BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 14 – 15 by Amah’s Heart

BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 1 by Amah's Heart

BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 14 by Amah’s Heart

Is a good thing that Marina is not around, she has told Cole she wants to personally handle her traveling processes.

She mentioned that she was called upon for an interview concerning that.

Her absence will give him time to accomplish his self given task.

Cole has asked to drive her due to her condition but she said since is just a month pregnancy there is no curse for an alarm.

Cole began working on the locks, he tried different method but it wasn’t opening.

He decided to apply force to it, breaking it was too difficult than he expected.

The noise coming from the whole process made Lizbeth to run up.

She knocked and asked from outside the door if everything was alright.

Cole told her to return to her duty that everything was fine.

Lizbeth remind him again about the grocery and many other things needed for in the house.

Cole told her that he was already working on that and will give her the money later.

Lizbeth went back to her duty, while Cole continue breaking the lock.

It was not an easy breakable lock, but he ended up unlocking it.

Cole without wasting time, opened up the place.

Things looks a little bit rough inside the wardrobe but nothing was suspecious.

He began searching for money, few boxes of clothes and jewelries was mostly what he saw.

“What sort of madness is this that Marina displayed here? Securely locking up a wardrobe that holds nothing importance. I wasted my energy and time to break the stupid lock only to be greeted with all this nonsense. No money, nothing to even hold onto except jewelries and wears… this is totally insane.

Cole said outlouldly to the empty room.

Now, he has to face Marina for breaking into her wardrobe.

He has to prepare himself for her war because she won’t let it slide like that.

Just when he was about to step away something caught his eyes, there was another box hidden among other big boxes that looks out of ordinary.

Cole without wasting time, rushed to it.

He pulled it out and realised that is on password.

He started trying different things that came to his head just to unlock it but to no avail. It all failed.

The box was indeed expensive and special. Getting inside was the major problem for him.

He thought of using the tools he used for the locks on the box but shakes his head against it.

He doesn’t want to destroy it and later realized that there is nothing important in it.

He pulled back the box, be arranged all the things almost same way he saw it.

He angrily walked to the bed and fell face up.

He still needs to get money for Lizbeth.

An idea came to his head to go and search all Marina’s hang bag one after the other.

He quickly stood on his feet and began searching frantically.

Marina has a whole lot of designers handbag, lined up in one part of the room. Same goes with her long line of shoes.

The room couldn’t hold most of her stuffs, she put some of the things away in one of the guest rooms which she also locked up.

There is nothing important or sneaky with her locking up her things in another room because she kept the key openly on a table in the master bedroom where he sees it everyday.

The only one that suddenly appeared suspecious was the wardrobe lock and now that he has broken it he wish he never did.

Cole continued searching, he saw little cash that won’t do much in one of her outing bag and took it.

He was lucky to get hold of few thousand dollars in another designers bag.

Cole took all the money he gathered. It was far more than enough for Lizbeth grocery shopping.

He was happy that his whole effort was not in vain, it paid off at the end.

Cole tried as possible as he can to put everything in place although not exactly as it was but he tried.

He called Lizbeth and asked her to tidy up the room, sweep off the mess he made and put everything in place.

Lizbeth did as she was told. Cole later gave her money for the grocery and other necessary things she needed to buy.

He was a bit free after sorting Lizbeth, the next thing on his mind is to face Marina.

Marina retuned late in the night, the first thing that greeted her eyes was her wardrobe lock.

“What in hell happened here… whaaaat is going on…?

She asked while quickly opening the wardrobe and examining her things.

Cole watched her rush to the box that was passworded

She sighed out her relief when she saw that it wasn’t tampered with.

She asked the question again, this time around facing Cole.

Cole replied her while frowning.

“My money recently went missing again, that money was meant for Lizbeth. Since you’re not a thief and we are the only two people using this room so i assumed the money probably developed wings and flew into your wardrobe. Which must be the only logical reasons why you keep locking your wardrobe. Well, I needed to give Lizbeth money for groceries and since I don’t have money I decided to search in your corner probably I will get hold of something but…

Marina interrupted.

“You’re very stupid Cole. How dare you mingle with my private things. What is difficult in respecting my stuffs and staying away from them. You broke my lock and got into my privacy… and you aren’t remorseful about it

“I’m sorry that I broke your lock Marina, I told you my reasons already and at the same time I wonder why you are locking up your wardrobe. None of your stuffs have gone missing before but I keep losing my money every time and yet I never thought of putting a lock to my wardrobe. I’m not a fool, I know that you usually take my money and deny ever seeing it. Despite how much I give to you, you’re never satisfied…the little I kept to run the house, you will still steal. Look at the number of your designers bags and shoes, designers wears in your wardrobe. I lost count when I got to 99. You’re too greedy Marina, I’m in a debt mess because I wanted to meet your demands, You drained me without sympathy during the first pregnancy. You promised to cut down cost if you happen to take in again. But instead of cutting cost and helping me out with expenses you triple your demand. You are choking me to death with excessive spending. I was with Florence for five good years and things have never gone messy financially. She buys groceries with her money, do most shopping without asking me for a dime….she..

Marina began to laugh.

“Comparing me with your almost ex wife won’t make you any richer. I kept asking this question ,if Florence was that good why are you with me? Oh, let me guess, she can’t get pregnant like me… poor barren woman. I beat her twice to it. She doesn’t know how to satisfy your dirty large sexual fantasy… what a boring wife she was. I’m not Florence and she can never be me…get that straight for ones into your empty skull. I don’t care if you die wretched, what I’m after is a better world for me and this child I carry. Is due to your stinginess and negligence that made me loose the first baby. I’m not taking Chances again with this second one. I won’t… because if I die playing the good girl with you, it won’t take a week for you to move on to another sexy lady. Don’t ever touch my private things again Cole…if you don’t want me to dive a knife to your chest…

Cole stood and pointed towards her.

“I dare you Marina, I will bury a Cutlass in your heartless chest before you can think of getting a knife. If not for the child you carry, I would have done away with you long time ago. I’m tired of you, your lies, your greediness, your laziness and even your crazy sexual performance. What is still keeping us is together is the child. And that’s the only reason I’m doing everything possible to carry my child. I don’t want another story that touches the heart like the first that’s the reason why I’m doing everything I can for you and the baby. I took loan so that you can relocate to abroad like you wish and for the safety of the baby. I’m in deeply debt all for you and the baby. You have no reason to be locking your bags or keeping secrets. I demand a total transparency from you…

The argument continue to heat up. Cole was boiling at all Marina’s insult. He decided to take a walk before he will do something crazy to a pregnant woman.

“I demand to know where you are going to at this time of the night…

Marina said blocking him from leaving.

“I’m taking a walk to cool my head. If I stay here exchanging words with you I would be forced to do something crazy… which may affect the baby. leave the road…

Marina stood insulting him.

He pushed her aside and left. Marina remain in the room.

She rushed to recheck her things again just to make sure none of her private things was not tampered with.

She peeped outside the door to be certain that no one was close by.

Marina closed the door firmly before picking up her phone to make call.

“…my heart ran into my mouth when I saw my wardrobe Aviv. I almost died standing… hahahaha. I’m too smart for him. He is complaining of all the money he’s been spending and how broke he was…he thought that I care. I have gotten enough of what I need, my traveling papers will be complete by next week because I paid for every necessary thing. Did you know that some of the baby bump were inside the box in my wardrobe but he couldn’t unlock it. Maybe I will have to move it out because my secrets are no longer safe in this house. If he finds out that it was all fake pregnancy I will be in serious trouble. The stupid man ransacked my bags, he was able to get small change but I don’t really care about that. By the time I’m gone he will know what poverty feels like…it has not even started and he’s already complaining and searching for money even in rat hole. How foolish can he be…him and his mother. They only cares about the baby… unknown to them that I’m smartly playing with everything they got which includes their spoilt brain. By the time I’m done with them, especially Cole he will…

there was a knock on the door. Marina’s heart skipped.

She gasped out in relief when Lizbeth came to inform her that dinner was ready.

Marina insulted Lizbeth for interrupting her before asking her to leave immediately.

She decided to go to the gym house for some privacy.

Marina saw Lizbeth at the dining. She wanted to be certain that Cole was not in the house.

She asked Lizbeth about Cole, she told her that she haven’t seen him.

Lizbeth knew where Cole was but she wish he will also hear all she heard from Marina.

She was shocked, her hand felt frozen on the door knob.

She never meant to eavesdrop on her, she only went to inform her about dinner and her harsh word caught her up.

with all she just learnt, the fake pregnancy both the first and second, the deceit, the lies and she is a week away from leaving the country. She doesn’t know what to do with the whole information.

Lizbeth heard Marina talk about the fake baby bump that is packed up in a certain box with password.

Cool was in the gym, she wish he will also hear some of this secret.

Marina was certain that Lizbeth must either be in the kitchen when Cole left the house.

She went to the gym house, closed the door and began making her call.

Cole was at the gym house. He sat down there thinking all by himself, when he heard Marina coming he decided to hide from her.

He does not want more trouble or exchanging of words again.

Marina started making her usual call again not knowing Cole was there.

“…The foolish househelp almost gave me a heart attack. I thought it was Cole. Anyway, now that we’re in a secluded place, let’s talk. So… like I was saying, the stupid man ransacked…

Before Marina could say more thing, Cole came out

“So am now a stupid man right? Why are you following me up and down… can’t i have peace in my house again?

Cole said interrupting a shocked Marina.

Her heart beat was racing but she quickly got back her herself. She knew Cole did not hear more than few things she said.

She eyed him before walking back to the house, Cole followed her behind, talking.

Lizbeth saw them walked pass, they both went upstairs to their room. She tip toed for the first time to know if Cole caught Marina

“You know I love you my handsome husband to be, Father of my unborn child. I hates it when you gets me annoyed. I wish we will stop fighting for the sake of this our unborn baby. He will not be happy when he’s parents are always at loghead.

“How do you know is going to be a”boy”. Cole asked.

“Because a mother knows. I’m having the same signs and symptoms I got during the first one. Is our first baby that decided to come back to us… can’t you feel it…

Lizbeth listened keenly. Marina said something else she couldn’t hear before hearing the sound of two of them kissing.

In no time Marina was moaning loudly as always. they were already having their crazy sex.

“Take it easy for the baby’s sake”

Cole said.

Marina either nodded or whispered because Lizbeth did not hear any more thing from her.

Lizbeth ran down stairs to her room. She needs to do something with the information she just gathered about Marina.

She will have to summon courage and tell Cole soon before Marina finalize her plans.


He drove and stopped in front of her gate, none said anything as he bent towards her to kiss her on the lip.

She turned her face away from him, he tried again but she dodged the kiss.

He relaxed back on his seat, breathed loudly. He placed his two hands on the steering and remained quiet.

They both did not say a word to each other as they remained seated.

He turned to her, looked at her for sometime before saying.

“You don’t love me…I get it. You claimed to have feeling for me the last time we were together, yet you kept displaying an opposite attitude of love. I don’t know what to think again…I don’t.

She looked out from the window, it was dark everywhere.

The time was 8:34pm, it was a Sunday, tomorrow will be Monday. Her weekly wear was already sorted out. She only need to go inside, shower and sleep.

She has attended church service with Maxwell. today wasn’t the first time they will be attending service together.

It was after service they agreed to hang out in the evening.

After coming back, she relaxed a little before getting dressed again for evening outing with Maxwell.

He came and picked her up and when it was 7:30 she asked him to take her home.

She can tell that he was not happy during the ride back home.

He has been displaying cold attitude towards her. She wish he can understand her plight and stop making her feel guilty over her decision.

Florence flashed back to the night at his place. Everything was going on fine, the romance was as she wanted. Not rough or crazy style like Cole, it was just perfect but she suddenly started having ill feeling as she thought of Coleman.

The more she tries to wave it off the more the guilt wears on.

She was enjoying Maxwell kiss and touch, he was about entering the main romantic phase when she suddenly pushed him off to the bed.

Maxwell was shocked as he stared at her.

“Did I do anything wrong…I thought you were enjoying it? What is the problem again Flox…?

“, I’m sorry Max, I can’t…I just can’t.

She apologized.

He made attempt to touch her again, she slapped off his hand, stood up from the bed, picked up her nighty jacket from the ground and wore.

“… please leave, I’m sorry Max but if you love me enough you will leave me alone at this minute like I wish to be.

Maxwell tries to argue but went quiet. He dressed up properly before walking away.

Florence fell back to the bed and weep for unknown reason.

The next morning, Bianca brought two fine dress for her from Maxwell.

She got dressed and put back her wedding ring.

When Maxwell saw her in the money, his eyes was devoid of sleep.

He looked down at her ring finger and frowned.

Florence tries to apologise again for last night but he did not want to talk about it.

He served her breakfast, before walking her to her car.

He didn’t speak much or looked at Florence eyes like he used to do.

he avoided getting too close with her until she left.

“Flox… Flox…. You’re thinking again. Why are you making this whole thing more difficult than it is already. If you don’t want me or have feeling for me kindly say so, let’s stop deceiving ourselves and face reality.

She turned to him, his eyes were sad.

“I’m sorry Max, there are things I can’t change or undo and that’s who I am. I want to stand for truth, for royalty and most importantly for godliness. And the truth is that I have feeling for you..I truly cares about you Max. But I want to take things easy…

“You have feeling for me yet I can’t touch or kiss you like I so much desired to do. What are you talking about… I’m not asking you to change who you are, I only want you to stop holding back your feeling for me. I can’t do anything without thinking of you. I love you Flox, and is difficult to keep saying it with mouth when we have a serious connection in the past before you met Coleman.

He bent over, took her hands into his while looking into her eyes.

“….I want to express the exact way I feel, kiss you all over, feel your warmth, touch you like I used to in the past before our break-up. I want to make love to you for real Flox…I so much desire you. Ever since we got very close, I have been trying to put my whole feeling in check but the closer we get the more the feeling grows with each passing minutes. I’m tired of holding back and pretending we are just friends. Flox, we have history together it makes it difficult to remain friends…I Love you so much, don’t you still get it? Give me a chance to make amend my past. I really want to be in your life and love you like you deserve. Please… Flox…

Florence pat his hand gently, she touched his face. Caressing every line down to his mouth.

Maxwell placed his hand over hers and brought it to his lips.

He kissed her hand slowly, looked at her eyes down to her lip.

He looked down at her finger which still holds her wedding ring.

He draw out his breath shakingly.

“…You are torturing me Flox… you are really torturing me. I don’t know how much I can take. Why do you still care so much about a man that doesn’t care about you. He is living with a woman for over a year…who was pregnant for him. Same man served you a divorce letter and warned you off to stay far away from him and his mistress or he kills you. He threaten you with death and many other ill thinking stuffs. Why is he still holding you back from your happiness… please make me understand.

Florence gasped out sadly.

“He is still my husband Max. I’m sorry it hurts this way but that’s the truth. Is untill the divorce process is over I can’t be wholly yours. Please give me time, the whole thing is just around the corner. By next month end I will be a free woman to do as I wish. I won’t because of Coleman’s nonchalant behavior or his unruly disrespect and belittle myself. I will keep my honor till the very end. I can’t live as I like or be foolish like Coleman. We can’t both be mad at the same time. I want you too Max, I desire to be with you. Lay on your chest and listen to your heart beat as it was before meeting Coleman. I want to bury myself in your brood chest and most importantly kneel and pray side by side with you. I want many things too Max but I have to wait. I’m not gonna put my selfish desire ahead of me…I will wait no matter how long it takes. Let us allow God to take the wheel…so that we don’t miss out on the main road.

Maxwell nodded.

Florence smile, she bent over and kissed his cheek before saying goodnight.

As she picked up her bag to step out of the car, Maxwell caught her hand.

“I don’t feel like driving home now Flox, can I come inside and stay a little longer with you.

“No Max, please go home…watch some movies, dive into the pool and swim out the stress, check out Paloma, your talking parrot and have a nice time with the colorful bird or Diego, the fluffy white rabbit with it’s mate Anni. your domestic staff too can entertain you if you want. There is a whole lot of things to be done around your place…go home Max.

Maxwell laughed out a little.

“Diego is a lazy rabbit, he keep getting fat and fur all over. Anni is smarter, I think she is pregnant… she is begining to act lazy all of a sudden. Paloma talks too much I will skip. Maybe swimming will do lots of good. Thanks for the suggestion. When can I see you again Flox. I can’t wait for this divorce thing to be over so that I can have you all to myself. Should I prepare something for you within the week… what will you love me to bring for you…

“Nothing for now….or I will let you know within the week. Just go home Max, I need to get in and rest. Goodnight…

She opened the door and stepped down.

.”I love you Flox…

She did not reply, she only smiled and waved at him.

Max waved back as he watched her go inside before driving away.

BEING MRS SPENCE Episode 15 by Amah’s Heart

This was the fourth day and she remains restless, several attempt to spill the beans was unsuccessful.

She knew it wasn’t in her place to be sneaking around and trying to know what Marina was planning next but she can’t close her eyes and ears from her wickedness.

She was able to gather enough information concerning Marina.

She was never pregnant, the first was a sham, fake pregnancy.

Lizbeth remembered how Marina was crying heavily, deceiving everybody and acting like she truly lose a baby.

She deceived everybody and they even blamed Mr Cole’s first wife whom Lizbeth has never met.

They made her believe that the real Mrs Spence was evil.

Now, the truth is out and Marina is the evil one that directly chase the real Mrs Spence out of her home with her fake pregnancy.

Cole threaten to hurt his wife because of Marina. He prefers Marina to his legally married wife.

Even madam Gold was totally deceived by Marina.

Now, Marina has succeeded in draining him dry.

Mr Spence, like she usually call him needs to know the kind of Lady Marina was and do something quick before things gets out of hand.

Marina is manipulative, she is very insultive and also harsh.

She treats her like a spoilt garbage, no iota of respect or whatsoever.

Lizbeth dislike her person and will do everything she can to make sure she uncovers her dirty secrets.

But her only issue is how to go about it.

Just last night they were shouting and quarreling with each other.

Probably over money, Lizbeth can’t tell what exactly caused last night issue but she was used their banter everytime.

Anytime Cole goes out, Marina will be speaking on phone with whoever that knows her mischief.

Her partner in crime.

They will be calling Cole all sorts of names and continue making arrangements on how to finalise her evil plan.

“Lizbeth… Lizbeth!

Lizbeth can hear Marina shouting her name but she pretend not to hear.

Marina came down stairs with a bag and continued shouting her name.

“Where is this foolish help, have she suddenly gone deaf or what? Lizbeth… Lizbe…

Lizbeth answered as she came out of her room, pretending not to hear her before.

“,Oh, you finally heard. I thought you have suddenly gone deaf and dumb.

Lizbeth, for the first time looked at Marina very closely.

She first of all checked the way she dressed, almost naked.

A very short handles tight gown that exposed both her thigh and cleavage.

With a nude color lipstick, same color with her artificial long nails.

Her eye lashes was not left out, full and long. More than five piercing on both her ears, nose and side of her mouth. She has a twin tattoo on her back and left arm.

She was beautiful but looked razz and street.

The tattoo on her arm wasn’t there before, neither was the piercing beside her mouth. she probably recently added those or Lizbeth never noticed until now.

“Sorry madame, I was occupied inside…

“You’re always occupied, I don’t need your dirty sorry. My husband, Cole will not be coming home tonight. He went for outside work, but just incase he comes back later and asked of my whereabout, tell him that I went to the hospital for check up and if the doctor insist I stay over maybe placing me on bed rest that is exactly what I will do for the sake of this baby I carry. Cole has been stressing me lately, resting outside this house will be very necessary. So, i may probably not come home tonight. hope I’m clear, did you understand everything I just said?

Lizbeth looked at her with a straight face, she almost said exactly what was on her mind.

She wanted let her know that her secret will not remain hidden forever.

That very soon and soon enough she will be exposed.

“Yes Madame.

Lizbeth replied instead.

“Good. Because I won’t take it lightly with you if you make a mistake in the information I just gave you. I’m not sure he will be coming back but if he happens to, don’t fail to tell him exactly what I said without mincing word because I will be switching off my phone. I don’t want his nonsense disturbance. Is that clear Lizbeth?

“Yes… very clear” Lizbeth replied

She walked out of the door to her car, and drove off.

Late that evening, Lizbeth was surprised to hear the sound of Cole’s car driving in.

The security closed up the gate as he drove in.

She haven’t prepared dinner, her thought was since no one was around, there was no need to make dinner down.

Lizbeth quickly went into the kitchen and started making food.

She came out and greeted Cole immediately he stepped inside the house.

Cole replied before going straight to his room, after sometime he came down in a polo and short.

He had his bath and changed up quickly.


He called out while changing the television station.

Lizbeth ran out quickly to answer.

“No dinner tonight? Cole asked

“Is almost ready, I started not quiet long, didn’t know you will be coming back tonight…

Lizbeth said trying to rush back to her cooking.

“Wait…did Marina say where she was going to? Her phone is off…

Lizbeth paused, this was a good opportunity to spill the beans. Marina’s rubbish needs to end and all her secret must come to light. The game is over for her.

“She went to the hospital for check up and may decide to take a bed rest with the doctor’s instructions.

Lizbeth said, instead of all that she had in mind to say.

She turned and went back to the kitchen. She kept trying to rehearse the whole speech all over.

It has to sound convincing to Cole if not he won’t believe her and she will be in a serious trouble.

Lizbeth served Cole dinner, he ate a little before going to the cushion to stretch out himself.

Lizbeth knew he may probably fall asleep in no time.

This was her good opportunity to tell Cole what Marina have been up to.

Lizbeth kept going back and forth, she was restless and did not have the gut to talk.

“Is there a problem Lizbeth?

Cole asked.

“Yes…I mean no. There is no problem Mr Spence.

Cole stood up. He looked at her suspeciously

“Put off things, the television, the other necessary sockets, including this sitting air conditioner since no one will be sleeping here. I’m trying to cut down cost with the prepaid light. Things are not as they used to be, I’m not bouyant like before. try not to waste anything, especially food. Make only what we can finish, no left over except you want to eat it later. I don’t know how long but I will keep trying to pay for your services and provide money for the necessary things in the house but make sure nothing useful is thrown into the wastebin. I’m going to bed…

He began walking upstairs.

Lizbeth knew is now or never. If she doesn’t tell him Marina’s secret now, she may not be opportune to do it again.

“Mr Spence, I have something I want to tell you…

Cole paused, turned and looked at her.

“Yes, what is it Lizbeth?

She thought of changing her mind but she will be needing something to dismiss Cole.

Unfortunately she can’t find anything.

Telling Cole about the real Marina is far difficult than she thought.

Cole stood but when Lizbeth began babbling he said to her

“I asked you earlier if everything was alright and you said yes. Now, asking me to wait that you have something to tell but end up saying nothing is what i don’t understand. listen to me….if is about money, I don’t have money to give you Lizbeth. I don’t, is better you manage what is in the house. I said it earlier that you should learn how to economize. Things aren’t as they used to be. I’m going to bed now…

He turned and began to climb the stairs that lead to the master bedroom.

“Marina is not pregnant…

Lizbeth finally said very loud, making Cole to pause and turn.

“What did you say…? Cole wasn’t sure of what he just heard. He took few steps down.

Lizbeth breathed deeply, she knew there was no going back.

She has to finish what she just started.

“Marina, your woman is not pregnant…

Cole looked at her like a ghost.

“What exactly are you talking about Lizbeth, what do you mean Marina is not pregnant…if she’s not pregnant then what is she carrying in her womb?

Cole said while raising an eyebrow at Lizbeth who was ready to spill all she has learnt concerning Marina for the past few days.

“She is only pretending to be pregnant so to keep collecting your money. I’m not lying because I have nothing to gain from all of this. But I have heard her on phone while you were away and I knew she is not pregnant but only deceiving everybody…

Cole was quiet at first. He came closer to Lizbeth.

“Why should I believe you? Why will you even say such a thing Lizbeth…? loosing the first pregnancy was a big blow on us all, on me specially. You were here and witnessed it all but nature favored us by giving us another opportunity to be parents again. I’m happy for that atleast, despite it has left me in shambles but my happiness is becoming a father and seeing Marina deliver safely. I can’t fathom out what brought about you thinking Marina is not pregnant but that’s definitely the most stupid thing I have ever heard. Get back to whatever you are doing, this conversation between us is so lame and holds no water…

Lizbeth never knew convincing him will be this difficult but she was out already and there is no going back.

Anything she has to use to prove her point, she will do it.

Cole was turning to go back up. She took few steps closer to him and try to be bold because she was very certain of what she was saying.

“Marina is not pregnant. I repeat that again because I’m very sure of everything I’m saying. She has never been pregnant Mr Spence. The first one was a total lie, she didn’t loose any baby because she was never pregnant. This second one is equally fake.

Cole laughed out sarcastically.

“For your information she showed me all her doctors report. during the first one, her stomach has grown from each stage of pregnancy, her body changes and that goes with the baby bump are you telling me that there wasn’t a baby in her stomach or the baby that was in the bump was a fake baby too? Lizbeth what exactly are you saying..? I’m getting uncomfortable with all this. I paid you to scrub my floor and prepare my food. I didn’t pay you to poke nose in my personal affairs, if you were tired of your job, which is obviously true that you are, All you needed is to say so. What the hell is your business with Marina’s pregnancy. I understand that you don’t like her due to her harshness towards you but that does not give you any right to say what you just said. In about a week from now the month will end, get ready because you will no longer be in this house. Go to another house, leave what they pay you to do and continue with your nosy senseless gossip. I will get money and pay you off before then, why you will exceed tomorrow in my house is only because I don’t have money right now. I no longer feel safe staying in this house with you neither is Marina. You are capable of giving her something that will hurt the baby in her womb. Don’t speak another word Lizbeth concerning Marina’s pregnancy. Return to your room…

Lizbeth already knew the danger she was getting on but cares less.

Since Cole was already firing her, is better she just say everything all that was on her mind.

“I don’t really care if I’m fired or not, but I think is high time you know the bitter truth about Marina. She wears a fake pregnancy bump…

Cole curved a smile in a total doubt.

“….yeah, I know you won’t believe there is such thing. I also never knew stuffs like that was already in existence untill I heard her speaking over the phone and mentioning some of the things I’m telling you now. In her wardrobe there’s a box with password, she kept some of the bump there and some hidden away in the other room she packed her stuffs.

Cole asked Lizbeth to follow him and she did. He went straight to Marina’s wardrobe while Lizbeth stood watching.

Ever since the incident of the lock, Marina was no more locking up her wardrobe.

He pulled out the box that Lizbeth mentioned, there was no password in it again. just a single press of the lock button it automatically open on its own.

Cole opened it but there was only few clothes inside.

He searched round and saw nothing.

He turned to Lizbeth who was surprised to meet an empty box.

“You can leave my room now, hope you have seen that Marina is not hidding anything. And the only lie I see here is yours… get out.

As Lizbeth was leaving she decided to use the last minute of her time to speak.

“She probably played smart here, after you broke her wardrobe. She felt her secret is no longer safe and move it out which was why she left the box unlocked. Follow her to the hospital and not just drop her off by the hospital, enter inside and into the doctors office where she usually go for examining. Or invite another doctor to check her. Get a CCTV or recorder and either mount it in the room or gym. This two places are her favorite place where she makes serious calls. Since I will be gone soon I will advise you to run an investigation on her, I promise you that at the end you will come in terms with the fact about Marina.

Cole pushed her out of the room and she left.

(Do NOT take credit or plagiarize AMAH’S HEART stories)


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