AMAYA (Son Of The Moon) Episode 4 – Rihanne May

AMAYA (Son Of The Moon) Episode 1 - Rihanne Maya

(Son Of The Moon)

Episode 4

Christian fought his way through the royal guards but he was later over powered and arrested to the palace.

“Your highness! The little boy escaped into the woods,but we managed to arrest his elder brother!” One of the guards said to the king. ” We promise to go through thick and thin till his apprehension. “

“There will be no need for that anymore! Since he’s brother is here. Young man! I learnt that your baby brother is a messenger of the moon,who’s running away from his fate,it’s that correct?” The king questioned Christian.

“Yes your highness!” Christian replied softly.

“Fair enough! I have an offer for you!” The king said to Christian,but he didn’t seem to have the king’s inquiries. ” I need you to help us catch the moon child,and bring him back to us or you,leave the community! The choice is yours to make. ” The king said.

“I’d rather go far away from this community than give up my baby,for an arrest! Never! ” Christian thundered.

“Good! Guardssssss! Follow him back to his home and make sure that they are thrown out of this land without any return! If you or any member of your family step feet here and get caught,then you will be sorry!” The king concluded and Christian left the palace back home.

The royal guards accompanied him back home, inorder to have them thrown out of the land. But! When Christian got home,I was no where to be found.

“Brother! Brother!! Vincent! Brother is back! ” Chimamanda called. Shortly after, Vincent came out.

“Where’s Amaya?” Christian asked,but Chimamanda and Vincent kept mute. “I said,where is Amaya?! Answer now!”

“Ehh! Vincent tied him up and took him away last night. He’s yet to return,” Chimamanda said.

“Vincent! Where is Amaya?” Vincent also kept quiet,until Christian got into the house and searched round,but I wasn’t found.

After everything, Christian, Vincent and Chimamanda finally left the village,to my aunt’s place (mother’s sister)

Christian and Chimamanda had been searching for me ever since then,moving from one forest to another. But there was no trace of me.

Well! Just in case you care to know how I survived the evil forest,the night that Vincent tied me to a baobab tree. A young hunter of about my age from the neighboring community found me that night:

“Who are you? Are you a ghost or a human?! Speak before I blow your brains off. ” The young hunter cocked his raffle immediately. I struggled to speak as my mouth was tied up. So,he drew closer to me and pulled down the blinds. “Who are you?”


“Amaya?!” He soliloquized.

“What is your name?” I inquired.

“My name?! Zoe! My name is Zoe!” He said. Suddenly,he got surrounded by group of royal men.

“A prince!” I whispered.

“Where are you from,Amaya? And who tied you against the tree,in this dangerous forest,at this time?” He inquired,but I couldn’t say a word. I was too weak and scared to speak. He later took me to his village. That was how I got saved.

Zoe took me home to his father the king and his sister, princess Raya,he then told him that I was found blamelessly in the forest.

“My son! Who are you and where are you from?” Zoe’s father,the king inquired.

“My king,I can’t remember where I am from. All I can remember right now is that,my brother,Vincent wanted me dead. He was the one that tied me up in the forest. ” I explained.

“How can a brother be so mean and wicked?” Zoe asked.

“So! What exactly did you do to this brother of yours?!” Princess Raya questioned,but I didn’t answer further,until Zoe cut in.

“That’s enough father. He must be tired by now! He needs some rest!” Prince Zoe shifted in.

“Well,father! My husband to be is coming next week to see you about our coming marriage!” Princess Raya gladly announced to her father. As time went on,I became really closed to prince Zoe and princess Raya,like we were siblings. Although,the thoughts of my blood relatives, Christian, Vincent and Chimamanda never left me.

Seven days hereafter,in Zoe’s village,a town crier announced that the princess’s husband to be,Jordan would be coming. So,the entire community prepared for that day. But then again, something terrible happened the day that Jordan came for the marriage requirements.

That day before his arrival,I was preparing for the meeting,when suddenly,the bracelet on my wrist started vibrating. I rushed into my bathroom and filled up a white basin with water,and then sat in front of the basin. Just then,the water started displaying a picture;

I saw a large wall of water in a sea,then two rays of lights flickered together and,Jordan was forged. Jordan walked out of the waters immediately. He stretched his hand forward and was fully clothed like a real prince. Another man clothed in all shades of black emerged from the water too,and handed a crown to him.

“I hand you this crown! This crown is the crown of Raya’s father. After capturing Raya,bring her to me for the final extermination. ” The strange man said to him.

So,the picture faded off of the water in the basin of water.

“So! Princess Raya’s husband is a spiritual husband? Projected from her father’s lineage to destroy her. ” I later called Zoe and then explained my revelation to him,about the princess’s husband to be:

“What is it,Amaya?!” Zoe asked.

“Uhmmm! It’s about Jordan,the princess’s husband to be. ” I said.

“Yes! What about him?!” He inquired.

“She has to call off the marriage!” I said.

“What?!” He exclaimed loudly.

“He’s not a human being. He’s been sent from your ancestral lineage to destroy your sister. They want her to die like your mother died!” I said.

“Are you a sorcerer or a wizard?” Zoe inquired.

“It’s a gift from the gods. ” I said.

I tried convincing him about what I saw,but he started to feel strange about me. It wasn’t long,after the revelation, Jordan walked into the palace. He had the same clothes that I saw him with in my vision on.

He was well accepted by the king and Raya,but Zoe was scared. The worse happened when I walked to him to congratulate him. I saw the eyes of a serpent in his eyes,at his first gaze. He then held my hand and whispered into my ears; ” Who are you? What are you doing here? Because I recognized your powers. ” Jordan said.

“I know who you are! You’re playing a dangerous game here. ” I replied him. He looked back at me surprisingly and ingested.

“I also know who you are, little boy! So,it’s a two ways thing. If you expose me,I will expose you as well! I will gladly return to the sea,but you have nowhere to go from here. So, decide your fate.” He said to me with a wide grin.

“Is anything the matter?” Raya asked.

“No! Not really! There’s something special about this young boy right here. He’s little,but very wise!” Jordan forged.

“Oh! Okay!” Raya answered.

Thereafter,the meeting between Raya and Jordan came to an end.

Christian didn’t give up looking for me,even as they had moved to my aunt’s village. He would sneak into our father’s village at nights to search if I was finally taken to serve as the son of the moon,but none of that was found. He later met one of his childhood friend,Jesse,in my aunt’s village who later helped them to the city.

Christian later joined the army force.

“Something tells me that Amaya is somewhere in one of those villages. I just can’t place it.” Christian said.

“Maybe he has accepted the shrine thing position. ” Chimamanda said.

“If your baby brother accept the call of the gods,he will be dangerous to handle. ” Jesse said.

… To Be Continued.

©️ Rihanne Maya

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