BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 18 – 19 by Amah’s Heart

BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 1 by Amah's Heart

BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 18 by Amah’s Heart

She clapped and cheered as he took several other steps without his walking cane.

It was like a child who is learning how to walk again, taking each step carefully to avoid falling. Same it was with Coleman.

Since three weeks now he has been practicing on his own.

From trying to stand without help to taking steps with stick.

Florence was making sure that he is not reclined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

He was done with his physiotherapy, Florence who wasn’t relenting paid for another home service therapist who comes around three days in a week.

With all this help Cole was gradually getting back on his feet.

She also drives him down to see their doctor who was giving him both injection and drugs that may help his low fertility issue.

The doctor said is 50 50 and if Cole is Lucky the medicine will work in his favor but if it doesn’t there is nothing else he can do.

Cole has been following the whole procedure for over a month without missing anything.

Florence has been backing it up with prayer. She hopes the whole process will be to Cole’s favor.

That evening as they retire, he said.

“I appreciate all your efforts sweetie, I don’t know what I would have done without you. You are single handly running the house. Since I don’t have any job, I’m not physical feet to search for another, I can’t even count on my mother to help. She will tell me how much of a failure I am before thinking of helping. I love you and appreciate everything you have done and still doing for me…

Florence curved a smile and nod without a word as she folded his washed clothes and put it away in his wardrobe.

“…. however, I have another request, is just something little. Please, I solely depend on you because I have no other help to count on…

Florence paused from what she was doing, turned and asked what the problem was

“… sweetie… this is the seventh month, my company gave me six months to pay up the loan but we’re already in the seventh month. I have been getting reminder and other messages in my email concerning the debt. Remember, why they decided not to take up the theft case was because of my health but I should for no reason fail to pay up the money I owe them or another trouble will be brewing. I have been through a lot already, I don’t want more. I can’t count on my Mom, she won’t give me another dime after the hospital bills which I still get insulted for and she never visited ever since. Is there any way you can help out… sweetie.

Florence asked him the amount again and he told her. She gave a heavy sigh.

“Cole, and you called this a “little help” that’s huge. Ever since I moved in, I have been spending both on feeding, your drugs, general house maintenance and the home service therapist that attains to you. All of this are unexpected huge expenses but since am in it already, i can’t leave it half way. But you starting the request and making it sound like the money is just a token makes me wonder if you have forgotten that I’m a salary earner. Give me time Cole, I really don’t know…but maybe like a week or two. Let me collect my next salary and add up to what I have at hand.

Cole thanked her as she went back with what she was doing.

Florence phone was vibrating. Cole called her attention to it as he asked her who was that calling her.

Florence ignored him as she took the phone down stairs.

It was Maxwell, she has finally spoken to Maxwell and pleaded with him not to be mad that Cole was dying and there is nobody to attend to him.

For a month now they have been talking on the phone, she saw him briefly when he visited her work place twice.

She asked him to stop coming to her office, that she will come over to his place instead to visit and they will get to talk.

Maxwell who had been trying to be patient was loosing his mind.

Just thinking that Florence was getting back with her husband was driving him crazy and he can’t do anything about it.

It was a video call, Florence sat on the cushion downstairs and answered it

“Hey…how are you…” she greeted him first.

“Not really fine. I don’t understand what’s going on with us. You promised to come over so that we can talk but you never did. You are over there with your husband… how do you expect me to feel about that? I miss you Flox, I’m loosing my patience waiting and hoping that you will still be mine but to be realistic, I don’t see that happening with your cold attitude towards me. Your sister said she will talk to you, I have spoken with her twice this week and she said that she has tried her best in talking to you but you are so keen on helping your “dying” husband. Flox, just tell me the truth, do you love me and will still be mine or you really want to get back with Coleman…answer me Flox. Let me know my stand… please.

Florence inhaled slowly before saying.

“I love you Max, I really do. The problem now is that Cole needs me, i can’t leave him at his present state. He is still my husband… because the divorce is on hold at the moment. Let him get back on his feet first then I can reason clearly. Tomorrow is Friday, by Saturday I will drive down to see you…I promise. We will get to talk better…

“Flox, one more question… please, don’t lie to me. Are you both sleeping on the same bed?

Florence frowned at the question

“Max..hmmm. yes, we sleep on the same bed.

“Why, I mean since you are half separated and what is only keeping you under his roof is his health, so why are you sleeping on the same bed? It only means you have fully accepted him and I shouldn’t get my hopes up. He is making love to you right….? Wow… Flox. In my bewilderment I’m…. I’m just astounded at you…

Florence sighed again before she interrupted him.

“Max, we’re not doing anything. He’s not touching me I’m not touching him. We’re just bed mates and that’s because he needs help mostly at night to get up and use the bathroom and also to change position in bed. If I’m not close enough he may tries to do that on his own and fall off and that will be another illness added to the present one. He can’t make love to a woman yet until he is physically fit. Max, that’s more reason why I promise to come see you on Saturday. Stop thinking this way, you aren’t helping me here at all. I need my sanity to keep up with this whole thing. I’m doing all of this to make sure Cole is back to his feet soon enough so that I can be free too. Will you rather prefer I leave him to die and then carry the guilt for the rest of my life. I don’t have such heart and since I have started this…I will continue to the end. I’m only praying that the almighty God I serve will see me through all of this…

They spoke a little more before ending the call.

After the call, Florence stood and saw Lizbeth sitting on the dining side.

She came to Florence.

“I wasn’t eavesdropping Mrs Spence, I just came out few minutes ago when I heard you talking. I also wanted to talk to you…

She cleared her voice and continued.

“….I know this must be very hard for you ma. I know how much we spend every week and I know is all on you. I also know what Mr Spence did, how he kicked you out because of Marina. Treated you like trash and a whole lot of names calling and threats also played out while you were away. I never knew who you are but when I later realized that you are a good woman, my thoughts changed immediately. What baffles me most is you coming back to take care of Mr Spence. No woman in her right mind will want to do what you did…not after everything that happened. But here you are going extra mile to make sure he is alright. Whenever you are out to work, I’m responsible I taking care of him. It sometime a tedious process, he sometimes doesn’t even call for my help at all. I might not have thanked you enough because I’m not a family member but just a help but I deeply appreciate you Mrs Spence. You are one of a kind. I do have regrets sometimes… maybe I should not have mentioned what I learnt about Marina to Mr Spence. Maybe allowing him to find out by himself would have been better… maybe in that way, there will be less of physical and internal body damages. I almost fainted at the bloody sight, I thought they were both dead before the medics arrived. Is a relief that they are still breathing and trying to get better but if I have kept my mouth shut, maybe Marina would have traveled out or disappear without anyone knowing. Mr Spence probably will mourn all his losses in silence without heavy damages. I’m sorry… very sorry for indirectly causing all of this. I never foresee the aftermath of it, I could have find a better means…

Florence smiled, she tapped her a little and said.

“I believe you did the right thing by informing him. Because if Mr Spence had found out after it was already too late, he probably will get a gun and shoot himself. Stop beating yourself Lizbeth, you telling him was a good idea. Although the physical harm and mess is too much to take care but I’m glad to have you, your great help is well appreciated…

Lizbeth smiled, Florence retuned the smile before leaving her to join Cole in the room.

She saw Cole sitting on the ground with his head bent and his walking cane beside him

She rushed to him.

“What happened…? She asked as she tried to help him get up to his feet and helped him to the bed

“I wanted to know who called you and who you usually seclude yourself to talk to most times. Well, I couldn’t even get to the door, the results is what you saw. Florence, I know you are helping me get on with life and I appreciate but I also know whoever you must be talking with is a man. Probably that your good for nothing ex boyfriend. That’s a disrespect to me as your husband, you are a married woman and speaking romantically to another man is cheating and disrespect to my person. Even though I can’t do anything due to my condition at the moment, I was still able to perform perfectly well in bed to your satisfaction. Florence, you need to stop speaking to him and focus on me like your one and only. I can’t stand sharing my wife with another man…

Florence boils angrily as Cole remind her of their love making few days ago.

She has lied to Maxwell that nothing of such was involved, getting an unsolicited reminder makes her stomach growls.

The doctor had confirmed Cole free to meet a woman. The doctor advice him to also exercise his waist. It could be through sex or other means.

He had been trying to touch her for several weeks even before the doctor confirmed him alright.

She refused and only fell for his touch last week because she wanted to fall not because he forced her.

She moved closer to him and said angrily.

“Don’t even think of pushing your lucks with me Cole. No, don’t try it. Because we slept together and had sex twice last week for the first time in almost two and half years does not give you right to claim me as yours. So, don’t push your lucks.

“It was actually three times not two. twice last week and one this week. On Tuesday to be precise. You still enjoys my touch, you moaned and kissed me passionately. You missed me and has been craving for my touch. Doesn’t the sex and all the intimacy we shared together means anything to you at all…

Florence gave a sarcastic laugh.

“It means absolutely nothing to me. Maybe a little pleasure at that moment… that’s all.

Cole frowned and said.

“You’re lying. I don’t believe you at all. It maybe hard for you to admit but you can’t possibly deceive me. No man have been able to touch you the way I do and no man will, not even your ex. Florence, I know all your weak spot…I study your body like book. So I know how you like it done…

Florence interrupted.

” You know all of this and yet you never got it right. You act like an animal during sex Cole, that’s the bitter truth but it must be told. Listen to me, I’m not promiscuous or flirty like you. I stayed without getting intimate with any man for over two years, not that there were no man, not that I don’t desire it sometimes but I’m not Coleman Spence, I’m Florence Richard Adam. I’m disciplined, God fearing and I respect my marriage vow which all means nothing to you. Go to bed Cole, let’s not banter word to avoid pissing me off.

Cole looked at her for sometime, he breathed deeply.

“You are not the woman I used to know, you have really changed Florence. You no longer talked to me with fear and respect. I guess is because of my health…I won’t be like this forever, hope you know?

Florence ignored him, she walked out of the room instead.

After an hour, she was calm and retuned. Cole wasn’t sleeping as she climbed in beside him.

She gave enough space between them.

“I’m sorry Florence, I easily gets angry this days due to my condition. I do love you and appreciate everything you have been doing. I’m sorry sweetie, please look at me… I need you. I need your warmth, I want to hold you and…

Florence interrupted him.

“Sleep Cole. You can sing all the love poem from now till day break and there will still be nothin for you. If you disturb me further, I will either leave you alone here and move to either another room or I sleep on the floor. I mean it…

Cole became quiet and later said

“Florence, remember the doctor said I need to be exercising my waist, so that I can heal up faster. Making Love to my wife is part of the exercise if you really want me to get back on my feet soon…”

Florence sat up, turned to him and said.

“One more word from you again and I’m out of here. You have a gym house, go and exercise there but if you disturb me again, I will be out of here.

Cole did not bother her again. After sometime he dozed off.

Florence turned and stare at him.

She used to be very much in love with Cole but not again.

Looking at him now, she does not know what exactly she feels.

Maybe pity was what she has for him.

Florence couldn’t see Maxwell on Saturday, she promised him again the following weekend

Maxwell had been patient, really hoping she will come back to him. He’s patient were almost running out but she’s kept persuading.

The only problem now is that Cole’s healing process was taking longer than usual.

Cole on the other knew that Florence may probably leave him if she discover that he can do majority of things dependably.

He decided that he will continue to pretend just to have Florence stay with him.

The weekend she promised to go and see Maxwell came. that Friday night, she and Cole were as usual having their romantic fun

While they were at it, Florence mentioned Maxwell name twice.

Cole suddenly felt irritated with her

“Max… Max your ex? You just mentioned his name twice Florence. What the hell is wrong with you… we’re making love as married couples do and instead of moaning my name you are calling your ex instead…

Florence acted all surprised.

“Did I? No…I didn’t. It was your name I called… you probably did not hear me well.”

Cole later continued but Florence called Maxwell’s name for the third time and even more clearer.

Cole angrily pushed her off the bed, she fell and quickly stood up, took the glass cup that Cole used to take his meds and broke it on his head.

“Just giving you little dose of your own medicine and you can’t take it… Coward. Those times you Kept calling Marina’s name during sex, I asked you to stop because it drives me insane having my husband thinking of another woman while on top of me. You didn’t stop so I decided to overlooked and endure it instead. The table is turned now and you can’t even endure it like I did. Hurry and get back on your feet, let me know what I want to do with my life.

Florence clean herself. She ignored both the small blood running down Cole’s forehead where she smashed the glass cup and the pitiful look on his face as she took a blanket and left the room.

When she returned back to the room in the morning, Cole was lying on the ground close to the bathroom.

Florence went to him, lifted him up and realized he was wet.

“What’s this… whaaa… you pee on yourself…oh my God! But since three weeks now, you go to the bathroom sometimes on your own, with the help of your cane. Why didn’t you call me since you needed help..

Cole didn’t reply, she helped him to the bathroom instead.

She quickly hit up water, pulled off his cloths and scrubbed him up with the hot water.

Ever since he got better, Cole will always tell her not to bother, he wasn’t handicap. He will bath himself and do other personal things on his own.

But he allowed Florence to attend to him without a word that morning.

He watched her treating him like a baby, before helping him to the bed.

He loves and enjoys every of it.

If that’s what will keep his wife from leaving then he will continue to apply it.

She helped him get dressed before covering him up with a duvet as he lay down.

Florence cleaned up the room while Cole watched.

He has deliberately did what he did to get Florence pity and it works.

He has used the bathroom confidently before without help on numerous occasions.

“I’m sorry, I thought you were mad at me that was why I couldn’t call. I was actually going before I suddenly fell and I couldn’t get up. I remain there for over five hours…

Florence opened her eyes shocked when he said five hours.

“I’m sorry too Cole. Maybe I shouldn’t have left you alone. I was truly pissed with the way you threw me off to the ground….but don’t try that next time or I will do worst than just breaking a cup on your head…

She went downstairs and later came back with a hot coffee, just the way he likes his coffee.

They stayed in bed talking, and one thing lead to another and they got intimate again.

While they were still at it, there was a knock on the door.

It was Lizbeth.

“Mrs Spence, you have visitors. Susan your sister and the man with her said his name is Maxwell. They are sitting downstairs…

Florence quickly got off from Cole.

She wondered why Susan brought Maxwell to the house.

How will she face him now.

BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 19 by Amah’s Heart

Florence got dressed and quickly went to see her visitors.

She tried to wear fake smile and pretend like she was truly happy to see them.

“Hey Susy.. Max. What are you doing here. Wasn’t expecting you…

Florence tried to keep a steady eye contact with Maxwell despite finding it difficult.

Maxwell kept staring at her, when Florence couldn’t keep up it, she looked away and refocused on Susan

Susan spoke first

“Flo, how’re you…? Maxwell here wanted to visit. He knew that you will not agree for him to come over so he asked that I bring him and since I wanted to see you too, so…here we are.

Florence said mostly like a whisper.

“You could have called first but why is everyone wanting to see me… what’s going on?

Maxwell who had not said anything spoke.

“I needed to know how you are doing first and obviously you are absolutely great. And another thing is to know why you have decided not to keep to your word. You kept postponing our meeting. I mean, we needed to talk, I also need to move on if you have decided to be with your husband. Instead of keeping me like a wanderer…let me know what you really want. Because I can no longer pretend or wait till eternity for you Flox. Is okay if you want to be with your husband, i will never stop you but what I dislike is playing with my emotions everytime…

Florence replied them angrily.

“Why are you being self centered Max, Susan you too. None of you even asked how Cole was doing. Do you all think I’m enjoying myself down here and care less about every one and everything else? Please, try and be sensitive for ones. Cole maybe on a wheelchair and his recovery process is slower than I thought he is still my husband until the divorce papers are signed and sealed by the Court of law. What y’all should be asking is how’s Cole doing, atleast in that way I also feel cared for. Max, Driving down to my place and acting like I have done something wrong just because I haven’t seen you yet is selfishness…I promise to see you Max, I haven’t gotten the time yet but that I will do. Cole is my priority right now, if he’s better then I can also think of moving on and…

Susan interrupted her with a finger pointing up stairs while standing to her feet. She was talking loudly so that Cole can hear her where ever he was.

” Do not force your Cole down our throats. I never liked him when he was healthy neither will I…now that he is probably bedridden. Your Cole is arrogant, disrespectful, egoistic and ill tempered…the list goes on. You choose to come back here and take care of his mess, is your choice as the Jesus baby, Bible quoting, virtuous woman and godly wife that you think you are. I’m not like you and do not for a second want to be stupid like you Florence. Coleman took advantage of your softness and plays you like a football. Remember the day you came to my house crying foul over how he dislike the cloth you wore to his office party and sent you back home because you were not dressed in the skimpy cloths he wanted… Yes, that day I wish I can shake you up a bit to stand up to him and tell him your momma did not raise a soft cat. Mom and Dad raised us to be God fearing, yes…but to also be tigris and not allow anyone to kick us around in the butt. I believe in God and loves my husband dearly. Jimmy is an amazing man but never will he disrespect me to the highest order and I will run back wiping his buttocks. Never…

Florence tries to give Susan sign to lower her voice because Cole may hear her. And to also mind what she is saying because of Maxwell was with them.

Susan did not pay attention to her.

Instead she moved closer to the stairs and raised her voice.

Making Florence to sank deeply in the cushion with her head bent.

“… Coleman Spence is super lucky to have a woman like you Flo. Is rare…women are no longer foolish but you chose to be. I can’t talk you out of this whole thing…is your damn choice and I have Promise not to stress it again. Normally, Cole shouldn’t eat his cake and have it again but he obviously can have it as many times as he chose to because he thinks you will always be there to clean his mess. C’mon Flo, this man never loved you like you deserve. he tortured you emotionally even before getting another woman pregnant, kicking you out after the whole insult with both his own mother and mistress. Threatening your life even while you were out. He live with his mistress roughly two years and never cares if you are alive or dead. After things got sour, and the whole pregnancy thing was all lies and deceit which he foolishly and blindly fell for… They both landed in the hospital and just like magic he asked his mama Golden or whatever they call her, a mother who failed to raise her son well… just a call and you flew back to them like they expected that you would…”

Maxwell tries to call an angry Susan to order but she ignored.

He took his car keys and was about leaving but needed Florence to look at him maybe for the last time.

Florence who couldn’t take the insult from her elder sister stood up and said loudly.

“, You should all be going… this is uncalled for Susan. We can’t both be the same and like you stated earlier is my damn choice and I expect you to respect my choices and leave me the hell alone. Cole is my husband if you have forgotten that. He may not be perfect to your taste but he is changing for good. Stop trying to talk me out of caring for my husband. He needs me now than ever. He hurts me in the past and he is sorry. I can’t kill him, this accident has almost crippled him if not for several medical intervention. I want him to be well, I don’t have to level down his sins on his head every day. I can’t Leave him now, that is what you all should bear in mind. Everyone should move on with his or her life. Leave me alone. You all should leave my house please…coming down to my home with insult is what I can’t take from anyone…

Maxwell breathed deeply before walking out.

Susan moved closer to Florence and replied.

“You can’t take insult from anyone except from Cole…I guess. You think he respects you now, Flo is just for the moment because right now, he is at your mercy so he has to behave nice just to earn your sympathy. His Golden mama has abandoned him, his sister… I’m sure that one can’t spend a day with her own brother. Flo, remember that Dad was a good man, he treated Mom with love and Mom loved and respected him effortlessly. We were raised in a loving, godly home Flo. I care for you like my only sister ever since our parents passed, do you even think they will be happy right now with all of this. Allowing another man who wasn’t raised properly or choose to behave right to treat you like trash? I will never… ever tolerate it and Jimmy will never ever try such. Is not in him and mostly because he knows the woman he got married to. I’m leaving your house and never coming back…

Susan took her bag and started walking to the door. She suddenly turned and said to Florence.

“… tell Cole that i will run him over with my car without any iota of guilt if I see him standing by the road side. He dares not challenge me, I will spit on his stupid face. You are nursing him back to health because you are his second Mama golden and silver. Rubbish!! I hate what he has turned you into. Is eight years already with no child or children to count on. You feel Coleman is your cross, then continue to carry him. Maxwell is moving on with his life. He should quickly do so. That young fine man has tried. He calls me often, begging me to talk to you Flo. He loves you and despite all that has happened he still wants to be with you but since you choose your Coleman, I can only wish the best. I hopes this time around, he doesn’t pregnant another sexy woman for real…

Susan walked out, Florence watched her kicked her car angrily, she said something, before going in and driving off with speed.

Maxwell was already gone before Susan even came out of the house.

Florence went to a chair and sat hard.

She saw Lizbeth who obviously heard almost everything Susan said.

“Ma’am, I’m sorry to say but your sister is an angry bird. She is too hot and almost ready to fight. Her voice was echoing all over the house. I’m sorry you have to go through all of this. Mr Spence is a nice man and deserves another chance to life. He has a good heart, he may not show it often but aside his good looks his heart is equally good. Maybe with time you will get to see it… don’t listen to anyone who tries to condemn him without even getting to know him closely.

Florence did not say anything to Lizbeth as she climbed up.

Cole had earpiece on both ears, either listening to music while lying down and facing up or some other thing.

Florence removed it from his ears. he turned to her, smiled and said.

“I guess your visitors are gone. Susan’s nonsense rant was getting to the room, I have to get something to block my two ears so that I won’t hear her. Well, I have been listening and enjoying cool music…

Florence decided not to talk about the drama with her sister and Cole never asked.

Instead Cole spoke differently on another topic.

He pointed at the fertility medicine bottle that was already half and how Florence should try and get more of the drugs for him if she was truly out in helping him get better in every area.

Florence told him that she used her last money in the account to pay up his debt.

The money he was owning his company, she used all she had to clear the debt and there is nothing much left with her except feeding money.

Cole insisted that she should try and get the fertility drugs for him, he does not want to miss out on the three months constant medication like the doctor had advised him.

Florence didn’t reply as she quietly went about her day.

The drugs were very expensive, she can’t afford them for Cole. Not right now.

She has tried to pay up many other Cole’s general medication bills. Expenses was too much on her shoulder and weighing her down already.

After a week Cole continue to pester her over getting the meds for his fertility.

Florence end up borrowing some money from her colleagues to get the drugs just for peace to reign and to make Cole happy.

Cole thanked her very well as he continued with the drugs.

The bank was sending a reminder message to him concerning the house on collateral.

He showed each message to Florence.

Although it wasn’t time yet but it was for them to be at alert.

“Most times, this things gives me sleepless nights…I really don’t know what to do. Sweetie, if the bank take this house we will be homeless. I wish I have a means I can get money to pay up the bank. Is not even a small amount of money, where on Earth will I even get the money. I’m out of job, not physically fit yet to look for another. Even if I get employed now, I need to work like a year before getting entitled to a loan…. I’m deeply troubled sweetie. My Mom will never agree to help, she does not even have up to such amount to loan out. Sweetie, do you…

Florence stopped him from completing the sentence.

“Don’t even think of asking me such questions. the only friend I had is Tina and since she got married and moved to far East we haven’t even spoken for over a year now. The only time she chat me up was last year when she needed money to stock up her food stuffs business after the arrival of her first child. She asked me to loan her, I don’t have such amount of money she was asking for. but I was able to send her little money just to support her business. Susan is the last person I will ever go to, even if she has, Susan won’t help. Maxwell, my ex is a no go area….

Cole fled up angrily

“You are mentioning people that will only mock us…mock me especially at the end. Don’t even think of going to all of this people you just mentioned. They’re only looking out for our downfall…how about getting a loan from your office….?

Florence looked at him angrily.

“Cole, how can you even suggest that kind of thing? You think my company will give me such a huge amount for a loan? Cole, I wasn’t there when you were borrowing money from every angle and pumping into Marina. Wanting me to wash the dishes after eating and enjoying yourself with her is uncalled for. If I decide or choose to help you wash it does not give you more right to keep packing dirty dishes to the sink for me to tidy. There is absolutely nothing I can do to help…if the bank are ready, they should come and take the house. We will live in the street. You can even move to madam Gold’s house. She is your mother after all and won’t kick you out. She has a big house and still has extra building occupied by tenants in an estate. She may give you an accommodation…

Cole frowned at what Florence said. He raised his voice angrily and said.

“You are talking rubbish Florence. How can you even say all of this without any sign of fear or respect? Is better if you did not say anything at all because you ended up getting me more annoyed with all you said. If you are only helping so that you can rob it on my face in the future then stop helping. Your husband kindly asked for your help because his house is about to be taking from him, and the only thing a self claimed loving wife will say is for him to be thrown to the street because she has decided not to forgive or forget his past mistake. Are you without sin… don’t you used to do things that I overlooked or forgive? Because I sin differently you think you are better than me. If you want to go to your perfect ex boyfriend that has no spot then byee…the door is open. But I’m sure of one thing you will run back to me in no time… nonsense!

Florence looked at him and shakes her head sadly.

“You’re an ungrateful fool. Even if I kill myself for you Cole you will still not appreciate it. My ex, Maxwell will make a better man than you will ever be. You are naturally wicked and I hate you for putting me through so much pain…I…I ju..

She swallowed hard , blinked back tears.

Florence stormed out with a bag and few things in it.

Cole was calling her to come back but she ignored him and left.

She drove to Maxwell’s house, knocked on the door.

Bianca who was stepping out opened up, and greeted her kindly. she asked to see Maxwell.

She told him that Maxwell was in his room, since is a weekend, he doesn’t come out on time.

Bianca wanted to go and inform him but Florence asked her not to worry, she will go and meet him up.

She went to his room, knocked on the door. No response. She knocked again and again.

“Who’s there, what’s the problem…do you need something…?

Florence did not respond, instead she turned the handle of the door and realized it was not locked.

She opened it and entered the large beautifully designed room.

Maxwell seems to be working with his mini apple system on a table close to his bed.

He turned and was shocked to see Florence.

He didn’t stand, he remained seated looking at her.

Florence slowly walked to meet him.

She opened her mouth to say something but closed it. Maxwell continued looking at her.

She summoned courage and said

“Hey… Max. I’m sorry I came unannounced. I needed to talk with someone… I’m practically done with Cole. He is so ungrateful. Despite everything, he still makes all my efforts looks useless…

Maxwell breathed deeply but still did not say a word

.”… I’m sorry for the way I spoke to you and Susan the last time… I love you Max, I Know you may not believe me because…

She paused.

Maxwell spoke

“Because you have been getting intimate with Cole right…while taking care of his health. But you outrightly refused me touching you when we were together? I love you too Florence but I’m trying to move on with my life. You have kept me waiting for almost a year now and I’m not stupid. While I waited was because I was hoping you will come back as you promised but you did not. Now, I’m trying to get over you, here you are trying to rekindle my feelings for You again after which you will run back to your Coleman as usual…

She blinked back tears. Maxwell may not deeply love or want her like before if he knows that she has been sleeping with Cole.

“I never slept with him. We only get to kiss maybe ones or twice but that’s all. He did not touch me neither did I. I refused him from touching me Max. You are the only man I want…for real this time…

Maxwell stood, gently draw her into an embraced.

“Is okay Flox. I’m happy there is no intimacy between you and him. Having you back is a dream come true. Please, stay with me… let’s plan our life together. But you have to sign the divorce paper if you haven’t done so. I don’t want half of you..I want you all…

He bent over and kissed her and she responded. Maxwell kissed her face, her neck and back to her mouth.

He paused and asked her if she has eaten. She said she has not but don’t have appetite for food.

Maxwell, tickled her until she began to laugh.

He made her sit on his lap.

“Let’s go so that I can make your favorite delicacy for you…I miss you so much Flox. I will feed you like a child and will take you out later in the day… alright?

She smiled and nooded.

Maxwell took her hand and kissed them.

Florence suddenly feels abnormal movement in her bowel.

She has vomited twice yesterday and thought it was probably what she ate.

She felt like throwing up again but held herself.

The force of the vomit, ran from her stomach to her throat.

She stood, and rushed to Maxwell private bathroom and began to throw up.

.”Flox, are you alright? What is it…do you have fever? You are throwing up..what did you take?

Maxwell asked as he came to stand by the bathroom door.

Florence replied that she was fine, just to dismiss Maxwell.

She stayed in the bathroom staring at herself in the mirror.

What is the problem with her? She has not been feeling alright for days now but waved it off.

hope is not what she was thinking.

when last did she see her monthly flow? What if she is pregnant for Cole?

Florence gasped out and frown angrily.

She can’t think about that right now.

She washed her face and went to join Maxwell, who was still relaxing by the door and watching her.

As she was about getting to him she felt like throwing up again and rushed back to the bathroom.

(Do NOT take credit or plagiarize AMAH’S HEART stories).


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2 years ago

This story is interesting. Can’t wait to know what becomes of Flo… Next episode pleassse

2 years ago

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