BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 9 – 10 by Amah’s Heart

BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 1 by Amah's Heart

BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 9 by Amah’s Heart

“Do you remember this place? Maxwell asked her.

“Yes, like yesterday…I remember everything. Memories of here is still fresh…

“Same with me. You made me fall in love with this place. Is filled with nature… everything about it speaks of God’s awesome creation. I came here twice before finally traveling to Germany and only ones since I returned back. Anytime I thinks of this place I think of you.

Florence smiled, she breathed deeply.

“Indeed, it speaks of God’s glorious artistical work. Faraway from the crowd, echos and noise of the world. I find a perfect peace…real peace whenever I’m here. Although things has really changed around here, a little bit added humans coming and going but despite all that it still holds it’s nature tight.

Florence said gazing around the field.

Maxwell nodded as he looked at her and quickly looked away.

Florence have not changed much. Even with the years that went by and being a married woman she was still looking radiant except for a dark circle beneath her eyes. Which clearly shows she has not been sleeping well and obviously stressed out. She tried to used a little makeup to cover it but a closer look at her will reveal it all.

He was surprised when she chat him up after warning him to stay off few months ago because she was happily married.

He thought she will turn down the invite but she surprisingly agreed to hang out with him here.

Seeing her again brings back lots of memories.

She was around twenty five years when she met her Coleman and immediately ended their over two years relationship.

Her reasons for breaking up appears genuine but he wish she never left.

He was a traveler and was mostly on a journey but he tries as much as possible to explain the nature of his job to her understanding.

Florence love for him started growing cold when he traveled to Uganda for research.

He was too busy and couldn’t speak with her for two months.

That period he lost his phone and has to also get a new phone which was another reason why their communication was breeched.

Florence called almost everyday, send messages without reply.

When he traveled back he was afraid that his girlfriend was probably fed up but she listened to his explanation as he also promise to get better.

But it was never better, he traveled again to Madagascar, stayed for just five months.

The communication went cold, things weren’t as they used to be.

When he retuned Florence told him that she was moving on, she was in love with another and she can no longer cope with the cold communication and constant travels.

He knew her mind was made up.

The fault was from him. Florence has been patient enough but he only wish she could have exercise more patient with him to round up with all the projects he was running around for.

Florence ended things and moved on with a guy she called Coleman.

She was really in love with this new guy and didn’t hide it.

When she announced that she was getting married.

It was a painful news.

He has wished to make Florence his bride some day.

He has imagined how the future will be like having a kind, God fearing beautiful Florence by him side.

He congratulated her and wished her the best.

She was twenty six years when she moved on and later got married to the man she truly loved.

He also moved on, traveled to Germany stayed there for years. Had a daughter with a German lady. He planned to get married to the lady but it didn’t work out.

He later retuned home.

He tried not to pry Florence, to know how many kids she has with her husband and why she suddenly was giving him audience.

Deep down he knew all is not well with her and only hope she will open up whenever she wants to.

But if she chose not to tell him anything then is fine.

They will just enjoy the breeze, the serenity of the field and each others presence.

They sat on a long bench, Maxwell turned and looked at her. Florence was staring at a couple sitting on a distance bench on the far left side.

Maxwell followed her gaze and saw what she was watching keenly.

The lady was relaxing on the man’s arm, as he cuddle her up.

He said something and she chuckled, looked up at him and kissed him fully on the mouth.

The distance couple were having a beautiful uninterrupted moment.

Maxwell try to say something to draw Florence back to reality.

She can’t stop watching the couple

He cleared his voice loudly but Florence didn’t flinch.

“Uhmm…so Flox.. your husband, has he ever brought you down here before, maybe alone or with the kids?

She didn’t reply immediately, she remained silent.

Maxwell tapped her shoulder a little.

She turned and looked up at him.

As Maxwell tries to repeat what he said, Florence interrupted.

“I heard you clearly the first time Max. My silence only means that I don’t want to talk about my private or family life. I just want to enjoy the serenity of this place.

“I’m sorry… sorry for bringing it up. Maxwell apologiezed.

Maxwell and Florence sat for sometime before deciding to take a walk around.

Florence deliberately walked pass the couple she was staring at before.

They were married to each other as their wedding band reveals it.

Florence thought of Cole but quickly waves it off.

“The beauty of this place is undiluted. It makes us appreciate nature more. I think why people haven’t filled up here is might be because of the entry fee attached. It’s high price is very suitable and kept remnants away.

Maxwell said as he walks around with Florence.

Florence nodded in agreement.

Maxwell continued.

“…I remember one of our time out here, I sat watching you move to the lake side. You spread out your hand, with your face raised to the sky and eyes shut. The sun kissing your face brightened up your beauty and you appeared like an angelic being. I couldn’t get enough of such precious moments. It was a rare sight stored in my memory. Flox, If I ever forget everything about you which is impossible though, I will never forget that picture you created on my mind eight years ago. I have a similar oil painting hanging in my sitting room…

“Oh really. Wooow! You personally asked an artist to paint it…?

Florence exclaimed smiling.

“No, I was driving and sighted it an art gallery. It wasn’t exactly but almost. It still speaks of the true beauty of nature. I asked of the price, expensive but it was worth every dime. I bought it with extra two but that particular one stood out as my best.

Florence looked up at him and smile.

“We had similar passion for nature before we separated, I got married and some things didn’t appeal to my senses anymore. Well, so I thought until this moment. Probably because the man I married wasn’t a nature freak like I used to be. I miss a whole lot of things in my five years of marriage but I blame no one for that. Marriage has always comes with different baggage… you know…

She swallowed hard before breathing in deeply.

“…I will love to see the painting but I don’t know how possible that…

She paused, folded her hand in akimbo style.

Max saw the sadness in her eyes. He wish he can comfort her and take away whatever that was troubling her.

“Do you want to come around to my place some time? Please let me know whatever you decide and it will be a honor having you under my roof again.

Florence nodded, she told him probably next weekend but she will let him know if she can make it or not.

They become quiet, Maxwell picked up a peddle, he began throwing it towards the water side.

“Do you remember one comedy show we attended one evening, it was during an Easter period? Max asked her

Florence nodded without looking at him. Maxwell continued

“… there will be a live show next weekend. If you are interested, I can book down our tickets ahead of time…

Florence was quiet. Maxwell continued

“…is okay if you don’t feel like it. Or you can come with your loved ones too. I will pay for all the tickets just let me know ahead of time. Is that okay by you, do you want to think about it or you aren’t interested?

“I dunno yet. I can’t really tell.. give me from now till morrow… let me check my schedule.

Florence replied.

“Alright then. There’s no problem. By the way… how’s your elder sister Susu? She nicked named me journey walker because of the way I’m always on the road and air travelling. I remember she saying if we happen to get married, you will become Mrs Walker or Mrs journey…

Florence started laughing, Maxwell joined her.

“I Remember that too. She will always ask me, “Flo, is Mr Walker back or he’s still journeying” I will tell her that you were still journeying. My sister can be super funny… she’s doing great by the way. Mother of two boys, if I include her husband then it will three boys. She usually say “my boys are out, my three boys are in the game room playing tennis or soccer…

Maxwell laughed out.

He was happy to watch Florence laughing.

They stayed talking about many other things.

They later went to the cafeteria and ordered for food and drinks.

The day was getting dark.

After they were done, they stayed up talking some more before Maxwell said.

“I guess is time to head home. I don’t always feel comfortable with a lady driving late at night. If not that you came with your car, I would have love to take you home make sure you are home safe.

“I don’t feel like going yet, I want to stay a little more before thinking of entering the road again.

Florence didn’t want to tell Maxwell that she was lodging in a hotel. Going back to her hotel room will be so lonely and quiet. She may start thinking of her present predicament of which she doesn’t want to. Staying out will take her mind away from certain things.

Maxwell did not want to argue with her but he wasn’t comfortable with the fact she wanted to stay out late when is already 9:40pm.

Her husband and probably kids maybe worried about her.

Driving alone, late at night is quiet dangerous for a vulnerable lady.

“…i feel like taking some liquor, i want to get intoxicated a little before leaving or better still take it along with me to my hote…to my house..

Maxwell knew she was about to say hotel but quickly change it.

He has many things running through his mind. He wondered if it was a mere slip of tongue or Florence was actually lodging in a hotel.

At same time he tried not to pry.

“, You can’t take a liquor tonight. you will be driving remember and is 10pm already. Maybe next time you can have enough of alcohol as you like but not tonight…. alright?

He gently took her hands into his, pat it gently and try to remind her that she is very important, not just to him but to many others who wouldn’t want to see any harm come to her.

Florence withdraw her hands from him.

She stood and told Max that she was going.

Maxwell walked her to the car and asked her to drive safe.

After she drove off, Maxwell retuned to his own car and drove away.


Cole searched frantically, he opened several cupboard, bags, lockers, lifted the bed, on every corner and even on the roof.

He rushed down from the stairs to the gym house where Marina was doing a pregnant lady’s work out.

“Marina… Marina…

Cole was shouting her name as he rushed towards her.

Marina sat up, drank deeply from her filled smoothy juice. She looked unbothered as Cole approached her.

“I’m looking for my money, did you take it…or happens to see it?

Marina sighed before saying

“How much is even the money that is making you scream my name as if the entire house was on fire?

Cole mentioned and it was thousands of dollars which he kept away safe.

“How can you even accuse me of taking your money, how… just how Cole? Do I look like a thief to you. How can I go to your bag and take such a huge amount? What do you take me for. Is probably Florence that stole the money the last time she came. This accusations is a huge disrespect to me…

Cole stood not knowing what to do or say anymore.

Florence has been gone for over a week. All his five years of marriage to Florence he has never looked for anything, mostly cash.

Florence was careful, articulated, neat and many other great attributes that Marina lacks.

He could have agreed with Marina that Florence probably took the whole money due to the fight they had but after Florence was gone, he still saw the money on the second day.

Florence has never returned ever since, so how come the money went missing.

He frowned at the way Marina was already throwing tantrum.

She was mad at him for accusing her of stealing instead of Florence.

He has no choice than to quickly apologies.

And blames himself for the carelessness as he promised to go back to search again.

Marina sighed out her relief as she relaxed back and continue sipping her smoothy.

Cole sadly climbed up the stairs to the main house, he angrily punched the wall out of frustrations and held back his hand in pain.

He went to the master bedroom which he presently shares with Marina. The room was in a total mess.

He doesn’t even know where to start from in cleaning the room.

Marina’s stuffs were everywhere. He was tired.

Even though Marina has asked him not to employ a female help, she does not want any lady to start competing with her over her man and the house.

He has to look for somebody who will cook, wash and clean because he was tired of doing it and the mess kept increasing everyday.

He was fed up from cleaning the house every time while Marina goes on messing it up.

Cole sat hard on the bed, he held his head in his hand sadly.

BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 10 by Amah’s Heart

“If you don’t do as I say then watch me dismiss her by myself….I warned you, this whole house will bear me witness that I warned you…

She turned and started walking away

He threw a fist to the air angrily.

He went after her, blocked her on the stairs, preventing her from walking pass him.

“Leave the road, I’m not in the mood for this your childish behavior…

She began to rant none stop.

“Marina, you are overreacting… what is your plan, what do you intend to do…?

Cole asked while still standing on her way.

“What you failed to do Cole. Before you employed that girl, I told you that I don’t need a female maid. You went ahead, disobeyed my orders, you didn’t even consider the fact that I am pregnant. I suffer several morning, afternoon and night sickness because of this your child I’m carrying. The only thing you could have done for me is to do all my bidding, but instead you did things that piss me off. I’m kicking her out. I almost two months of trying to exercise patient and wait until you do the needful but I’m done waiting…

“If you kick her out who will do the chores… because I will no longer do your dirty laundry, cleaning, mobbing or even vacuuming. So, you better think it through before dismissing the only lady helping out here all because of your inferiority compl…

Marina interrupted by pushing him aside.

“Cole, did you just insulted me? You forgot that I’m carrying your child right? You should be very grateful and worship the ground I walks on for trying to make you feel like a man. Unlike your wife who all the five years of marriage to her never conceived even ones. Listen to me, is Florence you can push around and not me. If you gets me angry, you will never set your eyes on this child in my womb…

“You are damn ungrateful Marina. What exactly do you want again eeh? I did everything you asked of me. I engaged you, drove my wife out, shared the master bedroom with you, bought a car for you, pays monthly allowance, clean and wash for you. We have been feeding on fast food because you are too lazy to cook. You blames everything on the pregnancy and I never argued. Since you’re a carrying my child is only normal for me to pamper you. I got tired of seeing the dirts and mess in the house, I couldn’t stand it or do it anymore, I decided to employed a help… Lizbeth has been doing her work effortlessly, so well and yet you don’t want her. You want me to fire her for your selfish reasons and employe a man instead, because you don’t want any Lady to drag me with you. You belittle me and subjected me to a mere items that have no say, like a piece of furniture. Lizbeth stays and if you kick her out, I won’t employ another help, you will have to do all the chores. Go ahead and try me. I’m sick and tired of all this your nonsense…

He walked away from her, Marina followed him, she continued ranting.

“You are just a coward Coleman. I’m not the type of Lady you should raise your voice at… remember I’m carrying your child and deserve a maximum respect, care and love. Take a long look at me, I’m not like your dullard of a wife that only woke up at the dying minutes. I’m always awake and watching you like a hawk. My type of person is rare…and you can’t easily get a beautiful smart lady like me…I can bet you to it..

Cole laughed sarcastically before turning to her.

“, The only thing you are good at is sex, sex and only sex. I sometimes gets scared of the baby you carried but you care less. Despite your pregnancy you are ready to give different style, even turn upside down just for sexual pleasure. I’m sick and tired of you already. Florence doesn’t have all the styles but she was never lazy, never disrespectful, never allow me to spend extravagantly. She was a better woman than you…i can also bet to that the reason why I’m not shutting your running mouth right now with a slap is because of the baby and another major reason is I don’t beat women…

“Cut the scrap off Cole… have you forgotten who you are talking to? You dares not lay a finger on me. You can only deceive women like Florence not me. If she was all this you mentioned why did you drove her out, got me pregnant, engaged me, allowed me move into your matrimonial master bedroom and spending so much on me and not her…? Let me guess because you are so confused and do not know what you truly want… another thing is that she can’t get pregnant and I beat her to it. Oh wait, I’m really good at the bedroom job, my great skills and performance even in pregnancy shock you right? Hahahaha… atleast I’m good at something which is why you can’t let go. I’m here to stay Cole. I haven’t even started and you are already complaining. I’m not your maid…so if you are expecting me to do the dishes, cook and clean then you will grow real old while waiting. I will let Lizbeth stay but if I catch you sneaking around her like a dog, you will wish you never met someone like me. Rubbish…

She walked away, leaving Cole speechless.


Florence drove in from work. She sat in her car for sometimes, her head was relaxed on the car seat.

It was a hectic day at work, she was grateful that weekend is around the corner.

After tomorrow’s work, which is Friday she will have enough time to rest.

She needs to go in, make dinner and get ready for tomorrow.

Her manager has commended her at work. Her recent performance at work is recommendable which made her manager to give her a thumb up and asked her to keep up with the great performance.

She wants to continue that way without any further bad record.

The period she moved out from her home and marriage was the toughest time of her life.

Moving into a hotel and trying to live everyday at a time wasn’t easy.

She was given two weeks of suspension at work due to errors and several complains.

She used that period to look for a mini apartment in an estate not too far from the company she works with.

Florence paid up but didn’t have enough money to furnish it.

Staying in the hotel for almost three weeks and spent so much in paying for her room, for feeding, fueling and maintaining her car and other necessary expenses almost crippled her bank account in.

She was running low on cash after renting the apartment.

Florence spent a weekend with Susan and her boys.

Susan gave her some money which she added to buy things in her new apartment.

Susan and her husband Jimmy asked her to stay but Florence didn’t want to become a burden for them.

This was the third month of moving out of her matrimonial home.

Is been rough and tough. She was gradually coming in terms with the fact that her husband belongs to another woman carrying his child.

She has not been able remove her wedding ring from her finger.

She made attempt to do so many times but broke down each time.

Maxwell tries to respect her every decision. Even when she told him to stop calling or texting her, she needed to focus more on God and herself.

Maxwell did as she asked.

He stayed away for a month but as the second month came, Florence called and they resumed talking and chatting.

She promised to tell him everything she was going through.

They met only twice, one was the first outing they did to the field for the first time.

They second time was going with him to the comedy night. She drove straight to her hotel after the show.

The rest of the talk was on phone.

It was until the middle of the second month, they got to see again.

They went to their hangout field.

Florence opened up to him.

She poured out everything she has bottled in.

It feels like a relief as she talks to somebody like Maxwell who won’t judge her or throw sheds at Cole.

He was a great listener and allowed her pour out her soul without interruption.. Florence has began

“I still wonder why Cole will do this to me? What did I ever do wrong? I was a good wife, I tried to be at my best. Supporting him, loving him, pleasing him even when it hurts…all of this I did and many more without complaining and yet this is what I got in return. Nothing to boost off, no child to call mine. Cole told me he doesn’t want me getting pregnant because he wasn’t ready for such responsibility or the mess that comes with it. He wasn’t much of a children person. I agreed despite how much his decision hurts me but I have no choice than to agree for peace to reign… hoping that someday he will be ready like he said and we will have kids. Susan talked me into trying to see if I can conceive maybe with pregnancy Cole will throw off his strong will of not wanting children, unknown to me he has already gotten another Lady pregnant. I was thinking that Cole had issue in getting a woman pregnant just as the doctor had mentioned. The doc has confirmed me alright and ready to take in but my husband needed to go through some checking and medication so that we can both be on same lane…but Cole refused. He said he was very fertile and active, maybe I’m the one with the problem. He had a great prove to show for it, Marina was the prove. Cole broke me, he cut me deeply and left me with a deep hidden scar. Getting another woman pregnant wasn’t enough, bringing the lady home, engaging her, moved her to the bedroom we both shared. Cole had the gut to move my own things to the guest room and scattered my stuffs everywhere in that room. His mother supports his decision. My husband threatened to kill me because of another woman. He told me he was done with the marriage and will be serving me a divorce letter still because of another woman. I’m healing gradually but no day pass by without thinking of everything I passed through in the hand of Cole and how it still hurts…

Florence wiped a tear, she tried not to break down in front of Max.

Maxwell can see her struggling to hold back tears and emotions.

“Let it out. If you feel like crying, is alright Flox. If I appear like Cole in your eyes and you feel like striking me. Do so… because I will never judge you. I deeply understand your pain. You are a strong lady, I have Known you to be unbending, you will be alright Flox because all of this will still pass and your sanity will be fully restored with happiness that can only come from God. I’m sorry for everything you have to go through…so sorry Flox…

Florence went into his arm and released the heavy tears she held back.

Maxwell was careful as he stroke her shoulder gently.

She told him of her new apartment after moving out of the hotel due to the expenses.

They talked until it was 10pm before Maxwell walked Florence to her car, bid her goodnight, “drive carefully Flox”

He stood as she speed off.

Max returned to his own car.

He didn’t drive off immediately, he went through everything Florence told him and all that she has gone through.

He folded his fist and hit it on the steering wheel.

He probably played a part in driving Florence into the arm of a man like Cole. Men who doesn’t value what they have.

Florence was kind, she was loving and God fearing. She loves with everything in her and holds nothing back.

She was patient with him for almost three years of their dating. Despite how he was mostly on the road, Florence understand him and was ready to make it work.

she waited until she couldn’t anymore.

She fell deeply in love with Coleman, he was always present whenever she needed some one.

Florence said many amazing things about him and he was happy that she will be in a safe hand with a responsible man who also loved her.

Seeing how broken, sad and hurt the same man left her made him want to punch him real hard.

Maxwell later drove her.

Despite how Florence confided in him, he tries as much as possible to avoid meddling in her personal life.

He wanted to remain a friend she can always lend her shoulder on and that was what Florence wanted too.

She focused more on her job and getting more recommendation as days goes on.

Florence was finally letting go little by little.

She was home that Thursday from work, while getting ready for the next day her phone rang.

It was Cole. He was calling for the first time in three months.


Florence was quiet, she pretend like she doesn’t know him.

“Who’s this?

Cole became speechless at first.

“Don’t you have my number or know my voice again…?

“I will end this call if you don’t introduced yourself immediately… Florence said.

“So you deleted my number and can’t recognize my voice.. Cole replied.

Florence ended the call.

Cole called like twice before she picked up.

“Florence please don’t end the call, is me… Cole. Your husband…” Cole added.

“Which husband are you referring to? Because I don’t have a husband Mr Cole. How’s your new wife and the baby and what do you want…is the divorce papers ready. My lawyer will pick it up, just let me know when…

Cole interrupted.

“Florence, I didn’t call for that, I only called to…to check up on you…

“Is it to Check if I’m dead or alive? Don’t call this line next time Colman Spence. If the divorce papers are ready text it to me and I will send my lawyer to you…” Florence added

Florence can hear Marina in the background shouting over something he did.

“… I just got this month alert Cole and is not complete, what happened to the rest of the money. I want my complete allowance or…”

Florence heard Marina cursing him.

“Can’t you see that I’m on call…what the hell is wrong with you…? Cole said

He suddenly covered the mouth piece so that Florence won’t hear the rest of the banter. He later returned to the call.

Maybe he didn’t want Marina to know who he was talking to, he suddenly started talking very quiet


Florence quietly ended the call before switching off her phone.

(Do NOT take credit or plagiarize AMAH’S HEART stories)


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