AMAYA (Son Of The Moon) Episode 6 – Rihanne May

AMAYA (Son Of The Moon) Episode 1 - Rihanne Maya

(Son Of The Moon)

Episode 6

“A descendant of the moon that escapes his duty post is a curse to where ever he steps his feet upon! What are you doing here? You’re not supposed to be here. ” The king said to me.

“Father,Amaya is different from other moon descendants. He’s not ev!l like most of you likened him to be. ” Zoe jumped in.

“I am not here to judge him whether or not he’s a bad son of the moon! All I’m saying is that,his presence is a curse to any community that harbours him, except he return to wherever he ran from,and claim his position as the spiritualist. ” The king replied Zoe. “At least he saved my only daughter from the hands of those spirits. I should be grateful for that. “

When I saw how angry the people were getting,I quickly stood up from my position.

“My king! Please! I beg you to permit me some more days,till I completely ruin Jordan over, please,” I pleaded.

“So,you’re a magician! Wonderful! Tomorrow morning,we will gather every household in this palace and watch you perform your spiritual gift. If you can’t prove that,then you shall be thrown away from this land. ” One of the elders mocked.

“That will never happen. You can’t commit an innocent child into something that’s out of his wish. Never!” Prince Zoe fired at him. “Father,Amaya is just a sixteen years old rejected boy. He has nowhere to go as of right now. Can you please let him stay some more? I will take good care of him myself.”

“I said what I said. You can not take care of such a child. He has some favourable intentions,but destructive when he’s angry. Tomorrow!…” The king replied,when suddenly,the screams of people cut in.

“Father!” Zoe cut in.

“Pitch darkness!!! Is this night eclipse?!” Some yelled.

“Ahhhhh! Helllllllp! Moon-snatch! Moon-snatch!!” Screams from unknown people echoed from outside. The king and every other person ran out to see what was wrong.

At the point we ran out of the room,the echoes from the chaotic atmosphere sprang yells and pains in different rhythms and dimensions.

“Gods of our land,what is this?! We have never experienced this before!” The king thundered in pains.

“This is a sign that this ev!l child has to leave this community. ” One of the elders thundered.

“It’s a moon-snatch?!” Zoe thundered. “Amaya,do something. “

The moon had just started to slowly crossover the entire community with it’s silver glowing light,when we came out. So, I quickly stretched out my hand that had the bracelet,pointing at the direction of the moon and then said a prayer aloud;

“Moon,bright moon,Son of the Earth,pull back your snatching glow I pray. Embrace, glorious embrace,hide this fluorescent lights and flicker the bracelet! ” I repeated this prayer aloud twice. Suddenly,a silver light emerged from the bracelet and collided with the glow of the crescent moon. This happened twice and the moon-snatch glow light disappeared immediately. Shortly,the natural crescent moon rolled out of the grey clouds,and the community was moonlit.

“He did it!” Zoe yelled.

“Ehhh!” The people booed.

“Was anyone among you people snatched? I said,was anyone of you snatched by the moon?” Zoe asked the people.

“I’m not sure my prince. I will find out tomorrow!” One of the community members replied.

Peace was restored thereafter,but the king insisted that I leave the village, inorder to avoid repetition of the moon-snatch glow, which would have claimed lives.

The next morning,the royal guards accompanied me out of the village peacefully,but this wasn’t with Zoe and Raya.

“Father! Father!! Can you please allow him to stay with us? He saved my life last night. ” Princess Raya outted.

“No! He saves you but his presence here is way more dangerous than Jordan,to this community. ” The king said.

“Amaya! Where are you going from here?” Zoe asked. “You can have these snacks. I got them specially for you. There will be of help a little. ” He stretched a pack of snacks towards me. Then he whispered into my ears. ” Try to come around the village baobab tree at nights. I will meet you with some more foods. “

“My prince, Vincent is here to see you. ” One of the guards called.

“Prince Zoe,what’s going on here?” Vincent inquired,due to the crowd. “Amaya?!”

“Brother! Vincent!” Warm tears strolled down my cheeks.

“What are you doing here alive?” He asked.

“Do you two know each other?” Prince Zoe inquired.

“Amaya,is my baby brother. My mother and grandma d!ed some months ago because of his Ogbanje spirits (marine spirits)” Vincent said.

“Don’t you dare speak of him like that? How dare you?” Prince Zoe fired.

“Brother Vincent! What’s the name of our village?” I asked.

“Why are you asking me such a question?” Vincent shifted in.

“Where exactly is the place? I’m tired of wandering about like a rejected orphan. ” Tears strolled down my cheeks.

“Asha!” Vincent said. I quickly turned my back and started walking away. “

“Send my regards to Christian and Chimamanda for me. I missed them so much. ” I said with teary eyes.

“Amaya! Amaya!! Wait!” I paused.” Thank you once again for saving my sister. ” Zoe hugged me tightly.

“Jordan isn’t gone yet. Your father didn’t allow me to finish up the enchantment! Thank you for saving me in the forest. I’m grateful!” I loosed his arms and hurried away. I am returning to claim my position. If you need any help,I will be glad to help you. “

“Amaya! Amaya!!” Prince Zoe called continuously. “Please stop!”

“I am certain that this little sorcerer used charms on prince Zoe. ” Lilo muttered. Nneka overhead her.

“Zoe! Don’t move an inch. ” The king thundered.

“I said it. Prince Zoe and Amaya are in a relationship together. Who knows! Zoe might have been sleeping with him the days he usually sneak in and out of Amaya’s room,else he won’t be pained seeing Amaya,that possessed boy leaving. ” Lilo whispered into Nneka’s ears.

“Lilo! Lilo!! I am not part of this your discussion. ” Nneka thundered and walked away from her.

“Father! Get ready. Amaya just said that Jordan isn’t gone yet! So,get ready to welcome him back. ” Zoe spurred and walked away.

The sky blazed blue and the sun was a celebration of yellow, free and bright. The trees rose to the occasion, donning their best verdant hues, and everywhere are the flowers, the scattered rainbow that they are.

I walked millions of miles away into a strange land. On reaching the land,drum beats echoed into the silent distance and groups of young men rushed out immediately.

“The moon child is back! He has the bracelet on! He is back!” I had never gotten to the village where I was born.

Lots of people kept greeting me when they saw me. I was wondering how matured men of about sixty something years of ages would lower their heads to greet a sixteen years old boy like me.

I was later taken to my father’s shrine. He was so happy when he saw me. The villagers offered tons of sacrifices to the gods of the moon for bringing me back safely. They was a massive celebration that spanned for seven days.

“My son,thank the gods that you’re back. ” My father said. ” It’s time for you to be coronated as the son of the moon! You will have full access to both the powers of the sun and the moon! Right now you can only perform some rituals. “

“Father! Will my mother return from the moon,if I eventually become the moon child of this kingdom?” I asked.

“Yes!” He replied. Your mother and grandma will be released from the moon, including every other person that has been moon-snatched because of you. “

“Do you know where Christian, Vincent and Chimamanda leaves?” I inquired.

“Yes I do. The gods shows me everything. ” He replied.

“I want you to send mama and grandma straight to them. I don’t want them back in this village. ” I said to him.

“Don’t you want to see your mother and grandma anymore?” My father said.

“The point is,I don’t want them to see the new Amaya,cause I’m about to k!ll the old one they once knew. ” I replied with a straight face. ” Let the coronation begin immediately. I’m running out of patience and punch lines. ” I voiced.

“Remember! You’re the first son of the moon in this community,and after your coronation,you will no longer move with friends and family members again. You’re cutting them off. ” My father said.

“Begin with the initiation. I don’t have anyone to lose anymore. Everyone that I ever loved died long ago to me. ” I quizzed.

“Prepare the initiation altar!” My dad commanded.

The ritual rights were all met at the hour of the night. Finally,I emerged the acting son of the moon. After everything,I paid homage to the gods of the moon,and they freed everyone that was moon-snatched.

Just as I requested. Mama and grandma was returned to Christian’s new home. She woke up in the living room and screamed aloud until Vincent and Chimamanda ran out.

“Mama?!” Chimamanda and Vincent chorused. “After sixteen years,you’re finally free!”

My mother was very happy seeing her children,until Christian returned home. Grandma was still sleeping then.

“Eh heh?! So,you’re now an army? Chaaiii” My mother rejoiced. “But…! Where is my baby boy,Amaya? I’ve not seen him since I got here. “

Everyone kept quiet. Mama kept pushing and pushing till Vincent finally opened up that,the last time he saw me,I was heading back to our community.

“What?!” Chimamanda, Christian and mama exclaimed.

“Amaya is alive?!” Christian thundered.

In the deep blue sea.
Jordan returned home and informed his master that,I was sent out of the kingdom. So,they planned for a strategy on how to return.

… To Be Continued.

©️ Rihanne Maya

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