CASSANDRA Chapter 9 – Nike investment




      George couldn't move or speak, he just stood there looking at Cassandra. Cassandra looked up and saw George. She was sober and she stood up expecting to see Ernest.

Why are you standing holding the door man? Are you my....

What are you doing here? Ernest asked cutting his words and looking at Cassandra in amazement. 

Please hear me out Cassandra said in tears coming closer to Ernest. 

George just stood still looking at the two of them.

What do you want to explain??

I gave you my all Cassy… I literally lived just for you… I made sure I provided everything you would ever want. But on the day I decided to express my feelings to you, what happened?
You brought a man home without even informing me…
You killed me inside Cassy Ernest said in a soft tone and a tear rolled down his cheek.

 Please listen to me sir Cassandra begged going down on her kneels in tears. 

  I'm listening Ernest said and went to sit on the couch opposite of Cassandra wiping the tear that rolled down his cheek. 

I fell in love with you from the moment you defiled what I have been hearing about men. You helped me and stayed under the same roof with me for many years. Yet you never touched me. I tried my possible best to show you that I loved you a lot but you never reciprocated. You all pushed me away when ever I tried to create a moment between us. I was scared I was going to loose my helper. So I had to control myself Cassandra said wiping the tears that rolled down her cheeks.

I never meant to bring a man home without your notice. I invited Jaxon to church, I wanted to introduce him to you at church before bringing him home. But you didn’t attend church service. I decided to bring him home as a surprise, I never knew you already had plans for me. Please forgive me… I’m so sorry for hurting you Cassandra said pleading in tears.

     Someone's phone started ringing on the table.. It was Cassandra's. Ernest looked at the name calling Cassandra and it was registered with "Jaxon 💘". 

Ernest stood up and tears rolled down his cheeks.

It's not what you think...

Let me explain Cassandra said trying to draw Ernest closer to her.

Just what do you want from me Ernest asked pulling himself away from Cassandra who tried to touch him.

George please, I don't want to see this being here by the time I come back and let her never come back to my house Ernest said and stormed out of the house in tears. Cassandra followed him behind immediately crying and pleading but Ernest started his engine and zoomed off. 

  Help me beg your friend please Cassandra said facing George who joined her outside. 

 I should beg my friend? 

Cassandra Ekene… You really screwed up.
Yes I get this is not entirely your fault. But you really screwed everything up.

You remember where you came from. You were nobody, you had nothing. You suffered just to put food on the table. Your father almost died Cassandra, it was Ernest who had saved your father from death. It was this same Ernest who started a little business for your parents in the village. It was this same Ernest who gave you a roof and trained you all through your university years. It was this same Ernest who never touched you all those while you spent alone with him. To be sincere Cassandra, I would have slept with you the very day we arrived. But he didn't. This same Ernest got you a well paying job immediately you graduated. Then finally when you came home with a man, you saw this same Ernest has been in love with you.. 

What did you do?
You wrote him a letter that you were already in love and can’t break the promise you made. Leaving this Ernest that has been behind you all these years.. I left you to take care of him that night but you almost cost my friend his life…

Cassandra opened her eyes in shock. 

Yes you did.. George continued.

His parents would have lost him just because of you. Ernest almost hanged himself because of you. Thanks be to God that I arrived on time because I know my friend was so emotional. But you didn’t care Cassandra, you left him all alone to suffer. The painful part was that even in his death wish, he sent his regards to you.

 Now, he decided to give you listening ears because he loves you.And suddenly"Jaxon 💘" is calling you...

It's not what you think Cassandra said trying to explain in tears. 

Please leave here and never come back. I need to go after my friend before he does something stûpîd George said wiping the tears that rolled down his cheeks.

Cassandra left Ernest's house sobbing like a baby. George locked the gate and went after his friend. 

It was already dark, Cassandra was walking along the street in tears. Two guys dressed in black came from no where and approached Cassandra. Cassandra tried to run when she saw them. They held her tightly and forced her into their car, while Cassandra cried out the more in pains.

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