AMAYA(Son Of The Moon) Episode 13

AMAYA (Son Of The Moon) Episode 1 - Rihanne Maya

Episode 13

Accordingly,my father d!ed that night and his body disappeared without a trace. The entire community searched for his corpse but no one knew where his body had gone.

That didn’t stop the covenant hour of the sacrifice.

The hustle and bustle of chatter, cheers of celebration ; tantalising smell of warm stew, fry meat, caramel desserts wafted the air. The village emitted golden glow. Tonight, a few hours, people can experience the joy that usually exists beyond boundaries of the mid year sacrifice. The joy, the warmth, appreciating the cool of the moon and it’s blessing’s of fire ; subsistence in the midst of the overcast.

Shadows danced across the landscape, as the moonlight bathed everything in a soft, ethereal light. The air was cool and still, and the world seemed to hold its breath in the enchanting embrace of the moon.

A blindfold(a strip of cloth) was tied over my eyes as I was laid on a dried palm fronds altar.

“Why is he doing this,he’s a very nice young man. “Some people wailed.

“Oh gods of our land. As requested,our offering is ready. Come! Come and have a taste of a young fresh bl00d. Come! Come!! Come!!!” The dark goddess enchanted loudly.

So,a silver glow of the moon enclosed some part of the community, slowly moving towards my direction. I heard a lot of voices wailing.

“Is this truly going to be his end? He’s a good hearted boy. He doesn’t deserve to d!e like this. “The crowd continued. “Is be going to be taken by the moon?”

Shortly after, the people moved away from the moonlight, and hid themselves under shades to prevent the moon-snatch energy. The light then flickered on and off as a strange fluorescent light flashed across the moonlit arena. So,the moon hid behind dark clouds and it was dark again.

“No! What’s happening? Why is the moon light not stable. ” The goddess questioned herself in confusion. “Oh gods of the moon! Why are you rejecting the sacrifice?”

The day was dark. I could feel a storm approaching. The gentle natural moonlight glistening through the clouds, now covered by a heavy mist. Drop! Drop! Drop! The coldness of the water tinged my face. And the earth shook, as a large boom erupted from the sky followed by a light crackle. By now, I was soaked, like that night.

“Is it going to rain tonight? “The crowd wailed.

“Let the sacrifice proceed. The rain can’t stop us now.” The dark goddess yelled.

Suddenly,a heavy down pour broke loose,instead of silver glow of a moon-snatch. Everyone started running towards their houses.

Christian and Vincent broke up the awaiting moment from nowhere by throwing punches at the watch guards at the altar.

“Who are these people?” The dark goddess thundered as soldiers enclosed the arena.

“My baby brother do not fit into your wickedness. ” Vincent tried attacking the dark goddess but she disappeared out of sight.

“Impossible! Guardddds!! Arrest these young men now. ” The king commanded aggressively.

Zoe combated several guards on his own before he rushed out to get the car.

A hand snapped at me and I was lifted from the palm fronds altar.

“Dear baby brother,I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me. I have done worse things against you. “Vincent lifted me on his shoulder and ran out of the arena.

Sprinting out of the circle,a navy blue car pulled off immediately and the door swung open and a gust of wind blew into the car. Vincent quickly dropped me in and shut the door. Zoe drove the car in reverse direction in order to maneuver.

The sounds of thunder boomed, filling mama’s ears with sound. She woke up with a jolt, the thunder scaring her awake. She looked around at her room, it was dark, yet faintly lit up by the light from the moon. She looked out her window to see dark, vast clouds lurking over her city. She sighed, knowing she couldn’t fall back to sleep, the thunder would keep her up. It was good that she was awake anyway, she needed to think, she needed to be up…she needed fresh air. She grabbed a jacket and threw it on. Then she slipped on some shoes and walked out of her room.

“My Amaya will be taken by the gods to night. ” Her eyes had gone saggy due to her continuous cry.

The downpour was so heavy that to be caught unawares meant being drenched to the skin. Each drop was as large as a cartoon tear and they fell like gravity had been turned up a notch.

Without awareness of the road or the rain, the car moved over the highway, lights on full beam. Zoe watched how the yellowed yet bright light played in the droplets, showing this deluge, this flood from the sky, in apparently solitary drops. Once upon a time he would have been driving the car, no longer, he let the quantum computer do that. This was his time to let his brain roam free and his heart explore new avenues, even as the city became ever closer.

The windshield wipers were whining loud but I still couldn’t get a clear sight of the black pick up truck ahead of us. Zoe slowed to 60 then 45 then 40, craning his neck to the window and squinting past the water but it was worthless. You just couldn’t see. He started worrying about floods.

Faster than it started it stopped. The windshield wipers were whining for nothing and the truck ahead picked up speed. The shoulders of the road were dry and the grass dusty. He looked to the rearview mirror to see the moving patches of darkness dancing within the storm.

“Someone is trailing us. “Zoe said.

Shortly,the trunk stopped and four royal guards came down from it.

“I think it’s time to fight again. “Vincent said.

Zoe stood for the first time in so long, yet his resolve was absolute, “It is time for the rescue mission of the broken and abandoned to begin. So let the children born of hero heart be the champions of the weary, let them take their strength and lift up the broken, for they are the ones who would lay down life and limb to do what is right. So take your army and give them the right to use the arms God gave them for what they are for, for love, for helping, for kindness and peace. For God loves the brave soul, the noble spirit and the one who protects. That’s what love means and that is our faith.” He stood fearlessly.

Another car pulled up by the trunk and it was two of my shrine servants.

I opened the door and stepped down from it. Now,we were face to face with the royal guards.

“Amaya,if you wish to live again,the king wants you back in the palace. “One of the guards called.

“I never knew that I had betrayals as servants. Now I know how to tackle my problems. ” I called,but one of my servant ran towards me and threw something at me.

Christian caught it in the air. “Amaya,your bracelet!” He then returned it to me.

I quickly wore it and stretched my left hand towards the moon with a prayer.

“Moon,bright moon,son of the Mother Earth,send down your power and strength, Impact them to this bracelet,Stone of the ground,seed of the heavens,In the flowing crystal water,Milk from your mother, sustenance of the child,While distant,still one, provide me with your protection and power against my enemies. ” I yelled aloud.

Suddenly,the moon casts it’s shadows upon the earth and moon-snatch glow began immediately. The guards tried to escape but it was too late for them. The moon-snatched them all away and we drove away to Zoe’s kingdom that night with my two shrine servants.

“Little boy,so you want to play gimmicks with me. No problem!” The dark goddess stuttered.

… To Be Continued.

©️ Rihanne Maya

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