CASSANDRA Chapter 3 – Nike investment




         They started the journey to the city. Cassandra was seated behind with few of her luggages. She looked around her village as she left. It was her first time leaving the village ever since she was born. She couldn't explain the compound feelings of joy and sadness. 

 She wiped her tears as it rolled down. George cheered her up from the front seat where he was seated with Ernest. 

It was a very long drive, Ernest dropped off George at his place and continued with Cassandra to his own House. 

On getting to the gate, Ernest came down from the car and opened the gate with a key he was holding. He entered again into the car and drove in. Cassandra kept looking around when they came down from the car. 

 The bungalow was looking very modern and the compound was very clean. She kept looking around like she was expecting to see something or someone. 

 What is wrong Ernest asked Cassandra when he saw she was looking uneasy. 

I'm sorry sir, but what about those you are staying with Cassandra asked politely..

 I'm staying all alone Ernest answered shaking his head with a mild smile. 

  Cassandra held her little luggage tight as she got scared. Her mother had taught her that staying alone with a man will make him want to forcefully sleep with you. She really hopes she has not a made a mistake by following an unknown man to the city because of her quest to go to the university.     

Don't be scared, Ernest said seeing how Cassandra was shaking. You can go ahead and call your parents. Tell them that you arrived safely in the city. 

After calling her parents who were happy and blessed her over the phone, Cassandra walked in with her bag.

Ernest’s parlor was looking very beautiful and clean. He had taste for nice things, especially the way he arranged his stuffs and beautified the parlor. Cassandra was looking around in admiration. Ernest called her and showed her to a room where she kept her stuffs. This is your room, there is the bathroom. Freshen up so you make us dinner with the stuffs I got on our way Ernest said with a smile and left the room.

 Few minutes later, Cassandra came out and prepared dinner. When they were done eating, Cassandra cleared the table and went back to bed. She couldn't sleep, she kept thinking about her parents and the village. She was also scared that Ernest may try to rape her so she stood up and bolted her door from the inside. 

 The next day, Cassandra woke up very early and was already cleaning up everywhere. Ernest got dressed and came out. He was impressed and he told Cassandra he was leaving for work and will be coming back in the evening. 

In the evening, Ernest came back with some good news. He had picked a jamb form for her already and bought some books for her to read in preparation of the exams she was about to write.

As the days rolled by, each time Ernest came to remind Cassandra to study, he will see her studying already. He couldn't remember the last time he had seen someone this serious with her studies. 

 Friends of Ernest who came to visit him ones in a while ask him who Cassandra was and he always tells them she was his sister. But yet warned them to stay away from her. Ernest had fallen in love with Cassandra from the very first day he had set his eyes on her back then in the village. But he has always wanted to control it in order for Cassandra to be focused on her studies. 

Weeks later, Cassandra sat for the examination. When the results were out, she did well. Ernest was so proud of her, Cassandra called her parents in the village telling them that she has also passed her jamb and will be going to the university very soon. 

 After few weeks, Cassandra started her university education. Ernest made sure he saw to it that Cassandra was very serious with her studies and had no distractions. When Cassandra was done with the first level, Ernest decided it was best to take her back so she can see her parents. 

 When they both drove down to the village, everyone was surprised seeing Cassandra. Just a year in the city and Cassandra was already looking so good. Mr and Mrs Ekene thanked Ernest for taking care of their daughter so well. 

 After few days in the village, Ernest took Cassandra back to the city with him. Cassandra had already fallen in love with Ernest but couldn't tell him because he acted like a big brother towards her. Never has he talked about love to her. All he was after was for her to study.

 Ernest made sure Cassandra was focused on her studies. At a certain time, Cassandra had brought some of her female friends home. One of them made advances towards Ernest. When they had left, he warned Cassandra to stop keeping friends who will distract her. He also warned her not to bring her friends back home again.

Years later, Under Ernest close watch, Cassandra graduated into a very beautiful Engineer. 

 Ernest had connections and found a job for Cassandra in a big company. She was employed quickly because of her excellent grades.

On a cool Sunday evening, Ernest was sitting outside with George relaxing over some sweating bottles. 

That reminds me Ernest, George started sitting out…

 When are you planning to air out your feelings to Cassandra? 

You said you didn’t want her to get distracted and you trained her all through the university. You spent you time and resources on her, now she’s a graduate and you found her a job.
Look at me man, I’m already married with two kids and here you are.
Tell me something Ernest…
What’s your plan? George asked sitting back and waiting for an answer.

I’m taking my time George, I’m planning to ask her out on a date. Then I’ll let my intentions known to her. I just want her to get her first salary which is very soon and take it to her parents. Ernest answered drinking up the beer he had poured out.

 Ernest my friend, Cassandra is no longer a kid, as beautiful and intelligent as she is. Do you think other men don't have their eyes on her? Don't you think men in her new company will go after her? Don't let someone take your sleep from you my friend George said fixing his gaze on Ernest.

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