After a little bit of chit chat and playing of different games in Leo’s house we decided to leave.. Cause it was getting late..

I put on my sandals, careful not to touch my injury and after that, I grabbed my bag and stood up. “I’m good to go” I said and smiled at Kirana who didn’t make any attempt to stand up cause she seriously loves this place.

“yes we do!” mason said and pulled her up from the couch..

“let go of me streetwall” Kirana insulted and I sighed.

“Kira, just let the boy drag out of here we need to leave and it’s getting late” I said and she huffed and stood properly.. “fine let’s go” she said and pulled her hand from Mason’s grip..

“Leo don’t worry, we’ll be back again soon” Kirana said and Leo laughed “sure”

We all start to head out and Kirana kept sighing.. “bye Leo” she said to him with a smile.

“bye” Mason just said and they both nodded at each other. Boys..

I waved to him and he smiles in return.. “bye” he breathed out and we all walked out of his beautiful.. So beautiful house.



After, Kirana, mason and pen left, I sighed very loudly and sat down on my couch and stared at the TV, I hate being alone. .. Harmony kind of ruined me.. Before I was a this lonely and always angry boy who hates other people presence.. But all that changed when I met harmony.. I met her three years ago in a subway where I accidently bumped into her.

She forced me to apologize which I didn’t want to and she started throwing curses at me and dragging other people’s attention in the subway, embarrassing me like crazy.. But I later apologized angrily after hearing rude comments from the people around us.

After that day coincidentally we met again and well.. Let me just say, that’s all we both started and I really love her.. But one day she just decided she didn’t want me anymore and I didn’t know what I did wrong..

Was it me? Or her?.. I asked myself everyday and I couldn’t believe myself, that one day I actually almost cried… Almost but me being the strong leo I am.. I didn’t but I guess no matter how strong we think we all are when it comes to love.. We’re just right under it, it’s makes us weak. And in life after every sweet hi.. There’s still a bitter sweet bye…

After ending things with harmony I decided to make new friends cause being alone would just make me sick, ’cause she’s not here with me and all I can just do it miss her which the most hurtful aspect of love.. Missing someone you know you can’t ever get back..

I kind of ran away from home cause it’s reminds me of harmony everyday and hang out in the restaurant I handed to one of my business partner, Boris and through Boris I get to know Maxwell, I hang out with them everyday until Boris went out of the country until it was just me, Maxwell and my other friends Pete and Liam or would I call them business partner cause all we do is talk about business when we’re together..

And well why hanging out in the restaurant everyday, I get to meet Penelope, while she was throwing out trash bags in the night and I had to use her to lie to a cop cause Liam stupidly Broke into an old lady’s car just because he thought he saw a snake and he wanted to help ..

But sadly two cops who were standing there thought we were robbing the car and we suddenly had a run for it, Liam and Pete hid somewhere while I used Penelope as my alibi.

That night was crazy we talked and talked about it over and over the next day in the restaurant. And then I found Penelope okay, she looked pretty in daylight cause well, I didn’t get a god look at her last night. She suddenly reminds me of harmony, her everything, the same hair the same height, the same body features but different attitudes.

Harmony Is more like a savage bitch who is so rude and don’t care what people thinks about her and that’s why I love her.. while Penelope is more like this nice girl, who loves everyone around her, who doesn’t seem to care about the present or future but the past and who gets intimidated easily.. She’s got a cute fierce face but she’s so fragile..

Me making friend with her is just that she’ reminds me of harmony but nothing else, but it seems like she doesn’t like being around me.. But she acted really okay today cause Kirana and Mason were here with her,

Well I guess making friends isn’t that bad cause I sure had a lot of fun today with Kirana, pen and Mason and now that they’re gone I don’t think I want to stay here anymore. Cause the sound of loneliness is calling.. I breathed in heavily and stood up.. I walked to my room upstairs, and seriously it’s been ages since I slept in my room. Cause you know it had always been harmony and I,

God I miss her so much, like Ariana’ said, ‘who ever said money can’t solve your problems, must not have had enough money to solve ’em.. But she’s wrong, I have like enough money… I don’t have any problem cause money solved them all But still I’m not happy, cause I don’t have harmony and money can’t solve that .

I got on my bed and sighed heavily and before I knew it, I fell asleep…


It was Friday, I woke up and looked at my alarm, surprised that it didn’t wake me up, I sighed and got out of bed and did my morning routine.

Yesterday was fun, I guess.. Hanging out in Leo’s house with Kirana and Mason wasn’t so bad as I expected.

I put a pair of Blue Jeans covered in white dots and a white T-shirt, before putting on a while sneaker. I am so not wearing sandals today.. I rushed breakfast which I made by myself and the bread I toasted tasted like burnt trees but I didn’t care..i ate it anyways..

I got to work and as usual met Maxwell by the counter and greeted him with a smile, suddenly remembering he kissed my best friend yesterday, I flushed that out of my head cause it’s none of my business..

I got into the kitchen and met Jimmy and Randee cooking already, actually Jimmy was the one cooking while Randee was busy with her phone.

Janet, the waiter who has suddenly recovered from her illness walked in the kitchen.. “guys a whole table just ordered for macaroni and meatballs, and you guys still haven’t prepare that” Janet complained.

“just give us five more minutes and we’ll be the done in no time” Jimmy said calmly to her.

“we? Seems like you’re the only one working.. Pen just got here and Randee who’s been here since is busy with her phone” Janet said angrily.

“who said I haven’t done anything!” Randee said angrily.

“I did, I don’t know who the hell you’re chatting with but the customers are starving and you need to drop that goddamned phone sometimes” Janet yelled and it’s not good to get on her bad side.. She’s a hot tempered girl.

“look blondie, why don’t just shut up and get out of here, waiting tables, is your job not yelling at me.. You got that barbie?” Randee reprimanded and Janet gave her one last glare before walking out of the kitchen.

“whoa” Jimmy breathed out,

“that was little harsh, you know she hated being called Barbie” I tell Randee.. “that’s why I called her that, she’s just so bossy and I hate her for that”.

“but seriously you spend too much time with your phone” I beckoned.

“oh so you’re going to be Janet the second now” Randee said angrily and I rolled my eyes and looked away.

The three of us started working, and still Randee looks boil this and turned to her phone, chopped this and turned to her phone and it was just getting out of hand.

“Randee, have you put the vegetable oil on fire” Jimmy asked.

“yeah” she said her attention turned to her phone.

Jimmy and I shared a worried look before turning to what we were preparing..

“pass me the ice-blocks” Jimmy said to Randee, who completed didn’t hear what he was saying or who chose to ignore..

“Randee?!!” I called this time louder than Jimmy’s so she can hear me..

“what?” she turned to us.

“you’re not paying attention to anything but your phone and that’s pretty dangerous, when cooking you have to be focused or else something might go wrong” I said strictly and she rolled her eyes.

“don’t lecture me I know what am doing” she stated and I sighed.

“Janet was right, you don’t do anything in here, all you do is play with your phone” I yelled

“look pen, don’t yell at me cause you ain’t my mom..”

“I’m just saying you just focus more on what you’re doing here than your phone”

“what I do is non of you business, like I said, I know what am doing, so back off pencil” Randee said abusively and grabbed the bowl of ice block Jimmy told her to bring.

“here.. Isn’t this what you asked for?” she said shaking it dramatically and unfortunately it slipped from her hand and the ice blocks fell into the boiling oil. Making fire flames come out of the pot and the three of us moved back immediately cause it was bringing out so much smoke.

“quick go get the fire extinguisher” I tell Randee.

“don’t boss me Around” she yells back at me.

“I am not bossing you around, just go get the fire extinguisher, look have what you’ve caused” I yelled

“whatever” she said and walked out immediately.

“what is going on here” Maxwell walked in. “no time to explain we have to get turn off the fire before it could get worse” Jimmy said coughing real hard and so am I cause the smoke was getting to much and we couldn’t see clearly, and sadly a rag beside the pot caught on fire, and spreading a little.

“I’ll go get the fire extinguisher” Maxwell yelled.

“Randee Left al—-

I suddenly passed out.


I woke up with my visions all blurry but suddenly it was clear.. I turned to my side to see Mason beside me.. I realised I was lying on what seems like an hospital bed and an intravenous drip was connected to my hand.

No doubt I’m in a hospital..

“what happened?” I asked slowly, pushing myself up to sit.

“careful” mason said and I wiped his hand away as he tried to hold me and help me up.

“I don’t need to be careful, I’m fine, what going on, why am I here?” I asked lowly but very fast.

“you’re here because of the fire that happened in the restaurant where you work and too much smoke got in your lungs you passed out.” he replied and I sighed.

Right the fire, Randee is just so.. Ugh I don’t even know what to say about her.

“so what happened?” I asked mason.

“what?” he asked back.

“aside from me did anyone else got hurt” I say it properly and he understood and shook his head negatively.

“well actually I don’t know, cause I only came here when one of the nurses called saying I’m the last person you called and she told me how you ended up in the hospital making come here as fast as possible” mason explained and I nod.

“well I need to get out of here, I want to know if everyone’s okay” I said trying to get down from the bed but he pushed both of my shoulders back and Gave me a look

“you seem fine, you look fine and you are fine, but you need to let the doctors come discharge you before you leave” he beckoned and I huffed and laid back on the bed.

“when are they going to discharge me?” I asked lowly.

“next month” he replied and my eyes widen at him.

“next month!!” I yelled and he laughed a bit. “no I was just kidding.. That was a joke you were suppose to laugh” mason comprehended but I just rolled my eyes at him.

“your jokes don’t get me laughing” I said and he shrugged.

We both stayed quiet without saying anything and that got me worried and really stressed out, is everyone okay?.. I asked my self and breathe in and out slowly until a nurse walked up to my bed and I quickly got up and sat down properly.

The nurse removed the drip connected to my hand and I couldn’t be more glad.

“miss Penelope vandale, you are lucky this wasn’t serious, don’t worry you didn’t take much smoke in your body.. And we’re not prescribing medicines for you anymore so you’re good to go” the nurse said and I smiled.

“okay thanks”.

After clearing everything with the hospital, I got into Mason’s car with him and told him to take me back to the restaurant so I could see how everyone is.. He refused but I kept pleading and he agreed, and drove me there..

We went back to the restaurant and I almost cried when I saw half of the restaurant burnt, there was a group of firemen still walking around with hoses when the fire’s already quenched. The place was filled with people and it was hard finding the people I know..

Luckily I saw Maxwell being treated by two nurses without their uniform in front of him.

“Maxwell.” I called as I got close to him and gasped heavily when I saw his wrist got a little burnt

“oh pen, you’re here! And you’re okay.. That’s nice” he said almost happily.

“and you’re hurt” I said sympathetically

“don’t worry, it’s not as painful as it seems” he said and I know he’s lying he’s trying to endure the pain when he can’t. “but how did you get burnt” I asked with my voice shaking real bad.


“you need to give him some breathing space please, let him get treated first” one of the nurses said and I nod slowly and backed away. “maybe I’ll tell you’ everything later” Maxwell said and I nod before walking away with Mason, I tried to get into the restaurant but three huge police wouldn’t let me in so I just back off and when I turned to my side, I saw Randee sitting down on what seemed like a rock but wasn’t and I didn’t what it was. I was about to walk up to her and give her a piece of my mind when Janet suddenly did that.

“look at the mess you made” Janet said to Randee gesturing her hand in the dramatically.

Randee ignored her like she wasn’t there but Janet continued anyway.

“you made the restaurant got burnt, Maxwell hurt and you made all of us loose our job and you also made Penelope passed out”

Randee rolled her eyes and stood up, but Janet stepped in her way as she tried to walk away.

“I am talking to you Randee and you’re going to listen to me.. People like you don’t learn from their mistakes and that’s pretty stupid.. That’s dumb and that’s self foolishness, you always think you’re right when you’re hundred percent wrong, you think everyone’s bossing you around when everyone’s actually telling you the right thing, you’re afraid to let people control you when you’re not in control of yourself, and I’ve had with you seriously, you make me sick.” Janet yelled bitterly and Randee turned to her.

“look don’t go all Judge Judy on me.. Like I caused the accident alone. Some part of it were Penelope’s fault too” Randee lied, she’s seriously accusing me behind my back, not knowing I’m listening to their conversation.

“no fucking way, even though I wasn’t in there when it happened, I know Penelope can never be careless.. Ever if millions of people hand me billions of cash for to admit Penelope did it.. I wouldn’t take that money cause I know Penelope can never be careless like you” Janet stated and all I could think of was wow.

I never knew she could stand up to me like that. Randee didn’t know what to say or do anymore so she angrily walked away.

Janet pushed her blonde hair back, sighed and turned to See Me staring at her.

“pen!” she exclaimed happily walking up to me.

“you’re okay” she said and I gave her a smile and nods.

“that Randee is just so annoying I was talking to her seconds ago and she wouldn’t even look at me or even listen” Janet said angrily.

“Jennie just let her be, we don’t need to ruin our voices just because of girls like that” I said and Janet smiled and nod.

“you’re right.” she said with a sigh of relief. “anyway I have to go check on Maxwell, everything just happens so fast and I didn’t know where I was..” Janet complained

“and we didn’t just loose the restaurant, we lost our jobs too” Janet added before walking away making me sigh bitterly.

I turned to my sides but I couldn’t find Mason, and suddenly I saw Leo coning out from the restaurant which I couldn’t get in minutes ago.

“Leo!” I called and his head turned to my direction immediately.. Okay this is the first time I’ll be calling him. His name actually. For him to hear,

“Pen.. What are you doing here?” he asked as he walked up to me

“I thought you were at a hospital,” he added. “I was but not anymore, I’ve been discharged and I came here to see if everything’s okay with everyone” I said and he nods.

“well.. It’s a good thing nobody got hurt, well.. aside from you and Maxwell.” he said and I nod agreeing with him.. “what about the restaurant” I asked lowly.

“half of it got burnt” he replied.

“well is it fixable” I asked like I’m gonna fix it myself, I just wish Randee had listened then all this wouldn’t have happened.. This restaurant can take months to be completely fixed and aside from being with Richard and my parents, this restaurant has been part of my life too.

“of course it can be fixed, but it’s up to Boris if he wants it fixed or not I called him minutes ago and told his about the incident” Leo replied and I nod and sighed sadly. Suddenly I was zoned out, thinking of the time I’ve spend in the restaurant and how much Iove it.

“Pen?.. Why are you crying” Leo suddenly asked.

“I don’t know it just seemed like some part of me were burned to, I mean I kind of grew up in this place, I spent three years here and now it’s all gone. And I’m sorry if I’m embarrassing you by crying but I’m sorry I just can’t help it.” I cried covering my face with my palm.

“you’re not embarrassing me, I know how you feel, even though it hasn’t been too long since I started hanging out here, I did have fun while being here and seeing it burnt now feels like something in me got burnt too, so I understand how you totally feel and sometimes you just have to let your tears out than for it to be build an ocean inside of you and make you go crazy, so it’s totally okay for you to cry” Leo advice and I cleaned my tears. “thanks” I breathed out and sniffed.

“I didn’t know you give pretty good advice” I said and mean it, still cleaning my tears properly

“I’m bad at advice, but I actually learned that from my ex” he said and I know he’s talking about his Harmony. and suddenly I feel bad for him

“sorry… You must have loved her a lot” I said sympathetically..

“yeah I did.. But the past is in the past, even though I can’t get over her.. I still have to move on cause she’s not here anymore” he breathed out.

“and you have to too” he added which made me glance at him. He’s talking about Richard, and he’s right.

“I know” I breathed old, doubting he heard me..

Look at me talking about ex’s and stuff with the least person I’ll ever think of, Leo.. But he’s not so bad.. He’s actually a great listener and his communicating skills isn’t so bad either. Maybe I’ve judged him to much.

“we’re both similar.. Like I said before, so people like us needs to take a step forward but not too quickly.” Leo adviced and I nodded again agreeing with him. He is so right.

“you know I’ve always judged you the wrong way because of the way, you look , your dressing, I assumed you for a serial killer and/or a high criminal.. And I’m sorry” I said truthfully and he nods with a small laugh.

“okay sometimes, don’t be too honest and it’s okay.. I do look like serial killer” he said still smiling. “thanks..” I muttered.

“for what?” he asked.

“you actually kind of made me felt a little bit okay with what’s happening” I replied not looking at him. And he smiled

“yeah, what are friends for?” he said..

Yeah, friends.

I think we are friends now..

Maxwell came up to us, his hand wrapped up with a clean bandage.. And he started.

“hey Leo… Boris just called me and he said he’ll talk about the restaurant when he comes back”

“okay.. So it’ll be on lockdown foe now” Leo said and Maxwell nodded. I don’t know why Leo handed his restaurant to Boris, and now he can’t fix it cause he has to get Boris approval..

“and Pen, I think you all should go home, I’m going to send you all the payment you’ve worked half of the month.. And Randee is so going to regret her mistakes cause the restaurant holds a lot of good memories” Maxwell said making me sigh.

“so I guess this is goodbye.. No more coming to work and hearing your horrible jokes” I teased..but in sad way and he laughed as we shared a brief hug again.

“don’t worry Breek is a small town pen, we’ll totally each other again and you know my address, you can come visit me if you miss me” he said and I rolled my yes with a smile.

“no thanks.”

“anyway bye” I said and turned to Leo and waved a little bit before walking away, trying not to cry, If there’s no Eatees restaurant or Richard what am I going to do with my life. I looked at the restaurant one more time before walking up to mason, who didn’t hesitate to walk back to his car with me and drive me home.

We both remained quiet as he drove me home and I was glad he didn’t say a word cause I wasn’t in the mood for talking.

Finally he got to my house, and suddenly someone stood in front of the car and when looked properly, it was Richard. And he was staring at me.

Kill me.

“so should I keep driving or..

“no.” I interrupted Mason.

“he wants us to talk. And I’ll give it to him” I said, opened the car door and walked out of the car.. Today isn’t so great for me but there’s one thing I’ve learned from a friend today, and that ‘thing’ Is moving on and putting the past behind me. And that friend is Leo, and Richard it’s time to have a taste of your own coffee.


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