CASSANDRA Chapter 8 – Nike investment



Chapter 8

       Jaxon came out and got shocked seeing Cassandra standing In front of his door. Cassandra was the least person in this world that he would have ever suspected to come to his house that early in the morning. He just stood staring at Cassandra loosing his speech.

 Tears rolled down Cassandra's eyes as she stood looking at Jaxon who looked stunned seeing her. 

 Who is she? 

Why is she carrying a bag? The lady who had opened the door asked Jaxon looking at him and expecting answers.

 This is not what you think, Jaxon said shaking his head and moving closer to Cassandra.  Ignoring the question he was asked. He tried to stretch his hand to hold Cassandra.

Just don’t… Don’t you dare lay a finger on me Jaxon..
You don’t know what I had to pass through. You don’t know the sacrifice I had made just to be here with you.
Just to keep the promise we had made to each other. And this is what I get? Cassandra asked Jaxon and tears rolled down her cheeks.

Just let me explain Jaxon pleaded again moving more closer to Cassandra. 

Explain what? So you can tell more lies? I have been a fool Cassandra said and ran out of Jaxon’s house with the little bag she was carrying in tears.

The lady who Jaxon was with went in immediately and started packing her things. She was Jaxon's girlfriend who had come for the weekend. Jaxon followed her inside and tried stopping her from packing her things. 

Cassandra expected Jaxon to follow her behind when she had left his house but he didn’t. Cassandra was so heartbroken and she cried her eyes out.

 Cassandra wiped her tears and decided she was going to go to the office. Cassandra got to the office very early so she had a change of clothes. When the manager came , she asked him for an upfront salary. He hesitated but accepted because Cassandra was an asset to the company. But asked her to see him at the end of the day.

Jaxon came to the office as usual , he tried to get in contact with Cassandra but she wasn’t interested to see him. When Cassandra went to eat at the cafetria Jaxon came to meet up with her but she left.

  When the day was over, the manager gave Cassandra the money she had demanded. Cassandra thanked him and left his office. Cassandra used part of the money to pay for a hotel where she would lodge. 

All night at the hotel, Cassandra was battling with heartbreak, and betrayal. She lost appetite for food. She really wants to go back to Ernest and ask for forgiveness but she couldn't be able to face him after the letter she had written for him. Cassandra couldn't sleep well all night. She woke up at intervals crying her eyes out. 

 The next day, Cassandra couldn't concentrate at work. She kept on making mistakes here and there. At times she appears to be absent minded. On the third day after work, the manager called Cassandra and asked her what her problem was. But Cassandra couldn't answer. He asked Cassandra to take few days and sort herself out.

George turned and saw the note his friend had left on the bed. He picked it up , and it read.

Dear George...

    My heart bleeds, I'm broken and I can't take it anymore. Please tell my parents to forgive me. I want you to be the son of my parents. I give you everything I own, to take care of my parents because they are all I have. I don't think I can survive this pain my heart is going through man. 

  I would have said see you in heaven bro, but I know I'm going to hell. If you see Cassandra, tell her I sent my regards with love. 

                              Yours brotherly...
                               Ernest who is honest...

 The letter brought unstopping tears in the eyes of George..

He tore the letter and looked at Ernest who was silent while tears rolled down his cheeks in lines...

 I'll never leave you to be alone bro. I don't trust what you can do to yourself. But I promise you, we will forget Cassandra. I know it won't be easy to forget someone you've loved and lived with for five years. But we surely will together. No work for the two of us today. Get prepared we have to leave this house so you can get some air George said trying to force a smile. 

 Few minutes later they were ready and left the house. George called his wife and told her he will be staying with Ernest for a while. That morning, George took Ernest to the orphanage. 

That was the first time Ernest was visiting the orphanage. He never knew many children were still at the orphanage. He saw some happy while some were crying. After spending a while at the orphanage , George took Ernest to the hospital. He showed him people who were fighting for their life. Those who had broken limbs and only wished they could walk again. Ernest was so touched and thanked his friend for saving his life.

As the days went by, no one talked about Cassandra again. George started spending his nights at Ernest's place just to make sure he was safe and not depressed.

 Few days later, Ernest got home with George after the days work. George came down to open the gate and discovered it was open. He thought maybe Ernest had forgotten to lock it. When Ernest drove it, George decided to go in first. As he reached for the handle on the door. He also found out the door was open. He pushed it open slowly and was shocked by who he saw. 

Cassandra sitting on the couch shedding tears.

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