So after our big bowl of yam fries which Kirana later joined in and I also had her orange juice, I was the one who took the bowl and cup away cause I work here.

Well aside that we just talked a little before the rain stopped, but the day was still dark and it was only four in the afternoon. Maxwell came out later and said Randee, Jimmy and I could go home early cause the rain kind of ruined business today and he’s going out also to do some important stuff..

Randee and Jimmy left while I stayed and cleaned the kitchen cause I did less work today, and cleaning the kitchen, just covered It all up. After that I took off my apron and packed my hair in ponytail, I don’t want it roaring in the cold wind outside.. I grabbed my purse and walked out of the kitchen and I saw Maxwell and Kirana talking at a corner and saw Leo and mason talking not knowing who to go to I just stood still and watch myself tap my feet lightly on the concrete floor..

I admit I am a boring person..

“hey! Pen. You done?” Mason yelled and I looked up at him and nodded immediately. “okay. Well I can drive you home” Mason said walking up to me.

Home. I don’t feel like going to my old boring house with just me and my parents, who would probably be at work right now. I cant stay alone in that house, I’ll die of boredom and I don’t think Kirana would want to come with me cause there’s an old lady she’s scared of in my neighborhood.

“home? I don’t think I want to go home.” I tell Mason. “why?” he asked making Leo suddenly pay attention to us.

“cause if I go home now I’ll die of boredom, you know how my house is, and these days being alone isn’t the best thing for me.” I said and he straightened his slopped shoulders..

“I understand, where do you want to go I’ll be your driver for today.” he said with a smile.

“your place?” I said remembering how I felt a little bit comfortable on my supposed-to-be-wedding day

“why Mason’s place?” Kirana suddenly chipped in from no where and I turned to see she was no longer talking to Maxwell.

“cause it’s nice now and feel somewhat like a home” I said and Kirana rolled her eyes.

“look you can’t come to my place” Mason said with a sigh.

“why?” I asked

“Richard’s there” he said and I breathed out an “oh!”..

“we can go over to Kirana’s place” Mason said and Kirana looked at him weirdly.

“I’m sorry, we? Who said you could come to my place, the only person allowed in my apartment is Kirana, I don’t want your weird presence in my sweet home” Kirana blurted..

“have any one ever told you how annoying you are” Mason deadpanned

“no one has and anyone who does is probably a fool, and wait you just said that which makes you a lifetime idiot” Kirana said cheerfully.. “you are the mo–

“okay can you guys just quit fighting, you both fight all the time, let’s just go someplace else and hang out” I interrupted Mason and he apologized for the small fight but Kirana didn’t.

“so should we go to the arcade or something?” Mason asked with s grin.

“an arcade, do we look like boys to you” Kirana asked and I know it’s going to start another childish fight between them.

“or you guys can over to my place” we heard someone said and looked around for the person who said that. And it was Leo..

“sweet.. I’ll drive” Mason said with a smirk.

“dude, you just met this, guy he’s kind of like a stranger to you and you’re taking the chances of going to his house!” I said to Mason in almost a whisper but Leo and Kirana heard it.

“like the old saying, strangers make the best of friends” Mason stated and Kirana laughed.

“you blockhead that’s not an old saying you just made that up. And pen he’s not a stranger to either you or more.. So Leo let’s go” Kirana said and walked towards Leo who started walking outside..

I know nothing about this guy..

All I know that he owns this restaurant and that his girlfriend broke up with him. That’s all I know about thing, and one thing I hate is going to stranger’s house.. It hasn’t been too long since I adapted with Mason’s..

“come-on let’s go” Mason said and pulled my hands dragging me to come with him, Leo and Kirana.


I stayed quiet in the back sit of Mason’s car, with Leo beside me.. Kirana took the driver’s seat and Mason the driver.

“I should have gone home” I muttered to myself and Leo glanced at me. O

“are we there yet?” Mason asked.

“just take two right turns and one left and we’re there” Leo replied.. The car became silent, and I sighed and rested my back on the car seat.

Kirana muttered something to herself and turned on the radio, “power of love” by Celine Dion was playing and God I hate that song..

“please turn off that music” Leo and I said together and we turned to look at each other before turning back to Kirana.

“gee.. I was just trying to make the car lively.. Birds of the same feather.” Kirana rolled her eyes and turned off the radio. “much better” I breathed out and she glared at me. But then turned to leo, “so Leonard, why didn’t you bring your car my claustrophobia is acting up in this car” Kirana said and Mason glance-glared at her. Kirana and her abusive words.

“I don’t ride that anymore, I don’t go places that’s why I don’t ride any of my cars” he said and I breathe in heavily.

Wow he doesn’t just have one he has “other” cars

“wow you’ve changed so much” Kirana said looking back at Leo. “how do you mean?” Leo asked.

“you used to be this arrogant prick. Who’s annoying and Hates other people’s gut.. But look at you now making a bunch of friends like this stupid one driving the car, i’m not saying it’s a bad thing though.. But it’s just not you, it’s like I’m talking to a whole new different Leonard” Kirana explained, while Leo smiled before giving her a reply.

“I guess my break up with Harmony did change me a lot”

Looks I’m not the only who’s still having a huge monster emotional breakdown after my stupid fiance.. I mean Richard broke me.. But his is kind of funny, it made him turn nice..

“I’ve made two right turns and a left one and I don’t know, is your house getting more far” Maxwell suddenly said and Leo’s head tilt up. “just drive a little and we’ll be there” he assured Mason

“are you sure you’re not trying to sell us” Mason said and Leo laughed. he’s cute when he laughs..

“there. We’re here” Leo said and Mason stopped the car.

“finally” I breathed out within myself and.. Opened the car door and walked outside. Finally fresh air..

“finally fresh air” Kirana breathed out my thought and I laughed lightly.. “that car was suffocating me” Kirana added making me Laugh even more. “where’s Leo” Mason asked coming out of the car.

We all turned and saw him walking towards a gigantic marbles painted house.. “sweet cheese is that your house?” Mason yelled.

“don’t embarrass us and keep your voice down” Kirana said and used her elbow to hit his stomach.

Kirana and Mason walked up to Mason, while I tried to trail behind them I hit my toe nail on a small rock and dang it, it hurt so much.

So much for wearing sandals, I should have worn one of my canvas or sneakers. I ignored the pain which was still hurting and followed them. The day was getting brighter little and by little and the sun has start to come out… Thank goodness.

We all got in Leo’s house and. Wow was just all I could think about or say.. He lives alone in this kind of Mansion and yet he doesn’t stay here.. What’s up what this dude.. “help yourself with anything” he said as we got in the living after crossing a small pool that has a small decoratively bridge that led to the living room. This house must be way too expensive..

“pen, you’re bleeding” mason said as he sat down on of the super shiny expensive couch. I looked down at my toe cause that’s where mason was looking at I gasped. “Must be a small wound from the rock I hit my toe earlier outside” I said feeling uncomfortable as my blood sprout out of my big-toe nail and stained, Leo’s clean tiled floor..

“well you better cover that up” Kirana said and I nod.. “Leo you’ve got any first aid kit” Kirana asked and he nods and walked away coming back with a small first aid kit..

“give it to me.. I’ll give her the treatment” mason said and Leo passed the first aid kit to him

“don’t worry I’ll do it myself” I said sitting down and taking off my sandals.. “it’s okay.. I’m here I’ll do it” Mason said and knelt in front of me opening the first aid kit.

And started to treat my wound. “lately you’re just being all nice to pen and you’re not like that before, are you sure you’re not having a crush on her?” Kirana said teasingly and Mason sighed and looked at her.

“sometimes, you have to shut up” he said angrily “I was just joking you birdbrain” Kirana snarled and threw him one of the couch pillow. Which he bravely dodge with a smile.

“there..” mason said and I glance at my feet to see that my leg has gotten treated and was wrapped up with a clean small, tiny bandage.

“thanks mace” I said and he shrugged.

“what would you do without me” Mason said smiling at me

“everything! She can do anything without you” Kirana chipped in and Mason huffed and sat down ..

I later cleaned my blood which spilled on the floor and joined the others who seemed like they wanted to watch a movie..

“OMG it’s a picture of you and harmony” Kirana said bringing out a picture from a box filled with different kind of DVD cassette player ..

“lemme see” mason said and snatched it from her hand. Which made Kirana sighed angrily and continued looking at the box for a good movie to watch.

“she’s cute.. Looks a little bit like Pen to me” Mason said and I gave him a look. “see for yourself she looked a little bit like you..” he said and handed me the picture… “I look nothing like her, we just have similar red hair that’s all” I stated.

“you both kind of have the same smile” Leo suddenly said and I looked at him and shook my head negatively. I handed Mason back the pictures and he gave it to Leo shoved it back in the film box.

“why are you putting in there, aren’t you going to hang it up or put it in a place where you or anyone can see it” mason asked Leo.

“I love harmony and I will love to put that picture up in the wall but she can come here any day and she’ll see it and think I’m not over her” Leo replied

“but are you over her?” mason asked.

“no! But she has to believe I am” Leo said and Mason laughed.

“you are smart.. And also nice” mason said.. “oh I’m far from being nice” I heard Leo said lowly but I don’t think mason heard it cause I was like in between them but there’s a space between Leo and I but no space between mason and i..

“got it.. The perfect movie!! We’re watching princess switch tonight.” Kirana said standing up from the floor.

“ugh.. I think Pete’s sister bought that movie and left it here” Leo said. “well have you seen it” Kirana asked

“no but I think it will be boring, do you even hear the name princess switch” Leo said in his deep voice and Kirana rolled her eyes.

“don’t judge a movie by its cover”

“I thought it was don’t judge a book by its cover since when did it change” mason said playfully to Kirana but only received a glare.

These two are kind of funny.

“okay keep quiet everyone, the movie’s starting” Kirana said happily

“no one was talking” mason deadpanned and Kirana angrily stoned him the remote she was holding. “shut up” she yelled and came to join us on the couch but quickly stood up after realising she’s sitting down beside Mason who rolled his eyes immediately she left and took a single chair.

The movie started and we all remained quiet and payed attention to the movie, Even Leo the Opposer of the movie payed real attention.

The movie had already gone half way when Leo starts to dose off.. “hey don’t fall asleep here” I warned him lowly.. “me? Fall asleep.. I can’t” he said and few minutes later his head was lying on my shoulder..

“you said, you wouldn’t sleep” I said and smacked his forehead making him jerk up.

“you said you wouldn’t sleep.” I tell him. “sorry I couldn’t help it, it’s just so boring” he said and I rolled my eyes and pushed to the TV. And before I knew it he placed his head on my shoulder again and this time I just let him be. The movie became was becoming more interesting and I know it was about to end and at the ending.. I couldn’t help it, I cried.. It just ended so happily and I just wished my life could be like that.

“I thought you’re over crying in movies” mason said as I sniffed lowly not letting anyone know I was crying. I quickly sit properly and used my shoulder to hit his head.

“I thought you were asleep” I said pretending I never cried.

“I was never asleep, I was watching from your shoulders” he said with a smile. “now my shoulders hurt” I said and he laughed..

“well that was one heck of a movie” Leo breathed and laid his head on his couch. “then if you were not crying, why are your eyes red” Mason suddenly said making my head turn to him

“something got in my eyes.” I lied.

“oh really, lemme see” he said and placed his index finger under my chin and lifting my face up. He moved his face closer to mine and looked inside my eyes.

“I don’t see anything..” he said suspiciously and brought his face even more closer to mine, making only an inch to prevent our face from touching.. And him looking in my eyes was awkward, he was looking for anything in my eyes.. He had this look in his eyes that I couldn’t explain actually.. And my breathing suddenly hitched.

“get away from my face” I said looking at him in the eyes.

“your breath smells like orange” he said.

“are you two gonna kiss or what is happening” Kirana said and I angrily moved my head back making it hit Leo’s head.

“ouch” I said and glared at mason.

“sorry..” he laughed.

Leo sighed heavily and stood up.

“sorry I didn’t mean to bump into y—

“it’s okay.. Ice-cream sundae anyone?” Leo interrupted me.

“count me in” Kirana said with happiness.

“we all get it you like ice-cream, so just shut up” Mason said..

He’s trying to get into Kirana’s skin again. Kirana ignored him and said. “C’mon Leo I’ll help you carry the ice-cream”

“don’t eat it on your way back” mason teased and Kirana showed him her middle finger before walking away with Leo.

Mason and I remained quiet being the only one in the living room and I turned to him.

“don’t so that again” I said to him

“do what?” he asked. “what you did earlier, bringing your face to mine” I said and he laughed.

“what? were you scared we were gonna kiss”

“no!.. Yes” I said honestly and he laughed again. “don’t worry we didn’t and we’re not gonna do it” he said and I sighed..

Leo and Kirana came back with two bowls of ice-cream, one for Mason and I and the other one for Leo and Kirana, but Kirana loves ice-cream so much she took the others to herself that Leo had to get another one.

And we all sat down on the cool neat tiled floor and enjoyed our ice-cream.

“oh my gosh.. This is so good. Don’t worry pen I’m gonna make you get married to Leo, so we can get free food” Kirana said and Leo laughed while I glared at her.

“that wasn’t funny” mason said, I didn’t know if he was teasing Kirana or it wasn’t really funny to him

“no it wasn’t” I added.

“chill girl it was just a joke” Kirana said and rolled her eyes.



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