Leo opened his door widely for Mason to enter and he looked happy that Mason’s here, well what do I care, it’s like it’s my house for me to be aganst visit.

“hey pen!” mason called

“I didn’t know you’d be here, what are you doing here?” he asked and I sighed and turned to him.

“like you don’t know” I said and rolled my eyes.

“oh yeah, I remember now, you’re working here now” he said and I rolled my eyes at him again.

“what are you doing here anyway?” I asked.

“my sister’s still in charge of my work and I’m free so I came here to see Leo.” he said and I shook my head negatively and looked away.

“what is wrong with that?”he asked but I didn’t give him a reply.

“wish you could’ve come here earlier, cause you just missed breakfast” Leo said and I scoffed he’s no nice, it’s not a bad thing that he’s nice, but if anyone’s showing off their kindness, they shouldn’t show it to this dweeb mason.

“well it’s okay, I ate some sweets on my way and that’s my breakfast” mason said and I sighed, boys don’t care what they eat.

Mason sat down on a single couch opposite the one Leo and I were seated and the three of us suddenly became quiet. And I remembered yesterday,

“Mason, yeah I forgot to ask, why did you suddenly left all of a sudden In the middle of our little game of truth or dare?” I asked

“oh yeah about that, I have no idea too” he replied,

“weirdo” I mumbled and he smiled. Suddenly he turned to Leo and they started to talk about a movie, I didn’t even know if they were talking about a movie, or soccer game or a video game cause it all rhymed and it was boring me to death, and before I know it, I started to doze and I had no idea when I fell asleep..


I opened my eyes with the familiar smell of Leo’s couch and my eyes suddenly snapped to its widest when I realised I fell asleep on Leo’s couch. I was not supposed to sleep.

I quickly sit properly and found Mason on staring at me with his phone in his hand,

“did I wake you up?” he asked

“I don’t know.. And why are you still here,” I said and turned to my side but I didn’t see Leo.

“where’s Leo?” I asked.

“he’s outside talking to someone” mason replied.

I noticed the sun was out and I quickly stood up. I looked around for a wall clock to know what time is it but I couldn’t fine. So I asked Mason

“it’s 3:44pm” he replied and I gasped.. I’m done. I’m supposed to make lunch for Leo at three o’clock, but now I slept for so long that I forgot.

Damn it, I’m going to loose my job.

“while I was asleep, did he complain about me being asleep” I asked,

“not really, he even suggested we wake you up so you can go upstairs to the guest room, so you can sleep more comfortable, but I told him not to” mason replied and my brows arched.

“really? He said that!”

“yeah, what are you so worried about” mason said and I sighed and sat down back on the couch.

“I’m worried of getting fired,” I answered.

“worried of getting fired?? I don’t think you’ll ever get fired” mason smiled.

“what are you talking about?” I asked.

“like I told you before, you working isn’t something he’s counting as a job, he’s Just doing it so he can help you without you getting the idea of that” he replied and I rolled my eyes.

“yeah right. Mr know it all” I said sarcastically while he just shrugged and said “you’ll see”.

Leo walked in with a worried face and sighed after closing the door and I quickly stood up.

“I’m sorry I suddenly slept!” I yelled awkwardly and he paused as he walked closer to us while Mason just laughed.

“actually it’s okay, I forced you to wake up six in the morning and you didn’t sleep well so you just had to continue that here, so it’s not your fault” Leo said and I smiled…

Oh thank god he’s not mad.

“I know it’s a little bit past lunch time but what do you want me to make for you?” I asked nicely,

He said still thinking for a while but he had nothing, so he turned to Mason who was busy with his phone.

“Mason, what meal do you think is the best for lunch?” Leo asked and I turned to Mason who suddenly gave me a mocking smile.

“for me I think pasta is alright” he said and I rolled my eyes at him.. I turned to Leo to see if he agrees with what this goofballs is suggesting, and when he nodded. I know I’m making pasta for lunch, I glanced at mason and he was still giving me that stupid mocking smile, so I pulled his hand and dragged him to the kitchen with me.

“since you’re the one who suggested pasta, you’re going to help me make it” I said as we got into the kitchen.

“what the hell.. No I’m not” he blurted out.

“yes you are! I know the reason you came here today is because you know I’ll be starting my job today and you just can’t wait to sabotage it so I can get fired” I whispered yelled.. And he sighed and rests his body on the fancy looking kitchen counter.

“Leo can never fire you, and that’s not the reason I came here today” mason said defended.

“yeah right? Keep telling yourself that.” I said and picked out a small pot.

“I don’t think you’ll even have the strength to bicker with me if you know the real reason I came here”

“you know what, I don’t want to know, just help me with the stove okay?” I said in a flamboyant way and he shook his head negatively and did what I said.

Even though Mason’s kind of annoying sometimes he’s a good listener, he obeys what I tell him to do actually and while talking and cooking, we were done in no time.

“okay now, go set these plates on the dining table in the dinning room” I ordered handing him some fine ceramics plates.. He was about taking them but then paused.

“there’s something in your hair” he said walking to touch my hair but I moved my hair back and pushed the plate towards him.

“leave the ‘something’ on my hair and help me set these plates” I said but he insisted on removing the ‘thing’ on my hair, I thought he was about taking the plates from my hand but his hand moved so quickly to my hair that the plates from my hand and crashed on the floor and a loud a loud gasped escaped my lips.

“are you trying to kill me?!!” I yelled.

“I’m sorry I didn’t know you were giving it to me.” he apologized. “you didn’t know?!! I was clearly shoving them at you and still you didn’t know I was giving them to you!!” I yelled angrily and he flinched a bit.

I bent down angrily and started to pick the broken plates but unfortunately one pricked my forefinger and I squeaked.

“are you okay?” Mason suddenly asked.

“I’m fine” I breathed out angrily, feeling dizzy at the sight of my blood.

“don’t worry I’ll get get the broken plates, you just re–

“what happened??” Leo’s voice suddenly interrupted Mason..

I quickly stood up and start to apologize.

“I’m sorry, Mason and I were being clumsy and we both accidentally broke your plates, please don’t be mad and I’ll pay you back for the plates I’m sorry”

“you’re bleeding” Leo ignored everything I just said and blurted that out.

“oh this is.. Is nothing” I lied. My blood pouring out from my hand is seriously making me dizzy.

Mason sighed and bent down, he started to pack the broken plates, “leave it I’ll do it” I tell him,. “don’t worry just treat your hand” he said lowly and turned to Leo.

“can you please help her with your first aid kit” Mason said and Leo hurried to his cupboard and brought out his first aid box, this will be the second time I’ll be having another encounters with this box.

I was Planing to take the box from Leo and treat myself but instead he dropped the box on the counter, opened it and pulled my finger towards him, and starts to treat my small cut, I glanced at Mason as he carefully packed the plates with a sad look and I suddenly felt guilty, maybe I shouldn’t have yelled at him.. He was being really helpful and I just lashed at him like that.

“and it’s done” Leo said and I turned to him suddenly remembering that he’s treating my hand. “thanks” I mumbled and gazed at my hand which Is now covered with a small plaster.

“I promise, I’ll pay you back for the plates” I said in a rushing tone.

“don’t worry, actually harmony got me those, so it’s a good thing it’s broken though. I mean I’ll be getting over her stuff before getting over her” Leo said with a sigh and I breathed a sigh of relief, Happy he’s not mad.

Mason walked out of the kitchen with the broken plates, while I stood there greiving.


After setting the table later on, the three of us sat down quietly Around Leo’s table and glanced at each other a bit before eating.

Mason kept glancing at me and I could feel it. So I turned to him and sighed.

“what is it?” I asked lowly

“I’m sorry!” he said.

“it’s okay” I tell him, even he didn’t apologize it’s actually okay?

I’m not mad at him anymore, I realised some of the incident earlier was kind of my fault too.

“really? I really am sorry” he added

“mason! I said its okay already, it was kind of my fault too” I said and he audibly signed before smiling.

“thank goodness, thought you were still mad at me and for a second I thought you were going to give me the silent treatment” he said buy I shook my head negatively.

“I don’t hold grudges” I said.

“thank God, cause I hate that when Kirana gave me the silent treatment I almost went crazy, even if we make trouble all the time I still like talki–

“mason!” I interrupted him

“I don’t talk while I eat” I said and he suddenly apologize he knows me better than anyone that I don’t talk while I eat. It happened to me when I was fifteen, eating instant noodles with my mom and dad and talking about when all of a sudden I started to choke and cough, I had to take five bottles of water so it would lessened down, and after a cooled down a noodle crawled out of my nose and that was what freaked me out. And after that I pretty much learned my lesson. Don’t eat and talk, it doesn’t end up in a good way.

After eating with, Brown eyes and blue_grey eyes, (Leo and mason) , mason who still wanted to please me thinking I haven’t forgiven him. Helped me cleared the table and we talked, while doing the dishes, well I wouldn’t say do the dishes cause the dish washer actually did all the work.

But Mason was a really good company, I have to admit ..

“what are you guys talking about” Leo asked all of a sudden, standing still at the entrance of his kitchen

“oh we’re just talking about some old memories” Mason replied and Leo nodded.

“okay well then.. I’ll be in the living room” Leo said walled away,. What was that all about?.

Mason and I went to the living room afterwards and the three of us talked about a lot of things before Mason received a text message saying he suddenly got up and said he had to leave.

“I’ll be leaving then” he said, after telling us he’s leaving.

“okay then tell your sister I said hi” I tell him

“which of them?” he asked

“Amanda” I replied. And he nods and waved at Leo who waved back and stood still staring at me.

“what? Aren’t you going?” I asked

“aren’t you going to bid me goodbye?” he returned the question

“okay then goodbye” I said.

“no! Like aren’t you going to give me a hug or something” he smiled.

“Keep dreaming” I said dryly and he laughed.

“I expected it anyway, I’ll see you around though, bye” he said and walked out of the house and suddenly I missed his presence.

“you and Mason seem close” Leo said a few seconds after mason left.

“yeah we are,” I said plainly.

“have you ever thought of like maybe, becoming more than just friends with him?” Leo asked shocking me with that question.

“Mason is just a friend, a really close friend of mine and no I don’t want to be more than just Friends, and I don’t even think Mason like me that way,” I blurted out.

“I don’t think you should keep thinking that” Leo mumbled,

Where’s he getting at.

Me. Mason?.. No way..


Five days passed, with me enjoying my new job, Leo has been like the nicest person on earth and that side of him doesn’t suit his looks at all but what can I say. He’s the real judging of ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ he looks terrifying, arrogant, cold and scary from his outside but he’s just a fluffy teady bear from the inside. During the past four days Leo and I seemed pretty close and all we do is talk, eat, watch TV together, talk about what we just watched, eat, talk and I go home and, I don’t even know if I should call this my job or my new home. I don’t get to work on Sundays cause Leo says he doesn’t stay home on sundays. And during the past week I haven’t seen or heard from Mason and I’m a little bit worried cause. Well he’s my friend, I love him and I wouldn’t want anyone thing to happen to him, while Kirana, Kirana and I talk on the phone like every every single day, with me telling her what Leo and I talked about, she’s like my memory bank.

It’s monday morning and I woke up and started to get ready for work happily, well I can’t possible see any normal human being who’ll be so happy about going to work.

After shoving my skinny legs in a pair of black jeans and some comfy boots, I put on a shirt and a sweater, cause it rained last night, and the weather’s pretty cold.. I placed my phone into my purse, packed my hair into ponytail and folded it into a messy bun.

I hurried out of my room and met my mom, who’s lazily eating breakfast, i grabbed one slice of bread from her plate and kissed her goodbye, after my last annoying conversation with my mom, she apologized for being pushy, and she said she’s ready to support me with anything I do in life.

On my way to the bus stop, the wind kept blowing hard making it hard for me to be clearly cause I have to close my eyes halfway, I couldn’t take the breeze anymore, so I place my hood over my head making it cover my head and face a little bit, and just when I thought I could finally open my eyes and see clearly, I bumped into someone and almost fell but gladly the person caught my hand making me not to fall, I got my balance and looked at the person I bumped into.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, full lips attractive and beautiful.

“Amanda!” I called with a smile.

“oh pen.. I can’t believe it’s you” Amanda replied.

Amanda’s mason older sister, she’s older than him with just few months, she’s he’s half sister actually, the same mom but different fathers, they look pretty alike even if theyre not full blood related.. She’s the one whose boyfriend broke up with her few days ago and who’s been taking over Mason’s work, at her dad’s super-mart

“it’s been ages.. How are you pen” she asked after discussion the hug she just pulled me in.

“I’m fine.. How are you?” I returned the question.

“not so good.” she tells me.

“Eliot broke up with you?” I asked and she gasped.

“Mason told you didn’t he.” she said in an angry but playful tone.

“yeah, he just kept coming over to my place so he had to tell me the reason for his sudden freedom” I explained and she sighed with a smile.

“that guy tells you everything, I’m afraid I can’t tell him a secret cause he’ll probably tell you that too. Well I can’t blame him if I was a guy and had a pretty girl like you for a friend, I’ll actually tell you everything I know too” Amanda stated making my cheek a little bit red, from being flushed, cause Amanda just called me pretty.

“where is Mason anyway? I haven’t heard from him for week now” I said with a serious tone.

“oh you didn’t know? He went to Texas, he went there to stay with my aunt, who just gave birth to her sixth child, since no-one in the family didn’t want to go there, mason went and Mason’s kind of like her favourite person In the family, but I haven’t got to talk to him too for the past week, I don’t know if everyone’s okay over there, but I don’t need to worry much cause he’s Mason. No matter how playful he is, he doesn’t let people he cares about worry”.

“okay, if you manage to get a hold of him before me tell him I said hi” I said and Amanda nodded.

“oh and I heard about you and Richard from Mason few weeks ago, I’m sorry” she said lowly and I smiled.. “it’s okay Richard’s old news.”

“old news?? Is there anyone you’re dating now?” she asked surprisingly.

“what No. I just mean that I’ve moved on” I said and she nodded understandably..

“that’s very brave of you, so where you heading too?” she asked.

“to my new job” I replied.

“oh yeah, I heard Eatees got burnt, okay well take care, I don’t want to make you late..” she said and tucked her hair behind her ear..

“okie.. Then bye..” I said and walked away, after waving my hand out..

I almost missed the bus, but thank God I didn’t and also Leo changed my time on coming to work.. He said instead from six in the morning it should be eight Am instead.

I got to his mansion and typed in his code and the door opened like always, he gave me his code to his house the third day of job here and since that day instead of me ringing the doorbell and waking him up, I’ll just type in his house code and get in.

I got in his house and removed my boots beside the door, I walked up to the couch and threw my purse there.

“hey.. good morning” I heard Leo’s voice behind me and I turned swiftly, I saw him coming down the stairs, his hand dipped in his pockets, him looking good ‘as always’ and a suspicious smile today.

“someone’s feeling Happy today, what’s with the smile?” I asked sweetly..

“oh just letting yesterday’s memory replay over and over again” he replied..

“really? What happened” I asked inquisitively.

His yesterday was good. I really do want to know what happened, I remembered mine, I was on my bed all day stuffing my face with peach pie my mom made and watching TV as the rain fell heavily…

“I was about going out as usual since it was Sunday, when I got an unexpected visitor,.. Harmony.” Leo said and I gasped.

“no way”

“oh yes way,.. She walked in furiously without me telling her to come in, she firstly looked around the house before turning back to me, and breaking out a simple hi, I returned her greetings and she remained quiet, I didn’t know why she came here but I was ready for whatever she has to say, but luckily to my surprise she didn’t say anything, she just looked around my house one more time and I just let her do so, and then she found your scarf, lying on the couch, the one you accidentally left here on Saturday–“

“and I almost broke my house down looking for it, well anyway continue..” I tell him, I want to know where this story unfolds. Harmony may seem tough and all, but I know she’s never tough.

“well seeing your scarf, she picked it up and asked for the owner but I didn’t tell her, and the next thing she said was “seems like you’ve moved on faster than I can ever imagine”

“well so you want me to still crawl in your shadows, wash your feet and beg you to come back to me.” I tell her but she didn’t say or do anything, but just let out a tired sigh.

“look Leo just because we’ve broken up doesn’t mean we’re enemies, how about we grab lunch together sometimes..” she said nicely to me and I didn’t know how to hold in my smile anymore so I just nodded swiftly, “and since this scarf doesn’t have an owner, I’ll hold onto it for a while” she said and was about walking away but I had to stop her and tell her it belongs to you..

“Oh Leo don’t lie to me., you and Penelope doesn’t rhyme and I know you’re just saying she’s the owner of this scarf just because you want to make me jealous, but what do I care, ..anyway I’ll see you another time.” she said, pecked me and walked out. And seriously I couldn’t believe all that happened.” Leo explained and I laughed a bit

“she totally wants you back.” I breathed out.

“you think so?” Leo asked and I rolled my eyes.

“seriously Leo, don’t tell me you’re that dumb, she clearly said ‘how about we grab lunch sometime, and us breaking up doesn’t mean we’re enemies.. Doesn’t that give you any clue that she wants you back and she’s currently begging,” I explained and Leo smiled.

“wow.” he breathed out.

“but if she do ever comes back, are you going to accept her back into your life” I asked lowly and he nods with small smile. “you really love Harmony, don’t you?” I asked teasingly.

“I really do” he said.

“but if Richard wants to ever come back to you, will you sleepy him” he asked and I sighed and looked away.. “he does want to come back to my life” I said.

“well. Will you accept him?” Leo asked cautiously.

“I want to accept him but I’m afraid, I don’t want what happened last time happen again, if not for Mason, I would have committed suicide on my wedding day, cause that day I just felt like a fool when he said he doesn’t want to get married to me” I said lowly staring at the floor.

“sorry.. Leo mumbled but I quickly brightened up so I wouldn’t cry.. “so. What do you want me to make for you this morning” he asked.. “whatever you think is good” Leo added and I nod and walked to the kitchen.


Leo and I sat down quietly at the dining table eating breakfast. The tension between us before would be awkward but now it’s seems normal. Cause I’m so used to it.

“I know you don’t like it when someone talks and eat, but I have to ask this… I know you’re looking for an apartment here in Breek, have you seen one?.” he asked.

“no” I breathed out

“Do you want me to help you look for one?” he asked,

“no it’s okay” I tell him

“oh okay!” he said with a frown.


I was doing the dishes when I got a call from Kirana and picked up at the second ring cause I had to clean my wet hands.

“hey!” I breathed out.

“hi.. How’s your day going?” she asked from the other line.

“good. Yours?” I asked

“not so good I’ve got loads of work waiting at my desk and I’m afraid to step into my office, I called you so you can cheer me up before working, you know like giving me a little morale” Kirana said and I chuckled.

“what? So I’m like your work cheerleader?” I said sarcastically.

“yeah.. You should be proud” Kirana said and I sighed.

“crazy girl” I breathed out.

“you can never find someone crazier than me.. Oh so have you heard from Mason since he went to Texas?” Kirana asked.

“you knew he went to Texas?” I asked surprisingly.

“yeah he told me the day he left, you didn’t know?”

“I didn’t I had to find out from Amanda this morning”

“I thought you’re like his buddy-girl cause he tells you everything, I thought you’d be the first person to know”

“well maybe he forgot, and lost his phone cause Amanda hasn’t heard from him too” I said.

“well maybe, and even though he’s kind of stupid and annoying sometimes I still kind of miss him” Kirana said and I smiled.

“yeah me too” I admitted.

“anyway, I’m stepping into my office wish me luck.” Kirana said.

“good luck” I said nicely.

“your good luck just made it more impossible cause I think more papers are being put on my desk, anyway I got to go, tell Leo I said hi” Kirana said and hung up.

I carefully dropped my phone and continued with the dishes and I finished in no time. I grabbed my phone and was about to walk out of the kitchen but bumped my head into Leo’s chest at the entrance of the kitchen.

“sorry.” we both apologized at the same time and laughed a bit.

“how long you been standing here?” I asked, placing my into my pocket cause it almost fell when I bumped into him.

“since you came in” he said honestly, I can’t believe he’s been standing here watching me and listening to Kirana and I conversation.

“why?” I asked, it’s like he’s following me around.

“I guess I just don’t like being alone” he smiled.


T. B. C


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