AMAYA (Son Of The Moon) Episode 14 – Rihanne Maya

AMAYA (Son Of The Moon) Episode 1 - Rihanne Maya

(Son Of The Moon)

Episode 14 FINAL

It was not until 5.38am that we got home.

“Welcome back to my kingdom,Amaya. “King Zoe said to me.

“Wise one,we are here. I guess you will have to rest here now. ” One of my shrine servants said.

I came down from the car very weak and almost lifeless. The energy in me drained out very fast like I had been injected of some sorts of sleeping injections.

“Have you been eating at all? You look so thin and weak. Amaya are sick?” Vincent queried. “You are almost bony and lifeless. “

“He had had just water for the past fourteen days. He hasn’t taken any solid food since then. ” One of my servant said.

“Amaya,why are you starving yourself? You look so terrible and pitied. “Vincent slacked in again.

“Oh huh! Now I can see the real brotherly love going on here!” Zoe cut in.

“Are you jealous of my love for him?” Vincent fired back.

“I didn’t say anything oh!” Zoe shrugged.

“Oh please! Can you guys at least let him in before devouring him with your horrifying jokes? He’s definitely not having it. ” Christian thundered.

“There’s a lot of food to eat here in my kin…”

“Stop!” I cut in immediately and the whole place was engulfed in silence.

I could feel that we were been surrounded by a strange presence in the palace but I just couldn’t comprehend what it was.

“What’s wrong?!” Zoe faintly inquired.

Something wasn’t right. I could feel a negative force around the palace and it wouldn’t go away. Suddenly I saw a figure coming toward me and I saw a shadow appear.
“A…ma…ya!” The hoarse voice faintly whispered.

“Stand back!” I yelled aloud and went three sixty degrees. I kept my pace with a prayer.

I felt something within my change. I felt so much power inside me and I could see that I was absorbing all the fire around me and form into one big fire ball. I was starting to levitate in the air and I could feel the power within me grow.

“Stand away from me!” I yelled as I swung in three sixty.

I felt so angry and scared inside that I had to let it out. I used all the strength that I had left and threw the fire ball at the shadow, which shrieked and disappeared. I slowly began to fall back down on the ground and suddenly I saw a light.

“Amaya! Amaya!! Amaya!!” Christian,Vincent and Zoe rushed towards me as I was falling to the floor.

It happened before I knew it. The edge of my vision was bursting with flames, so real I could almost feel their heat, though they did not burn, only flickered and danced along my skin. I yelped, looking down at my hands, ablaze as if they had been shoved into a shove.

Several yells broke out across the room, the loudest of those were my own. I was on fire. Literally. The flames worked their way from my fingertips, reaching my shoulders. Breaking free from the grasp of the royal men, I ran toward the exit. I was held back inside.

“What’s wrong with my brother?!” Vincent inquired.

“He will be find. “A voice said to him.

I felt strong hands grab my arms. Hands covered in thick gloves. My throat went dry, and my muscles tensed. “No.” I whispered, being lifted off of my bed and onto my feet. The word feels ripped from my chest, unhuman. Like it’s not even mine.

“No, you can’t, I-I didn’t do anything wrong. Please!” my voice rose, full of terror and regret. I looked over at the royal family, to the girl in the silver and purple dress, as if she could help me out of this situation. She simply blinked back at me. Rage churned in my stomach. It was Raya in her elegance. Chimamanda entered the room with two maids after some time.

“Shhh!” Zoe curved behind me with a back hug. I sat comfortably trying to shake out the stress and I got the hug behind me.

“It’s okay! You’re good now. “Zoe said softly as he hugged me from my back.

“Oga leave my baby brother alone! He’s mine and not yours. Go and meet your wife to be.” Vincent fired at Zoe, dragging him away from my back.

“How’s my love doing?” Chimamanda walked in.

“Madam go and love your husband to be,Zoe. The both of you should not drag my new love with me oh!” Vincent retaliated.

“Vincent,have you finally found your love?” Christian asked.

“Yes! Amaya has been my first love from day one. I promise to protect him with my life. ” Vincent replied.

“If you hurt him again,I will not spare you this time around. ” Zoe said Christian thundered.

“My love! Be strong for me. ” Vincent locked a kiss on my cheeks. ” Your cheeks are so silky. “

“I’m enjoying this bromance between the king,Amaya and his brothers, Amaya!” Lilo whispered into Nneka’s ears.

“My king,the lunch is served. ” Lilo said to king Zoe. “And mama just arrived.

“Mama is here?” Chimamanda asked.

“Okay everyone! Let’s go have a family meal together. This is the first family meal. “Zoe said. I never knew that I had slept for several hours.

A brilliant light hugs the land as the sun stretches out with golden arms. It was afternoon. Cries of people filled the palace gate of king Zoe. The royal guards held them till the king came out to them.

“Open the gate for them. ” Zoe said and the guard obeyed. “Who are you people and what do you want?” He asked.

“My king,we need the moon child. The dark goddess has taken over our land. People are dying every day. Our children, husbands and loved ones. Please,we were told he’s in your palace,that’s why we are here. ” A woman cried bitterly.

“Amaya is…!”

“I’m here now!” I replied behind Zoe.

“You should rest more!” Zoe said to me. “You’re still very weak and tender. “

“No, really I’m good now. ” I said. “It’s not yet my time to face the dark goddess. I have more days to go. I am still waiting for the gods to instruct me before I proceed. “

Suddenly,a strange black night owl appeared in the air.

“Night owl in this afternoon?!” I exclaimed softly. Well, whenever a night owl appears in the day time,the rate of death among people increases.

“The black owl again!!!” The people started running towards the palace. “Another death! Another death!”

“Get me a firewood that has fire on it. ” I commanded one of the guards. So,he rushed to the kitchen and lit up a firewood,he then brought it back with flames.

I lifted the firewood into the air, directly to the night owl and spoke against it. ” Revolt,Revoke,Rebuke! Now! Now!! No more soul shall be taken. Now take your own life.” I continued and shortly,the night owl fell on the ground and died. “Burn it up. ” I commanded and it was burnt.

“Yes! This is just the beginning. ” The villagers rejoiced.

“My king,can you please allow them spend some time here in your palace? At least till the dark goddess is being defeated!” I pleaded.

“Oh come on,Amaya! You’re not a stranger here anymore. Whatever you want is okay by me. ” Zoe said.

King Zoe then sheltered over one hundred and twenty-five persons that ran away from our community,in his palace.

Days kept spanning into weeks,I then told Vincent,Zoe and Christian about the appointed time to exterminate the dark goddess.

“Tonight,I shall engage the dark goddess into a battle field. ” I said to my shrine servants.

“Wise one,how can we will be of help to you?” One of my servants asked.

“You shall go to the community in due season. There’s a pot at the goddess’s shrine. Smash it. Then that’s the end. “I replied.

“Just that?!” Vincent inquired. “I thought she’s a though woman. “

“She’s dangerous. The spiritual battle encapsulates the goddess and I, but I shall battle her in my comfort space. ” I replied.

“My men and I shall invade her. Give us the date and time that befits the battle. ” Christian thundered.

“Just! Very soon!” I said.

The night sky was juniper-purple. The sound of intoning bees filled the air. The stars were glowing like beacons for the lost souls of the world. A feathered medley echoed through the trees. The garlic smell of ramsons drifted through the air. The clouds were bracketed to the eternal, brighter sky. It was like a dome of solar blue. The grass was silk soft. A broth of smells swirled around me. The food we ate was honeysuckle sweet.

“Amaya! Amaya!! Amaya!!! It is time to face the dark goddess.” A strange voice from a fluorescent light called.

I looked out the window and saw a glowing light emerged. So I went out into the night. Then,the entire community was fast asleep.

“It is time. ” I said.

There was a bright flash of light, a vague pulling sensation at my core, and then I was standing in the middle of a magic circle. The circle was drawn in dark purple chalk, had a thin white candle at each of the five points, outlined in a sickly yellow glow, and once again, I was standing in the middle of it,facing a white bowl of water.

A white cast flickered on the water, revealing the dark goddess enchanting seriously.

Slowly, I powered black blasting powder round in circles and lit both edges up by fire. The two sparkling flames clapped together and evolved into a thick black smoky fire.

“Now,go to my community and destroy the dark goddess,go! Go! Go!” I enchanted and the black smoky fire ascended into the air and moved away to our community.

The dark goddess shrine,12:00AM midnight.

“Amaya! Amaya!! Amaya!!! Tonight is your night. I call you to appear now,appear! Appear!!” The dark goddess enchanted continuously on a hung mirror and suddenly,flames of fire clapped at her and she fell down.

Shortly,troop of soldiers engulfed the community. The dark goddess quickly reached out to them with dangerous attacks.

“Amaya! The dark goddess is using her powers against us. We need your help! ” Christian called.

Back to Zoe’s palace that same hour.

I quickly reached out to the white basin of water and the pictures of Christian and his armies appeared.

“Hurry up and tell them before it’s too late. ” I said to him. Move to the shrine and look for the earthen pot. Smash it.

Droplets of cold sweat trickled down Christian’s forehead, his legs felt as if thousands of pounds were shackled to them. He staggered away rapidly and relentlessly in utter desperation like one trying to elude a swarm of furious hornets. Trembling, muscles tense, pulse throbbing, red and fiery tension was in the air as if a raging volcano had just erupted. Insidious shrieks of horror wailed from back behind the corridor, followed by the sounds of muffled shouting and other unorthodox noises too distorted to make out. Hissing sirens cried from outside the walls, and the sound of helicopter blades thundered noisily above. Ominous, grey, sickening puffs of suffocating smoke poured through the halls,

Helicopters and choppers stormed the skies from all directions, the sirens from police cars and ambulances screamed menacingly, and fire trucks were parked and being prepared for use. Military officers were scattered on the perimeter of the unit barking orders at soldiers, while paramedics, FBI agents, and police officers were scattered around with the objective of bringing the villagers to safety. A heart stopping boom blasted from the far west side of the building, which soon erupted with black clouds and embers that scattered like leaves in the wind. The melancholic and heart-searing cry of children in shock rang through the smoke scented air, and people equipped with gasmasks and full body suits marched into the partly burning building with the definite mission of rescuing the ones who still remained in the building. But there was far more to the danger that they must have been aware of. Christian stumbled and crashed on his face in exhaustion and shock, but at once climbed to his feet in desperation to find the nearest police officer. One stood right before him. Without hesitation, he handed the officer the slip of paper he had clutched in his hands so dearly. The somewhat confused-looking policeman glanced at it. His expression revealed signs of confusion and disbelief.

Shortly, Christian reached out to the earthen pot and smashed it.

Immediately, I appeared into the scene; ” Welcome! I shall take it from here. ” I said and walked straight to the dark goddess. “Now, who’s time is up? Mine or yours?” I said and stretched out my hand against her. A lightning bolt flashed through the thick dark clouds and suddenly,the moon-snatch glow began. “Everyone,take cover out of the moon light!!!!!” I screamed aloud and the soldiers and police men started running into shaded areas.

“Amaya! Leave the light,it’s coming!” Vincent called.

I quickly lifted up my hand into the air and a shield guided me as the moon-snatch devoured the dark goddess into particles of glowy fireflies.

“It’s over! She’s dead!” I said and fainted immediately.

“Amaya! Amaya!! Somebody help!” Vincent,Zoe and Christian called.

I woke up and found myself in Zoe’s palace.

“My love,you’re awake!” Vincent was the first person to rush down to me.

“The dark goddess!” I jolted.

“You k!lled her seven days ago!” Zoe said.

“Seven days?!” I exclaimed.

“Where’s my baby boy,Amaya! ” Mama called.

We had lots of fun together after the death of the dark goddess. The community became new again.

Christian and Vincent were promoted to higher ranks in the military zone, which was the beginning of their open doors.

Princess Raya got married to a neighboring king.

I returned to my community to finish up where I stopped.

Chimamanda and king Zoe finally got married and they gave birth to a set of twin. A boy and a girl.

“What name would you like to name her?” Chimamanda asked.

“Amaya May! As in Mae!” Zoe concluded. “For the boy,I will go with Jaden. “

“Perfect choice. ” Chimamanda agreed.

Whatever you sow will definitely fall back to you,be it positive or negative. God cannot be mocked.


©️ Rihanne Maya


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