PLEASE BREAK MY HEART E13 – 14 by Tomi Adesina

PLEASE BREAK MY HEART E11 - 12 by Tomi Adesina


“Good morning Darlene.” Bola, my secretary said, flashing a smile at me.

                                “Hi Bola. Hope you had a nice rest.” I called back.

                I dropped my handbag beside my chair and lifted the Dailies from the table. I widened my eyes as I lifted another paper; all the headlines read the same news.


          ‘Magnificent way for Jake to announce his arrival’ I thought as I grabbed my phone. There was a light tap on the door. “Please come in.”

                                “Good morning Darlene.”

                                “Good morning Dare” I stared at his wrapped fist. “Did you break a bone?”

                He smiled. “Daniel is a whole lot, his face broke my bone.” He took his seat. “How are you doing?”

                                “I am fine. I appreciate what you did for me with Daniel.” I said, staring at his fist.

                He shrugged. “It was nothing. I hope you have Friday under control.”

                                “Yes, I do.”

                Dare rose to his feet. “I will be in my office.” He replied, and left. I dialled Jake’s phone, but he didn’t answer it.  ‘Maybe cooling off at the Police Station’ I thought. Jake must have been tipsy and gotten into an unreasonable fight. I concluded my thoughts and wrapped up my speech for Friday. I started rehearsing my speech. I stuttered over a few lines, but I had a conviction that I would still do fine on Friday.

                                “Knock knock,” Toni said, as she walked in.      

                                “Good morning Mrs Small.” I said, rising to my feet. “Please sit,” I said, pointing at a seat.

                                “Already feeling like an office owner,” Toni said, taking her seat. “Anyways, Case 1, I heard you were arrested, along with Dare. That’s romantic, did you share a cell?” she asked clapping her hands with glee.

                                “Sorry to disappoint you, we were locked up for only thirty minutes, and also, we had separate cells.”

                Toni laughed. “Case 2, Have you seen the papers this morning? Your Jake is such a wonder. He was reported to have gotten into a fight at 11:45 last night; the papers said he was tipsy.”

                                “Tipsy? Oh, come on, Jake does whatever he likes.” I said, sounding uninterested. I still felt hurt by Jake not telling me about taking Paul to the Bahamas. “He will be alright; the highest punishment he will get will be a fine for causing an upset in a public place.”

                Toni shrugged. “How do you plan to take care of your so-called stalker, I heard about the man.”

                                “I have no idea of what to make of the whole thing now. He claims not to be a stalker, but I cannot trust him totally. He is everywhere.”

                                “Maybe coincidental meetings, but just to be safe, get a restraining order on him. That won’t hurt.”

                I nodded. “I am processing that. I hope I can have it as soon as possible.” Toni stared at me for a while, as though she had something to say. She then swallowed. “What is it Toni?”

                                “Nothing.” She rose to her feet. “I’ll see you tomorrow; I have a case this evening.” She replied and left.

                Jake’s phone was unreachable. ‘Must be having a nice time with the police’ I thought. The Police won’t miss on the opportunity to arrest a celebrity’s kid, especially one who can dish out enough money for his bail, but by the look of things, it seemed like Jake didn’t want to pay any bail, as his phone was unreachable.

 There was a knock on the door. “Please come in.”

                                “Excuse me Darlene. Dare said that you should get ready to accompany him to the City Mall.” Bola said.

                                “Thank you.”

                We arrived at the City mall an hour later. Dare walked briskly into the building and I followed without asking any questions. I started getting used to the idea that Dare might just want me to be anywhere he was. What could I do to stop that? He is the boss!

                                “Darlene, meet Carl Frampton from London, he is going to be helping you with your first practise session.”

                                “Hello Mr. Frampton.” I greeted courteously, exchanging pecks. I stared at Dare without a clue. He didn’t tell me that he had organised a meeting for me.

                                “I guess you will be fine. Let’s see you battle out the initials in the courtroom. The first session is always a surprise.”

                I walked into a room that had some audience and a top Lagos Activist as the Judge. ‘Dare wants me roasted’ I thought. The Clerk went through the formalities and he called the case.

                                “The State Vs Mr Jacob Martin-Oje.” He called.

                I turned round and watched my best friend walk in guarded by a police. He flashed a smile at me.

                                 “It’s your first test, but if you do well, he will be free to go home with you, if not, your friend will start community service tomorrow.” Carl whispered into my ears.

                I smiled back at Jake, and I could not wait to defend my best friend, of which I knew nothing about his actions.

                                “Ms Williams, you are the defendant to Jacob Martin-Oje, it should be a mere test case, but if you score even a 79 point by my rating, Mr Martin-Oje will start community service. You need 80 points to get him discharged and acquitted.” The judge announced.

                Jake stuck his tongue out at me as I rose to my feet. I smiled. ‘Community service won’t be a bad idea.’ I thought smiling at him. He frowned at me.

                                “Ms Williams and Mr Martin-Oje, this is no circus. Do proceed.” The judge ordered.

                I had a good knowledge of the basics from Law school, so I went through it swiftly and then defended Jake based on being ‘drunk and provoked to anger’. Jake, when asked of his weekly alcohol intake replied:

 “I am sober Judge; I don’t know who told my incompetent lawyer that I was drunk.”

                The courtroom let out a laugh, including the Judge and myself. I shook my head. ‘Jake had just ruined his chance of getting free. Community service for sure!’ I thought.

                                “This court is aware of the relationship between Mr Martin-Oje and Ms Williams outside this courtroom and so I won’t drag the case any further,” the judge started. “Darlene, you did well using those points in his defence even though he rubbished them. We ensured that you couldn’t communicate to know anything from him, but I am pleased with your work, good job girl.” He said.

                                “Bravo.” Carl said to me.

                The judge cleared his throat. “Nevertheless, it is community service for Jacob Martin-Oje”

                The Clerk called. “Court! Arise”

                We all rose to our feet until the Judge left the room. I rushed at Jake. “You nit-wit!”  I said, jabbing his shoulders.

                He swirled me round and round. “I missed you love.”

                                “Me too.” We locked in a tight embrace. “Community service for you tomorrow.’ I said, releasing myself from the hug. Now I was the one sticking my tongue out.

                                “Whatever. It will be fun.” He replied.

                Dare and Carl joined us. “Good job Darlene, you are good.” Dare said.

                                “Thanks Dare.” I replied.            

                                “See you in the office.” he replied and left with Carl.

                I winked at Jake. “You are dropping me at work, right?”

                                “Seriously? I came in a police truck.” He replied, laughing.


 “Jake, come on…do you think that I am ready to be driven round the city in a police van?”

                Jake laughed. “It’s not a big deal, and this won’t be your first time. You were arrested with your boss, remember?”

                                “Oh…so you have gotten the gist already? Who told you?”

                                “It doesn’t matter. The police station is still reeling with excitement from the arrest of two of the most powerful people in the city. Just take it as, you are a celebrated villain.”

                I smiled. “I have a stalker problem.”

                Jake stuck his tongue out. “That’s what you get for leading people on.” He said, adjusting his sunglasses.

                I yanked the sunglasses off his face that he let out a cry. “Lead? I did not even know the dude until I met him at my driving school. He followed me around ever since.” I protested.

                                “Okay.” He replied, forcefully taking his sunglasses. “This cost much, they are royal.” He said kissing the frame of the sunglass. “I could care less about your stalker problem; all you need is a restraining order. But if my sunglasses got damaged, I can’t get it fixed.”

                Jake is back! Everything had to be fun for him. I smiled as I stared at the way he caressed the sunglasses. ‘Much ado about nothing!’ Jake made silly things count. An example was the car he had inherited from his grandfather before getting a new one.

                                “How do you intend getting back to the office?” he asked, as a police officer approached us.

                                “I will go with you as far as Broad Street.” I replied.

                The Police officer stood before us. “Hello” he said quietly.

                                “He is my supervisor for the community service; just to ensure that I am a good boy.” Jake said.

                                “My name is Philip.” He replied.

                                “Hi Philip.” I said, as we exchanged handshake.

                Jake cleared his throat. “Philip, I would love if we could drop this pretty little miss at Ade-Cole firm before we return to the Station.”

                                “Anything for a beautiful woman,” he smiled at me.  “I will be by the Truck.” He said, taking his leave.

                Jake nudged me. “Officer Philip on your radar now…ha-ha”

                                “Oh Please Jacob, did I even smile back?”

                                “Whatever! He is cute Policeman; he is tall, athletic and handsome. You should consider him.”

                The Policeman had all the qualities that Jake said, but how could he think of a Policeman and me? “Jake, you should date a Policewoman. Let’s go”

                                “Thanks for the ride Philip.” I said as I got off the Truck.

                                “Anytime Miss. Just come to my division.” He called back.

                Jake winked at me. “Bye Love”


                Bola held out a note at me as soon as I got back. “It came from the Court.”

                                “Thank you.”

                I read the letter and sighed. The Court was requesting my presence to follow up the restraining order I requested for on Daniel. I turned to Dare’s office.

                                “Welcome back.” He said, as I walked in.

                                “Thank you.”

                He gestured to a chair. “Please sit.” I complied. “I hope you didn’t come here to tear me apart about your Practise session.” He said, smiling.

                                “Not at all, on the contrary, I am very grateful.”

                                “You are welcome.”

                I smiled. “I am to appear at Court tomorrow over Daniel’s restraining order.”

                                “Okay. I got the letter also to be a witness,” he said looking at his wrapped fist.

                                  “Does it still hurt?” I asked, looking concerned.

                I nodded. “I am not going to lie about that, it bloody hurts. His face is so hard”

                I chuckled. “I think you are the one with the lazy bones. Jake would tear anyone apart and his hands would still be intact. He is as fit as fiddle”

                                “You should have called Jake that night, you know.”

                                “Aww…I am not ridiculing your efforts, I am just saying that maybe you are paying too much attention to the fist and that’s why it won’t heal.”

                He smiled. “Okay,” he replied, taking off the bandage. “Maybe if I stretch the fist a bit, it will get better.”

                                “You don’t have to remove it.”

                                “I’ll be fine.” He replied. “I don’t want to appear with it on Friday before my father.”

                I rose to my feet. “If you say so, I have to return to my office. I have a few paper works to tidy.”

                                “See you later.” He replied.

                I got an e-mail from Dora that read:

                                “I have gotten more information on Paul. You cannot guess. See U at home.”

                ‘Now what’s new about Paul?’ I thought. I typed back; “Thanks”

                                “Knock Knock” Toni said, as she walked in.

                I smiled at her. “You sly! Why didn’t you tell me about my practise session? Now I why you stuttered before leaving my office.”

                                “But I heard that you did fine. You can blame me, those are office secrets.”

                                “Or secrets between Dare and you?”

                Toni smiled. “He told me not to tell you, I am sorry.” She walked over to the window. “If you ever get bored, just stare through this window, and it will bubble you back to life. Reina never took her eyes off this place.”

                                “Toni, if you miss Reina so much, you can phone her or just mail her.” I said, sharply.

                                “I was just teasing.” She replied.

                I raised my eyebrows. “Teasing? I think you were in awe of Reina. You have to forget her, you know, and if you can’t, limit it around me, thanks.”

                                “I have known Reina all my life, and she always made me miserable because of my size. You know what she tagged me at high school? She called me a ‘Balloon’! I could never like her.”

                I grinned. “I think you should work out during the weekends.”

                                “I have regular sit ups, but I can’t diet to look like a strand of spaghetti like you. Do you even eat at all?”

                I laughed. “Of course, I do. You will shocked by my consumption rate.”

                                “Please don’t make me laugh. If you eat well, it will show honey.”

                                “You can believe whatever you like, but I eat well.”

                Toni flipped through a magazine on my table. “Friday is only two days away, what are going to wear?” she asked.

                                “I haven’t really given it a thought. It’s a dinner, so I will take time off in the morning to get to the store, that is if my wardrobe is devoid of evening wears, but I don’t think it will come to that.”

                Toni pointed at a gown in the magazine. “This goes for twenty thousand naira, we can buy it online and it will be delivered tomorrow.” She said, going through the details. “Oh, it is M&S”

                                “Let me see.” I said, collecting the magazine. I have a rich taste for English dresses, so I was willing to check out the dress. “Should we browse it?”

                                “Oh yes,” Toni said as she leaned over the table. “What is this?”

  I laughed. “The gown goes for #21,000 naira. A thousand must go for delivery service.” I replied.

                                “Why didn’t they place that in the magazine? Rogues! Always trying to exploit people.”

                I smiled. “It’s just normal that you pay a delivery fee for your goods. They have to make some profits.” Toni shrugged. “I know that they should have been honest with the actual price, but what can they do?”

                                “Whatever, are you still going to buy?”

                I grinned. “I will just check my wardrobe when I get home. If I am not comfortable, I will place the order.”

                                “Okay. See you at closing hour; I have to put a few things together for the Friday dinner.”

                                “See you.”

                I joined the staff bus after work.

                                “What’s new about Paul?” I asked as soon as I walked in.

                                “Hi Dora, how was your day? I think that is a better way to ask your question” she replied, as she watered the flowers.

                I sighed. “I must have lost my manners. Good evening.”

                                “That’s better.” She replied, with a smile. She continued with the watering of the flowers. ‘Damn Dora!’ I thought. She knew that I was dying to know what she had found out about Paul, yet she was not saying a word. I raised my eyebrows at her, hoping to gain her attention. It worked. “Oh that…about Paul, right? She asked smiling.

                At that moment, I wished that I could force the gist out of her mouth. A horrid grin lurked around her lips as she tried to conceal something that I was too interested in, she ended the smile and stared at me sternly.

                                “Spill it!” I ordered.



Dora removed her hand gloves and flashed a smile at me. “I’ll be right back,” she said, strolling into the house. I stared at her as she jogged off into the house. Her wicked grin put me off. She made me anxious to hear some news and then she disappeared into the house. ‘What did she take me for?’
                Thoughts ran through my mind as I tried to imagine what Dora could have found out. Dora seemed to be a busy type. Cutting the garden right after work is something I will not think of, not even for a second. The flowers had been properly trimmed, and I have to admit, Dora is a great person.
                I stared at her as she approached with a chair.
                                “Comfy, right?” she asked with a smile. “Please sit.”
                                “What are you doing, Dora? You have something for me, don’t you?”
                She smiled. “Please don’t get all arrogant with me. I have big news for you, but first, you have to use the chair.”
                I frowned.
                                “Oh please, let me have your bag.” She said, collecting my bag with a grin. ‘What could Dora have to say?’ I thought
                I sat reluctantly. “Speak.”
                                “I think you should start taking lectures on manners.”
                Dora could go comic on almost everything, although I admit to being rude. “Please Dora.”
                                “That’s more like it.” She flashed her teeth at me.
                I tried to be patient as I stared at her.
                                “Oops! Sorry love, I have something for you.” She said and returned to the house.
                I could kill Dora honestly. I clenched my fists in frustration. Why didn’t she just break the ice and save me the suspense?
                                “I am so sorry sis.” She said clutching a brown envelope to her arms. “I have a question for you and I want an honest response.”
                At this junction, I could tell Dora a frank ‘yes’ just to know what she had found out about Paul. “YES”
                                “Oh Darlene…I don’t know how to ask you this question.” She said clenching her teeth.
                                “Just say it Dora, I will take no offence.” I pleaded.
                She shut her eyes tightly and said, “Have you ever had sex with Paul?”
                                “WHAT!” I could almost puke at the thought. “Paul and I? No ways.”
                She sighed. “Be honest.”
                                “Never! How could I sleep with a guy that I don’t even love?”
                                “Okay then…”
                By the way she sighed; I could tell that she was relieved with my response. “Why the question?”
                                “I just want to be sure that there were no intimate ties between yourself and Paul.”
                I smiled. “There you have it sis, I am clean, so break the ice.”
                                “PAUL IS GETTING MARRIED.”
                I let out a laugh. “Chuck Norris must be getting poor in his lectures; this joke is as bad as it can get.”
                                “I am serious.” She replied, straight faced.
                Dora looked serious. “You can’t be serious. Are you sure, you do know Paul, right? There are over a million men by the name Paul and any of them could be in the Bahamas.” I said, trying to convince myself.
“I was equally upset when the detective brought me the news, but there was nothing I could do about it. He had proofs.”
                                “What proofs?” I asked.
                She handed me the brown envelope. “There are pictures of Paul and his fiancée in them. There is also an upset”
                I flipped through the pictures. “What is Jake doing in them?” I asked widening my eyes.
                                “That’s your upset. Jake is aware of the whole thing.”
                I shook my head as I returned the pictures to the envelope. “I am more shocked than upset.”
                                “I guess you can be relieved.”
                I sighed. “Bottom line is that, he has moved on. I am only surprised at the speed and at his action.”
                                “Now that he has moved on, I officially certify you free to hook up with any Lagos guy. So should I call KP to hook us?”
                                “Chill sis…you have to slow down. I still need time to recover from this news that you’ve hit me with.”
                Dora sighed. “Come on Darlene, isn’t this what we both wanted? Paul is out of your life for good and he his moving on. So, why not be happy?”
                                “I am worried for him. I am not too sure that he is making the best decision.”
                                “I don’t get you Darlene, Paul is out of your life, he is an adult and he has decided to move on, why draw him back?”
                Dora was now wearing a frown. “Dora, I appreciate your efforts, but I want to be sure that what Paul is doing is right. If Jake was with him, I can’t be so sure of his decisions. Jake believes that the best way to get on with life is to do something sporadic, and I guess he stuffed the idea in Paul’s head.”
                                “If Paul is stupid enough to let Jake decide for him, then let it be. He will live with the consequences. However, I honestly think that you should let this go and be satisfied that Paul is out of your life for good. ”
                                “You think?”
                                “I am sure, sis. Let him go.” She replied, and returned into the house.
                I couldn’t come to terms with the fact that Paul was moving on with his life. ‘Paul is getting married!’ I yelled. This should be good news for me, but I couldn’t help feeling bad about it.
                                “Is there a problem ma’am?” the security officer asked.
                He heard me scream. “I’ll be fine.” I replied and hurried into the house to avoid further comments from the house workers. I tried calling Jake to no avail. His phone was turned off.                          
                                “Dora, I need your help.” I said as I walked into the kitchen.
                She sliced some onions into a plate and chewed. “How?”
                                “I need a flight ticket to the Bahamas.”
                She burst into a crooked laughter. “Are you going to start chasing shadows at this stage of your life? You are too much for that sis.” She replied.
                                “If I want to be embarrassed, that’s my decision.” I replied, taking some onions from the plate. “What do you see in Onions?”
                She yanked the Onions from me. “I didn’t slice them for you. You are way too fresh to want more, and that’s the same case with Paul, you are too much for what you intend to do.”
                                “All I need is the Ticket. I leave on Friday night.”
                She grinned. “You have a dinner at Ade-Cole, may I remind.”
                                “Oh no!”
                                “Look Darlene, I think you should let go. Paul has made a decision and you have to respect it. You dumped him. ”
                Paul had a right to move on, but not in this way. “Marriage after a supposed heart break is just not right, maybe that’s how I see it, but logically,     “He can’t love the poor girl.” She mocked.
                                “I am serious Dora; he won’t be able to love her.”
                She hissed. “Really? That’s rich coming from you. You were guilty of the same.”
                                “Oh please Dora, cut me some slack. I was honest from the start. I am not sure that Paul will do the same with his Bahamas chic. He shouldn’t punish her because of me.”
                Dora groaned heavily. “Wake up sis! The world doesn’t revolve around you.”
                That was blunt! I had never heard Dora that blunt. I widened my eyes in shock.
                                “If you keep widening your eyes in that manner, your balls will be out of its sockets soon.”
                I chuckled. “Thank you Dora.” I said.
                                “For everything Dora.” I replied as I took some onions from the plate. “You have helped me in every way to put Paul in the past. Most importantly, you blazed a very harsh truth on me.”
                She smiled, and placed the plate of onions right before me. “Here you go, eat them all.” she replied and returned with two glasses and a bottle of Martini. “It’s good that you admit that you are not Ms World, everyone must bow. Care for Martini?” she asked.
                                “No. I have so much to do tonight, I don’t want a hangover.”
                She laughed. “You are being a chicken you know, a cup won’t kill you.”
                                “A bottle will kill you. See you in the morning, if you make it.” I replied, and rushed upstairs.
                I could hear Dora shout, “You should have waited!”
 I flung my wardrobe open and searched for a gown. I had a tough time selecting from my wardrobe. I would not have “MILLAROCA WEEKLY” ridicule me as they did 10 years ago. I had shown up at my father’s charity event in a checked top, Turquoise blue trouser and some weird grey loafers that Jake said were ‘meant to kill’. I needed no one to tell me that I looked horrible as my Ponytail golden brown hair summed up my unimpressive appearance.
The tabloid read boldly, “14-year old DARLENE WILLIAMS COMMITS ‘HORRIFYING’ FASHION BLUNDER!”  A light tag was added to it with made me the object of ridicule at school on Monday, “…and they say that money can buy looks!”
Millaroca Weekly is anywhere that Top events took place and I would not miss a chance to re-write my image in their history books. I have been able to make a statement in the fashion world over the years. Therefore, this year, and most importantly, at Ade-Cole, there will not be an exception.
        ‘Good morning Lagosians. Its 5am this morning and it is all about the early morning traffic in the Metropolis. Ring us up and let’s know how it is in your region.’  I turned the volume of the radio down as I slipped into my bathroom slippers. I had rung a taxi to pick me up to work and then Dare and I would go to the City Mall together. Shower would not take forever, and especially when trying to beat Lagos’s ever busy traffic. Things only got worse when the Lagos State Government ordered the closure of the Third Mainland Bridge that linked into the City’s busiest parts.
                                “We will be moving against the traffic.” The Taxi driver said, as I stepped in.
                That was a relief to me. I fetched my Phone from my bag and tweeted, ‘I will be moving against Traffic. Third Mainland can’t stop me.’  The driver raced against the traffic as we delved into the road recklessly, shoving other road users aside. I kicked, screamed and fumed to no avail, but the driver could not be moved. He kept bumping into every pothole.
                                “Ade-Cole Firm…we don dey check,” he said in his broken English accent as we highlighted at work.
                I arrived at work for 6:47AM. That was a record! However, I had to pay for my early arrival. My head hurt! The security officers greeted me as I approached the building. I immediately left for my office. Arriving that early would mean that I would be the only one in the office, official duties starts by 8am. I turned on my office lights.
                                “Why are you here so early?”
                Dare shifted his weight from the swivel chair and leaned on the table. “Good morning.”
                                “What are you doing here?” I asked, staring at him.
                He stretched his body and his bones cracked violently. He must have slept in a position of discomfort. “This is my firm.”
                                “MY OFFICE! You broke into my office, which is punishable by the law. There’s a legal term for that, um…”
                He smiled and picked his Jacket from the table. “Trespassing, it is called trespassing. I had a lot to do in preparation for tomorrow’s event, when I was done, the city’s traffic held me up. Satisfied?”
                                “Are you going home now?”
                                “Yes. I will be heading home against the traffic so that we’ll make it in time for City Mall.”
                I nodded my head. “You have to be careful, because, if you get apprehended by the cops, you won’t go cheap.”
                                “It won’t be my first time in lock up, remember?”
                I nodded.
                                “What are you doing here this early anyways?” he asked, opening the door.
                                “I had to beat traffic.”
                He closed the door quietly after him. “Why not his office?” I thought aloud. I bent down and saw a Picture faced down. It was a picture of Dare and a little boy, probably around the age of four to five. ‘Who could this be?’ I thought. The door flung open as Dare rushed in. I stretched the picture to him. His eyes burned with fury. He took the picture from me without saying a word and walked out.
                                “Who could that be?” I asked myself.
                Dare seemed upset about me looking at the picture, so it had to be important to him. It was still early in the morning and Toni could not help me with any answers yet, so I turned on my laptop and searched Paul’s Facebook Account.
                                ‘Marital Status: Engaged to Marie Branson’
`               I sighed as I went over his recent posts. Paul’s recent post read, ‘‘I’ll be happy with Marie.” I was not convinced with the post, but I became the 37th friend to LIKE the Post. Paul had posted several pictures of himself and Marie Branson. I had cold chills down my spine. At that moment, I had to admit to a slight jealousy. I logged off from the Internet and returned to thoughts about Dare’s picture. I got lost in the thought that I didn’t notice Toni before me.
                                “Darlene!” she yelled. “I have been here for almost five minutes.”
                I popped my eyes open. “I am sorry Toni. Please sit.”
                                “Why do you look so worried?” she asked, as she took her seat.
                I cleaned my brows. “It’s nothing Toni. I was lost in thoughts.” I replied, pouring myself a cup of coffee. “You care?”
                                “Yes please. Black, low fat.”
                I smiled. “You should try more slimming down techniques, coffee isn’t really the best.”
                She eyeballed me coldly. “Humans are so insatiable! You told me to try to work out, only last night, I saw an Indian movie ‘Anjaana Anjaani’ and Priyanka Chopra was going on about Black Coffee…Low fat. If I continue like that, I will be as fit and hot as Priyanka Chopra in a year.”
                                “Toni, you make me laugh. You will get there in five years, if you promise to reduce an intake on your Pepsi and burger.”
                She scoffed. “I won’t take hunger as a substitute for good living.” She sipped her coffee lightly. “That aside, why did you look very sad?”
                                “Paul is getting married.”
                She dropped the coffee on the table. “Paul?”
                                “Yes, and it will be soon. I don’t understand how it happened. He just decided to get married to some random girl I am sure he met while in the Bahamas.”
                Toni sighed. “I still find it hard to believe. That guy was so much in love with you.”
                                “Jake must have planted that idea in his head. I bet he made Paul think of something weird.”
                She shrugged. Toni finished the last bit of the coffee and passed the cup to me. “I think Paul is mature to take any decision he so wishes. Jake isn’t responsible for his actions.”
    “If you say so, I have a question for you.”
                She adjusted her weight against the chair. “Go ahead.”
                                “Is Dare hurt emotionally?”
                She laughed. “I always knew that you care for him, why the question?”
                                “He slept in my office last night. He claimed that he had so much to do at work, so the traffic held him up, but I don’t believe it?”
                Toni shrugged carelessly.  “I don’t know if he is hurt. He is so over Reina, so I know that she’s not responsible for whatever shape he might be in. maybe, he’s having issues with his father.” She started. “Old Ade-Cole doesn’t miss a chance to take constant swipes at his son. He wants him to be HIM.”
                                “Almost every father wants that from his son. Do you think that’s the reason why he could be unstable?”
                She nodded in agreement. “At the moment, I think so. He is under a lot of pressure to deliver tomorrow. Top members of the state will be in attendance, so everything has to go on well.”
                                “Okay. Is there anything special or sensitive about Dare that you know?” I asked.
                Toni stared at me carefully. “Dare isn’t gay. He is a straight guy.”
                                “Shut up Toni. Who said a thing about Dare being gay?”
                                “Then why are you probing into his life without a destination? If you have something that needs to be cleared up, all you have to do is say what you know.” She replied with a bit of harshness in her tone.
                I stared at her. “So much attitude for a simple enquiry.”
                                “It’s not a simple enquiry Darlene; you are beating around the bush. I bet you found out something that you want me to confirm, all I need is for you to say what it is, and then I will ease your suspicions.”
                I was a bit skeptical about dropping the news. I am afraid of being seen as nosy by Dare and as impulsive by Toni. If I should mention it to Toni and she wasn’t aware of it previously, I would have leaked out something that I wasn’t sure of the import.
                                “Darlene, I have seen you as a close friend ever since you got here, you can try to see me as a friend. Dare means a lot to me, if there is something that should be known for his good, I’d rather you say.”
                My eyes blinked repeatedly. “I would like an honest answer to the question, and a very direct one.”
                                “Go ahead.”
                I took a deep breath. “Does Dare have a son?”
                                “Darlene, I have never refused you a question about Dare, but on this one, if Dare has anything to tell you, he will. You won’t hear it from me.”
                I sighed. “I just want a YES or NO”
                                “Sorry Darlene, you won’t get that from me.” She replied, standing up. She adjusted her grey jacket. “There are some matters that stay personal, and are rather not discussed for the good of us all. Don’t take it the wrong way.”
                I nodded. “I understand.”
                                “That word weighs, if you don’t understand, just shrug.” She replied with a smile as she headed for the door. “Later hun, and best of luck with the stalker’s case.” She added and left.
`               Bola came in. “Morning Darlene.”
                                “Hi Bola.”
                She handed me the Dailies. “Dare called in and said that you should meet him in the Car garage in five minutes. He’s parked at the executives.”
                                “Thank you Bola.” I replied. She smiled as she left.
                I flipped through the back pages and stumbled on a remembrance column that read:
                                “IN LOVING MEMORY OF TOBI ADE-COLE…It’s been 3 years since you’ve gone and I still miss you – Dad”

…to be continued

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