BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 30 – 31 by Amah’s Heart

BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 1 by Amah's Heart

BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 30 by Amah’s Heart

There was a tap on the door, it was obviously open but the person still decided to knock.

She recognized the male hand and knew who it was

He came in with a full wrapped flowers of different types. Bigger than a normal bouquet.


That was all he said as he came and placed it on a table beside her bedside.

“Hey Max…

She replied back with a smile.

…. that’s loads of flowers. Thank you Max…

She thought he was going to sit but he stood inside.

“Yea…I hand picked them by myself. Some has a healing sent… strong powerful unique fine smell. Like this one here…

He pulled out one stick and asked her to inhale, she did with a smile.

There was another knock and before Florence could say anything Maxwell said to her.

“I came with Bill. He will be traveling by weekend back to London. I left him outside because he was on a phone call… hope you don’t mind us crowding up your small space again?

She nooded with a wave of hand.

Just then Bill came in. Ever since last week that she came out of coma, this was the third time he will be coming around.

Few days ago he came alone without Maxwell, he brought some tasty donut and cream.

He spoke greatly of Maxwell and how much of a great guy he was.

He mentioned that Maxwell cares greatly about her and can’t stop blaming himself for what happened.

Florence assured Bill that Maxwell got nothing to do with it and he shouldn’t blame himself for her unthinkable foolish decision.

She was supposed to be discharged from the hospital days ago but the doctors said she should stay few more days so that they can watch her if anything will change from her sudden quick recovery which still baffles the medical team.

Finally, Florence will be leaving tomorrow.

Susan has been great. She was mostly around except few occasions that she needs to go home.

She came in the morning, picked some of Florence things in the hospital and went home.


Bill greeted with full smile as he stepped in.

“… congratulations, I heard you are leaving the hospital tomorrow. From the scary ICU to a normal hospital bed then home. wow…after the darkest month of all our lives. You fought well, and you conquered it all. I’m proud of you… I’m gonna really miss you, I will be traveling by weekend… Maxwell isn’t gonna travel with me again. He said he got other things to do down here… well, anytime he feels like coming over, my door remains open for him and for you too…”

Florence thanked Bill and they talked about other things.

Bill and Florence mostly, Maxwell did not talk much. He stood all through while Bill sat

They stayed for sometime before finally leaving.

Bill left first, Maxwell asked when Susan will be coming back, Florence replied him.

He nodded silently before saying

“You’re alright? you need anything… do you feel any pain at all..?

“I’m doing great…I don’t need anything. Thanks Max…”

Florence replied.

Just then Susan came in. She was delighted to see Maxwell.

Maxwell later left with Bill. Susan stayed.

The following day she was discharged and went over to stay at Susan’s house.

Her bags and other personal belongings that was still back in the house was brought to her by Susan.

Cole was released from police custody after Florence came out of coma.

Lizbeth was released before then due to her health condition.

Dominic too was freed, the house was later unsealed

The police handed over Florence items with them to Susan.

Florence got her bag which contains both her and Cole’s phone.

Back at Susan’s house, she kept thinking of all that happened as she stared at Cole’s phone.

She knew his password but opening his phone and going through is not what she find pleasant doing.

She was afraid she may discover another thing that will hurt her emotions.

She put back the phone in her bag.

She remember saying she will send Cole back to the street, retrieve the cheque and the bank will collect back the house but that was all before her encounter.

She does not have the mind to do any of what she planned.

Cole with Lizbeth is still a shock to her, a big shock she may never get away from.

Thinking about it still brings tears to her eyes but she had to try and move pass that.

She couldn’t return back to work, not because she was sacked but she may not be able to concentrate like she used to do.

She was still traumatized from the whole experience.

Maxwell had cleared all the hospital bills, the money was huge yet he paid it all.

Cole did not bring a dime, even after he was freed he did not come to the hospital.

Probably he was afraid, his assumption was that Florence was dead. It was while in custody he got to know that Florence has been in coma.

He was also informed when she woke up and he was released after then but he never came around.

After two months he came over to Susan without his car.

Susan asked him to leave and never step his feet again in her house but Florence asked her sister to calm down.

She can’t keep avoiding him, she asked Susan to let her speak to Cole in private.

Susan angrily left.

Cole sat down beside Florence.

“I… I’m glad that you made it. I was so scared… I thought you were dead. I could have come but lots of fear held me back. I don’t have money and I don’t have anyone that can loan me for your hospital bills. I was detained for more than two weeks at the police. Lizbeth and Dominic were both freed before me. I only learnt of your discharged two weeks ago and I suppose to come see you here but your sister… she won’t stopped threatening me. I’m sorry Florence… please forgive me, I know you may never forgive me but I still have to plead to be forgiven. I’m truly sorry…I thought I had loosed you. I was scared…I couldn’t live with myself with such realization. Please forgive me….

“Sure Cole. I Forgive you…I truly do from the dept of my heart.

Cole looked at her and saw she was serious. She indeed meant it. Maybe Florence was up to something, maybe she plans to hurt him back.

She can’t possibly forgive him just like that.

He asked her if she was certain and she affirmed it.

He breathed in relief.

“Maybe Florence still love him dearly and will love to return back”

He thought within himself

“ are you feeling..? Do you want to come home… you know no one can take your place”. Cole said

“No, I haven’t decided over that. But where is Lizbeth…if I come home what happens to Lizbeth… and her baby?

Cole gasped out at first before saying.

“I can get a small apartment for Lizbeth somewhere far, due to my child she is carrying. But I don’t have any money. I got some money from my Mom which we have been using ever since. I lost my new Job due to all of this problems. I was away for over two weeks. They were calling my line and I couldn’t be reached and i still don’t know where my phone is but I got a new phone with a new line. Is painful because I had lots of contact and stuffs saved in that phone. Lizbeth will have to stay with us for now until I have money to get a place for her. I’m searching for another job and hoping I will be lucky soon. I don’t even have money to fuel the car anymore. I’m thinking of selling it, right now is liability to me. Lizbeth need money for hospital bills, we need money for upkeep and feeding. If you return home now, expenses will increase and… don’t know if there’s a way you can get mon…

“Is alright Cole. I’m not coming back..

Florence interrupted.

“… Lizbeth is your major concern now…I understand because she is pregnant with your child so she deserves all the attention from you. She will give you what I can’t give to you and I’m not even angry about that. I’m more grateful to be alive… having another chance to life is not something I want to trade for anything Cole. My entire heart is still recuperating from all the shock I suffered. All I need is my peace of mind. Do whatever you feels like doing… is alright.”

There was silent and Cole later said

“You know despite what happens with Lizbeth… you are still my wife and I still want..

Florence pulled a hand to the air interrupting him.

“Yes… things have been happening and I remained your wife. When you will throw a hot coffee on my face, when you will complain over the tiniest… little thing, when you will insult me both in private and public. Humiliate me and never care who is watching, turned me into sex doll and I have to suffer my bruises and pain in silent. When you brought in another woman whom you thought was pregnant for you after placing me on pills due to you were not ready to have a child. You said children were loads of responsibility that you aren’t out for such and until you are fully ready I just have to be on pills until then. I Agreed, complied with every of your given orders. You brought in Marina that she was pregnant for you all of a sudden, moved my things out of my matrimonial bedroom. I still tried to stay, endured and fight the devil that was in my home. It got frustrating at some point, I left and out of the care and love I had for you and the way I value my marriage I retuned, but then your mother joined your gang to frustrates me.

I was kicked out, you threatened me and never cared about my existence out there. I suffered my lose and cried myself to sleep most nights. I thought something was wrong with me, I thought I was the cause. I prayed and hope on God to Change things around for my marriage because I wasn’t ready for divorce, I hate the mention of it. You landed in the hospital, critically down that looks beyond repair, I stepped in without a second thought and nursed you like nothing ever happened. I employed the help of a physiotherapist, I paid huge amount for your fertility drugs after finding out that you had issues, problem that you caused for yourself. You can’t get a woman pregnant…I paid dearly for it, both emotionally and financially. I make sure that you are fully alright even when it wasn’t convenient for me. You paid me back with insults and bad attitude.

I left and I was also able to get help for the house which was about to be taken by the banks due to your negligence and carelessness. I paid off your debt and was ready to start all over again. I thought I was finally pregnant which will be a good start but later realized I wasn’t I got insulted all over, names were called. I loosed great loving people in the process. People that loved and cared about me. But I felt you were enough, so I stayed and ready to make it works unknown to me that you have started another round of cheating marathon this time around it was with a so called trusted help. I got infected with sexual transmitted disease which you denied outrightly.

You said you never slept with another woman aside me. You said I was actually the one that infected you. Well, I felt I was crazy yet I knew deep down that you must have slept with another woman. I wanted to get this woman, I consulted the help of the main culprit. Wow, what an awesome plot. I must have been laughed at and called several funny names by you and your partner in crime but I unknowingly continued my stupidity. I moved out of the room, got drugs for myself and for you for the infection and followed up untill we were both freed from it. That day I have gone out to think my life through, returning back i was ready to move back into the main room, and make my marriage work,, I was ready to be the good wife that I have always been and love and respect you like my husband. I was ready to even start trying for a baby, we may finally get lucky and I will be pregnant. Yes, I came back with a positive mindset, with so much believe that everything will be fine but I met the worst part of my life. I realized then I was tired of life itself. What exactly was I living for. i…I try to take the precious life that Christ already paid for. But his Grace was always sufficient because I never depend on my strength for anything. I surrendered to God and he rescue me from the pit of death….”

She swallowed hard, wiped a tear and continued.

“…so you see Coleman, I was a good wife. Yes, I was a good and hard-working wife, a supportive and caring wife. A respective and accommodating wife. I tried to be all for you, I made sacrifice, efforts and overlook your faults. I made enemies with people who mattered so much, who had never stopped standing by me. I was in a war with them yet they never walked away when I was in a critical State of life. Mention one sacrifice, effort or whatever you have put into our marriage to make it work. All you do is to scatter and I will gather back. I won’t trade my second chance to life for anything or anyone. I will make good use of it while it last. Go Cole… return back to Lizbeth. She need you more…I don’t need you for anything. My kind prayers are with Lizbeth. She will deliver safely when the time comes…

She returned back his phone, Cole was happy on seeing his phone again.

He left after then while Florence watched him leave with tears filling her eyes.

She sat back on the chair, ready to move past everything that has held her back.

Is not time to gravel or brood over the past pain she suffered.

Is time to forge ahead and that is exactly what she will do

BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 31 by Amah’s Heart

She try testing the names to hear how it sound

“Florence Richard Adam…. Florence Adam, Adam…Adam…uhhuu! It feels so new. I’m very much used to being Mrs Spence…. I’m so into The name Spence than I am with Adam… Florence Adam sounds naked and empty while Florence Spence or Mrs Spence…is delightful to my ears…

Susan scoffed annoyingly

“Go back and continue being Mrs Spence. I will never stop you Flo. If Cole comes with your dead body to my house, I will dig up the ground and throw you inside. That will be end of you and your Mrs Spence on earth here. Maybe you and the earthworms and underground spirit will continue competing over who Mrs Spence fits better. You can’t give me high blood pressure over a stupid, useless name that worth nothing except pain and sorrow. Make your choice quick… you can go outside and choose the exact spot you want to be buried…

Florence quickly interrupted.

“God forbids it!. Suzy… that is a very mean thing to say. Do you wish me death or what? I didn’t say I’m going back to being Mrs Spence, I’m only saying that not being Mrs Spence appears all new. It will take time for me to get used to Miss Florence Adam again. It feels so hard, everything… the hardest part was signing the divorce papers. My hands were shaking, I almost had a changed of mind but looking at Cole he was ready. He seems he can’t wait to get rid of me. Lizbeth, the new clique in his life was all that matters. I saw the new mistress, madam Lizbeth with her protruding belle, I kinda wish I know what being pregnant feels like. Is hard Suzy… harder than I thought. right now I’m back to being a single woman in her late thirties with no child to call mine. Oh God! I never in my wildest dreams imagined it will come to this. I actually tried to make it work…I tried, I fought, I cried, I prayed, I forgived, I supported, I loved with my entire being. I did all I could Suzy but… maybe marriage isn’t meant for everyone. Maybe I don’t have a certain aura for a happy home. I really don’t know what to think…is just… just so hard…. God….

She bent her face over her two palm. Swallowing hard and trying to held back the tears clouding up her eyes.

Susan who was eating on the dining looked over at her sister.

Is already a month she concluded with the divorce case, Florence has not been able to eat or even sleep well.

There was an untouched food in front of her.

“Flo… Flo haven’t you had enough of this cry and sadness? I’m not longer going to pet you because the more I do the deeper you go into self pity and acting all depressed. You should be happy that finally you’re free from Coleman Spence and all his nonsense. He is either banging his maid right now or acting as the maid for his pregnant maid…

Susan suddenly started laughing. Florence looked up at her.

“Suzy, you are not helping at all… instead you are making me feel worst. Maybe I should just go to my room…I just want to be left alone…I don’t know what to do…”

“Get it together Flo. You Promise to start anew and make haste while there’s still sun. But here you are sucking like a child. If you want to go back to being Mrs Spence, the door is very open. I promise this time that I won’t stop you. I lost mother and father already, if you care to join them then go back to being Mrs Spence. Life will go on for everyone… which includes your Mr Spence and us over here. I know is hard Flo… your divorce is just a month old. Give it time and you will be alright. Coleman is still enjoying the dividend of selling some of his properties which includes his car. He is very lucky that you went for a peaceful divorce settlement, not asking for anything from him. If I was the one, I can never ever be but if it happened so, Coleman must definitely pay for divorce settlement. I will request for the house and a huge amount of money that he will be indebted for life. He will pay through his teeth and life will never be the same for him again. Flo, I don’t know why you are too soft and too nice. That’s why this bad ass men like Coleman can take advantage of your vulnerability. You need to eat, be happy because you don’t know what God has done for you. You’re not only given a second chance to life but freedom from a man like Cole. To hell with “being Mrs Spence”

Susan stood up with her plate from the dining.

She continued talking.

…” Maybe I should call Maxwell. You probably need a friend right now. I can’t convince you further over your decision. I will call Ma…

“No Suzy… don’t call anyone. I just need time for myself. Beside, I don’t think Max want to be bothered with any of my problems again. Is over two months and nothing is heard of him. I appreciate all he did for me but is better he is left alone. I really don’t need anyone right now…I want to be left alone… please.

Florence left her food untouched and went to her room.

Is six months counting from the time she came out of coma up till the present moment.

Within the six months, Maxwell only came around three times. And ever since two months ago nothing is heard of him.

After three days, Susan came to inform her that Maxwell was around.

“But I asked you not to call him… Suzy. you could at least respect my decision for now. I’m not in the right frame of mind to see anyone. I’m trying to think a way forward for me. Get a Job, save up money, get my own apartment and know what comes next. I…

“I didn’t call him Flo..” Susan interrupted.

“…I never called him. He said he called you earlier today and you didn’t pick up. I did not call him…go out there and ask him. Jimmy will be working an extra shift today, I need to go down to my supermarket, check what’s going on since I haven’t gone there this week. my manager in charge called that we have new supplies. After then I will be going to pick your nephews from school. Max is waiting at the sitting room…I made food, incase you’re hungry.

Susan left, Flo later came out to meet Maxwell.

“Hey Flox… how are you?

Max said immediately he saw Florence coming out.

“I’m good…. and you?

Florence replied, taking a seat opposite him.

Maxwell nodded that he was alright.

“… I’m sorry that I haven’t come all this while to check how you’re doing. I got caught up with lots of things. I got a call from Natalie, after years of locking me out of Alice life. You remember the story I told you on our first meeting at the field park…

Florence nodded quietly.

“… well, I finally got to speak to my daughter… I was so happy Flo. I haven’t spoken to her ever since I left Germany. She is almost nine years. Big and got my looks…we did lots of video calls and she is always excited each time my face pops up. She asked me if I was married down here, if I have kids and when next I will be coming to Germany… I told her I was not married and got no other kid except her. She asked when I will be getting married or doesn’t marriage interest me…? Her mother shun her from propping me further over marriage but to be sincere I was just happy that she was not only smart, but very outspoken. Natalie, her mother did a great work in raising her well…

Florence listened without interruption.

Maxwell, opened his phone and showed Florence the picture of his daughter.

He couldn’t hide his excitement.

Florence saw that aside Alice half-caste look she has Maxwell features.

She was very pretty and looks bigger than nine years old.

“I’m happy for you Max. Connecting with your daughter after many years must be a beautiful feeling. How bout Natalie… her mother. Is she expecting you back in Germany…

Florence asked the obvious question on her mind.

“Nay… Natalie is married and had two kids for her husband. She only allowed Alice to speak to me because the little girl wouldn’t let her rest. I’m not going over to Germany yet, not soon but I will. Alice can only be allowed to travel when she is sixteen years and that’s another seven years from now. I will travel down and see her before then.

Florence nodded.

There was silent, Maxwell spoke again.

“Susan told me that you are not in the mood to see anyone. She briefed me on the divorce and how hard you have been taking it….

“Did my sister call you over to come and see me? Florence asked

“No…no… she never did. I was supposed to have come around but like I said, I got busy with both work and Alice. I’m sorry Flox… maybe this is for the better. Is all a phase… everything will be alright soon. Life is filled with mistakes, none of us is perfect…but we all try to work towards perfection. I’m sorry for all you have to go through and still going through…

Florence breathed deeply without a word.

“…Do…do you want to come around my place? Or will you like to go to the field park or somewhere else… tell me?

Florence shakes head.

“No Max…I ju… just feel like being left alone. I’m trying to get used to the whole thing. Coming out of coma after a near death experience and then getting a divorce… I’m no longer Mrs Spence nor married. I’m back to being single again. Hmmm…I…I don’t know how to deal with all of that. Is too much… that’s why I need to be alone to digest it properly before anything else…

Maxwell nodded. There was another long silent between them.

He later stood.

“Is better I leave then. Will you atleast call me whenever you need a friend to talk to…I will be looking forward to it” Maxwell said while standing.

“Sure Max, I will. I appreciate all you have done for me…I can’t repay you for all your kindness but I’m certain that heaven will reward you greatly for your selflessness…”

Max curved a smile and looked up at her kindly.

He turned and started towards the door.

“….What of yo…your girlfriend… The one I met at your place?

Florence finally asked as Maxwell was leaving.

He turned and looked at Florence strangely.

“What girlfriend…I don’t understand Flo? Wait…are you talking about Stephanie…my niece?

Florence blinked severally, she was speechless.

Maxwell continued

“…C’mon, you’ve met Steph back when we were still together. She was around seven years old then, her brother Eric was four… do you remember? She is seventeen now. Flox, that’s Steph…my niece who came visiting all the way from USA and she has gone back to her family.

Florence quickly flashed back and screamed out her shock.

“I remember her and Eric her brother. You took us all out after returning from one of those your long journey, that was before they relocated to America. Oh my goodness… she’s so big and pretty too. She looks way more than a teen, I could have swear it that she was above twenty five years. She doesn’t look seventeen at all. What kind of food did they feed her with? I remembered her Max… She didn’t even recognize me… neither did I. Wow… how time flies. I was thinking all the while that she was your girlfriend…I thought you quickly moved on after what happened between us…

“Well, I haven’t yet… moving on is not as easy as it seems. That’s why I went crazy in the car that day… ranting out my pain. I know that was crazy but I felt a little better after then but not until Susan called to inform me that you were in coma. You tried killing yourself…I almost died within that period. I thought I was the cause…I thought I pushed you hard to committing suicide. I couldn’t eat, sleep or do anything…I kept praying for God to intervene and save you. How happy I was when you came out of coma. Flox, I can’t seem to take you out of my heart, It would have been easy if I your thoughts stop occupying my mind. I can’t seem to get you off my head Flox. I can’t…I have tried. I’m still trying…but is..hard. I know now isn’t the right time for this… you are going through so much already and I’m least of your worries. That’s okay…I won’t bother you Flox, take your time…I only want you to be happy because you deserve it…”

Florence sniffed, wiped a tear off and flashed Maxwell a smile.

He swallowed hard, nooded before walking out of the door.

Florence watched him from the window as he sat in his car for a while before driving off.


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