CASSANDRA Chapter 5 – Nike investment




    Oh... You're her boyfriend Ernest asked again trying to hold back the tears clouding in his eyes. His heart was bleeding already but he just had to hold it in. 

  Yes sir...

Cassandra told me you are her big brother. So I decided to come see you sir, I really love your sister. I would really love it if she becomes my wife someday.

 Ernest looked at Cassandra and she was blushing and smiling. That was when he realized what George has been saying all along. 

George had told him to propose to Cassandra before sending her to school when they had arrived in the city. But he refused saying he wanted Cassandra to concentrate on her studies. All the girls his parents had been finding for him in the village, he rejected them because he already had Cassandra in his heart.  He spent years training Cassandra into the beautiful, educated girl that she is. And all his labour is going to be enjoyed by another man.  Ernest just wished he could just disappear from the midst of Cassandra and Jaxon. The tears clouded in his eyes were about to roll down as it was becoming difficult for him to hold it back.

His phone started ringing, he checked and it was George who was calling him. 

He tried putting himself together and picked up the call moving a bit away from the table where they were seated.

Ernest: Hello

George: Hello Man, I hope she said yes to you?


George: why are you silent bro? Don’t tell me she turned you down?

Ernest: Where are you man?

George: I’m chilling outside waiting for you to call me for the celebration.

Ernest: Send me your location, I’m on my way to meet you.

George: Will do that right away..

Hangs up..

I'm sorry Cassandra, I have an emergency I'll be back as soon as I can. Nice meeting you Ernest said looking at Jaxon and faking a smile. 

Ernest took his car keys which was on the table. He entered into his car and drove off.

Cassandra could sense something was wrong but she couldn't tell what was really the problem. 

Ernest left his house feeling broken, the clouded tears in his eyes rolled down his cheeks. Ernest was literally sobbing like a baby as he kept driving to the location where George had sent him. When he arrived, he wiped his tears then went to meet George.

You were right George….
You were right, Ernest said as he sat opposite George. Cassandra has someone else already… She brought him to my house today. To my house George, Ernest said and wiped the tear that rolled down his cheek.

 I told you man, you f**ked up... 

I kept warning you but you didn’t listen.. now just look at you… See how broken you are…

I …. I wanted the best for her…
I … I… wanted the best for Cassy.. andra. Ernest said stammering all of a sudden.

George tried calming Ernest down. He ordered for some bottles of beer. Ernest didn't use a glass as usual, instead he drank directly from the bottle. He finished the first bottle quickly and continued immediately with the next. He wanted to drink away all his pains. All the years and fortune he had spent on Cassandra.

 It started raining, Ernest got himself drunk and still continued drinking. At a time, George stopped him and told it was time to go back home. But Ernest didn't want to go back. George convinced Ernest in his drunken state and took him to his car.. George hadn't come with a car, so he took Ernest back to his house in his own car. 

 When Ernest had left, Jaxon wrapped his hands around Cassandra and said...

Sandre.. as he calls her....

You know you made me go through a lot just to win your heart, I feel so much fulfilled having you in my arms as mine. And I wish you to be mine forever, I don’t think I’ll survive without you by side Babe.

I love you so much Babe, Jaxon said looking Cassandra into her eyes. Then he kissed her on her forehead. 

I love you too Cassandra said smiling at Jaxon.

After spending a while together, Cassandra told Jaxon that she had to cook for Ernest who may be coming back anytime soon. So Jaxon said his goodbye and left in his car. 

 Cassandra arranged the chairs which they sat on. Then she went inside and saw how nice the parlor was looking. She was looking around wondering why Ernest had kept balloons all over the parlor. It was a bit strange, but she continued to her room anyways to have a change of clothes. 

When she switched on the bulb, she found out that the bright Florescent light had been replaced with dimmed blue light. Her room had been decorated and on her bed it was written boldly...


With an engagement ring place on the bed. Cassandra was frozen, her eyes opened widely. Then she remembered how Ernest had left in a hurry with a sad face. That was because Jaxon had come to tell him about their relationship.

 Cassandra could feel tears rolling down her cheeks. She couldn't stand looking at the gifts and decorations Ernest had made in her room. She covered her mouth and ran outside. The weather changed and it started raining. Cassandra sat under the rain crying out bitterly and she got herself drenched under the rain.

 After Cassandra had cried her eyes out, the rain stopped and she went back into the house still putting on the wet cloth. George walked in with Ernest who was staggering. 

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