BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 26 – 27 by Amah’s Heart

BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 1 by Amah's Heart

BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 26 by Amah’s Heart

On getting to the kitchen, there was no fire.

Lizbeth had only used the shout of fire to distract Coleman and Florence from getting intimate.

She was burning with jealousy and couldn’t stand it anymore.

“Where’s the fire…what happened?

Florence asked looking round the kitchen.

“I was trying to turn off the gas after cooking and one of the burner suddenly goes up in flame…. that’s was why I shouted but it also went down before you get here…”

Lizbeth lied.

“Please be careful next time. Maybe someone needs to come and check what the problem is. Is really a bad sign for such to happen… let’s not take any chances…”

Cole didn’t say much, he sighed heavily, turned and walk away.

Lizbeth looked at him angrily as he left.

Florence didn’t follow immediately, she tries to lecture Lizbeth on fire hazard guidelines that she can apply if there is emergency.

She later went back to her room, on getting there she was surprised to see Cole on her bed naked and waiting for her.

“What do you think that you’re doing Cole…?

“Lying down and waiting for my wife to come so that I can make love to her… that’s what I’m doing. Hope I answered your question…?

Florence stood staring at him, she had a lot going on in her head as she stood.

Wondering if she should consider, she has truly miss his touch.

But she won’t bend easily to him and Cole has to tell her the lady that he invited over and slept with in her absence.

“Well, you can only touch me tonight if you are willing to tell me the lady that you invited over while I was away, slept with her and she infected you… that’s the only key to unlock the honey pot tonight…

Cole yawn lazily as he sat up, baring his nakedness

He pointed to his manhood and said to Florence.

“Why are you punishing me and punishing yourself? You want me as much as I do. Why all this long talk when you could hop into bed let’s roughing up the sheet. Look at how hungry your boy is…he is even staring at you pleadingly…

Cole said smiling and still pointing at his manhood.

Florence grabbed a pillow and said.

“You are not serious yet, i look like a joke to you right? Whenever you are ready to spill I will be ready and waiting with open ears…

She was about heading to the door when cool intercepted her.

He rushed to her and grabbed her from behind.

Saying soft woryd and caressing her neck and shoulder.

Kissing her softly and stroking her gently, Makin Florence to melt in his hand.

He turned her over and was about kissing her but shockingly she pushed him away.

“I’m not going to fall for your charms Cole, my mind is made up this time and there is nothing you will do that will turn me on except the truth. If you tell me the truth about the lady then we can return as we used to be…

“I have told you the truth already Florence. I never invited any Lady over here. Getting infected…I don’t know how that happened. That was why I said is probably you that brought home the disease because I’m clean. Since we’re both free from it, we have tackled it, healed up and good to go what is stopping us from enjoying ourselves as husband and wife. Intimacy is one of the core reasons for marriage, why can’t I touch my wife when I desires to…if you keep refusing me, you are indirectly pushing me outside and making me desire other ladies… think about it.

Florence laughed sarcastically and said.

“You have been desiring other ladies right from time even when I stay all night in the past satisfying your Large urge. You had me any time you pleases, you forcefully use objects that was against my believe, and styles that tears me apart. I endured all to please you but that never stopped you from bringing Marina home, and chasing me out of my matrimonial bedroom and out of the house. You did all of this while I almost died pleasing you at all cost. Cole, you telling me that I’m the one that spread the disease is a sheer wickedness because you know the truth deep down. You don’t respect, love or value me. Because if you do, things wouldn’t have gone this bad. I’m not going to allow you to bend me over again…if you want to continue your adulterous act outside then be my guest. But I promise you that except you confess the truth and apologies for accusing me wrongly we will continue living as strangers and one way or the other I will find out the truth… untill then return to your master bedroom and Leave me alone. I’m done with this conversation. please leave…

She stood waiting for Cole to leave but Cole sat on the bed not wanting to go.

She took the pillow and walk out to sleep in the living room.

Through out that week Cole couldn’t convince her or touch her.

She asked Lizbeth if the Lizba or whatever is her name came visiting and she said nobody came.

Florence was determined in putting Cole to shame. she wanted to gather evidence to show Cole that she wasn’t lying.

She knew he slept with another lady but kept denying it.

He even told her that he has been searching for job online and was waiting for them to call him for an interview.

He tries to use different means to get into Florence but couldn’t.

She was able to buy the camera. Waiting for a perfect time to fix it.

since Cole was always in the house, it was difficult to plant the camera.

Lizbeth who wanted to know what she was upto tries to get information out of her.

“… Mrs Spence, Mr Spence has changed for real. He cares about you very well. Must time if you are away, all he talks about is you. Maybe the strange lady that visited is probably a relative, former colleague or friend because she didn’t stay for long and I don’t think they did anything. But I’m still looking out for her return and will let you know if she comes back. But I want to know…do you have another plan… I’m ready to help out in anyway possible. I’m here for you ma’am and got your back always… you know already.

Florence thought of telling Lizbeth about the camera, maybe she could help out.

“Well, I have another plan but I don’t know… maybe you can help out. I bought an expensive camera… like a CCTV. The last time Cole was at the gym I try planting it but was afraid that he may step in and see me. Tomorrow morning, he will be using the gym house again for either 30 minutes or 45minutes. You will look out for me why I plant it in his room.

Lizbeth smiled cheerfully as she agreed to the plan.

She saw where Florence was fixing the small hidden camera before going out and pretend to be watching out for Cole.

Florence fixed it properly leaving no trace before rushing out. She thanked Lizbeth for watching out for her.

She went back to her room, leaving no evidence.

She has set her trap and await the culprit.

Only Lizbeth know her plan which is not bad because Lizbeth is on her side.

She visited Susan and told her about the camera and how Lizbeth helped her.

Susan suggested she get another and fix it in the living room and she should make sure she doesn’t tell anyone, not even Lizbeth.

Florence complained of how much she spent buying the first camera and was contemplating in buying another so soon.

Susan gave her part of the money, almost the amount she mentioned. She only need to add little more cash to it.

Florence agreed to do as Susan suggested.

After a week, she kept thinking of Maxwell.

Wondering if she has become a history to him.

Him moving on with another pretty lady was evidence enough but she desire to speak to him. Even if is ones.

She got ready that morning and drove to his place.

The security didn’t want to open the gate, they went inside and asked Maxwell.

Maxwell asked them to open.

Florence went straight to the door and knocked.

She was taking aback when the same lady she saw him with in the church answered the door.

“Good morning… please, how may I help you?

Florence swallowed hard. She noticed that the girl has a fine accent.

She smiled back before telling her that she came to see Maxwell.

Maxwell new girlfriend was indeed pretty, she was also respectful and was not angry seeing her.

“He’s by the pool side, I can take you there…

“Thanks…but I can find my way down…

The girl nodded with a smile as Florence left.

She found Maxwell, he was shirtless, sun glasses on and was relaxing on a wooden carved pool bed facing up.

The early morning Saturday sun was up already.

It was around 11am

He straightened, but didn’t sit up or remove the glasses.

” Hey… Max… Good morning?

He didn’t reply as he remained the same way he was.

She breathed deeply, took a seat beside him.

“…How are you doing? I…I saw your girl. She’s pretty…uhmmm…

She lost word to say and yet Maxwell did not reply or remove the glasses.

“..Can you please remove the shade so that I can atleast see your eyes?

No reply and he didn’t remove it either.

She nodded confused. Made an attempt to touch Maxwell but he used his hand to block her.

“Don’t try it… say whatever you want to say and Leave. Don’t try to touch me please…

He finally said. Florence clapped her hands together, fighting hard to blink back tears.

“I’m sorry Max…I know I wronged you and don’t deserve your forgiveness. I’m deeply and sincerely sorry… please. Forgive me. Please Max…I have been living a miserable and unhappy life ever since you left. I haven’t been myself…I can’t do anything without thinking of you and how much wrong I did to you. I know I lied…I unknowingly took you for granted but it was never intentional. I never imagined such to happen. I… I’m sorry Max. I can go on my knee to prove how sorry I am. I’m ready to do anything you want. Max… anything that will make you to forgive me…

Maxwell suddenly removed the glasses, dropped it on a wine table beside him.

He looked up at Florence and said

“All this are unnecessary because I have nothing against you. I have forgiven you long time ago Flox. I hold no grudge against you which was why I instructed the security to open the gate when they came to inform me that you were there. But I don’t want you close to me…not ever again. I have moved on… and want to leave whatever happened between us behind. Let it be in the past. Don’t allow yourself to wallow in misery because of me, go and continue living happily with your husband as you are also expecting the arrival of your baby. I wish you all the best Flox… and I mean it. Deep down in my heart I sincerely wish you nothing bad but only good blessings of life…

Maxwell bite his lips as he looked into her eyes, looked away to the pool side with a sudden frown on his face.

He looked back at her and said.

“….I heard alot of thinking ever since I found out the kinda lady that you are. Your husband said the pregnancy was over a month… which means all the while you were here you knew that you were pregnant but refused saying anything. You acted sick and got drugs. But the one I’m still confused about was you asking me to make love to you… when you know deep down that you were pregnant for Coleman. What where you thinking…what exactly was your plan, I don’t understand your reasons and why…You… Flox…hmmm…

He paused, shakes his head sadly and wore back his glasses.

He face the pool side.

He was so fine, with his topless body. His chest goes up and down, as his heart beat gently.

He was deeply hurt and struggling so hard to face it.

A tear fell off from Florence eyes. She quickly wiped it off.

She hurt Maxwell so much and it was never in her intentions.

“I’m not pregnant Max. We are not expecting any baby. Well, I thought I was. I couldn’t tell you during the period I was here, I couldn’t. I was afraid of loosing you or getting you crossed with me. I know the sins I held in my heart and intended to carry it out but one way or the other you didn’t obliged…I don’t want to go into long details. I’m sincerely sorry. Never wanted to hurt you in anyway. Ever since that day you came to the house, I have never slept with Cole. Not on the same bed or ever getting intimate. And I’m serious this time, I can swear it…

“Flox, none of this is necessary. With all this information, what exactly do you want me to do with it? I’m cool… really, I am. go and leave your life with your husband. I’m very alright and have nothing against you…

Maxwell said standing up. He walked to the pool, removed the shade, threw it aside before diving into the water.

Florence sat confused on what exactly to do.

She stood up and that was when she saw Maxwell’s girlfriend coming.

She was bringing grapes, red and green mixed with dry fruits to Maxwell. And there’s a pack of juice with an empty glass cup in the tray.

Maxwell was still swimming in the pool without giving her another look.

Florence knew it was time to go.

She started walking away.

“Are you leaving already…? I was bringing this to you. I thought you will be spending more time. I kinda delayed back inside…my bad. Are you alright… were you crying? Did he say or do something that….

Florence interrupted.

“I’m fine, I wasn’t crying. Is probably the flash of water from the pool. Thanks for the tray of goodies but I got to run now. Max is a great guy, you are very lucky to have him… I’m happy that he choose a calm, caring lady like you…

The young girl opened her mouth to say something but Florence walked away, she hurried out without looking back.

BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 27 by Amah’s Heart

Cole have confronted Lizbeth concerning the infection and she denied outrightly, saying she has no infection and can prove it.

The person that probably spread the disease was Florence and not her because she is clean.

Lizbeth secretly got drugs and injection without Cole’s knowledge. Anytime she lied about either going to buy something for the house or going to the grocery store she will stop by at the Lab to collect her healing progress and to know what more to do.

She continued this way until the Lab test came out clean.

She presented the clean result to Cole as a prove that she never heard any sexual disease.

She was totally clean so Florence should be able to say where she got the disease that she spread out.

Cole was convinced with Lizbeth lab result and believed her without questioning.

They continued their secret affair but stayed off whenever Florence is around.

Florence continued footing the bill and taking care of the house without knowing what was happening under her nose.

Lizbeth also warned Cole of the hidden camera in his room and asked him to be very careful. She is doing all she can so that Florence won’t suspect her.

He also needs to play smart.

While Florence was out to work, they locked the door and lay in the sitting room. Talking and Laughing at Florence foolishness.

Lizbeth complained of not liking the fact Cole was getting close to Florence and even begging her for intimacy when she was always available and ready to satisfy him to the brim.

Cole reminded her that Florence was still his wife and he has to do all he can to make sure she does not run off again, because presently she is the breadwinner of the house.

He warned Lizbeth to stop getting in the way, playing different drama because of jealousy. To avoid Florence suspecting anything, they have to be careful.

Since Florence put a hidden camera in the master bedroom, they can crash out in the sitting room anytime.

He will act all normal and good, unsuspeciously play the game.

Since Florence has also refused to get intimate with him, moved out of the master bedroom and refused him in, he is not worried one bit because Lizbeth was around to satisfy his urge.

She is always willing to do his bedmating bidding.

Lizbeth on the other hand was happy, she was only looking forward to when Mr Spence will fully be hers.

She remembered the first day it happened.

She has been crushing on Mr Spence, liking him so much even while Florence was around.

She pretended and did not let out her feeling.

Marina has put that crazy mood in her head. She will be screaming anytime she is making out with Mr Spence.

Lizbeth, remember tip toeing to their room door, holding herself and wishing she was was the one getting laid and not Marina.

She hates Marina for different reasons at the same time afraid of her. Because Marina was capable of anything while Florence was predictable.

She has lay alone in her bed, imagining Mr Spence lying beside her and touching her like he used to do to Marina.

When the crisis between him and Marina happened, she tries to wave off her dirty feeling and focus on the devasting time.

Florence retuned and after few weeks they started making out in bed.

Florence was not loud in bed like Marina but she hears her silent moaning sometime.

Lizbeth began to wish even more that Mr Spence will look her way.

Her wish came through when Florence left the house in anger and didn’t return for days.

It was her opportunity and best time of her life to make Mr Spence notice her.

She heard him watching porn one day on his laptop, and knew the man was missing something.

He wasn’t using his usual ear piece, the noise was a bit loud

She wrapped herself in her short towel and rushed to his room.

Mr Spence was surprised and covered his laptop, he asked her what was the problem and she lied

Saying she thought he was screaming for help, she didn’t know it was a noise from his laptop.

She deliberately left her towel and it dropped to the ground.

Mr Spence jaw dropped with it as he saw she was totally naked.

She quickly grabbed it, apologizing that it was a mistake before walking out.

The picture registered in Cole’s head. The following day, during breakfast, She apologized again for what happened, Mr Spence waved it off and said is nothing.

He asked her to sit with him on the dining.

She happily did.

He asked her if she has a boyfriend or have ever had one.

Lizbeth talked about her past relationships before coming to work for him.

She talked about her sex life and how active she used to be before breaking up with her boyfriend for cheating on her.

Cole will laugh, he was enjoying the whole conversation as each talk leads to more intimacy talk, styles in bed she enjoys and crazy things about sex Mr Spence wants to introduce to her.

He opened his phone and started showing her different types of sex, asking her if she has tried it or will love to experience it.

Lizbeth smiled, she was fully aroused and ready.

They had their first try in the sitting room. It was fabulous she thought.

Mr Spence was damn good. The second time was on top of the dining, then another time was in the kitchen. They later took it back to the parlour before taking it to the room.

Exactly what she had longed for. Mr Spence has a magic finger. She was screaming more than Marina. Now, she has experience it and knew why Marina always want to scream out her lungs.

Mr Spence enjoys it when she screams even louder, he said Florence was boring in bed because she hates crazy styles and doesn’t scream but moan quietly instead of loudly. And the moaning is only when she feels like.

Lizbeth saw her opportunity and tune up her screaming to another level entirely.

During then, they were calling Florence to make it seem like she was missed.

When she finally answered the call, Lizbeth was right beside Mr Spence after having their usual bedmating.

She has pretended wanting Florence to return, she only wanted to know her plan and when she plan to come back.

After the call Lizbeth and Cole had a good laugh.

The day she retuned unexpectedly, they were as usual caressing and doing their fore play, about to start the main thing.

When they both heard Florence calling out to them loudly.

She was back unannounced and they were happy she didn’t Walk up to them just like that.

Lizbeth quickly picked up her small pieces towel, wrapped around herself and quickly rushed out.

She never lacks what to say to Florence.

The lies came out freely and Florence bought them cheaply.

After then Cole had tried to stay away from Lizbeth, he had warned Lizbeth to stay off so that they won’t get caught.

Lizbeth was angry and wish Florence will disappear again and never come back.

When Florence moved to stay in a separate room after Cole insulted her for deceiving him with pregnancy and also infecting him with a disease.

Lizbeth saw her opportunity and remained hopeful.

Cole started coming to her again in Florence absence and she wish to have him all to herself selfishly.

Florence on the other hand never knew what was going on.

Ever since she went to apologise to Maxwell and met his fine girlfriend, she knew it was all over.

Maxwell belongs to another.

Maybe, she needed to work out things with her husband and focus on her marriage.

Seek God more, pray more and believe that by faith everything will be settled.

She was assisting Cole in getting a Job, he finally landed into one.

It can’t be compared to his old job but it was atleast something nice.

Florence planned moving back to the master bedroom, the following weekend.

She was not yet certain if Cole will cheat on her again or not.

That Saturday, she needed time alone to think over her life.

A peaceful and undistracted environment to focus.

Her days, months, years have been unfavorable. Human have also failed her.

God feel at a distance. Before, she used to feel the presence of God more but not again.

She has no reasonable saving, expenses eats up her money.

Instead of buying the camera that Susan suggested she saved it for other spending.

She has been able to check the camera in Cole’s room three times and saw nothing.

Is almost a month she put it but Cole was going about his life normally.

There was nothing fishy about him.

She removed the camera and dumped it in her bag. she regret wasting big amount to purchase it and wish she never did.

She was happy she didn’t waste the money Susan gave her for another.

She could have moved out during the early time she was in a heated argument with Cole over the pregnancy saga and STD.

But she had no money for another apartment. Taking care of feeding and other expenses eats larger part of her money.

Lizbeth was very understanding. She was not getting paid but chose to remain.

Florence manages to give her some money at the end of the month but she has been working without payment and do not mind.

Lizbeth kind of person was rare. Florence thanked God secretly for a lady like Lizbeth.

Florence needed a quiet time out, and she knew the right place to go.

Her car was bad and needs maintenance but she has been managing it all this while, waiting until when she will have enough money to fix it.

She was driving out to the field park when her car broke down on the road.

She had no choice than to call her mechanic who later came and took it away.

He checked it and informed her that the car engine has gone really bad.

Many things was wrong. She should have brought it when she dictated the problem earlier and not waiting until it becomes worst.

He mentioned the first amount she will pay for work to commence on the car.

It was huge.

Florence still has the money Susan gave her, she did a bank transfer to him but the man complained it was not enough.

Florence asked him to start work first she will run around for more money.

Nothing was going to stop Florence from getting the peace of mind she seeks.

She took a cab and went to the place.

On getting there, she did the necessary signing and went in, looked for a better and calm area, she sat on the grass. She draw in a fresh breath with her eyes closed.

Something she has been craving for.

Florence was used to coming here with Maxwell, and missed him alot but everyone was moving on and so she should too.

She felt stuck and don’t know how her life will turn out.

Her eyes remains close, as she sat silently, praying with her heart that God will again have mercy on her.

Her mouth wasn’t moving, but her heart was deeply into prayer.

She desire to have a loving and godly home. children of her own, who will call her mother. Less drama in her life.

She desire peace but time was going, age is also not friendly again. Her life was wasting away in fighting for one thing she desires most and yet she is not there.

She was tired of fighting and needs God to step in and take up the wheel of her life.

Tears run down her eyes, she didn’t bother stopping them or cleaning it up. She allows it to flow freely.

She began to whisper some prayers out.

Her mouth was moving, her eyes remained close

“I’m tired God…my whole life is filthy, disorganized like a troubled water. No color, no joy… there’s absolutely nothing to boast off. I’m tired… I’m not growing younger, I want to be a mother. My mates are living fine with their husbands and kids. Why is my life different…why haven’t I find the happiness I have been seeking for years. I know I stepped out of line, I allowed my human flesh to lead… Lord, I failed allot of times. I’m unrighteous in every way. I’m sorry… I’m sorry. I confess it all out to you. Have mercy and change my story for good this time…let me smile again… help me to find the real happiness that comes from you. Step into my situation and add color again to my life. I’m tired of fighting, tired of life itself… I’m just at your mercy. If you approve of Coleman, then work out our union to please you. I don’t want any further trouble, I’m tired of it all. Light up my life… help me walk in your way. I want to live to please you for the rest of my life. God, I’m right in your Palm… do with me as you please. Ligh…

Somebody cleared his throat loudly very close to her.

She opened her eyes and saw him, he was in a simple fine attire, and must be in his early forties.

He was a handsome man indeed.

“I don’t mean to interrupt, forgive me. My name is Bill…

He has a foreign accent and moved closer to her.

“…can I sit here with you? I came with a friend, he is on the other side. I decided to take a walk and came across you. You are crying…I hate to interrupt but I just needed to say hello atleast. You are beautiful, I must confess. I Lived in UK all my life and just came back. I’m staying over at a friend’s place, he was the one that brought me here. He’s a lover of nature and I’m loving everything about this place. I apologise again for disturbing…

Florence assured him that there is no problem.

He sat beside her.

They got along so fine as if they have known for years.

“I can see your wedding band, you’re married…?

Florence nodded and looked down at her ring finger.

… you’re not happy either in your marriage or career. Something isn’t right… I’m sorry, I’m not trying to…

Florence interrupted. “Is fine Bill. You’re right… nevertheless, I’m beseeching God to fix it for me… I know he will.

Bill nodded with a smile.

“Is all gonna be alright. The God that fixed my life will fix yours. when I ran into serious trouble, I became homeless at some point in life. My wife left with my son and remarried. I Lived in the street of London for about three years plus until God remembered me. Those who lied against me and made me loose everything were apprehended. My life was better off than it used to be. I bounced back and my ex wife wanted to come back due to things was not moving well with her new husband but I don’t need someone that left me in my worst state, when I needed her the most. I was better off without her. I take good care of my son like I should. I’m doing great and the friend that brought me here today gave me a great support when I was restarting my life again. He is a friend indeed and I don’t joke with those kind of friend… they’re hard to find. ..

He paused and looked at his phone, it was ringing.

“…I gat to go now…my friend must be looking for me. I don’t know how possible it is, but can I get to see you again. I will love to see you again Florence… please. I will be traveling back to London next two weeks, my friend is coming with me. He said he needed a vacation to clear his head. His going through some personal ish… relationship aspect. He is not married yet and moving to London may help him start his life on a better note. I know you’re married…but I enjoys your calm personality and wish to be friends…

Florence likes Bill already too. He has a warm and friendly nature.

She smiled and was about saying something when she saw Maxwell coming.

His eyes was on Bill.

“I have been looking for you everywhere Bill, can…

He looked towards her and pause. He was shocked to see her.

They locked eyes, staring at each other

“I’m sorry man…I got carried away with this beautiful damsel over here. I’m really happy you brought me, I’m enjoying everything…I don’t feel like leaving yet. Let’s stay a little more Max? By the way… this is Florence. My new found friend…

He turned to Florence and said.

” .. this is Maxwell, my buddy. A great friend. The friend I spoke of. Well, since my birthday is next week, I will love to specially invite you over, please don’t say no Florence. I want to celebrate it over in this state before traveling back to London…

Florence looked away from Max, she picked up her bag to leave.

She turned to Bill and said.

“I have to go, is nice meeting you…

She started walking away.

“Wait… please. Are you driving, how are you going. You came with a car…

“No, my car is bad but I will take a cab Bill.

Maxwell stood in silence, not knowing what to say or do.

He saw the way Bill was flowing with Florence as if they have Known for years.

“What is Florence even doing here? He wondered silently.

She was beautiful dressed in a flower gown, he remembered driving past a boutique and saw the gown in display. He stopped and bought it for her and she loved it.

She pulled her hair all back just the way he likes her wearing her hair.

She was beautiful as always.

Maxwell frowned when Bill grabbed her hand and said.

“Please, I insist…I and my friend will drop you off. Please… don’t turn down my very first request… please Florence..

She looked up at Maxwell, he quickly looked away.

Florence nodded quietly to Bill

She left with Bill while Maxwell followed behind.


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