Behind The Mask Episode 5 by Jones Kwesi Tagbor

BEHIND THE MASK A Story by Jones Kwesi Tagbor

Behind The Mask Episode 5

© Jones Kwesi Tagbor

Me: Sister, I was really touched with your worship today. In fact you carry a great anointing.

She smiled and thanked me.

Me: I’m John what about you?

Lady: I’m Enyonam

Me: Enyonam? the Enyonam I know or which of the Enyonams?

Enyonam: Haha but how do I know your Enyonam? Actually, my driver is waiting for me outside so please let’s talk more next week or probably one of the evening services.

She quickly held the hands of one lady and together, they left the chapel.

I went very deep into myself and just wondering If that was the Enyonam I knew. “But she should be having a burnt face if she Is really the one. Or she went through a plastic surgery? Yea, her family should be rich so it’s possible.” I was just thinking aloud. The whole of that evening in my room, I was occupied in mind as to weather the lady was actually Enyonam or not. “I must not miss any of this evening church services because I don’t know which of them she will be in attendance.”

At work the following day, my disorder started popping up. I could visually see the scene of Enyonam being carried into the ambulance. I never knew I was shouting for help until I came into consciousness to see people standing around me. I asked them what was happening and one of them said I was shouting for help. “Really? Sorry. I just had a playback of some dangerous moments in my life.” I said to them. One of them suggested that I get some rest if possible and added that I take a day off from work to relax. I told him we were just from weekend and how was l suppose to ask for permission again?

After work, I got myself ready for the evening service and all my motive for going to church that evening was to meet the supposed Enyonam. I got there very early to get a good place to sit so that when she comes I could easily notice it. Honestly, my attention was not on what was going on at the church because she was not showing up. It got to a point where we were asked to sit down after a prayer but I never noticed it. Not knowing, the pastor announced that anyone who saw anything during the prayer session should stand and tell the church so that they pray over it. One gentleman brought the microphone to me. “what for?” I asked. That was where I was told what was going on. I sat down quickly. That evening, Enyonam never showed up.

I came back home a little bit disturbed.

Tuesday came and she didn’t show up. Wednesday and Thursday, still she didn’t come. “Ah this lady is making me spend money on transportation to church every evening. I decided not to attend the Friday service because I felt that she was just not into evening services. I was in my room playing some cools when something asked me to dress up and get going to church . I never disobeyed my instincts so I dressed up and went to church. To my surprise, Enyonam was still not present and I became more frustrated.

Over the weekend, I did some general cleaning in my room with the reason that if the lady happens to be Enyonam and tried following me to the house to know where I stay, my room won’t be in any mess. Sunday came and as usual, I got to church very early. I think in one way or the other, this lady made me to have more interest in church. “Woo there she comes.” I said to myself with a smile seeing her come through the second door. I sat very well this time around to follow the service. She was the praise and worship leader so during the praises time, she mounted the podium and powerful, the selections of spirit filled songs she ministered could even raise the dead. I danced to the fullest. Nobody knew the source of my happiness and why I was the last person to resume my seat when we were asked to sit. Soon they moved into a period of worship and the lady was just on top of issues. Prophetic declarations were the order of the day. Coincidentally, the preacher preached about how we need to put away fear and approach whatever we are determined to have. The preacher made it clear to the church that fear is a thief in the life of a true Christian. He added that, once you see something to be bigger or higher than you, fear sets in and you won’t be able to achieve your aim so we need to remove elements of fear from our way because Christ came to rather encourage us not to leave us with fear.

I received the content of the message as if it was purposely meant for me. I was wondering how to approach this Enyonam lady. After the service, I didn’t wait any longer before approaching her.

Me: Hello Sis Enyonam, you did splendid today. You are indeed a blessing to this church.

Enyonam: Oh bra John, why should you always be praising me after church service? Am doing it to the glory of God because He gave me the strength. By the way thank you.

She smiled.

I looked at her very closely and lustily. Even though she has the dimple that attracted me during school days, it wasn’t as inviting as those days. ‘Well, probably the environment in which she served her suspension days and probably the fire has interrupted her looks.”

Me: You couldn’t come for the evening service last week. I came through out but I never saw you.

Enyonam: Oh Yea. I travelled that’s why I couldn’t come. But I hope it went well?

Me: Yeah, everything went well. Didn’t you attend Asamankesi Senior High School?

Enyonam: Actually I was involved in an accident and through that, I lost memory of all my previous experiences before the accident. So it might be possible. My counsellor is now helping me remember some of the things but that just looks like a story to me.

Me: Oh my dear, am very sorry about that. Which means you don’t remember John the School prefect during your high school days?

Enyonam: Not really. So you were the prefect by then ohk nice meeting you.

I started doubting if she was the real Enyonam. The Enyonam I know too blinks faster and she is doing same. Looking at how she was moving and throwing her hands, there was nothing to tell me that she was not the real Enyonam. ” So where have you been after school?” I asked.

Enyonam: Just here in Tema. But after my accident, my parents sent me abroad for treatment. Mr John sorry I need to get going, my driver is waiting for us to go home. Nice meeting you.

Me: ohk. Nice meeting you too. In fact you look very beautiful. Can I have your number so that we could keep in touch? She smiled and rolled her eyes in some stylish way. I knew that was a positive sign of victory. “Thank you for the complement but I give all thanks to God for keeping me alive. Open your dial pad for the digits.” She collected my phone and dialled her number onto it. I thanked her as she left smiling. I stood and looked her back as she walks away. “Oh God, your creations are very beautiful.” She is found of smiling. Come and see how happy I was that day. I was very happy that I’ve finally found my Enyonam; the love of my life.

As soon as I got home, I called her to check on her if she arrived home safely. Her answer was positive but she said she was a little bit busy so we should talk later. In the evening, I scrolled down the contact section of my whatsApp and saw that she was online. I sent a “hi”. She replied with an emogy sign with a raised hand

indicating “hello “. Below is the details of our chat that night.

Me: I hope am not disturbing your evening with my chat.

Enyonam: Not at all brother John. It’s just half past nine.

Me: Ok. So what do you do for a living?.

Enyonam: At the moment, am operating my mother’s cosmetic shop at community seven. What about you?

“Ei this lady should be a ‘Dada bee’ how can I tell her my feelings? ” I was thinking aloud.

Enyonam: Hello are you there?

Me: Yes dear. That’s fine then you should be rich. Am an Accountant by profession but doing my national service with the Ports and Harbour.

Enyonam: That’s fine too. Then you need to be giving more offertory at church.

Me: Lol. In fact your boyfriend should be very lucky for having you because you are very charming..

Enyonam: Ei brother John I believe you are not trying to say you like me already?

Me: Haha so you know I like you already. No doubt you carry that anointing. Sweetheart, if there is no one around you can you give me the chance to tap from your anointing?

Enyonam: What do you mean brother John?

Me: aww even your eyes are killing me here. You know God created everything in pairs so am very sure am your other pair. Let’s lock horns together.

Enyonam: Try to be a gentleman. Are you a special case or something? your style of proposal is too straight. Is that your hobby?

Me: Remember we were told at church not to be afraid of anything and go for whatever we’ve aimed at. The spirit told me that you are my Eve so I should be strong and move forward.

Enyonam: I like your spirit but I don’t know much about you so how do you expect me to accept your proposal like that?

Me: Don’t worry. You can just try me. If am not good for you, you are free to go. In fact am dying for you.

Enyonam: lover boy.


can you send me any vivacious pictures of yours?

Enyonam: oh no please. That will be very hellish on my part. I don’t do that.

Me: Oh dear are you seeing me to be a hellion?

I tried convincing her but she never sent the pictures. I told her I knew her back from school days but because of her *amnesia* she couldn’t remember. I told her on the chat things I went through during my suspension time. I explained to her that my mother was cool with me but the problem was my father who seem to be disappointed in me.

For some time, she was no longer chatting so I knew she was asleep. I slept off too.

At work the following day, I called her more than five times. I actually did not have any specific thing to say but just to hear her voice. We arranged an outing for the weekend and I told her that I would like her to visit me at my place so that we could talk more. She said I shouldn’t worry so she would plan towards that. Within two weeks of going to church, I’ve found my love.

I don’t think you will say that was not appropriate to meet a lady within two weeks at the church. Catch them young and when they grow, they shall be yours forever. Enyonam and I claimed we loved each other. But my question is that do we actually use the word love in it’s rightful way? Because most often, love is confused with infatuation. That is elated, “high” feeling we get when we “fall in love.” Some call it lust. This kind of “love” is something that last typically a short time and, unless replaced by true love, results in broken relationships. The believer’s will agree with me that Love is *patient*, love is *kind*. It does not *envy*, it does not *boast*, it is not *proud*. It is not *rude*, it is not *self-seeking*, it is not *easily angered*, it keeps *no record of wrongs*. Love does  *delight in evil* but rejoices with the *truth*. It always *protects*, always *trusts*, always *hopes*, always *perseveres*. Love never *fails*.

Over the weekend, our outing came off. We met at “Abinwaha” Restaurant. They have a pool at the place so let’s say we had a pool party. I couldn’t imagine seeing this spirit filled lady wear some bikini exposing her very sexually attractive parts. “Waow! You look so succulents and vivacious. Enyonam, I love you.” I said to her. “Haa, I love you too Johnny. But promise me it is not going to be a nine day wonder. ” She replied with a smile. “Oh come on, why should you say such a thing? I’m for real.”

When it was getting late, I suggested we go to my house so that she get to know there. Behind my mind, I wanted to break my virginity that day. But come to think of it, the following day will be a Sunday and Enyonam would have to lead the church in praise and worship. Anyway she agreed to go with me.

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