while Mason sighed and Laid down on the bed.

“so how’s your new apartment coming out?” mason asked and held my hand which was on his side by the bed and I looked at it before looking at him.

“it’s coming out fine, I’ve manged to get everything arranged and I slept there yesterday all thanks to Olivia” I said.

“olivia? She helped you?” Leo asked and I nod.

“who’s Olivia?” Mason asked.

“long story” I breathed out.

“I’m all ears” he tells me and I sighed.

“she’s a girl who I accidentally met at a bus and also ended up paying for her cause she wasn’t with any money, and also the girl who happened to be around Richard lately and lastly, which happened to be that she’s my neighbor next door.” I rushed my words and Mason nodded..

“so aren’t you going to call anyone from home and tell them what happened?” I asked taking his phone, which had a big broken mark at the screen.

“no I don’t want them worried, actually my mom doesn’t really care, so If it’s anyone who cares, it’s Amanda and I don’t want her worried” he said and I gave him a look of sympathy and sighed..

“well anyway we’re here for you” I said and flashed a smile, the three of us talked for a while before Mason started to doze and he fell asleep. Leaving Leo and I to do the talking. We both talked about a lot of things, from one thing which led to another thing, and just then Kirana walked in the door, and she looked okay likewise hours ago before she left here looking a vampire bait. She’s changed her clothes into a black skinny jeans and a white buttoned T-shirt which saw tucked in stylishly. Her hair was down and she looked alive.

“I brought lunch.” she said happily and wiggled the bag she held in her hand.

“thank goodness I’m starving” Leo said with a sigh.

“uh.. I didn’t bring it for you or you,.. She said referring the other you to me.

“it’s for Mason.” she finished.

“so now you cook for Mason but not for me?” I said and I rolled my eyes.

“it’s because his sick” Kirana said as she dropped her bag on a huge cabinet beside the bed.

“or there’s more to that” I said and gave her a sly smile.. “it’s dumb when you try to act like me” she rolled her and motioned her hand around her body..

She sat down beside me and stared at him with a sigh, “look at him looking so peaceful, like he’s not a trouble maker,” she said and I giggled.

“Oh, I almost forgot, Mason said you called him all sort of names and said you used abusive words at him , when you two were alone yesterday and when he couldn’t talk” I tell Kirana and she suddenly held an innocent look.

“I was just telling him what he acts and looks like, look at him, doesn’t he look like an troll to you,” Kirana said and nudged her.

“you say mean things too much,” I said and she smiled. “that’s why I’m Kira, I give people what they don’t want of though it’s what they really are,, for example like Leo” she said and turned to him.

“Leo, you look all strong, wicked, wise and bold, but in truth, you’re a actually a softie who got nothing up here” she said and pointed to his head.

“and you also look like first person to commit the world’s first sin” Kirana added but Leo just arched his brows at her, not being affected by her words. And that made me laugh, cause she’s trying to get into his skin but he’s not being affected by it.. Kirana glance at me and gave me a brief glare before saying,

“and also like you Penn, people see you as this nice and innocent girl, when you’re actually this….

Kirana paused when I gave a an odious look.

“when you’re actually an angel” she quickly added and I rolled my eyes and looked away.

I stood up and tucked both sides of my hair behind my ear and stretched my hands bit.

“well since you’re here, I’ll be leaving then, even if I’m done with arranging my apartment, there’s still some petty things I need to do so I’ll be leaving.” I said and Leo stood up too.

“I’ll be taking my Leave too” Leo said and Kirana mischievously grinned at him. Which was creepy and he moved back a bit.

“what?” he asked her.

“is it because our dear Penn is leaving that’s why you want to leave too??” Kirana said and Leo hiccuped. “I w-was planing to le…leave before her, alrea..already” Leo stutter and I couldn’t help but wonder what the hell was wrong with him.

“what’s with the stuttering” Kirana laughed.

“are you afraid, I’m going to find your little secret of having a crush on pen.” Kirana said playfully with another mischievous smile and I pushed her head forward, “stop saying gibberish” I snapped.

“hey I was just joking, you didn’t have to take it all on my head, it took me an hour to get this waves done” she and touched her hair slowly..

“since you’re leaving then, should we go together?” I asked.

“sure.” he replied and looked away, what’s wrong with him.

“pen and Leo sitting on tree K. I. S. S. I–

“what’s wrong with you,” I yelled at Kirana who started singing rubbish all of a sudden.

“like I always say, I’m joking.. I’m always joking, now get out of here before Mason wakes up and see you leaving with him.” she replied and sighed.

See me leaving with him’.. Why did she say that.?

“what do you mean by See Me leaving with him.?” I blurted out my mind.

“uhm….. nothing. She said and looked away. I rolled my eyes and glance at Leo, who was lost thinking about something.

“Leo?” I said lowly and his head immediately snapped up at me.

“we can go now” I tell him and he nods and walled up to the door with me following him.

“Kirana don’t let him eat by himself and feed him cause his hands are still a little bit shaky” I instructed.

“Eww, what am I, his mother?” she said disgustingly

“you’re not his mother but a good friend,” I replied before walking out and closing the door behind me.

I didn’t see any trace of Leo inside the hospital and I assumed he might be outside. And I was right, when I walked out I saw him resting on his car and still lost in thoughts.

“you okay?” I asked as I got close to him and he finally noticed me and said. “uhm yeah, I am”

“get in” he said and I nod and was about opening his car door for my self not knowing he was about to open it for me too and we both bumped our head together, it was painful but at the same time it was funny, so we both fell out laughing.

“sorry” we both apologized the same time and I finally opened the door by myself and got in. He went to the other side of the car and got into the driver’s seat.

“your apartment right?” he asked and I nod. He starts the car and started to drive while I just turned my head to the window and watched other cars and motorcycle pass by.



Still in the hospital watching Mason and his annoying body lie peacefully on the hospital bed. I kept sighing cause I was bored, so I bought out my phone to keep myself busy by streaming down my favorite YouTube channel..

Just as I was about clicking on a video which would look pretty interesting to watch, I heard a heavy breathing. And I looked up to see Mason’s eye open slowly, he looked around slowly and his eyes dart back to me.

“where’s pen?” that was the first thing he asked.

Just like I expected.

“Penn’s not here, she left with Leo a while a ago” I said and his face was suddenly filled with sadness and disappointment.

“don’t worry, she had to go check on something she’ll be back, since she’s the only one you seem to care about” I said and he sighed.

“so I Brought lunch,” I tell him.

“I’m not hungry” he muttered lowly.

This dude has got to be kidding me.

“okay. damn you Mace, I spent almost an hour making this food for you just so I can be the ‘good friend’ Pen says I am to you and you’re just going to reject it just because it’s not Pen who made it.” I said with a bit of anger.

“it’s not that, I’m just not hungry,” he said. melancholy,

“you better be, cause I didn’t make this food for nothing, it’s either you eat, or I break your other knee.. And I’m not joking this time” I threatened.

“Kirana can’t you at least be like Penelope for once” he sighed and I rolled my eyes and stood up.

“she’s Penelope, and I’m Kirana, we both can’t be the same person” I said and pulled his lunch from the bag I brought.

“C’mon get up, you’re eating.” I said and he didn’t argue with me, he just slowly get up and sit himself up.

I placed ‘his’ food in front of him and held the spoon.

“do you want me to feed you?” I asked, holding the urge to puke as I asked that. I don’t want to feed him I just want to see if he’d agree for me to feed him.

“no thanks, I can eat myself” he said and took the spoon from me, just like I expected.

“so your hands aren’t shaky when you’re around me but are mysteriously shaky when you’re around pen,?” I asked but he just remaind quiet.

He started to eat in silence not wanting to start or have a conversation with me. So i blurted out what’s on his mind.

“I know you have feelings for pen”

His head suddenly turned to me and I raised my eyebrows at him and he sighed and turned back to his food..

“is it that obvious?” he asked lowly.

“yes it is. I don’t know how dumb Penelope is that she hasn’t figure that out yet, but I have, I mean, you wouldn’t miss a day without wanting to see or talk to her, and you ask of her like all the time, and you saved her number as my pen, in your phone it’s not like she’s your property or something, but aside from those proofs of mine that you have feelings for pen, someone can easily tell you actually have feelings for her” I tell him but he just continued to eat without talking. So I asked

“so when did it all start? When did those feeling’s arrive?”

“i..i.. I don’t know” he replied.

“you don’t?” I asked.

“maybe it’s when she and Richard ended things, I tried to stop it but it just kept coming and it’s actually hurting, I don’t think she’ll ever return those Feelings, I don’t think she’ll ever come around. That’s why I treasure every moment I spend with her” he said and sighed while I just looked at him sympathetically.

I wanted to yell and scream at him to get rid of those feelings because Penelope’s never going to come around but I just kept calm and quiet cause if I do it may cause more pain and illness to the situation, he’s already and I don’t want that, no one wants that.

So instead I said “don’t worry she’ll come around”, I tapped his shoulder, it seems like he suddenly lost his appetite cause he stopped eating, cause what I just said seemed like the biggest lie of all time,.. “please, don’t lie to me, to make me feel better” he breathed out and his voice seemed shaky. And I pitied him

But it’s sad, loving someone you aren’t supposed to be in love with. I placed my hand around his neck and hugged him from behind,

“I’m sorry” I breathed.

But she’s never going to come around.


T. B. C


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