BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 16 – 17 by Amah’s Heart

BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 1 by Amah's Heart

BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 16 by Amah’s Heart

He listened to it again, after the third time he was still not sure he heard it clear.

He turned it on again and began to listen, this time he tries to pay more attention to every detail.

He couldn’t listen to the end when he stood and angrily throw the recordings to the wall and it smashed.

It suddenly dawn on him that he just destroyed his only evidence

The only prove he would have used to nail the culprit.

He rushed to the pieces on the ground and try to see if he can gather it up but it was already ruined.

He put his head on the wall and started hitting it continuesly.


Cole fell to the ground, he rolled to one side of the house and continue his anguish cry.

“Is not true, it can’t be true. no…no. this can’t be happening…oh..oh…my God…

He continued crying.

He has decided to put everything Lizbeth said to heart.

At first he did not want to listen or think about it, but he saw the seriousness and zeal in Lizbeth.

She was ready to go to any level just to prove that she was not making up the story.

All through that night he couldn’t sleep, he called Marina first thing in the morning and luckily her line was going.

She did not pick up immediately, until Cole called upto three times.

“Hello Cole, why are you calling me this early morning? Didn’t Lizbeth give you the information I gave her? I’m on bed rest as the doctor’s orders. I don’t need to be disturbed. You have really been stressing me lately and this rest is very much required for me and the baby. I will be coming home later in the evening, You shouldn’t be interrupting my rest this early morning…

Cole listened to every of her word without interrupting.

Everything Lizbeth said the previous night is still very fresh in his mind.

“Which of the hospital are you presently, I want to stop by..”

Cole asked calmly after she was done ranting.

“What for, to come and do what exactly? You want to come and add to my stress… please don’t come. Ones I’m done with my check up I will be coming home. Aren’t you supposed to be going to your office… what do you want to stop by for?

“I want to know the exact hospital that you are presently in Marina. Atleast for the first time let me watch how your examining process is going. You are carrying my child too, is only normal to participate in some of the things I couldn’t do during your first pregnancy. I want to cherish every memory, pending the time you will be traveling… tell me the hospital Marina…

Marina interrupted quickly

“Cole, you are not making any sense to me. Don’t you know the hospital that I usually use, why asking me again of the hospital. I’m at St Lawrence hospital, this is the hospital I have been using, I only get to change HMO on a special recommendation. You can’t come because I’m on a bed rest. They won’t allow you to see me… go to work and make some money for us because I and the baby will be needing lots of it.

Cole was quiet for sometime he later said.

“, Sure sweetie. I’m sorry to disturb in the first place. Please get some rest. I only missed you last night in bed… you know I can’t stay without you honey. I’m going to work right away. Please take care of yourself and the baby too..

Cole later ended the call, he searched through all the hospital receipt that Marina has been bringing.

He noticed the signatures, the different hand writing. The number there wasn’t even correct.

Cole was ready to dig deeper.

Since Marina will be coming later in the evening, he will have to do whatever he had to do and be fast about it.

Cole quickly drove out, he couldn’t afford a CCTV camera so he decided to buy a recorder instead.

He bought two manual recorder, he hide it away where Marina will not suspect.

One in the room and the other in the gym.

It was carefully hidden away.

After that he took all the receipts that Marina drop, drove out again to the said hospital.

He presented it to the hospital and there was no doctor with the name on the receipts.

He asked for past record of Marina and also the baby they lose.

They checked all the records no such thing.

After gathering more information, Cole drove back home.

He told Lizbeth that he will be doing some office work and won’t come home tonight.

His line will be off but she should pass the message to Marina.

Lizbeth who has been acting cold and careful after trying to convince Cole but he took it differently.

She nooded to every of Cole’s orders.

Marina retuned home, Lizbeth heart skipped.

she does not know if Cole told her anything concerning what she said.

when Marina asked of Cole, Lizbeth who has become their information carrier passed the message.


That was all Marina said with a wave of hand as she went to the room.

Lizbeth gasped out in relief.

Mr Spence have not said anything to her obviously.

Lizbeth can hear Marina laughing and talking over the phone after about fifteen minutes.

She did not bother to find out who she was on phone with.

It was pointless, Mr Spence has fired her for the one she did.

The remaining days she has to spend here she will have to be very careful before somebody stabs or shoot her to death.

She is not ready to die over things that aren’t her business.

Trying to help out was her only way if standing up for the truth and justice but it never works out.

She can’t even sleep or eat without trouble and fear occupying her mind.

Lizbeth noticed Cole didn’t come home that night, Marina had the whole house to herself.

She went from gym to the room talking and laughing over the phone.

It was the following day, in the evening Cole returned. Marina has just three days to finalize with her traveling documents.

She informed Cole that she was going to collect some of her papers that were ready for her traveling.

It was after she left, Cole has time to check the trap he set.

Cole locked himself inside the room and began listening to the recordings.

Both the one from the gym and also the room own.

No one knew he set up a recording gadget, not even Lizbeth knew.

Cole listened continuesly to all unbelievable confirmation from Marina.

What he greatly feared most has happened to him.

He threw the two recorder on the wall and watch it shatter.

He fell to the ground, rolls like a child in dispair.

He does not know how to react to everything he had learnt about Marina within few days.

He suddenly couldn’t breath well, his heart beat became choke.

Cole held a hand on his chest, it felt stroked.

He try to stand but fell back to the ground, he made another attempt but fell.

His lungs felt heavy, there was a painful sensation on his chest he can’t fathom what it was.

he was dying, scream left his mouth.

He shouted Lizbeth name again before darkness covered his eyes.

Cole awaken with tube attached to his body, a man in a medical uniform was checking him.

“Where is this place…where am I?

“Please relaxed back sir, we’re running some check on you.

The doctor said as he continued his work.

Cole asked again where he was.

“A Lady, named Lizbeth called the medical team after you passed out in your room. She couldn’t give us any information concerning what exactly happened but from what we have been able to gather is that you suffered a partial stroke sir and you will need to remain here until we confirm your well-being atleast to 70percentage.

Cole was not even listening to anything the doctor was saying, he thought of Marina and it all came rushing back.

“Can I see Lizbeth…?

Cole asked, Lizbeth who was waiting outside was brought to him.

“Mr Spence, thanks goodness. You gave me a scare.

“How many days have I been here, what of Marina?

Cole asked trying to sit up but the attached tubes on his body would not let him.

“This is the third day Mr Spence. I heard you screaming my name by the time I came, I met your almost lifeless body on the ground, I have to call the medical personnel. Marina wasn’t around but when I informed her she said you will be alright, she has other important things to attend to…”

“I need to go home right now”

Cole said but Lizbeth ignored him.

“Your life and health is far too important. Please take a nap and relax. Let the doctors do their jobs. There is also a letter I received on your behalf yesterday…is from your office. They came with some police men. They wanted you to follow them for some questioning but I told them what happened to you. they even sent some men to confirm if is true, it was after they saw you that they believed and left Please relax back and get well Mr Spence…

“Take me home immediately, right now Lizbeth…

Lizbeth looked at him like a ghost.

Cole ordered her but she couldn’t, she rushed out to call the doctor. Cole began to remove the tubes.

They couldn’t stopped him as he asked Lizbeth to get him his clothes.

Cole couldn’t walk right, he was in pain and did not care about the doctor’s warning.

Lizbeth got him a walking stick and a cab that took them home.

Marina’s bag was almost ready to leave.

As Cole entered the Master bedroom, Marina’s boxes were lined up, the whole room smells of a strong alcohol.

She was surprised to see Cole, who was supporting himself with a walking stick that Lizbeth gave to him. He looked around the room in disgust.

“Oh you are back already Cole, I was planing to come over to the hospital and see you this evening. Hope you are feeling better now…

Marina asked, acting all concerned.

Cole who was still feeling a little dizzy curved a smile.

He looked around the room, even his own wardrobe was thorn apart.

“Are you going somewhere…?

He asked her while he continued to lean on the stick.

“Oh, you mean the bags. No, I was only arranging them. I can’t possibly go anywhere when you are in the hospital. That will be very heartless of me. My passport is actually out and by next week I should be saying goodbye but I’m concerned about you. If not for the baby I could have changed my mind and stay with you….

Cole suddenly threw his stick at her and it landed on her face, injuring her.

He couldn’t hold back his anger or pretend anymore.

Marina started raining abuses on him as she examine her injuries from the stick.

“You daughter of Jezebel has the gut to play me this way for over a year after everything I did for you!?, you thought I won’t find out…oh Marina. I will kill you and bury you before finallying Killing myself. Marina…oh Marina…how dare you…how..

“You can’t do anything Cole, you are half dead already mere looking at you, I will advice you to stay off my way before I kill you first. Who told you that you can pregnant a woman? you have your aim I had mine, yours didn’t work out mine did. Why are you beating around. I gave you enough sexual satisfaction, atleast even if you don’t get a child from me, you got good sex with different style. That’s compensation enough. Is unfortunate you found out now, I wanted to be gone first before you find out just to save you the whole sad drama buhhh….

Cole rushed to her, Marina quickly grabbed small knife she stored in one of the boxes closest to her.

As Cole grabbed her by the hair, she stabbed him but he didn’t let go off her.

He dragged her outside the door, Lizbeth came rushing, she couldn’t do anything because so much blood was gushing out of Cole’s body.

He looked like he was about to drop dead but still did not let go of Marina as he dragged her while Marina’s dagger was almost buried on the side of his stomach.

Cole used the last strength in him and threw Marina over the staircase.

She screamed and landed on the tiles, her screamed became silent.

Cole couldn’t stand still again, his vision became blurred, he fell and rolled down the stairs in a silent noise.

Lizbeth quickly ran to call the medics.


Florence was preparing for a weekend outing with Maxwell.

Maxwell was parked outside her house and waiting. Lizbeth makes him wait outside the house to avoid certain temptation.

In about a week time she will get to sign the divorce papers and move on with Maxwell.

Her relationship with Maxwell has blossomed as he continues hoping until when she will be a free woman before having her to himself.

She was going for her sister’s ten years wedding anniversary party.

Susan asked her to bring Maxwell along.

Susan has come to like Maxwell, she felt he is far better than Florence almost ex husband.

Florence was happy after receiving her sister call who asked her where she was.

Maxwell bought wine, banquet of flowers and some other gifts for Susan’s anniversary party.

Immediately Florence entered Maxwell car, he was admiring her beautiful gown when a call came into Florence phone.

After answering the call, she looked up at Maxwell in shock.

“What is it… what happened Flox?

Maxwell asked concerned..

“Cole was admitted in hospital for almost two weeks, he just awaken early this morning and asked to see me. Is his mother that called me…she said I should come before her son dies..”

Maxwell swallowed hard, he was speechless at first.

“What do you want to do Flox, today is your sister anniversary. The only thing you owe your ex husband is the signing of the divorce like he wished for. nothing should concern you whether he’s alive or dead. He does not care all this while if you are alive or dead. His mistress comes first and your life and well-being doesn’t matter to him so why are they calling you now… what for? Please ignored those people let’s go to where we’re going…

Maxwell turned on the ignition of the car, Florence held his hand.

“Max, I need to see Cole, is a matter of life and death please. Let’s put the hate aside for now. Let me just stop by, just a little and check up on him… then we will continue to my sister’s place. I promise I won’t waste time, just a quick stop. Nothing will stop me from being with you, The divorce process will be over in about a week, be patient. Nothing is going to change. Let me pay probably my last respect to Cole… please, drive me to the hospital. Madam Gold sent the hospital address already. If you can’t drive me down then I will use my own car…

Maxwell was surprised with the way Florence was acting.

He later agreed to drive her.

They entered the road as Florence continue reading out the hospital address to his hearing.

BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 17 by Amah’s Heart

She wheeled him carefully into the house, straight into the sitting room before leaving him to go and drop things in the room.

Lizbeth was setting up the dining table.

He looked towards the dining and saw the varieties of food that was set up with wine, he has many questions on his mind but he decided not to say anything.

Madam Gold looked at her son for a long time, Cole looked up at her and said.

“Mom… what’s the problem? You make me uncomfortable with those look of yours. I have been through a lot already, I don’t need judgemental look or words…”

“Coleman, this whole saga nearly take you to the grave, you should be thanking me for still being alive. I have been waiting for the right moment to say exactly what I wanted to say to you. Since is over three months… getting to the fourth month, I guess is the right time. Do you know how much all the different physiotherapist that have been attending to you charged? different doctor’s appointment, exercise and many other drugs and injections. money is seriously going down just to fully resuscitate you back to your feet. It has not been easy Coleman especially with the spending. I’m glad you’re getting better but You practically made me broke and I had no choice but to sell one of your father’s asset. He left two buildings, each is three storey building in the estate. That’s the only thing he left for me that I have been living on. The huge amount you received as his only son, you used it to build this house and squander the rest…. can’t tell what you did with the remaining money….

Cole became impatient with whatever his mother was trying to narrate.

“Go straight to the point Mom, stop beating around. You’re getting me uneasy. What exactly are you driving at…

Madam stood angrily.

“You see… this is the same attitude of yours that got you down into a wheelchair. Impatient, pride and stubbornness… this are the same attitude your father had when he was still alive. What I’m trying to say is that I sold the building. Now, I’m only left with just one. I used the money to settle both your hospital accommulated bills, and I paid for that of Marina’s…

Cole interrupted.

“I never asked you to pay for Marina whatever, she is the reason I’m in this mess. She has my money and can treat herself. I wonder why she is not dead anyway…

Madam Gold angrily slapped him on his cheek.

Cole made a fist and tries to move from his wheelchair but he couldn’t.

“…. what is the meaning of this Mom? Why the hell will you raise a hand and slap me… Hope you aren’t mistaking me for a 15years old teenager you can dictate and slap anyhow. Because I’m limited to a wheelchair doesn’t make me less of a man… don’t you dare treat me like an earthworm…

Florence came out of the room and ran straight to the parlour as Cole and madam Gold’s voices were rising.

Lizbeth stood at a distance watching in silent.

“What is going on? What are all the noise for…?

Florence asked moving closer.

“This stupid ungrateful husband of yours, this ingrate of a son is not even a bit thankful for everything I did for him within this saddening months, I sold my best asset for his health, I’m left with just one that I can’t count so much on. I used almost all the money for his health, and to pay up Marina’s own. Instead of him to be thankful, he’s here raising voice at me. Coleman, you forgot in a hurry why they call me madam Gold… let me remind you that I’m a no nonsense woman. I prefer the action that comes with my name, is equivalent to being addressed as Mrs Spence. I love being Mrs Spence because it comes with war and victory for me, madam Gold add action spice to my personality. Aging won’t make me turn into a vegetable. Whenever you open your mouth to talk back at me think again. I will not mind the fact that you are my son, I will take you up the stairs, push you down from there and watch you fall like a rolling coaster breaking your remaining bones in the process. Nonsense element like you. Listen to me, Florence is the only one that can tolerate your rubbish. I never tolerated your father’s own, I will never tolerate yours. Get that straight into your head.

“Madam Gold, please calm down. that’s enough…is probably his present predicament that is getting him agitated. Cole appreciate your efforts, he might not say it but he sure do..

Florence said, trying to calm her down.

“I don’t even care if he appreciates or not. He should be lucky that he has a mother like me. Aside his traumatizing health issue, Marina suffered alot of broken bones and damaged body tissues that needed replacement. She had many stitches both from her head down to her leg. Her brain was almost at the verge of sticking up. According to the doctor, Marina wouldn’t have made it alive if not for my prompt response. Now, she is in the ICU recuperating. She is on a high percentage of suffering mental break down in future. I was there when they shave off her head and began each surgical procedure. Deep down I don’t want her to die because Coleman will be charged for homicide. He may think he has a strong defence edge against her but nothing justifies murder. If you don’t have a good lawyer, your sorry ass will be resting in prison even with your condition…the law doesn’t care at all. Each of those surgeries for Marina cost money, each one for Coleman equally cost money. All the money is all gone and his treatment is done yet. Even if Marina has his money she will be needing allot of it for corrective surgery because I have already tried my best for her. The pay back I get from him is ungrateful speech. Coleman you’re unapologetically senseless. Take a long look at me, I’m not your wife who cares enough to return back to take care of you. I’m not soft, you should know me better than anybody else. Your father tried some shit with me and I gave him the seat he deserves. Don’t you ever mess with me… don’t you ever Coleman…”

Florence walked up to Cole and asked him to apologise to his angry mother.

“I’m sorry Mom. I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful…I do appreciate everything. I’m sorry…

Madam Gold picked up her bag and car keys.

“Yeah, you should be really sorry. I’m cleaning the heavy mess you made. You live with Marina for almost two years you never care to pay attention if she was truly pregnant or not. She deceived you ones and was starting another phase of the deception yet you did not know. If not for your house help that cares enough to draw your attention to it, you wouldn’t have Known until she disappears. Your foolish mind was clouded with the crazy sex which blocked your brain from knowing any other thing. She was almost perfecting her plans Coleman before you found out. I used to think is Florence that has the issue but I think I know better. Despite all the money i put into you and Marina, no single grandchild, I only got paid back with more heavy mess to clean up. Anyway, try all you can and get back on your feet so that you can pay me some of the money I poured into your health… even if is quarter of it o don’t mind. I’m not so generous when it comes to somebody that has no sense. I wonder if they exchanged you in the hospital or you are the same son I gave birth to. Look at your sister, she is just like me. A no nonsense lady but you, I don’t know where to place you. You live in the same house with a woman for almost two years and you never knew she was faking a whole pregnancy, wearing fake pregnancy bump, giving you fake hospital test results. You continued pouring your money on her while she went ahead to wash your stupid head with lies. I’m so angry right now. If I don’t get out I will end up hating you…

Madam Gold stormed out. Florence called her to come back for dinner atleast but she ignored.

She left and the house became so quiet.

Florence tries to say something but Cole quickly shun her.

“Florence, if you want to walk out like my Mom just did, then be my guest. Go… everyone should just leave me alone. Enough of the bashing. I know I messed up big time but haven’t I be punished enough. What else do you all want. Maybe I should have died instead of all this unnecessary added trouble… I’m tired. Just tired of this whole life…

Florence came to him, she gently massaged his shoulder making him relax back on his wheelchair.

“I wasn’t going to bash you like you thought Cole, I wanted to ask if you are ready for dinner. Lizbeth has set up the table…

Cole inhaled deeply, he squeezed Florence hand gently.

“I saw when she was setting it up, what is there to celebrate… because I saw a bottle of wine and cups. Different delicious looking food… The money where did it came from?

Florence smile and said it was just a little money she gave Lizbeth to prepare dinner.

Cole kissed her hand and thanked her.

She wheeled him to the dining table, helped him up to a sit.

she asked Lizbeth to join the table.

Lizbeth obliged as Florence gave her a pleading look.

Florence said a short prayer before dishing out the food.

After meal, Florence poured wine to the cups and they toast to life. She thanked God for giving Cole another chance to life.

She later helped Cole upto the room, then to the bathroom. When he was done with the bathroom, she helped him out to the bed

She assisted him to get properly dressed for the night.

She gave him all his drugs just as prescribed and he took it.

After she was through with Cole, she freshened up before retiring to a table to read and pray.

Cole watched her pick up her bible and began to read on the dresser.

He called her.

“Sweetie… please hurry and come to bed.

Florence who only started sleeping on the same bed with him a week ago did not reply.

She later close up her Bible before checking her phone.

Maxwell has been calling and sending messages but she has been ignoring.

She tries to avoid seeing him too.

What will she tell him if she decided to answer his call.

Maybe she will think of what to do with Max but Cole needs her.

She can’t abandoned Cole at this state of his health. She is not a heartless human.

The divorce is still pending, Cole doesn’t want to continue with it.

He has pleaded with her not to proceed with the divorce case anymore otherwise he is as good as dead without her in his life.

Florence left the whole divorce thing aside as she take up the challenge of returning back to her matrimonial home for the sake of Cole’s health.

Florence said a prayer before going to join him in bed.

Cole tries to pull her up to himself.

“What are you trying to do…

She asked frowning.

“What does it look it? I’m trying to cuddle up my wife, kiss her and if possible make love to her. I have really miss you sweetie…” Cole replied as he tries to roughly squeeze Florence breast.

She slapped off his hand

Florence laughed out sarcastically.

“Wait Cole, which waist are you going to use and make love? Is it the same one the doctor warned you not to stress due to the shifting of the figment. You were warned not to think of a woman yet until your physiotherapy exercise is over. Do you want to remain on a wheelchair for the rest of your life? Sex should be the last thing on your mind right now Cole. Chanel your whole energy in getting better and bouncing back. Another thing Cole, don’t ever touch my breast like you roughly tries to do now or any part of my body that way… I’m not your former crazy sex mate…Marina. I’m Florence Richard Adam. Hope we’re clear?

Cole was quiet at first before replying.

“You’re Florence Spence. That makes you Mrs Spence. You are no more bearing your father’s names. You’re my wife and despite everything that happens we will remain together. Isn’t that the purpose of the wedding ring on your finger? I love you… hope you know that already? I may not have showed it like I suppose to but you remain my wife and I will never take you for granted ever again. I’m sorry for doing so in the past, it almost sent me to an early grave. I know is because of your Love for me that made you return…I appreciate it.

Florence was lying facing up. As a lot of things filled her mind

“Why…why didn’t you tell me that you had erectile dysfunctional issue, your percentage of ever getting a woman pregnant is 15percent which is nothing but a miracle. Why do you make me take those pills for years? Those pills almost caused big issue for me if not that I tackled it with everything I got. Why Cole… When the doctor said it three days ago, you didn’t look surprised. You knew all this while…so Why will you think you even pregnanted Marina when you know you are not alright medically. I have been silently thinking about it, waiting for you to raise the topic but you are not saying anything concerning that…

Cole moved uncomfortably.

“Florence, I didn’t know at first, That’s the truth, I made love to you perfectly and effortlessly in the beginning of our marriage. It sound funny but I had no issue with erection and still don’t. It was when I started going deeply into watching porn, taking some sex booster and enhancer that can make me spend several hours on a woman that my manhood started malfunctioning. I didn’t bother about the negative effect of the booster neither did I pay attention immediately, but it got worst. I visited a doctor friend of mine who runs some tests and told me to stop taking the sex booster because it has damaged lot of things. I stopped, truthfully I stopped it and started taking the prescribed drugs from him but after five days I felt very alright, active and fully back with my old action self. I was meant to take the drug for two weeks and three days after which I will take four injection. After that five days of the prescription I felt very fine, I saw no need of completing the boring process so I threw the medicines away. I thought I was really alright Florence. Asking you to take pills was because I wasn’t ready for responsibility…I was not ready for children. I saw children as too much responsibility…that’s the truth. But when Marina told me that she was pregnant, I was deeply troubled but I had to settle with it because she said she won’t remove it. I began seeing kids differently… The more I think about it the more I wanted to have the baby. I literally fell into her trap of deceit. I became desperate for a child and that’s how she got me and also got Mom. I’m sorry… deeply sorry. we can make use of the 15percent with your strong faith in God, he will give us a miracle. I can also try other fertility drugs to see if it will do the magic…

Florence bite her lower lip, trying hard to suppress her angry emotions

She was quiet, digesting everything Cole said.

Cole asked her if she was angry with him and she replied that she doesn’t even know how to react to the whole information.

She asked Cole to tell her every other thing that he was still keeping away.

It was time for truth.

Cole told her about putting the house on collateral and the illicit act he did in his company and he could have gone to prison because of fraud but due to his condition they decided to pardon him. He was dismissed at work, his boss fired him and gave him six months to pay up the loan he took from the office.

As he was still talking he felt sleepy.

“I think the drugs is taking serious effect on me. I’m tired…I need to sleep.

Florence watched him dozed off within a second.

She sat up thinking hard and long, wondering if she can handle all of Cole’s excessive baggages or she should just proceed with the divorce and settle with Maxwell who cares for her and handles her gently unlike Coleman.

(Do NOT take credit or plagiarize AMAH’S HEART stories)


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